EOI Crazy Science – FORM AND INFO

This innovative performance will get your students excited about science. What may at first
seem like magic is unveiled as fact, as Richard Scholes reveals the mysteries of Earth and
its weather through eye-opening experiments. Expect to see giant smoke rings, glowing test
tubes, enormous bubbles and more in this interactive performance. Students will be invited
to participate to get a hands-on understanding of the inner workings of the sun, cyclones,
rain and other weather patterns.
This performance is extremely popular with the school communities and appeals to a broad
demographic, ranging from children to adults.
“All the students thought he was a genius. “ – Tambourine Arts Council
“Perfect! Just what we were after. Crazy Science is incredible. And thanks for all the snow!!!” Bianca
Turner, J2 Ideas and Events
"My son Nathan came home and googled science experiments straight away. Thank you for
organising these kinds of events. It gets my kids inspired and it was wonderful for the kids to
experience something different." Zandi, Glenden
For an insight into the world of Richard’s Crazy Science, check out this video clip:
TERM 2 2015
Crazy Science
Please fill out the following details and email to ArtslinkSchools@artslinkqld.com.au by April 21
School Name
Contact Name
Phone Number
School Address
School Type (State,
Catholic or Independent)
Please indicate your preferred performance dates:
(This offering has a limited season from 1st to the 26th of June 2015)