NATIONAL COLLECTING INSTITUTIONS TOURING AND OUTREACH (NCITO) PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR FUNDING 2015–16 CONFIDENTIAL WHEN COMPLETED PLEASE READ THE NCITO GUIDELINES BEFORE COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION FORM. Note that only the National Collecting Institutions within the Attorney-General’s Portfolio are eligible to apply for funding under this program. 1 APPLICATION COVER PAGE INSTITUTION DETAILS Legal name of organisation: Australian Business Number (ABN): Street number and name: Suburb/ city: State / territory: Postcode: Mailing address, if different from above: NOMINATED CONTACT FOR INSTITUTION This is the person who will provide day to day liaison with the Department. Title: First name: Surname: Position in organisation: Telephone, including area code: Email: 2 NCITO OBJECTIVES The objectives of the NCITO program are to: • increase overall levels of touring by National Collecting Institutions with particular emphasis on multiple venue tours; • promote broad access to Australian cultural material through touring works from the collections of the National Collecting Institutions, with particular emphasis on providing access for audiences in regional areas; • promote international awareness of Australia’s cultural heritage through touring Australian cultural material from National Collecting Institutions overseas; • expand Australian appreciation of international cultural material through enabling National Collecting Institutions to bring works from international collections for exhibition or touring within Australia; and • encourage partnerships and collaboration between the National Collecting Institutions and also with other institutions (archives, galleries, libraries and museums) across the collections sector, particularly in regional areas. SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION The closing date for applications is COB Wednesday 1 April 2015. By Email: By Post: Program Officer NCITO Program Ministry for the Arts Attorney-General’s Department 3-5 National Circuit BARTON ACT 2600 By Hand: Program Officer NCITO Program Ministry for the Arts Attorney-General’s Department 4 National Circuit BARTON ACT 2600 Please note that emailed applications are acceptable but must include a scanned signature page. Hard copy support material should be received by the Department within five working days. For further information please go to 3 APPLICATION OVERVIEW As available funding may not be sufficient to cover all requests from each eligible institution, please prioritise your proposals in the table below in order of preference. Exhibition title Synopsis Is funding request for Touring (T), Development (D) or Development and Touring (D&T) Priority 1 Development and Touring (D&T) Priority 2 Development and Touring (D&T) Priority 3 Development and Touring (D&T) List states/territories to be visited (if applicable) Amount of NCITO funding requested (GST exclusive) Total budget 4 CERTIFICATION I agree that: • I have read the NCITO program guidelines; • I have answered all the questions in the application; • all details provided in this application are true and correct; • funding provided under the NCITO program will build on funding provided by my institution for touring purposes; • funding provided under the NCITO program will not be used for exhibition development/touring activities that are funded through other Australian Government programs, such as Visions of Australia; • my institution will be able to spend the full amount of NCITO funding sought within the financial year in which it is provided; • I will inform the department immediately if I suspect or know that any of the assurances contained in this statement or in the application are not, or are no longer, correct; • I am authorised to sign the application on behalf of the organisation; • my institution may be required to repay any funding which is not expended in accordance with the funding agreement and for the purposes for which it is provided; • my institution will be required to return any funding provided which it cannot expend within the relevant financial year. ……………………………………………………… Signature Date Please print name Position in institution: Note: only one certification is required per institution per application round. 5 APPLICATION The following two sections must be addressed separately for each proposed exhibition/tour. 1. PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION 1.1 Please provide a description of and rationale for the exhibition. 1.2 Please indicate how the proposed exhibition/touring program will meet the objectives of the NCITO Program and build on your institution’s existing touring program. 1.3 Where you are seeking funding for developing an exhibition, please indicate when and where you expect it to tour. 1.4 For the exhibition/tour for which you seek funding, please provide the following information, as appropriate: • proposed start and finish dates; • key personnel from your institution that will be involved in the program; • key contract staff involved in the program (e.g. guest curator); • proposed venues by state/territory; • proposed works to be included; and • proposed partnerships to be developed with any other organisation including any other National Collecting Institution. 6 2. FINANCIAL DETAILS 2.1 Amount of NCITO funding sought (GST exclusive): 2.2 Funding will be used for: Development of an exhibition to tour at a late stage. Touring of an exhibition. Development and touring of an exhibition. 2.3 Other contributions: Please provide details of other contributions (sponsorship, other monies or in-kind support) to the exhibition program from your institution and all other sources (e.g. the private sector, the venue, other government funding, other sources) and indicate whether these contributions have been confirmed. Please note: • Exhibition/tours can occur across financial years and are eligible for NCITO funding in more than one financial year. However, all funding provided within a financial year must be expended within that same financial year. 2.4 Budget (GST exclusive) Budget Expenditure NCITO funding sought Other contributions Please select one of the following: • your financial contributions—* • in-kind contributions—# • sponsorship—+ Staffing Own financial contribution Travel / Accommodation Own financial contribution Freight Own financial contribution Insurance Own financial contribution Printed material Own financial contribution Education & public programs Own financial contribution 7 Budget Expenditure NCITO funding sought Other contributions Please select one of the following: • your financial contributions—* • in-kind contributions—# • sponsorship—+ Marketing and promotion Own financial contribution Other Own financial contribution (specify) the other contribution. For example, conservation; copyright payments. Total (GST exclusive) Comments 8
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