Currens Lane Melvin Moore Rheney Roberts Seal Audio Seal Roberts Asheville Head, Neck and Ear Surgeons, P.A. ID #: ________________ (For office use only) Patient Profile PATIENT INFORMATION Legal Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Preferred Name: ______________________ DOB: _____/______/______ Sex: M F SSN: _______-________-________ Mailing Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Physical Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ City Contact phone number: ____________________Cell/Home State Zip Alt phone number: _____________________Cell/Home/Work I authorize AHNE to leave messages on answering machine/voicemail of phone numbers listed above: YES NO Employer: __________________________________________________________ Retired Unemployed Student Child Marital Status: Married/Single/Divorced/Widow Language: __________ Race: ____________ Ethnicity: ___________ Email address: ______________________________________________________________ Portal sign-up? YES NO Emergency Contact: _________________________________________________ Relationship to pt: __________________ Emergency Contact Phone number: _______________________ Alt phone number: ________________________________ PERSON RESPONSIBLE FOR PATIENT’S ACCOUNT (i.e. Guarantor, Parent, Guardian, etc.) Legal Name: _________________________________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Relationship to patient: ________________ DOB: _____/______/______ Sex: M F SSN: _______-________-________ Mailing Address: __________________________________________________________________________________ City State Zip Contact phone number: ____________________Cell/Home Alt phone number: _____________________Cell/Home/Work Employer: ________________________________________________________________________ Retired Unemployed PRIMARY INSURANCE Subscriber’s Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Relationship to patient: ________________________________ DOB: _____/_____/_____ SSN: ______-_______-_______ Insurance Company: ______________________________________ Employer: ___________________________________ SECONDARY INSURANCE **Please list other insurance coverage on the back of this form Subscriber’s Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ First Middle Last Relationship to patient: ________________________________ DOB: _____/_____/_____ SSN: ______-_______-_______ Insurance Company: ______________________________________ Employer: ___________________________________ AUTHORIZATION **If there are additional authorized designees, please ask for additional form I hereby authorize one or all of the designated parties below to request and receive the release of any protected health information regarding my treatment, payment, or administrative operations related to treatment and payment. I understand that the identity of designated parties must be verified before the release of any information. Name: __________________________ Relationship to Patient: _______________________ Phone: __________________ Name: __________________________ Relationship to Patient: _______________________ Phone: __________________ Name: __________________________ Relationship to Patient: _______________________ Phone: __________________ Name: __________________________ Relationship to Patient: _______________________ Phone: __________________ Asheville Head Neck & Ear Surgeons, PA Currens Lane Melvin Moore Rheney Roberts Seal Audio ID #: _____________ (For Office Use Only) MEDICAL HISTORY Date: Home Phone: Patient Name: Age: Referring Physician: Family Physician: (First and Last Name) (First and Last Name) Birthdate: / / Brief reason for today’s visit: Questions Regarding Patient (Check One) Smoke Previous Smoker YES YES NO Chew/Dip Alcohol Pregnant Children Married YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO Divorced Packs per day NO - Number of years Stopped for years YES NO - If patient is child, does anyone in the household smoke? Single List Past Surgeries: (name and year of surgery) Drinks per day How Many? Widowed -If patient is child, do they live with parent or other? Recreational drugs YES NO Past Medical History: Please complete the questionnaire to the best of your memory. If there is a question about an item, please ask for assistance. Check yes or no for each item. Thank you. Cardiovascular YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO Heart attack Heart failure High blood pressure Circulation problems High Cholesterol Pulmonary YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO Endocrine YES YES Diabetes Thyroid disease Skin YES YES NO NO Do you have or have you been treated for: YES NO Hepatitis A, B, C YES NO TB (tuberculosis) YES NO HIV/AIDS YES NO CMV virus YES NO MRSA NO NO Intestinal YES NO YES NO YES NO Asthma Emphysema Sleep apnea C pap machine Pulmonary embolus Eczema History of skin cancer Stomach / ulcers Jaundice GERD Child Immunology YES NO Current Immunizations Other Medical Problems: Urinary YES YES NO NO Kidney stones Prostate problems Orthopedic YES NO Arthritis Neurologic YES NO YES NO YES NO Stroke / CVA Seizures Glaucoma Hematology / Lymphatic YES NO History of blood clots or DVT YES NO Lymphoma YES NO Bleeding disorder Cancer YES YES NO NO YES NO Thyroid cancer Head & neck cancer Other: Family History: Please specify which member of your family (mother, father, sister, brother, grandparents) have had the following medical problems. YES NO Cancer (what kind) YES NO Reactions to Anesthesia YES NO High blood pressure YES NO Diabetes YES NO Heart attack YES NO Hearing loss YES NO Bleeding problems YES NO Other diseases Form completed by: Signature: OVER List Medications: (include those you buy without a prescription, include vitamins & natural products): Medications Patient is Allergic to: (list reactions) PHARMACY INFORMATION Please provide at least the name and approximate location for prescription purposes. Name: Phone Number: Address: City: State: Current Symptoms: Please complete the questionnaire to the best of your memory. If there is a question about an item, please ask for assistance. Circle yes or no for each item. Thank you. Ear YES YES YES NO NO NO Hearing loss Ringing in the ears Ear pain Nose YES NO Nasal obstruction Throat YES YES YES NO NO NO Cardiovascular YES NO YES NO YES NO Eyes YES YES NO NO Difficulty swallowing Hoarseness Sore throat Irregular heartbeat Angina or chest pain Shortness of breath with exertion Double vision Change in vision Allergy/Immunology YES NO Seasonal allergies YES NO Allergy skin test positive YES NO Itchy eyes YES NO Itchy nose Endocrine YES YES YES YES YES NO NO NO NO NO Pulmonary YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO Skin YES YES NO NO Intestinal YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO Constitutional YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO Excessive thirst Excessive urination Hormone problems Heat intolerance Cold intolerance Snoring Chronic cough Coughing up blood Shortness of breath Wheezing Rashes Scar easily Indigestion Vomit blood Change in bowel habits Heartburn Night sweats Weight loss Fatigue Fever Urinary YES NO YES YES NO NO Orthopedic YES NO YES NO YES NO Neurologic YES NO YES NO YES YES NO NO Difficulty urinating Blood in urine Recurrent UTI Spine problems Bone problems Numbness in hands or feet Headaches Weakness or numbness Depression Dizziness Hematology / Lymphatic YES NO Bleed/bruise easily YES NO Anemia Currens Lane Melvin Moore Rheney Roberts Seal Audio Asheville Head Neck & Ear Surgeons, PA PATIENT POLICIES ID #:____________ (For Office Use Only) Thank you for choosing our practice for your health care. In order to assist you in understanding and managing your responsibilities as a patient in our office, we have developed a financial policy, as well as, some general office policies which will help prevent unnecessary increases in your medical bills. Please read and sign this policy prior to your visit with our physician. 1. Our office requires that you fully complete a patient information form, which includes all current insurance information for the patient. 2. Payment in full is expected at the time of service. We accept personal checks, cash, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover. AHNE will expect full payment of copays, coinsurance and deductibles at the time of service if your visit is covered by an insurance plan with which we participate. Non-emergent visits will be rescheduled if you are unable to pay the copayment or coinsurance at the time of the visit. 3. Insurance claims: Office visits: AHNE will file claims with all insurance companies though we will collect payment in full at the time of service if we do not participate with your insurance. Surgeries: AHNE will file claims with all insurance companies for surgical claims. Any noncovered surgical expenses must be paid in full prior to the surgery. Copayments and deductibles will be collected prior to surgery. 4. If you have unique financial problems, please discuss them with us. 5. Please be advised that AHNE works with a professional collection agency and any unpaid accounts will be given to this agency for collection efforts. This would affect your credit rating and show on your credit report. 6. Please understand that your insurance coverage is a contract between you, your employer and your insurance company. You are responsible for any balance not paid by your insurance company in 30 days for the date of services. 7. The adult, parent or guardian, accompanying a minor to our office will be regarded as responsible for all balances and transactions for the patient. We will not serve as an intermediary. Unaccompanied minors will not be seen in our office except on an emergency basis. 8. Medicaid patients must present a current Medicaid card at the time of each visit. Adults will also be expected to have their $3.00 copayment at the time of their visit. Your appointment will be rescheduled if you do not pay your copay before being seen. 9. A physician is always on call for emergency care for our office. Please limit requests for appointments and prescription refills to our regular office hours between 9AM and 5PM. After hours calls will be answered by our answering service who will have a physician return your call. 10. Failure to uphold the terms of these policies may result in dismissal from AHNE. 11. Comments:_________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ I have read and understand this financial policy. I accept the terms of the policy. Signature:____________________________________________ Date: __________________
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