Ascension CATHOLIC CHURCH Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 5, 2015 P,- L,-. M S Saturday Vigil: Sunday: Mon-Thurs: Friday: 4:30 PM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM with Children’s Liturgy of the Word 5:30 PM Youth & Young Adults 8:00 AM 8:00 AM Communion Service FIRST FRIDAY OF THE MONTH MASS & ADORATION 8:00 AM- 6:00 PM RECONCILIATION TIMES Saturday: 3:30-4:00 PM and by appointment OFFICE HOURS Monday- Friday 8:30 AM-4:00 PM Pastor: Fr. Edwin Tutor Ext. 102 Deacon: Deacon Jim Scull Ext. 104 Pastoral Assoc: Janelle Peregoy Ext. 108 Business Mgr: Armelle Miller Ext. 101 Secretaries: Sheila Barker/Maria D’Amato Ext. 100 Religious Ed: Marilyn Timmons Ext. 105 Youth Ministry: Luke Heintschel Ext. 106 Sacristan: Ludy Villafuerte Ext. 103 Facili2es Mgr: Gene Hazen (858) 336-2008 11292 Clairemont Mesa Blvd. San Diego, CA 92124 Phone (858)279-2735 MINISTRIES & GROUPS MASS INTENTIONS Altar Flowers: Rosa Germain Altar Servers: (Children) Tom Tomp 858-279-7397 858-496-9267 Altar Servers: (Adult) Carlos Becerra 858-560-7323 Ascension Family Fellowship: Henry Ng 858-467-0205 BapƟsms: Deacon Jim Bereavement Ministry: Pat Berkebile 858-278-5497 Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Armelle Miller 858-761-3790 Coffee & Donuts: Clare Roberts 858-278-1388 EucharisƟc Ministers: Sheila Barker 858-279-2755 Fiesta Chair: Damon Mosler Finance Council: Joe Kennedy 858-279-8413 First Friday AdoraƟon: Ludy Villafuerte 858-560-7126 Garden Circle: Catherine Gambacort anƟ Golden Circle: Chuck & Lorrie Rhoades 858-278-7416 Grief Support: Sandy Canzoneri 858-565-2101 Knights of Columbus: Joe Bartel 858-560-9312 Ladies of Ascension: Sharon Freeman 858-531-6005 Lectors: Joe Bartel 858-560-9312 Love Our Priests: Jean Hosenkamp 858-560-7132 Marian Prayer Group: Rosa Germain 858-279-7397 Military Outreach: Rick Kania 858-405-3013 Ministries of Charity: Deacon Jim 858-279-2735 Ministry to Sick: Rosie Struyk 858-268-9566 Mom’s Group: Cathy Sperrazzo 858-337-7746 Music Ministry: (4:30 PM) Billy Fallon (8:30AM) Mike Schaefer (10:30AM) Marianne GuƟerrez (5:30PM) John Sperrazzo Our Lady of Angels Food Drive: Joyce Munios 858-278-5279 Pastoral Council: Yolanda James 858-715-8697 Prayer Quilts: Rosie Struyk 858-268-9566 Pro-Life: Bob Manzuk 858-279-4790 RCIA: Janelle Peregoy 858-279-2735 Rentals: Maria D’Amato Single Seniors: Danielle Deaton Ushers: Jim Wilson 619-449-2402 Sat., Apr. 4 Sun., Apr. 5 5:30 PM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 800 AM 8:00 AM JJ Cronin Agnes Simpao Robbie Lubach & Arthur Doughty No Mass Communion Service Tino Escalera Communion Service Ed Gibney & Family Communion Service Jessica Becerra Jan Laskey Maria Elena Bribiesca Olivia Shields June Elizabeth Baker Jose Morais Mary Germain Susan Recto Maria Marsden Marc Hyman Henry Otero Diane .Modrzejewski John Laskey Gladys Laskey Dolores Schall Mel Estey Joanna Baker Frank Germaine Rebecca Cason Olivia Nava Connie Garcia Jim Miller Steve Mollenhauer Rose Doughty Mon., Apr. 6 Tues., Apr. 7 Wed., Apr. 8 Thurs., Apr. 9 Fri., Apr. 10 8:00 PM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM Prayer List: If you would like to have a name included in this prayer list, please call the parish office. The “” indicates that the person is deceased. Names will remain on list for one month providing there is space On behalf of our deacon, Jim Scull, all our ministers, and the members of the Ascension Parish staff, I wish you, our dear parishioners and visitors, a blessed Easter. Crucifixion and death – this is what Jesus went through before God, the Father, raised him from the dead. Ours is the only religion that began in the horror of pain and death but ended in the sweet and joyous resurrection of Our Lord. He did it for us while we were yet sinners; he endured even death so that we may experience forgiveness, new life in God. The resurrection tells us there is forgiveness – we can start anew, we can still enjoy God’s life. It also tells us that death has no more power over us or over the people we love. We are a people of Easter. We accept sufferings, we endure pain, we will be faithful until the end because Jesus promised us – we will rise with him. He who promises resurrection to all who believe in him is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Let us come to him. Let us experience his forgiveness, let us walk anew in his ways, and let us be God’s Easter people! fr edwin RE & EDGE resumes April 13th. Happy Easter! Ascension Parish Easter Egg Hunt 12:00 noon on the grass area (west side of campus) 4 age brackets: 00 - 3, 44 - 5, 66 - 7, 88 - 10 Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus 33 Days to Morning Glory: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat A Preparation for Marian Consecration by Michael E. Gaitley who comes to us from the same order as Fr. Donald Calloway. From Fr. Michael E. Gaitley, MIC, author of the bestselling book Consoling the Heart of Jesus, comes an extraordinary 33-day journey to Marian consecration with four giants of Marian spirituality: St.Louis de Montfort, St. Maximilian Kolbe, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, and St. John Paul II. If you've been thinking about entrusting yourself to Mary for the first time or if you're simply looking to deepen and renew your devotion to her, 33 Days to Morning Glory is the right book to read and the perfect retreat to make. It begins Tuesday, April 21 and each Tuesday until May 31st at 7:00 PM in St. Mary’s Room. Contact Roger Jones at 858-279-3164 or for more information. Steubenville San Diego coming to San Diego July 24-26th! Join thousands of Catholic teens from other parishes and youth groups, even nationwide! If you would like to join us at this amazing life-changing conference, please contact Luke ASAP. There is limited time and space. All those currently in 8th grade or high school are eligible! LOVE OUR PRIESTS PRAYER GROUP Please pray for these priests during the month of April: The Most Rev. Robert McElroy 6th Bishop of San Diego. We welcome you! The Most Rev. Salvatore Cordileone Archbishop of San Francisco Rev. Robert Rousseau Retired Blessed Sacrament priest Rev. Matthew Spahr Pastor, The Immaculata, San Diego For more information about Love Our Priests Prayer Group, contact Jean Hosenkamp at 858-560-7132 or 2015-Relay for Life: April 25-26th Team Ascension was started in 2012 by the Ladies of Ascension to fight cancer by raising funds for Relay of Tierrasanta of the American Cancer Society. The event is a 24 hour walk the weekend of April 25 - 26 at Villa Norte Park (next to Kumeyaay School). Team Ascension was the top money raising team at our Relay in 2013 and 2014 Ways you can participate: 1) Join our team 2) Start your own team 3) Support our fundraisers 4) Come to the event and experience what it's all about! 5) Pray for all those affected by cancer DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY AT ASCENSION SUNDAY, APRIL 12TH 3:00 PM All are invited for reflection, meditation, and adoration on God’s Merciful Love for Mankind through the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy. We will have a second collection for the Building Fund next week, April 12th. Thank you for your continued generosity. Atttention: Team Ascension Relay for Life GOLDEN CIRCLE POTLUCK and “SPRING FLING” Friday, April 24 (Note: We are back to Fridays) 6-9 pm Parish Center All youngsters, 55+, are welcome; Join us for an evening of fun, food and fellowship; Stay for games after cleanup! Please RSVP to one of the following: A-C, Maggie Timmer: 232-6287 D-L, Rosa Germain: 279-7397 M-R, Maria-Luisa Berry; 694-0416 S-Z, Cheryl Staples: 560-9064 Team Meeting Tuesday, April 7, 7:00pm in the Pavilion to discuss the Relay for life Tierrasanta and how you can be involved. Signups for the Chili Cook-Off and Relay itself will be available as well as registration forms to join our team. Help us make a difference in the fight against cancer! It’s not too late to register: Our team has raised over $3,000.00 so far. We have a good start to our goal of $11,000.00. 1st Annual Chili Cook-Off Saturday, April 18, 2015 6:00 PM Parish Hall $10.00 pre-event -- $12.00 at the door--$5.00 for children 5-12 (a hot dog or a bowl of chili) -Enjoy a bowl of our “communal” chili, cornbread, a cookie, water & coffee -Buy raffle tickets for a chance at gift baskets -Taste & vote on featured chili -Purchase a hot dog, more chili, more desserts, more beverages Tickets on sale after all Masses, April 11/12 Questions: or 858/279-2735x105 Our next Grief Support meeting will be Wednesday, April 8th at 7:00 PM. (Note this is the 2nd Wed. of the month.) The only people who think there is a time limit for grief have never lost a piece of their heart. Take all the time you need. We prayed, fasted and gave alms-now we celebrate! Our Lenten journey with CRS Rice Bowl ends in our own hearts, where Jesus reigns forever. Let us rejoice in our risen Lord--and the lives we’ve changed this Lent in Tanzania, Nicaragua, Niger, Lebanon, the Democratic Republic of Congo and all over the world! If you haven’t yet turned in your rice bowl, there’s still time. Bring it into the office Tuesday or Wednesday, April 7 and 8. Fiesta 2015 June 5, 6, 7 May 2 & 3 - First date to sign up for booth shifts & also to donate White Elephant items. So bring your calendars to pick your favorite shift & clean out the attic & garage this April. May 28 all day & May 29 morning - Tent set up for food & entertainment zones. June 3 all day - Game booth set ups & equipment staging. June 5-6-7 FIESTA!! Thank you and bless you! Magnificat Prayer Breakfast Ascension is pleased and privileged to announce that we now have three scholarship opportuniAes to offer to our Ascension parishioners and families. ApplicaAons are available in the parish office or on the website. RENEE VASQUEZ AND CECILIA ESCARCEGA VASQUEZ MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP * Several Catholic high school scholarships awarded * Contact * Deadline April 30, 2015 Fr Bill Early Scholarship One Catholic High School Scholarship *Deadline April 1, 2015 *Contact KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS: JIM CANZONERI MEMORIAL SCHOLARSHIP * Elementary scholarships will be awarded * ApplicaAons now being accepted * Deadline May 1, 2015 * Contact Marie Finn, well-known prayer warrior & co-founder of the St. Dismas Guild, will share her powerful witness and speak on the Counsel of the Holy Spirit. Saturday, April 18th from 9:30am-12:30pm at the Mission Valley Sheraton. Breakfast and talk is $30. Please contact 619-701-2718 or to make a reservaAon by April 13. GARAGE DOOR R & R MECHANICAL New & Used Doors and Openers Harry 858-576-2156 (Parishioner) Ascension is looking for more bulletin advertisers. It's a great way to support our church and also reach almost 1,000 people each week! Various size advertisements are available. Please contact our business manager, Armelle Miller, if you are interested - A.D. THE BIBLE CONTINUES This series is the follow-up to last year’s History Channel epic, THE BIBLE, which was seen by 100 million people. This one, with scripts vePed by Cardinal Wuerl of Washington D.C. and Fr. Jonathan Morris of the Archdiocese of New York, will run for 12 consecuAve weeks on prime Ame NBC— the most watched TV network—and cover all the exciAng stories of Acts of the Apostles 1-10. So its evangelizing potenAal is enormous! A.D. THE BIBLE CONTINUES is high acAon and filled to the brim with intrigue and poliAcal drama, but enArely family friendly. To view a trailer please visit hPps:// A firstrate “Catholic Viewer’s Guide” (endorsed by both Cardinal Wuerl and Archbishop Gomez of L.A.) and other formaAonal materials are available from Sophia InsAtute Press: MASS SCHEDULE CHANGES FOR NEXT WEEK (APRIL 6-10, 2015) April 6, 8 ,10 (Mon, Wed, Fri) 8:00 AM: Communion Service April 7 & 9 (Tue and Thurs) 8:00 AM: Mass Parish Office will be closed on Easter Monday April 6th. For advertising information contact Business Manager-Armelle Miller at 858-279-2735 ex 101, or TINY SLUKA, GRI Real Estate Broker (Parishioner) BUY, SELL, EXCHANGE 858-603-2370 (Parishioner) ESTATE PLANNING Arnel Garcia, Photographer 858.207.8048 Because Life is Colorful Wills Powers of APorney Home Visits Available Parishioner Stephen Tucci, Attorney 858-458-5843 5950 SANTO ROAD, SUITE I, SAN DIEGO, CA 92124 Trusts Advance Health Care DirecAves LUXURY AUTO BODY Body & Paintwork, Insurance Claim Specialist Frame Repair & Replacement Carlos Vargas GARAGE DOOR R & R MECHANICAL 9660 Aero Dr, San Diego, CA 92123 Tel. 858-560-5898 Fax 858-560-5899 Mission Kitchen & Bath New & Used Doors and Openers Specializing in complete, ceramic tile Harry 858-576-2156 (Parishioner) BATHROOM REMODELING 619-264-3127 FREE ESTIMATES 45th & Hilltop Drive, San Diego, CA 92102 Pre-Needed Arrangement is an act of love 619-249-9144 Paul Schultz, Parishioner No interest budget plan-up to 5 years to pay Se Habla Espanol Lic # 805036 Join us for breakfast! Serving San Diego Since 1978 5675 Ruffin Rd Ste 300 San Diego 92123 COMMITTED TO SERVICE Tax PreparaAon, Estate &Tax Planning, IRS RepresentaAon QuickBooks, Financial Statements (858) 292-0543 Knights of Columbus At these locations ! 8929 Clairemont Mesa Blvd 7085 Clairemont Mesa Blvd
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