2015 Madison Early Music Festival Class Preference Form Name (please print): 1) Review the class descriptions to determine which classes you would like to attend. 2) Rank your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd class selections for each session and indicate your voice/instrument part(s). 3) Use the enclosed self-evaluation guides to determine your skill level for each of your choices. B = Beginning LI = Low Intermediate HI = High Intermediate A = Advanced 4) If you wish to rent an instrument, please indicate which instrument and we will check for availability: 5) Make a copy for your records, and mail a copy to us at: Madison Early Music Festival UW-Madison Arts Institute Attention: Sarah Marty 321 Lathrop Hall, 1050 University Avenue Madison, WI 53706 Please note: Classes marked with * are part of the Advanced Loud Band Intensive or the MEMF Baroque Opera Workshop and are audition-based options. EARLY MORNING CLASSES: TECHNIQUE EARLY AFTERNOON CLASSES: SMALL ENSEMBLES 9:00-10:00 Sunday-Thursday / 9:00-9:30 Friday 1:30-3:00 Sunday-Thursday / 10:30-11:30 Friday Voice part/instrument Voice part/instrument Level Baroque Cello Class (STEINHOFF) Bowed Strings: Vielle,Violin & Rebec (WATSON) Care and Feeding of the Voice (BOERGER) Polish Chant (BUDZINSKA-BENNETT & LANDERKIN) Harpsichord Touch and Textue (KATAYAMA) Mensural Notation (WEAVER) Recorder (Adv): Old and new / Czech Republic (MOR) Recorder (Int.) Frische Teutsche Liedlein (P. HERREID) Sackbut Techniques (INGLES) *Shawm and Dulcian Advanced Technique (WIEMKEN) Virtuoso Violin (BERRY) Wake-Up Bagpipes! (KIMBALL) MID-AFTERNOON CLASS: MID-MORNING CLASSES: TECHNIQUE 10:15-11:15 Sunday-Thursday / 9:45-10:15 Friday Voice part/instrument Level *Advanced Loud Band: Rep. and Technique (WIEMKEN) Great Polish Instrumental Sonatas (INGLES) *Monteverdi in Budapest (PATTON & P. ROWE) Polyphony for three, four and more! (ZAJAC) Recorder (Int.): Motets & Madrigals of Handl (KIMBALL) Renaissance Lute Class (WEAVER) Vernacular Spiritual Songs (SRAMEK) Viol Consorts (STEINHOFF) Violin Band Canzonas (BERRY) LATE-MORNING: BEGINNING CLASSES & LECTURE SERIES 11:30-12:15 Sunday-Thursday Beginning Recorder (WINES) Beginning Viol (LODICO) Beginning Voice (PROPST) Lecture Series Level *Advanced Loud Band (WIEMKEN) Balkan Blast! (MOR) Distinctly Polish (KATAYAMA) Intermediate Loud Band (HERREID) Latin Songs (BUDZINSKA-BENNETT & LANDERKIN) *Monteverdi in Budapest (PATTON, ROWE & STOWE) *Monteverdi in Budapest Strings (BERRY) Sine Nomine (WATSON) Speciálník Codex (SRAMEK) Polish Motets (ZAJAC) All-Festival Choir and Orchestra Rehearsal 3:15-5:00 Saturday 7/11 – Friday 7/17 and 9:00-Noon Saturday 7/18 For the All-Festival Concert, I plan to: Play. Instrument: Instrumental Skill Level (circle): Intermediate Advanced Sing. Voice type: Vocal Skill Level (circle): Intermediate LATE-AFTERNOON CLASS: 5:15-6:00 Sunday-Thursday Dance for All (KUHARSKI) Advanced
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