A Survivor`s Story - UC San Diego, Division of Arts and Humanities

The Holocaust Living History Workshop presents:
A Survivor’s Story
A film by Robert Schneider and Alberto Lau
Lou Dunst grew up in Jasina,
Czechoslovakia. As a teenager he was
deported to Auschwitz, Mauthausen, and Ebensee. At war’s end, he moved to the
United States. How was he able to make peace with his traumatic past? Using exclusive
interviews and historical footage, this original documentary provides answers to these
questions. The film (45 min.) will be followed by a discussion with Lou Dunst and the
Robert Schneider was born in Montelimar, France. His family survived World War II in hiding
and then immigrated to the United States. After attending SFSU, Bob began teaching photography and filmmaking. His
work has been exhibited at museums and galleries, and he was instrumental in the creation of the the San Diego Museum
of Photographic Arts.
Alberto Lau was born in Guatemala to Chinese parents who had fled China due to the war with Japan. At 18 he came to
the US on a scholarship where he studied photography and architecture. He went on to teach photography on a full-time
basis. He and Bob are the co-authors of Scenes of Wonder and Curiosity in Southern California.
Wednesday. April 22, 5 pm
UCSD Geisel Library Seuss Room
Free and open to all
The Holocaust Living History Workshop is an outreach and education program sponsored by the UCSD Library and Judaic Studies.
For more information please contact the program coordinator Susanne Hillman at hlhw@ucsd.edu or 858-534-7661.