2015 J URIED A S RT HOW MARIA V. HOWARD ARTS CENTER 58th NATIONAL MULTI-MEDIA JURIED ART EXHIBITION Up to four (4) works may be entered. Each work may be represented by up to three (3) separate images showing details or different views of the work. All entries must be submitted individually by using GoogleForm. 2D and 3D Works should be submitted as separate digital images in Jpeg format only. PowerPoint presentation format is not accepted. All Jpeg images need to be saved on a CD at a minimum resolution of 300dpi. Each image must be identified (file title) by corresponding entry number and title. No identifying information should appear within the body of the image. CDs must be identified with JAS 2015 and the artist’s name. Video / Animation must be submitted on a DVD medium appropriate for playback in a standard DVD player and may not exceed 15 minutes run time. Mail all entries by March 20, 2015. Attn: JAS Maria V. Howard Arts Center P.O. Box 1180 Rocky Mount, NC 27802 Jenni Eggleston Sharing Tongues Acquisition Award 2014 AWARDS $1,500 Acquisition Award $800 First Place Award $500 Second Place Award $250 Third Place Award $250 Best Rocky Mount Artist ELIGIBILITY Open to all U.S. artists 18 years of age or older working in any media excluding installation. DVD format animation and video works may be entered. Work must be original, executed within the past two years, and not previously exhibited at the Arts Center. Entry in this exhibit establishes an agreement on the part of the artist to all conditions listed in the prospectus and is a contract to exhibit entries selected by the juror. Substitutions for entries sold or otherwise committed before acceptance are not allowed. ENTRY FEE Artists may submit up to four (4) works for a non-refundable $25 fee. We encourage all artists to pay by credit card online by clicking here. Artists who pay their fee via internet will be asked to create a login. This login can be used for future juried exhibition fees. Out-of-State artists may NOT send a check. Please use a money order. All forms of payment must be made to The City of Rocky Mount. For credit card assistance, please call: (252) 972-1266. All entry materials including CDs, or DVDs for animation/video, completed entry form, and entry fee must be received (not postmarked) by the Arts Center no later than 5:00pm March 20, 2015. Please note that your submission will not be considered complete until you have completed your submission form(s) on GoogleForms. ENTRY PROCEDURES Your submission will not be considered complete until all of the following are received by the Arts Center: Complete GoogleForm(s), $25 entry fee, CD or DVD representing submission(s). Images of accepted works will be retained by the Arts Center for our archives and exhibition publicity purposes. JUROR Edie Carpenter, Director of Curatorial and Artists Programs at Green Hill Center for NC Art has an art background that combines a wide-ranging knowledge of contemporary NC visual art with international art experience. Her qualifications include over eighteen years of curatorial experience combined with academic and professional positions abroad. Carpenter holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in art history from Barnard College, Columbia University, New York with a concentration in American painting and a European Masters degree in Museum Studies and New Media from Universit de Lyon III in Lyon, France. She taught for two years at the University of Lyon and has given numerous lectures on contemporary art. Her curatorial background encompasses leadership positions and skills with notable professional posts. Carpenter served as director of the Paris branch of the Zabriskie Gallery which specialized in 20th century American photography, surrealism and sculpture. She has served on selection committees for public art projects for the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; the United Arts Council of Greensboro and the North Carolina Arts Council visual artist fellowships among others. JUDGING To insure impartiality, the Juror selects works for the exhibition using a blind jury process. Artists names are not included with the digital images sent to the Juror. Artworks accepted in preliminary judging of Maria V. Howard Arts Center * P.O. Box 1180 * Rocky Mount *NC* 27802 * 252-972-1266 2015 J URIED A S RT HOW MARIA V. HOWARD ARTS CENTER 58th NATIONAL MULTI-MEDIA JURIED ART EXHIBITION the digital image does not guarantee exhibition in JAS. If, upon delivery, an accepted artwork is found to have been misrepresented by the digital image, or is deemed not safe for exhibition to the public, it may be disqualified. DELIVERY OF ACCEPTED WORKS Accepted Works may be shipped or hand-delivered by May 15, 2015 to: Maria V. Howard Arts Center Attn: JAS 270 Gay Street Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Tuesday-Friday 10am-5pm, Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 1pm-5pm The artist will be responsible for all shipping costs and arrangements to and from the Arts Center. Shipped entries must be sent in reusable containers. The Arts Center will pack each piece in its original packing for return. Artists are responsible for arranging return shipping to the address of origin through their local UPS/FedEx/USPS or other shipping office at the close of the exhibition. Shipping insurance is the responsibility of the artist. The Arts Center will not accept money for shipping and is not responsible for works lost, stolen, or damaged once picked up by the shipper. check your local shipper for prepaid return labels, call tag systems, and printable internet shipping labels artists may include the return label with the shipment of the work to the Arts Center or provide the Arts Center with a prepaid label at the close of the exhibition Accepted entries will be insured by the City of Rocky Mount from receipt through return (whether shipped or hand delivered) for 60% of the retail price. Please note in the instance of a claim, artists will be held responsible for adequate proof of value before compensation is provided. Works designated Not For Sale (NFS) must have a stated insurance value and will be held to the same burden of proof if a claim is reported. Works remaining past October 16, 2015 will not be insured. Works left after November 16, 2015 become property of the Arts Center and may be disposed of. SALES The Art Center will retain 40% commission on works sold. To receive payment, Artists must submit a completed W-9 form which will be provided upon sale. Payments will be mailed within 8 weeks after the close of the show. Works not for sale (NFS) must have a stated value for insurance purposes. AWARDS Winners of the 2015 Juried Art Show will be asked to complete and submit a W-9 form before payment can be processed. Artists will receive award payment by the close of the show. ENTRIES VALUED OVER $1,500 ACQUISITION AWARD The work selected for the Acquisition Award will become part of the Arts Center’s Permanent Collection. Any artist who will not accept the $1,500 award must indicate this in the GoogleForm submission. Works not for sale will automatically be ineligible for this award. INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS All work must be completely dry, framed, wired, and ready for hanging, or otherwise suitably prepared for exhibition. No sawtooth hangers will be accepted. Orientation or installation instructions and specialized hardware should be included with work. All shipped art work must not exceed UPS/Fed Ex size limitations. Hand-delivered art work must not exceed 8 feet in any dimension. Phone: (252) 972-1175 alicyn.wiedrich@rockymountnc.gov www.imperialcentre.org/arts Trained Arts Center staff installs all works. Artists should supply detailed instructions, images, or specific hardware if necessary. LIABILITY To advance the quality of life by providing positive inclusive experiences through people, parks, and programs 2015 JAS CALENDAR Maria V. Howard Arts Center * P.O. Box 1180 * Rocky Mount *NC* 27802 * 252-972-1266 2015 J URIED A S RT HOW MARIA V. HOWARD ARTS CENTER 58 NATIONAL MULTI-MEDIA JURIED ART EXHIBITION th March 20, 2015 Deadline for Receipt of Entries Send slides, CD, DVD, completed entry form, and $25 entry fee Attn: JAS Maria V. Howard Arts Center P.O. Box 1180 Rocky Mount, NC 27802 April 10, 2015 Notifications Mailed May 15, 2015 Deadline for Receipt of Accepted Works (may send before deadline) Ship or hand-deliver to: Attn: JAS Maria V. Howard Arts Center 270 Gay Street Rocky Mount, NC 27804 Tuesday-Friday 10am-5pm, Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 1pm-5pm June 2-Sept. 13, 2015 Exhibition Dates June 12, 2015 5:00-7:00pm Artist Reception & Award Presentation – award presentations at 5:30pm The Maria V. Howard Arts Center at The Imperial Centre, 270 Gay Street, Rocky Mount, NC 27804. Free and open to the public. September 13, 2015 Exhibition Closes September 22 – October 2, 2015 Return of Works Hand-delivered artwork to be picked up Tuesday-Friday 10am-5pm, Saturday 10am-5pm, Sunday 1pm-5pm Shipped artwork will be packed and ready for pick up by shipping companies arranged by the artist. October 16, 2015 Insurance Ends on Unclaimed Works November 16, 2015 Unclaimed Works become Property of Maria V. Howard Arts Center Maria V. Howard Arts Center * P.O. Box 1180 * Rocky Mount *NC* 27802 * 252-972-1266
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