ANALYPSIS NEWSLETTER MAY/JUNE 2015 Volume 11 - Issue 3 Page 1 ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ - ΑΛΗΘΩΣ ΑΝΕΣΤΗ - CHRIST IS RISEN - TRULY HE IS RISEN MaY/JUNE 2015 + Reflection + from Fr. Sotiri Χριστός Ανέστη – Christ is Risen! I gr eet you warmly with the news of our Lord's Resurrection; as well as with the news that our building plans have been approved by the Village of Lincolnshire. Such events are certainly noteworthy and a cause for us to rejoice. I also take this opportunity to personally remind you that the Feastday Celebrations of our Parish will be held on May 20th with Great Vespers at 7 pm; and Orthros and Divine Liturgy at 8:15 am on May 21st. All of us should be present to honor our We thank our spiritual leaders, Fr. Sotiri and Fr. Treantafeles, along with our Church which is blessed to have the feast of the Altar Boys, for serving our Lord and our Parish with such strength and Ascension as her day of celebration. A s a way to devout faith throughout Lent, Holy Week and The Glorious Resurrection. help us prepare for this Major Feast of our Church, Χριστός Ανέστη! May God Bless you always! I wish to share with you the sermon that my coeternal in His bosom. The Holy Spirit gives the order to all unworthiness gave last year at the Great Vespers of the His Angels, 'Lift up the gates, O you rulers.' Oh, clap your Ascension so that we can begin to reflect on this feast of our hands, all you nations! For Christ has ascended to where He Master and its relevance in our lives. was before.” This joy is also attributed to the reality that Christ We have gathered this evening in one heart and one ascends and is seated at the right of God’s throne. This accord to honor this mystery and great feast of our Lord’s makes Him the first, a pioneer, of someone from our human Ascension into the Heavens. With the hymns of this race to go into heaven; just as He was the first to be raised evening’s Vespers, we are taking to the Mount of Olives from the dead. along with our Lord’s Disciples to see the completion of This joy is also mixed with sadness due to the Christ’s glorification and lordship over all creation. The 2. separation. The Disciples begin to lament and weep at this circle of Christ’s mission has been fulfilled. At His birth, loss. One hymn describes for us this scene emphasizing that Christ brought His divine nature to human nature. In the our Lord’s Disciples when they “. . .saw You being lifted up mystery of the Ascension, Christ brings human nature to the on the clouds, they were filled with sadness. They grieved, divine Kingdom. It is for this reason, the Disciples as well as and with tearful laments they said to You, O Christ the giver all Christians are experiencing three distinct feelings at this of life, 'Master, do not make orphans of us your servants, feast. whom You loved for pity's sake, You who are 1. The first feeling is of great joy; joy that our Lord has compassionate.'” They felt as orphans losing their very own completed His work of divine economy. He is raised above Father. the earth that He saved; He is now victorious and triumphant. This sadness is then transferred to a feeling of hope; The Father is ready to receive Him, and the angels and 3. a hope that is anchored in our Lord’s promise that He will people glorify Him. This scene is described in one of the not leave His Disciples orphans because He will send them hymns we heard this evening: “The Lord was taken up to heaven, in order to send the Holy Spirit to the world. The the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, the spirit of Truth. This heavens prepared His throne; the clouds were the means of circumstance reminds us of the phrase we hear a lot in life: His approach. Angels marvel, seeing a human being higher “when one door closes, another opens.” For the Disciples, a than themselves. The Father receives Him whom He has Continued on Page 8 ANALYPSIS NEWSLETTER MAY/JUNE 2015 OUR STEWARDSHIP MINISTRIES Rev. Fr. Sotirios P. Malamis, Proistamenos Parish Ministry Team Acolyte Ministry: Fr. Sotirios Malamis Chanters: George Apergis, George Houpis, Paul Lillios, Nick Papastratakos, Isidoros Xilas Custodian: Paul Garza III Greek School Director: Maria Theodoropulu GOYA: Fr. Sotirios Malamis, Carol Stamas HOPE: Presvytera Stefanie Malamis FAITH/JOY: Maria Vlahos, Presvytera Stefanie JOY & Jr. GOYA: Fr. Sotirios Malamis, Leah Kartsimas, Casey Bekiaris, Stephanie Voelker Koliva: Andrea Rogers LOGOS: David Rutkowski Men’s Ministry: James Anast Office Secretaries: Kay James and Renee Maltezos Office Volunteer: Maita Houpis Parish Council: Thomas Kiriakos (President), Doug Hugdahl (Vice-President), Harold Anagnos (Treasurer), David Rutkowski (Assistant Treasurer), Nick Marino (Secretary), Bill Athenson, Robert Buhler, George Houpis, Alex Marx, Thomas Papastefan, Bill Smirles, Carol Stamas, Diane Sigalos, Bob Mantzoros and Peter Venetos Philoptochos President: Vicki Douvlis Senior Synaxis President: Elaine Beck Sunday Church School: Mia Connolly, Irene Curran Webmaster & Newsletter Editor: Suzanne Saric Page 2 PARISH REGISTRY 3/29/15 4/25/15 4/26/15 40-DAY BLESSINGS Daughter of Alexander & Marissa Adams Daughter of Jimmy & Kai Moshopoulos Daughter of Dina & Ted Boufis 4/18/15 BAPTISMS Daughter of Konstantinos & Denise Karousos Sponsor: Maria Kozonis 4/16/15 FUNERAL Theoni Karadjias, beloved wife of Vassos Karadjias 3/21/15 “ 4/26/15 “ MEMORIAL SERVICES Athanasios Mallioufas (40 days) and Vasiliki Malioufas (5 yrs), beloved parents of Olga (George) Metropulos Theodore (Theodoros) Pappas (40 days), dear friend of Evan (Elaine) Kakis Dimitra Karlos (1 year) and Konstantinos Karlos (3 yrs.), beloved parents of Georgia (Harold) Anagnos Julia Pish (1 year) and Dean (Konstantinos) Kaulentis (4 yrs.), beloved aunt and brother of Chrys Kaulentis May their memory be eternal. UPDATE FROM THE PARISH COUNCIL Tom Kiriakos | 312.925.8864 Christos Anesti! The Parish Council is delighted to inform you that, at a meeting on Bright Monday (April 13th), the Board of Trustees of the Village of Lincolnshire, with no dissenting votes, approved our building plans by passing ordinances that approved (1) our proposed agreement to annex our property directly to the south of the church (which we commonly refer to as the Denny Banner property (because the Amended Annexation Agreement had our building plans attached, the approval of the amended annexation agreement included the approval of our building plans) and (2) our request for an Amended Special Use Permit to allow us to continue to function as a Greek Orthodox church on our property. Our building plans, once realized, will allow us not only to worship together in a beautiful, traditional Greek Orthodox Church of a late 12th Century Byzantine design, but also to continue to develop and expand our many wonderful ministries under Father Sotirios’ leadership and spiritual guidance. On May 12th at 7 p.m. at Ascension, the Parish Council plans to hold an informational meeting, open to all parishioners, to highlight the slight changes to our building plans (and the accompanying construction budget) since the May, 2014, General Assembly approval of our last set of plans, to outline our proposed timetable going forward, and to answer any questions you may have in advance of formal General Assembly consideration of the Village of Lincolnshire-approved plans. The next General Assembly is scheduled for May 17th, immediately following Liturgy. We are hopeful that you will be able to attend both, as the Parish Council is anxious to share with you our excitement over this long awaited-for development and our thoughts and plans for continuing to move forward to realize our dreams. Father Sotiri blesses a cake brought by GENERAL ASSEMBLY MEETING MAY 17 FOLLOWING THE DIVINE LITURGY. PLEASE ATTEND THIS VERY IMPORTANT MEETING REGARDING THE FUTURE OF ASCENSION’S BUILDING PLANS the Kiriakos family in honor of our building plans being approved on Bright Monday by the Village of Lincolnshire! ANALYPSIS NEWSLETTER MAY/JUNE 2015 Page 3 PARISH NEWS OUR GRATITUDE AND APPRECIATION goes to Fr. Demetrios Treantafeles, who celebrated many services with us throughout Lent and Holy Week. OUR DEEPEST SYMPATHIES to Vassos Karadjias whose beloved wife Theoni Karadjias fell as asleep in the Lord recently. MEMORIAL DAY GRAVE BLESSINGS - Fr. Sotiri will conduct Trisagion Services on Monday, May 25th at Ridgewood Cemetery from 9:00-10:00 a.m. and at Memorial Park from 10:30-11:30 a.m. Please meet him at the entrance. OUR SINCERE THANKS to everyone who has helped us prepare for our Lent and Pascha celebration. To the ladies who helped decorate the Kouvouklion on Holy Friday; to the ladies and children who wrapped red eggs and cleaned the Church; to the Acolytes who made sure everything used at the Altar was clean and shiny; to the Parish Council who hosted the Anastasi Celebration; to all Acolytes who were present throughout Lent and Holy Week; to the chanters who so beautifully chanted each service. Also many thanks to Maria Papagianis who so beautifully decorated all the Icons during the Lenten period; and, Sophia Metropulos and Lydia Conopeotis for spear-heading the Kouvouklion decorations. OUR GRATITUDE to all stewards who have made donations for the flowers that adorned all the Icons, the wreath on the Crucifix, the Kouvouklion, Palms and those who donated candles, chocolate bunnies, red eggs, food and all items that were requested. Your constant generosity goes beyond words. GRADUATES SUNDAY will take place this year on June 7th. Please call Kay James at the Church Office (847) 482-1200 between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. on Mondays, Wednesdays or Fridays to submit the name(s) of your graduate(s) in order for them to be recognized after the Divine Liturgy on that Sunday! Please do not wait until the last minute. OUR FEASTDAY: Please do not forget our beloved Ascension’s Great Vespers which will take place on Wednesday, May 20th at 7:00 p.m. A reception will follow the Service hosted by our Philoptochos. Please make every effort to attend. On Thursday, May 21st, the day of our Feastday, the ASCENSION OF OUR LORD, Orthros will be at 8:15 a.m. followed by the Divine Liturgy at 9:15 a.m. Fellowship, hosted by our Senior Synaxis, will follow. PARISH DIRECTORIES: If you didn't pick up your parish directory at church in April, copies are still available. Please call the church office if you would like a copy. The directory can be purchased for $5. LOGOS: LOGOS will resume in the Fall. THE ANNUAL COMMEMORATATION of the ‘Fall of Constantinople’ will be held on Thursday, May 28th at 7:00 p.m. in the Damen Student Center at Loyola University. This year’s event will feature a talk by Professor Lou Ureneck, author of “The Great Fire” that tells the story of a Christian Minister whose efforts saved 250,000 Greeks during the tragic events of Smyrna in 1922. For more information, visit the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Chicago website at: GRADUATES SUNDAY - SUNDAY, JUNE 7, 2015 Please Call the Church Office to submit the names of your Ascension graduate from 8th Grade, High School, Undergraduate College and Graduate College. All graduates will be honored Sunday, June 7th, after the Divine Liturgy. We congratulate our graduates in advance and wish them success in their future endeavors! WE ARE PROUD OF YOU! MAY/JUNE 2015 ANALYPSIS NEWSLETTER Page 4 GREEK SCHOOL NEWS Maria Theodorpulu | March was a very busy month for Ascension Greek School. In addition to Greek language classes, our students learned about the Greek heroes who participated in the Greek revolution of 1821 and prepared for our Independence Day Program that took place on March 17. Our Greek School families and friends had the opportunity to enjoy beautiful songs, poems and Greek dances performed by our students. We all felt very proud of them. The week before Orthodox Holy Week, our Greek school students did different projects related to Easter and became familiar with Greek Orthodox Easter traditions. Our younger students dyed eggs and made their own baskets to place them in. On Tuesday after Easter, our students cracked red eggs wishing each other “Χριστός Ανέστη”(“Christ is Risen”) and “Αληθώς Ανέστη” (“Truly He is Risen”), and tasted koulourakia and tsourekia. Students and teachers enjoyed the experience. On Tuesday, May 19th, the Greek School End-of-the-Year Program is going to take place at our church at 5:00 p.m. Parish families and friends are invited to enjoy our Greek School students’ performance of Greek poems, songs and dances. SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL Mia Connolly | It’s hard to believe we are nearing the end of another fruitful Sunday school year! Please continue to bring your children to class through May 17, the final day of class, and the day we recognize those students with perfect attendance. Thank you for entrusting your children to us. The SCS teachers and directors have enjoyed teaching them about our rich Orthodox Faith. If you are interested in volunteering as a Sunday Church School teacher for the next school year, please contact Mia Connolly at We will have some positions available, and are asking for your support, so that we may continue to offer our children a dynamic program. Our current staff is ready and willing to discuss this fulfilling commitment with you. Finally, if you haven’t done so already, please bring the OCMC coin boxes to your Sunday school classrooms as soon as possible so the Church can send a check to the Orthodox Christian Mission Center on behalf of the Ascension Sunday Church School. ANALYPSIS NEWSLETTER MAY/JUNE 2015 Page 5 + HOPE: Χριστός Ανέστη! HOPE group kept busy during the weeks leading up to Pascha. We talked about Great Lent and made Lenten calendars which gave each child something special to do during Great Lent. Fr. Sotiri spoke to us about the days leading up to Christ’s crucifixion and we made many crafts which pertained to the major feasts of Great Lent. Now, we will focus on some of the feasts that take place after the Resurrection: St. George, the Myrrh Bearing Women, and the Prophet Job. Our last meeting will be on Wednesday, May 13th. We thank all of our moms and yiayias and little ones who were so dedicated to making our HOPE group so special and meaningful! Looking forward to another blessed year of HOPE again in the Fall! If you have little ones between the ages of 40 days and 3 years old, please join us. For more information, contact Presvytera Stefanie ( + SCOUT SUNDAY took place on March 8th for our Boy and Girl scouts. Fr. Sotiri presented them all with a badge and encouraged them to continue their service work throughout their communities. Following the Divine Liturgy, the Girl Scouts sold cookies and donated the $100 they collected to the Ascension Building Fund! + FAITH AND JOY: This new Ascension ministry for children in Grades K-5 gathers once a month for fellowship, craft-making and lessons. The next meeting will take place on May 15th from 6:30-8:00 p.m. Sign up your children up for this great ministry! For more information, contact Maria Vlahos at + INFORMATION ON SUMMER PROGRAMS | FANARI CAMP (for Grades 6-11; 4 sessions throughout mid June-mid July) | IONIAN VILLAGE (for Grades 8-12: 2 sessions 6/22-7/11 and 7/19-8/7) | and, SCHOLARSHIPS can all be found on the Youth Ministry pages of + COLLEGE STUDENTS: THE ORTHODOX CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP MINISTRY would like to let you know that if you are interested in becoming a Fanari Camp counselor, visit for more information and to apply. + THANK YOU to everyone who supported the JOY/Jr. GOYA Easter Plant Sale. Following Pascha, JOY/Jr. GOYA and GOYA visited the Greek American Rehabilitation Center and sang Christos Anesti to the residents. They also provided them with beautiful handmade gifts that were inspired by Maria Vlahos and created by JOY/Jr. GOYANS. + GOYANS were active participants in Holy Week Services not only as Acolytes, but also as readers at the Nymphios Service on Holy Monday. On Bright Friday, they gathered at Ascension for dinner and fellowship. GOYA is completing its Spring Service Project: KITZ4KIDZ Care Packages. Donations for Care Packages for kids with cancer at Lurie Children’s Hospital are being collected. Kitz4Kidz is an Illinois 501c3 charity founded and run by current Carmel High School students. + LAST DAY FOR YOUTH GROUP MEETINGS: The JOY/Jr. GOYA will meet on Monday, May 18th for the End-of-Year gathering. Please join us at 5:45 for our last meeting here at Church. GOYA members will have their final meeting the same evening at 7:00 p.m. at Jay Lovell’s, (766 Sheridan Rd., Highwood) where they welcome incoming freshmen and honor our graduating seniors. We invite all graduating 8th graders to join us as we welcome them to our GOYA. The location has not been finalized yet. Stay tuned. + JUNIOR OLYMPICS Come support the youth of Ascension who have signed “Parade of Churches”. up to participate in this year’s Jr. Olympics, May 22-24th. The weekend kicks off with bowling on Friday evening, May 22nd at Willowbrook Lanes, at 5:00 p.m. Opening ceremonies are on Saturday, May 23rd at Stagg Field (by SS Constantine and Helen Church in Palos HIlls) beginning at 8:00 a.m. We ask all participants to gather there before 8 and look for the Ascension banner so that we may march into the field for the For more information and a full schedule of events, visit the Youth Pages at MAY/JUNE 2015 ANALYPSIS NEWSLETTER Page 6 PHILOPTOCHOS NEWS Vicki Douvlis | (Search “Ascension Philoptochos” on Facebook and “Like Us”) Philoptochos held its traditional Palm Sunday Bake Sale with great success again this year. Patricia Filley and Debbie Katsulis graciously co-chaired the effort, which is one of our biggest fundraising events each year. This year we were also blessed to have homemade tsourekia to sell that was lovingly baked by our sister chapter from St. Demetrios in Waukegan. We thank all of our parish family for supporting this event! The success of this and other fundraising efforts allows our chapter to support more of those in need. As an update to the news we reported earlier this year in the newsletter, Philoptochos is forging ahead with the Fill the Bag program, which will be presented at the 2016 National Conference as a model template for other chapters to adopt throughout the United States. Our Fill the Bag program allows us to distribute various types of bags filled with items specific to the physical and spiritual requirements of those in need. In March, we completed the Fill the Bag initiative for children, in partnership with SalesForce. Partnering with a major orporation like SalesForce is unprecedented and continues to keep Ascension’s Philoptochos on the cutting edge. Together, we collected books at the Lake County Courthouse for the children at KidsCorner, and 100 children will benefit! For our Lenten Fill the Bag initiative, we collected food and necessities to feed the hungry and provide for the needy in Lake County and Chicago. On April 25th, we assembled bags for the Annunciation Feed the Hungry Program and the Lake County Food Pantry. Thanks to the generosity of so many of you who donated money, food or sundry items, we fed more than 175 hungry men and women, most of whom are homeless, and filled more than 175 bags of essentials for the needy families in Lake County. The next segment of our Fill the Bag program will take place this fall. Upcoming events include the Philoptochos Board elections on Thursday, May 14th; and our annual Celebration of Giving Dinner, which will take place on Thursday, June 11th at Dover Straits. And last -- but certainly not least -- it is with great pride that we announce that our Fall 2014 POP Event was honored at the Second Annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Award Dinner. POP lead the North Shore in funds raised and was honored with the 1st Place Award! Your generosity, along with the collaborative effort with Philoptochos chapters at SS Peter and Paul and St. John the Baptist, is truly making a difference. KOINONIA MEN’S MINISTRY Jim Anast | The Koinonia Men's Ministry board would like to express their sincere thanks to the following stewards who provided the food and hosting duties at the Pre-Sanctified Liturgy Lenten dinner on March 18: Steve Demet, Rick Duros, Gus Gatsis, George Kartsimas, Tom Kiriakos, Nick Marino, Angelo Panos and Dr. Tom Poulakidas. Also, many thanks to the more than 80 families who offered their donations and shared their Easter greetings in our Pascha card. As a result, the Koinonia group raised more than $4,200 that will be used for future philanthropic and social endeavors. The board is considering a social event in May or June. The board also will begin planning in June for our annual parish family BBQ that will take place in September. If you are interested in helping with Koinonia endeavors or learning more about our group, please contact Jim Anast at 847.368.9868 or MAY/JUNE 2015 ANALYPSIS NEWSLETTER Page 7 + MEMORIAL DAY GRAVE BLESSINGS + Father Sotiri will conduct Memorial Day Grave Trisagia on Monday, May 25th at two local cemeteries this year. 9:00—10:00 a.m.: Ridgewood Memorial, 9900 N. Milwaukee Ave., DesPlaines 10:30—11:30 a.m.: Memorial Park Cemetery, 9900 Gross Point Rd. Skokie Please meet Father Sotiri at the entrance gate of each cemetery at the starting time. + OUR FEASTDAY + The Feast of the Ascension of our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ is celebrated each year on the fortieth day after the Great and Holy Feast of Pascha. Since the date of Pascha changes each year, the date of the Feast of the Ascension changes, although it is always celebrated on a Thursday. The Feast commemorates when, on the fortieth day after His Resurrection, Jesus led His disciples to the Mount of Olives, and after blessing them and asking them to wait for the fulfillment of the promise of the Holy Spirit, He ascended into heaven. DO YOU KNOW why we don’t kneel between the Feast Days of Pascha and Pentecost? To answer this, let’s find out why we kneel at all. Kneeling, bowing and prostrations were conducted even in the Old Testament as a sign of deep prayer, repentance, lamentation and devout respect and worship. Even Jesus knelt before His Passion in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:29). According to a canon by the First Ecumenical Council, we are not to kneel between Pacha and Pentecost because of the “brilliant solemnity of the events which the Church commemorates” after Christ’s Resurrection. We celebrate His third day Resurrection and therefore do not need to lament. St. Basil teaches us that by standing, we are reminded that we have risen from the dead together with Christ and we ought to seek the things above. Of course, the same prayers are said with reverence and fervor during this most Holy Consecration portion of the Liturgy. (Source: Orthodox Christian Information Center) ASCENSION OF OUR LORD FEASTDAY + Wednesday, May 20, 2015 + Hierarchical Great Vespers—7:00 p.m. +Thursday, May 21, 2015 + Orthros at 8:15 a.m. and Divine Liturgy at 9:30 a.m. PLEASE JOIN US IN WORSHIP ON THE BELOVED FEASTDAY OF OUR CHURCH! MAY/JUNE 2015 ANALYPSIS NEWSLETTER Page 8 SENIOR SYNAXIS Elaine Beck 847.367.5227 On Tuesday, May 19th, Senior Synaxis member s will gather at Ascension to r emove the flower s fr om the Kouvoulkion. A pizza lunch will follow. Senior Synaxis is looking forward to hosting fellowship following the Divine Liturgy on our Feastday of the Ascension of Our Lord, on May 21st. Members of our beloved Senior Synaxis Ministry were present and very instrumental in preparing our beautiful Church for every aspect of Lent and Holy Week. (See photos below). God Bless all of you always! (Continued from Page 1) door closed when they did not understand the departure of the Father, for the Holy Spirit had not yet descended on them to give them this understanding. A great door opens however, for they, in just ten days, will be given power from above. If Christ remained on earth in His resurrected body, He could only be in one place at a time. He would be limited. But the Holy Spirit is everywhere, filling all things. We share these same feelings of joy, sadness, and hope on this evening and tomorrow. Studying the icon of this great feast, there is a special detail in the icon which may seem self-evident, but often times it is overlooked. When our Lord was leading His Disciples to the place of His Ascension, He lifted up His hands and blessed them. He remained in this state as He was going up. He did not bless them, then ascend. What is the meaning of this? We first need to remind ourselves that in Holy Scripture, the transmission of God’s blessing to man takes place through various energies. After the creation of the first couple, God blessed them. Throughout the Old Testament we see the Prophets and Patriarchs blessing people which is in reality transmitting life, and sending the grace of God to others through these blessings. In the Gospels we often see Christ blessing the people. One example is the blessing which He gave to the children. St. Mark tells us that “. . .He took the children up in His arms, put His hands on them, and blessed them” (Mark 10:16). In this sense all the miracles which Christ performed have the element of blessing, but mainly those which He did by laying His hand on the limbs of their bodies, as in the curing of Peter’s mother-in-law when “he touched her hand, and the fever left her” (Matthew 8:15). When Christ was ascending to heaven He blessed the Disciples, sending them His Grace. He did not bless them and then go up into heaven, but He was blessing them as He ascended. He continued blessing His Disciples as He went up to heaven, giving them power to carry out His commandments. By this He showed that He would always continue blessing His own, granting them His abundant and infinite grace. Finally, as we reverently look upon the icon of this magnificent feast, we are reminded of the following Biblical truth that we will read in the last two verses of tomorrow’s epistle reading. Two angels stood by the Disciples and said to them, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand gazing up into heaven? This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into heaven” (Acts 1:11). The icon of the Ascension represents Christ in such a way that one cannot tell whether He is going to heaven or coming again to earth. This captures the profound truth that we are already living under His reign while awaiting His return. Essentially, the icon is showing three different things: 1. Christ is being taken up, 2. He will come again in the same manner; and, 3) with Him blessing we know without a doubt that He will be with us always to the close of the ages. Our task and main goal in life is not to stand idly gazing up into heaven, but rather we are called to virtuous faith and action in this world until Christ’s return. We pray and hope that with this godly life, we will also be taken up when our Lord comes again. St. Gregory Palamas teaches that the Resurrection is connected with all people, but the Ascension only with the saints. All will be resurrected on the day of Christ’s Second Coming, both the righteous and sinners, but not all will be taken up. Only the righteous will be found worthy of this great experience. We are waiting like the apostles in the city of Jerusalem for the power from on high to transfigure us and renew us so that the Spirit of truth, the Comfort gives us strength and courage to stand as witnesses of our Lord in this present age, and forever. Amen. ANALYPSIS NEWSLETTER MAY/JUNE 2015 Page 9 PRIEST VESTMENTS Just before the Agape Service on Pascha, Father Sotiri asked the Faithful to join him in the Fellowship Hall while he put on his Liturgical Vestments. It was a unique and wonderful opportunity for all, especially the children. Liturgical vestments have been worn by Orthodox clergy from very early times. The Agape service is the only Vespers service during which a priest wears full vestments. Let’s take a look at the main vestments worn by Orthodox clergy and explore their rich symbolism. THE STOLE THE ALB Another word for Stole is The word Alb Epitrachelion, which means “to walk means “on the neck”, and with order” and it’s it’s worn on a priest exactworn by a priest as ly in that way. The stole an inner garment. represents the grace of the For the Agape serHoly Spirit descending on vice, it’s white and the priest. Typically made it symbolizes the of a liturgical brocade baptismal garment material, stoles often have and spiritual purity, as well as the 7 crosses on them, symgarment worn by the angel who bolizing the 7 Sacraments. rolled back the stone at the tomb of The number of rows of Christ on the morning of the fringe on the bottom represent the Resurrection. It’s also known as the robe of salvation, which rank of ordination (a priest’s stole has 2 rows). The actual loose every Christian is clothed on the day of their Baptism. threads that hang within the fringe represent the people the priest is serving on behalf of Christ. THE BELT The Belt is worn over the stole and around the waist. It is often made of an ornate brocade material and holds the stole in place during the service. It symbolizes the gift of strength given by God to those who serve Him. THE CUFFS The cuffs are worn on each wrist and show that our trust must be put only in the strength and aid of the Lord. They symbolize the bonds that Christ was bound with when He was delivered to Pontius Pilate. Each one has a spiritual meaning. The right cuff reminds us of God’s creating power and Christ’s power over His enemies both visible and invisible. The left cuff symbolizes spiritual energy and the pure intentions of the clergy who are celebrating the services. The cuffs also serve the practical purpose of keeping the long sleeves of the vestments from getting in the way of other things on the altar. THE CHASUBLE (PHELONION) The Chasuble is a large cape-like vestment which is slipped over the head of the Priest and is cut waist high in the front and hangs down to the top of the shoes in the back. It is made of brocade material and usually has an icon, cross or symbol on the back. The Chasuble is symbolic of the scarlet robe placed on Christ when He was mocked prior to His crucifixion. It symbolizes righteousness and when a priest puts it on, he prays that he is covered with all the righteousness of God. The color of the Chausble, like the Alb, changes according to the Liturgical season or Feast Day. St. John Chrysostom tells us that the vestments are there to hide the person of the priest. When we see the priest at the altar, we are to see Christ through the vestments. By learning the symbolism behind each vestment, we come to more deeply understand and appreciate St. John Chrysostom’s teaching. (Sources include: Let’s Talk a Walk Through Our Orthodox Church; Orthodox Church in America; and, the Department of Christian Education “Build Your Own” series.) MAY/JUNE 2015 ANALYPSIS NEWSLETTER Page 10 OUR LENTEN JOURNEY TO HOLY PASCHA The beautiful services pictured above were made more beautiful because of the tireless efforts of our Parish clergy, chanters, staff, ministries and devoted Faithful. May God Bless you all a hundredfold! View many more pictures on the website photo gallery at www.ascensiongoc. PHOTO OPT-OUT: Photographs are taken at Parish events for use in the newsletter, on the website and in other communications; however, above all, we respect your privacy. If you prefer that you or your family members’ photos do not appear in these communication efforts, please send an email to to opt out. ANALYPSIS NEWSLETTER MAY/JUNE 2015 Page 11 2015 STEWARDS OF THE ASCENSION OF OUR LORD STEWARDSHIP LIST AS OF 5/1/2015 Stewardship is an opportunity to examine our priorities and values, to express our thankfulness, to give of ourselves and to grow in grace. It allows us to participate in the work of God. Giving is not a substitute for commitment – it is an expression of your commitment. As St. John Chrysostom said, “A Rich Man is not one who has much but one who gives much. For what he gives away remains his forever.” Your Stewardship provides the foundation for our wonderful Parish Ministries and our efforts in meeting the challenge of spreading Christ’s Word and our Orthodox Faith. We thank the following 238 parishioners who have already made their Stewardship Pledge of time, talents and treasures for 2015. To date, $270,080 has been pledged. Those who have not yet made their pledge, please do so today! Mr. & Mrs. Alexander P. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Evan Adams Mr. & Mrs. Paul A. Adams Mr. & Mrs. Tyrone Adams Mr. & Mrs. Deno Alexakos Mrs. Tasia Alexakos Mr. & Mrs. Harold Anagnos Mrs. Tina Anagnos Mr. & Mrs.George Anagnostopoulos Mr. & Mrs. James Anast Mr. & Mrs. Gerard Anaszewicz Mr. & Mrs. Spiro Angelos Mrs. Illiana Anthimiades Mr. & Mrs. James Antonak Mr. & Mrs. James Antonopoulos Mr. George Apergis Mr. & Mrs. William Apostolakis Mr. & Mrs. Basil Athenson Mrs. Laura Bakakos Dr. & Mrs. Steve Ballis Mrs. Vivian Batsakis Mrs. Elaine Beck Mr. & Mrs. Gene Beiriger Mr. & Mrs. Harry Bekiaris Mr. & Mrs. Frank Belmonte Mr. & Mrs. Dino Beris Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Berns Mr. & Mrs. Peter Besbeas Mr. & Mrs. Constantine Bolos Mrs. Kathy Booras Ms. Sia Booras Mr. & Mrs. Casey Brej Mr. and Mrs. Michael Brown Mr. & Mrs. Robert Buhler Mr. Constantin Caparos Ms. Helen Caparos Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey L. Carlson Ms. Jeanne Carter Mr. Fred Chapekis Mr. & Mrs. Fred Chapekis Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Chris Chatzidakis Mr. & Mrs. Jaime Childs Dr. & Mrs. Thomas Chilis Mr. Constantine Christ Mrs. Dolores Christ Mr. George Christie Mr. & Mrs. Frank Columbus Mr. & Mrs. Michael Connolly Mr. & Mrs. William Conopeotis Mr. & Mrs. Mark Curran Mr. & Mrs. Peter Cyrus Mr. & Mrs. Tim Delfield Mrs. Virginia Deliyannis Mr. & Mrs. Louis W. Demas Mr. Nicholas DeMet Mrs. Denise Ditka Dr. & Dr. Aristedie Diveris Mr. & Mrs. Peter Douvlis Mrs. Mary Drinis Ms. Constance Dumas Mr. Lew Dumas Mr. & Mrs. Richard Duros Mr. & Mrs. Ross Economy Mr. & Mrs. John Esser Mr. & Mrs. James T. Facklis Mr. & Mrs. Christ Falkides Mr. & Mrs. George B. Filley Mrs. Tina Foutris Mr. & Mrs. Nick Ftikas Mr. & Mrs. Dean G. Galanopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Gust Gatsis Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Georgacopoulos Ms. Nancy Gianaras Mr. & Mrs. Brian Gillett Mr. & Mrs. C. Goldenstein Fr. & Pres. James S. Gordon Dr. & Dr. Thomas Gough Mr. & Mrs. Panagiotis N. Gountanis Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Grant Mrs. Mary Irene Greub Mr. & Mrs. Fred Hamburg Dr. & Dr. George Hefner Mr. & Mrs. George Houpis Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Hugdahl Mr. & Mrs. Aristotelis Ioannidis Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Ittounas Mr. & Mrs. Alex James Ms. Connie James Mrs. Kay James Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kaitson Mrs. Mary Kakavas Mr. & Mrs. Evan Kakis Mr. & Mrs. Emanuel Kalanarhos Ms. Olga Kalis Ms. Valerie Kalis Ms. Lola Kallas Mr. & Mrs. John Karagiannis Mr. & Mrs. George Karalis Mr. & Mrs. George Karkazis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Karlos Mr. & Mrs. Konstantinos Karlos Mr. & Mrs. Dean Karousos Miss Eleni Kartsimas Mr. & Mrs. George Kartsimas Mr. Louis Kartsimas Mrs. Nicholas Kartsunes Mr. & Mrs. Demetri Katsulis Mrs. Chrys Kaulentis Mr. Samuel A. Kavathas Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kazas Mr. & Mrs. Spiro Kircos Mr. & Mrs. Thomas S. Kiriakos Mr. & Mrs. Steven C. Koclanes Mr. & Mrs. John Kokinis Mr. & Mrs. Steve Kopplin Dr. & Mrs. Michael N. Korompilas Mr. & Mrs. Vasilios N. Kosmas Mr. & Mrs. John Kostopoulos Mr. & Mrs. John Kotsonis Mr. & Mrs. Demetrios Kozonis Mr. Loukas Kozonis Mr. Dean Kurtis Mr. & Mrs. Dennis Kyriazopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Dean Lampros Mr. & Mrs. William LeFleur Mr. & Mrs. Nick Lialios Judge & Mrs. Paul Lillios Mr. & Mrs. Simos Limperis Ms. Magdaline Liosatos Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lobosco Mr. & Mrs. Stelios Logarakis Mr. & Mrs. George Logothetis Mr. & Mrs. James Logothetis Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Logothetis Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Loukas Mr. Alexander Magdalinos Fr. Sotirios & Pres. Malamis Mrs. Denise Maniatis Mr. & Mrs. Chris Mantas Mr. & Mrs. Harilaos Mantzoros Mr. & Mrs. Nick Marino Mr. & Mrs. Peter G. Maris Mr. & Mrs. James Maroudas Mr. & Mrs. Alex Marx Mr. & Mrs. Peter Matalas Mr. & Mrs. Sean McFarland Mr. & Mrs. Eli McLean Mr. & Mrs. Harry Metropoulos Mr. & Mrs. Peter Metropoulos Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Metropulos Miss Diana Metropulos Mr. & Mrs. Steven Mikuzis Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Milnes Mr. & Mrs. Gus Mitsopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mollsen Mr. & Mrs. Luis Montero Mr. & Mrs. Eric Moore Mr. & Mrs. George Mouzakiotis Mr. George Mussie Dr. & Mrs. Dean Nichols Ms. Eva Nikellys Mr. & Mrs. John Nikitas Mrs. Pauline Norris Mrs. Elaine Palmer Mr. & Mrs. John Panchisin Dr. & Dr. Angelo Panos Mr. & Mrs. John Pantazis Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Papastefan Mr. & Mrs. Nick Papastratakos Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Parashos Mr. & Mrs. Dimitrios Patouhas Mr. & Mrs. John Patrinos Mr. Michael Pavlatos Mr. & Mrs. Harry Perakis Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Petropoulos Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Petros Mr. & Mrs. Dean Petros Ms. Catherine Phillips Mrs. Georgene Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Milton Pissios Mr. & Mrs. Nondas Plesiotis Mrs. Georgia Plevritis Dr. & Mrs. Thomas K. Poulakidas Mr. & Mrs. Steven N. Poulos Mr. & Mrs. George Poulos Dr. Tim Provias Mr. & Mrs. Mark Rader Mr. Marc L. Rivette Mr. & Mrs. Anastasios Rogaris Mr. & Mrs. John Rogaris Mr. & Mrs. Loukas Rogaris Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Rogers Mr. & Mrs. David Rutkowski Mr. & Mrs. Andreas Sambanis Mr. & Mrs. James Saric Ms. Katherine Schreiber Mr. & Mrs. Robert Schuppe Mrs. Bertha Sepsis Ms. Christine Sfondilis Ms. Katherine Siavelis Mrs. Marina Sigalos Ms. Elaine Simos Mr. & Mrs. William Smirles Mrs. Dina Soteros Ms. Patty Soteros Ms. Carol Stamas Mr. & Mrs. Sam Stamatis Mr. & Mrs. Evangelos Stathakopoulos Mrs. Elaine Stevens Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Stevens Ms. Kim Stuart Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sutherland Mr. & Mrs. John Svigos Mr. & Mrs. Milt Taliadouros Mr. & Mrs. George Tapas Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Taranko Mr. & Mrs. David Tegel Mr. & Mrs. Shawn Peter Thedos Mr. & Mrs. Conrad L. Theodore Mr. & Mrs. John X. Thomas Jr. Mrs. Julie Timmons Mr. & Mrs. Corey Tobin Fr. & Pres. Demetrios Treantafeles Dr. & Mrs. Dean Tsarwhas Mr. Kiriakos Tsirigotakis Mr. Peter Tsitsis Dr. & Mrs. George Tsonis Mr. Paul Vabakos Mr. Tom Vabakos Mr. & Mrs. John Vavilis Mr. & Mrs. Peter Venetos Dr. Tina Venetos Mrs. Helen Verges Mr. & Mrs. Robert Vincic Mr. & Mrs. Isidoros Xilas Mr. & Mrs. Leon Xintaris Mr. & Mrs. James Yannakopoulos Mr. & Mrs. Perry Zafiriades Visit for calendar updates. 31 HOLY PENTECOST 8:15 a.m. Orthros 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy followed by Kneeling Vespers Coffee Fellowship 20 6:30 p.m. FAITH/JOY 15 8 1 Fri 7:00 p.m. Last Day of Adults/ Adolescent Greek School 28 29 21 ASCENSION OF OUR 22 LORD 8:15 a.m. Orthros 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy Coffee Fellowship 5:00 p.m. Greek School end 7:00 p.m. Ascension Great 5:00 p.m. Jr. Olympics 6:15 p.m. Begin. Greek of the year Program Vespers followed by Coffee Bowling @ School Fellowship Willowbrook Lanes 7:45 p.m. Intermediate Advanced Greek School 19 10:00 a.m. Senior Synaxis Removing flowers from Kouvouklion 27 5:45 p.m. JOY/Jr. GOYA 7:30 p.m. GOYA 18 4:45 p.m. Greek School 10:00 a.m. HOPE 7:00 p.m. Capital Campaign 7:00 p.m. Philoptochos Meeting 7:00 p.m. Parish Council Mtg Meeting & Elections 14 6:15 p.m. Begin. Greek School 7:45 p.m. Intermediate Advanced Greek School 5:45 p.m. JOY/Jr. GOYA 7:30 p.m. GOYA 13 6:15 p.m. Begin. Greek School 7:45 p.m. Intermediate Advanced Greek School 8:15 a.m. Orthros 9:15 a.m. Divine Liturgy 12 4:45 p.m. Greek School 5:45 p.m. JOY/Jr. GOYA 7:30 p.m. GOYA 7 Thu 6 MID PENTECOST Wed 11 5 Tue 4 Mon 24 FATHERS OF THE 1ST 25 MEMORIAL DAY 26 ECUMENICAL COUNCIL 8:15 a.m. Orthros CHURCH OFFICE CLOSED 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy Fr. Sotiri will be at Coffee Fellowship Ridgewood Cemetery @ 9:00 Jr. Olympics @ SS Constantine & a.m. & Memorial Park @ Helen Church, Palos Hills 10:30 a.m. 17 SUNDAY OF THE BLIND MAN 8:15 a.m. Orthros 9:15 a.m. Sunday Church Schl 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy GENERAL ASSEMBLY Coffee Fellowship 10 SUNDAY OF THE SAMARITAN WOMAN Mothers Day 8:15 a.m. Orthros 9:15 a.m. Sunday Church Schl 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy Coffee Fellowship 3 SUNDAY OF THE PARALYTIC 8:15 a.m. Orthros 9:15 a.m. Sunday Church Schl 9:30 a.m. Divine Liturgy Coffee Fellowship 3:00 p.m. Baptism Sun Ascension of Our Lord Greek Orthodox Church - Lincolnshire, IL May 2015 5:00 p.m. Vespers ia 30 PSYCHOSAVATON SATURDAY OF SOULS 8:15 a.m. Orthros 9:15 a.m. Divine Liturgy 11:30 a.m. Baptism 8:00 a.m. Opening Ceremony for Jr. Olympics @ Stagg High School Stadium 23 5:00 p.m. Vespers 16 5:00 p.m. Vespers 9 5:00 p.m. Vespers 2 Sat MAY/JUNE 2015 ANALYPSIS NEWSLETTER Page 12 ANALYPSIS NEWSLETTER MAY/JUNE 2015 Page 13 + WORSHIP SERVICES + DATES TO REMEMBER... Sunday Orthros: 8:15 a.m. Sunday Church School: 9:15 a.m. Sunday Divine Liturgy: 9:30 a.m. Sunday, May 10th Sunday Church School—Student & Teacher Recognition and General Assembly Meeting following Liturgy PARISH INFORMATION Ascension of Our Lord Greek Orthodox Church 1207 Riverwoods Road, Lincolnshire, IL 60069 Phone: (847) 482-1200 Fax: (847) 482-9566 Website: Fr. Sotirios P. Malamis, Proistamenos Church Office Hours: Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, May 12th Building Plan Informational Mtg. @ Ascension, 7:00 p.m. + ASCENSION OF OUR LORD + May 22nd-May 24th Jr. Olympics @ SS Constantine and Helen Please join us for our Parish Feastday! Wednesday, May 20th Hierarchical Great Vespers at 7:00 p.m. Thursday, May 21st Orthros at 8:15 a.m.; Divine Liturgy at 9:30 a.m. + VESPERS AT ASCENSION+ Saturday, May 9th - 5:00 p.m. Saturday, May 16th - 5:00 p.m. Saturday, May 30th - 5:00 p.m. Sat. June 6 - No Vespers, Feastday of All Saints, Joliet Saturday, June 13th - 5:00 p.m. Saturday, June 20th - 5:00 p.m. Saturday, June 27th - 5:00 p.m. Ascension of Our Lord Greek Orthodox Church 1207 Riverwoods Road Lincolnshire, IL 60069 Monday, May 18th Final JOY/Jr. GOYA meeting—5:45 p.m. GOYA “8th Grade Step-Up” & final meeting—7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 19th Greek School End-of-Year Program—5:00 p.m. Saturday, May 30th - Psychosavaton Orthros 8:15 a.m.; Divine Liturgy 9:15 a.m. Sunday, May 31st - Pentecost Orthros 8:15 a.m. Divine Liturgy & Kneeling Vespers 9:30 a.m. Monday, June 1st - Monday of the Holy Spirit Orthros 8:15 a.m.; Divine Liturgy 9:15 a.m. Sunday, June 7th Graduates Sunday Tuesday, June 30th - Holy Apostles Orthros 8:15 a.m.; Divine Liturgy 9:15 a.m.
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