Ascension of Our Lord Parish Bulletin Easter Sunday The flowers which adorn our sanctuary this Easter are courtesy of donations offered in loving memory of John Burke Louis Burke Maria Llamas Wendy Thorpe Mary Thorpe Victor Thorpe Antonio Santilli Giancarlo Gini Alex Ang Uy Kin Leonardo Umale Horacio Limgo Kristoffer Limgo Daniel C. Lopez Luciano Lopez Justina Lopez Winnie & Cyril Hing Frank & Johanna Ramaseder Janina & Jan Szymanowski Dr. & Mrs. Paul Laplante Alberto Cefis Adele Santilli Mary Josephine Harty Vytas Klucinskas Rolande Klucinskas Richard Klucinskas Mr. & Mrs. Gordon Meehan Kate & Edward Sampson Luigi Armano Hasmig Bedikian Mr. & Mrs. Toth Elisabeth Ramaseder Emilia & Bolesta Kmita Charlotte Laplante Angelo Chiarot Turno Zanuttigh Halleluia! Jesus is risen! He is risen indeed! May this declaration resound not only in these walls but touch the live of all we meet and forever be the truth of which we speak. Your love, once sown within a garden, tended for your own people, neglected and rejected, now spreads its sweet perfume in this place and wherever it is shown. Halleluia! Jesus is risen! He is risen indeed! 5th April 2015 Easter Joy for Everyday Life More than just a day, the Church gives us a seven-week Easter season to celebrate. Yet sometimes our everyday lives feel so heavy that celebration is not a part of them. Critical illness in the family, loss of a job, disappointment in a relationship and the burdens of everyday life can make it a challenge to feel particularly joyful – even in the Easter season. But the joy we are being invited into this season is beyond what we see in our everyday lives. It's true that Jesus says “Come to me and bring me your burdens” but we usually can’t believe it. Maybe we don’t want to believe it. If I really allow Jesus to come into my heart the way he wants to, will he ask me to change my life in ways that are too hard? How do I share the chaos of my life with Jesus? If I keep him at arm’s length, my life might be difficult, but at least my problems are familiar. What would it cost me to let go and change my life? We know our own faults and failings so well. Too well. We begin to believe that Jesus loves the way we love – with all of our human limits. How could Jesus love us and accept us the way we are right now? Maybe when we fix a few things about our lives, love our spouse a little better, stop being so critical of family members, stop drinking, stop nagging, love a little more… when we are perfect, then Jesus will love us. If we can overcome our fears, the real power of letting Jesus into our hearts is how free our hearts will become. Suddenly, we are not afraid, not burdened and simply ready to serve with Jesus. Jesus loves us - right now. At this moment, Jesus holds each one of us in his warm and loving gaze and loves us so freely at a depth that our human minds can’t take in. Whether we comprehend this or not, Jesus loves us endlessly and waits for us with his arms open, ready to hold and support us. As we receive his embrace and feel the peace and joy of Easter wash over us, we can look over his shoulder, and see beyond to those in need who now wait for us. That’s when we realize that the real joy in our lives is putting aside our own faults, challenges and difficulties for a while and entering into the lives of others. Pope Francis said at Easter, we leave ourselves behind and encounter others by “being close to those crushed by life’s troubles, sharing with the needy, standing at the side of the sick, elderly and the outcast.” We are being missioned as Easter People. We find peace in Jesus’ love for us and now we share it with others. We find ourselves standing side by side with Jesus, looking together at those we are being sent to love. That is where the real joy of Easter waits for us. Easter Sunday 5th April 2015 ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Monica Parish: Video Divina Fr. Raymond’s movie series Looking at Life through the Lens of the Sacraments continues with the sacrament of Holy Orders/Consecrated Life. We will view two episodes of the Nothing Sacred series on Friday, April 10 at 7pm (6405 de Terrebonne St., Montreal). Free admission and popcorn, and stimulating discussion to follow! Contact Fr. Raymond Lafontaine at 514-481-0267 x23 or . St. Monica Parish: The Marriage Course—Introductory Evening Please join course leaders, Nathalie and John Bondyra, on Wednesday, April 8 from 7pm-9pm (6405 de Terrebonne St., Montreal) for our Come and See introductory evening to learn about how this course can help you build a healthy marriage/committed relationship that will last a lifetime! Please register by April 6. The seven-week Marriage Course will begin on Wednesday April 22 from 7:15pm-9:45pm. Cost is $60 per couple and includes course materials. Deadline to register for the coure is April 15. Please note that there are no group discussions. Couples privately discuss the evening’s topic. For more details, visit Contact Anna at 514-481-0267 x22 or . Easter Sunday MASSES THIS WEEK Saturday, April 4th 2015 oly Saturday ~ Easter Vigil H (Gen 1:1-2:2; Ex 14:15-31, 15:20; Is 55:1-11 Romans 6:3-11; Mark 16:1-8) Sunday, April 5th 2015 Easter Sunday (Acts 10:34,37-43; Col 3:1-4; John 20:1-18) 10:30 Kate & Ed Sampson by Ann & Louis Mallette Monday, April 6th 2015 No Mass aster Octave E (Acts 2:14,22-33; Matthew 28:8-15) Tuesday, April 17th 2015 Montreal Directed Retreats ~ A Spring Retreat aster Octave E (Acts 2:36-41; John 20:11-18) 5:00 Thomas McCauley by Constance O’Donnell A spiritual retreat is a time of graced silence and prayer which allows you to re-center your life on God and to deal prayerfully with current life issues. Discover God speaking to you in the silence of your heart! Join us on the weekend of April 17-19, 2015 at La Maison de Prière Notre-Dame in Longueuil. Cost: $130 (includes meal and lodging.) For more information, call Paul Empsall (514) 626-9462, or go to our website: aster Octave E (Acts 3:1-10; Luke:13-35) 9:00 Miss Evarista O’Donnell by Constance O’Donnell The Loyola Mothers’ Guild Members Tea Loyola has a rich traditional of graduating Men for Others. Consistent with that tradition, many Women for Others have given of their time and talents, over the last 45 years, by serving on The Loyola Mothers’ Guild. All women who have served on the Loyola Mothers’ Guild, past and th present, are invited to join us for an afternoon of fellowship and sharing Sunday, April 19 from 1-3 pm in the Casey Lounge. Enjoy refreshments; share memories and experiences; sign the newly created Mothers’ Guild log book. Hope to see you there! Please pass on to any past Mothers’ Guild members. RSVP by April 16 by sending an e-mail: 5th April 2015 Wednesday, Thursday, April 8th 2015 April 9th 2015 aster Octave E (Acts 3:11-26; Luke 24:35-48) 9:00 Miss Helen McCauley by Constance O'Donnell Friday, April 10th 2015 aster Octave E (Acts 4:1-12; John 21:12-14) 9:00 the Hernando Family by Paz Fortier Saturday, April 11th 2015 aster Octave E (Acts 4:13-21; Mark 16:9-15) 5:00 Fausto & Lea Bortoluzzi by Nori Bortoluzzi ACTIVITIES THIS WEEK MONDAY 6:00PM Christian Meditation in the Choir room. For information call 514-931-5536 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You are not forgotten If you, or a loved one, are not able to come to church, we would be happy to come to you, have a little chat & bring you the Lord in Holy Communion. Let us know by calling the parish office (932-3131) and we will get to you ASAP. Parish Donations You can now make your donations to our parish ONLINE through CanadaHelps . It is a convenient way to donate to our parish even when you are away. The process is simple and you receive your Tax e-receipt immediately. Donations may be made using Visa, MasterCard, American Express, PayPal or Interact. Go to and type ‘ASCENSION WESTMOUNT’ in the Search window. (Note: it is important to include the word ‘Westmount’). Thank you for your generosity and God bless you.
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