ELITE TOURNAMENT INTERNATIONAL GIRLS & BOYS TEAM U15 (2000 and younger) 4 & 5 APRIL 2015 RIXHEIM - FRANCE REGISTRATION FORM NEW SPORTS COMPLEX / 5 VOLLEYBALL COURTS Address : Cité de Sports – Rue de la Forêt Noire à Rixheim (68170) TRAVEL ROUTE http://fr.mappy.com/#/1/M2/TSearch/SRue+de+la+For%C3%AAt+Noire%2C +68170+Rixheim/N151.12061,6.11309,2.69275,42.60931/Z6/ SPORTS COMPLEX / 4 VOLLEYBALL COURTS Address : Cosec – Rue de l’Ill à Hirsingue ( 68560 ) TRAVEL ROUTE http://fr.mappy.com/#/1/M2/TSearch/SRue+de+l%27Ill%2C+68560+Hirsingue /N151.12061,6.11309,7.38853,47.74147/Z9/ ORGANIZATION OF THE TOURNAMENT Planning Saturday 4 april 2015 : 10 h 00 to 19 h 00 in Rixheim Sunday 5 april 2015 : 9h 00 to 16 h 00 in Hirsingue Accueil Option to come on Friday evening Insurance Each team will have its own insurance NEW 2015 5 volley courts in a same place in Rixheim CONTACTS Cyrille SANCHEZ cyrille.sanchez@estvideo.fr +33 770 574304 Martine MATHIS mathis.martine68@gmail.com +33 673 691505 Samedi 4 april in Rixheim Competition start at 10 h 00 Qualification phase : 1st day Technical meeting at 9 h 00 End of first day at 19 h 00 2015 Dimanche 5 april in Hirsingue Start of 2nd day at 9 h 00 Pooling phase Technical meeting at 8 h 00 End of the tournament at 16 h 00 Awarding and final drink around 16 h 00 The Elite Cup must be 3 times won BEST SETTER Rules according to FFVB Departmental referee in formation Each team contain 10 players + 2 trainers max ( possibility of planning additional players: see attached cost ) The competition take place on 5 grounds maximum Dimension ground 9x9 m - Height net: 2m 10 ( girls ) & 2m 24 ( boys ) The final organization will be sent to you by e-mail 15 days before the start of the tournament Example of sought teams Sélection Rhone Alpes - Modena and Trento from Italia Feldkirch Austria – Sélection Switzerland – Sélection Baden Württemberg - SG Einheit Zepernick and Cottbus from Deutschland - Huizen from Holland – Salesianos from Portugal – Champion of Algérie Getxo from España and the teams qualified for the Finales French cup. Capacity max 20 teams PRIZE LIST 2014 1er Asptt Mulhouse - France 2ème Rixheim - France 3ème Getxo – España 4ème Modena - Italia LINKS FACEBOOK Video 2014 : https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=51001148576 6127&set=vb.100002718414217&type=2&theater INFORMATIONS Accomodation expenses Hotel + breakfast ( see annexe attached ) Food Lunch (main course, dessert, and 1 drink) = 8,00 € / player Spécial dinner on Saturday : 10,00 € Lunch on Sunday : 8,00 € Be aware that there will be no dinner provided for team arriving on Friday night. Refreshment possible from Saturday to Sunday. Transport (reserved for the teams coming by air or by train ) Minibuses are at your disposal for taking you between the different places T-shirt souvenir offered with your subscription by player Individual AWARD Best Setter / Spike / Defense / Service / Bloc REGISTRATION FORM ELITE TOURNAMENT U17 CLUB NAME 4 & 5: april 2015 Name Team : Name Contact : Adress : Téléphon : E-mail : Done at : Date: Signature : Subscription fees : 50,00 € / team Beyond 10 players : 8 € / player Bank transfer payment until march 2015 (Bank details herewith) o Payment by check (in name of ASER Rixheim) you can send to Martine MATHIS – 21 rue du Général Leclerc – 68170 RIXHEIM The remaining payment will be payed during the tournament day Accomodation Hotel ( see ANNEXE ) Make your reservations directly to the hotel of your choice P’tit dèj Hotel Campanile Kyriad B&B Arrival date and time : Friday 3 april 2015 at ................ Saturday 4 april 2015 at ................ Meals : ............( Number of persons) lunch on Saturday 4 april at 8,00 € ............( Number of persons) dinner special on Saturday 4 april at 10,00 € ............( Number of persons) lunch on Sunday 5 april at 8,00 € Total Price Meals = Transfer : 50€ We wish the option of the transfer for.......... (Number of people) We asked you kindly to send us the registration form the last time 28th February 2015 by email at mathis.martine68@gmail.com If you have any question, please send them at the email address above RIB ASER VOLLEY BALL REMINDER : Send us the registration form the last time 28th february 2015 ANNEXE Reservation before February 15th Specify Tournament Elite SPECIAL GIRLS 1 petit chemin de Sausheim at Rixheim Reservation 03 89 64 59 01 Negotiated price list 26€ / night / person with breakfast Info : http://www.hotel-relais-rixheim.com/ 19 Rue des 3 frontières à Illzach ( near Rixheim ) Reservation 0825 34 34 35 Negotiated price list 26€ / night / person with breakfast Room double Info : http://webbooking.louvre-hotels.fr/CA/default.aspx?t=d9774abdc6242&s=CA&l=fr-FR#FRA21931 19 Rue des 3 frontières à Illzach ( near Rixheim ) Reservation 0892 23 48 13 Negotiated price 26€ / night / person with breakfast – Room triple 29€ / night / person with breakfast - Room double 40€ / night / person with breakfast – Room single Info : http://www.kyriad.com/fr SPECIAL BOYS Rue d'Annecy - Parc d Activité Ile Napoléon Ouest 68110 ILLZACH ( near Rixheim ) Reservation 08 92 70 75 41 Negociated price : Starting at 26€ / night / person with breakfast Info : http://www.hotel-bb.com/reservationhotel/lang/fr/home/hotel_info?hotelId=0543#hotel PLAYERS LIST NUMERO NAME TEAM : FIRST NAME YEAR OF BIRTH SIZE T-SHIRTS TRAINERS LIST FUNCTION 1er TRAINER 2nd TRAINER NAME FIRST NAME E MAIL
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