* • « & AB Strikingly Evinced. Ml you," the limn with tli fh MIWUK us Hlftv ••iinii1 il sHtiht lull the Riunc, "WIIMI lu'HitcM tiif funs rhcre Is tho i-i»rtului> I V 1 t!»« ,\ *ti> n.i ' li*K Id s w it puiut s;:im<» itf twill. Thi'.v WUit llwlr nwtl tvitiu tn "Win, of emit-so but It's the tlm> piny that"— "RHKII!" intofi-niiii'd the limn will' tlti> white half iitirl Mnek eypiu-mvH "They don't cure a diim nlnrtil: th<» lltu play.' All they wnnt Is to sen the hmiu teii'm witi. i'v« soon thorn npiilnuil tlu other toimVs errors when they heUiod to"— "ftot! TUpy ohi'or it brilliant play no matter which side makes it. Tlvrc are 20,000 iieopl'1 helv today not lie cause they are stuck on seeing thel) own side -win, but because"— Just then everybody rose to his feetUttered n wild ypll nnd began a nisi£or the outside. An Old Tlmo , Aa amn^liiK mill dotalli>d m?i-tnnvt of n m w m a u BOOU In fh«>' AtluiiMi-, wriiion upptti-ontly In jtiimi l'nlth, fiula with tinf.u'.()\\lu,!> di-w l l p l l u u ,,f t i n - I Q i i u n k - l , which may [WHHlhly Imve Wvu i\ m>al or a BPII Hon. "That inniishH' 1B nhout oljrht feet IOIIR, hla nkln la brown and toAvny, ttlthiiut any scales, all his mo tlons are llko those of men, the eyes are a proportionable size, a little mouth, a largo and Oat nose, very white teoth, biaelc hair and olilu covered frith a mossy beard, a sort nf \vhlskerrt under the nnao, tile ears liko thoBe of mpUi Qns between the llngors of hla hands and feet like those of ducks, in it word ho to a well shaped man. Which Is certified to be true by Captain Oliver Morln and John Martin, pilot, and by the whole crow, consisting of two-an<l-thlrty men." ^ n article i'ironl Brest in the "Memoirs of Only one man was out, and a mm- Trevoux." TBe monster wns mentionbatter was at the b a t ed In the Gazette of Amstettiam Oct But the man on third had sneakod If 12, 1720, where, it la said, It was seeti with the winniiiff rim. "The home team In the ocean In August of the same Jiad won.—chlcajirt Tribune. year.—St Louis Globe-Democrat. New 6VfaW Hat. has ft n<nv stt-aw hat. Paid two dollars Wi' It too. ifqthef Badly tells him that Was a foolish thing to do. Mother murmm-s with disjrtist At the way dad has behaved; Says that his new hat Is just Like the old Orte that she saved. "Tlml IH ivipltul,'1 nlu» Rnid "1 uniH toll It lo (lie kltiMf. "No," sin. luMt-.uitly addod, "t won't for If yon toll uncle a good story IK l'urijow In a ilny or two tlntt It wiu told to him and goes about fopeittlnp it to every one us Ills own." Information Wanted. Simmons had returned from his vacation. "I certainly enjoyed the husking b\?eB," he said to the young woman "AVero you ever In the country during the ttoason of husking bees?" "Husking bees!" exclaimed the girl "flow do you husk a bee, anyway) M*. Simmons?" Prophecy. HoVv to ftead the Mdort. Pew people can toll at a glance whether the moon is waxtug or waning. Here Is a whimsical rule to remember by. It 1B Very simple to those Just Too Lato. who know Latin ami Is uot difficult "When did you learn that he was one for those who do not The drat thins of the bank's most trusted employees?" is to notice whether the moon is like * "The day after he absconded with FatheV listens With a srrtlto a D or a C—that is, whether the full the funds."—Detroit Free Press. Or attempts sometimes to showMother how they've chartjjed the style. semicircular curve is on the vight or She will not believe It, though. the left 1'f the moon shows a b that Be at war with your vices, at peace Mother thinks It Is A shame. naturally stands for decreaeit "It with your neighbors and let every ne\v bad can never make It clear "waives." Why lie shouldn't wear the same year iind you a better man.—Franklin. But then conies in the givat principle Straw hat that he Wore last year. "The moon is always deceitful," and Joke of a Sultan. Father says: "I •never scold one has to understand the opposite of When you get a hat that's "new. The sultan of Turkey once played a what the moon says, so that a moon i don't tell you that your old Mat Is good enoUfeVi to do." which shows a t> is a waxing moon, j-oke at the expense of some medical Mother sadly asks him thon while a waning moon is like a C. , experts at Constantinople. When, the plague broke out in his capital the Why he cares what people say Those who have no Latin will no Or should still be stylish When sultan asked if anything was known doubt look to see whther the moon . Ko is Married aiiyway. a * t o the cause, "On being informed —Chicago Record-Herald. says it is "decreasing," in which case ] that it was to be found In the state they will understand that it is waxing, [ Of the drinking water, he called at Never Fails. "while a waning moon will deny that; once for six empty bottles, which he Brown—I've got an excellent plan tot it is "decreasing."—New York Sun. .getting rid Of duns. •Gfeen-Ah! That so? Brown—I have—never fails. G-reen—Then, old fellow, yoil must Set me into the secret, for I'm worried .to death by 'em. Brown— Weil, I've tried it several times o£ late, and 1 find the man nevei «iomes ftaek. Green—Aye, aye! Wfeat do yo\i do? Brown—I ]>ay him.—'Brooklyn Times. Chicagb Lullaby. 'Street car claWging e'er attend thee; Automobile toots befriend thee; Noisy stearfijMpe slumber lend thee. Sleep, my pretty one, sleep! .Squalling felines aid thy slumberr K'lVeters thy sense encnttber; ^Whistles soothe thee, atiy nunrt)er. Sleep, my "pretty one, sleep! lluokster's crying lend ttiee shrillftes Wagons Tattling break the 'stillness; Engines goaVd thee "from an illftess. Sleep, my pretty One, sleep! Should tbere come a sfleftt mlnxite Waken ftot With Walling in it. Very Booft will they begin It. Sleep, my -pretty one, sleep! C h i o I t e r Ocean. "Patience—Were you i t the stra'wsfoerry shortcake festival? Patrice—On, yes. "How Was it?" "Very enjoyable." "1 heard every One NvhO found a istrawberry had to sing a song?" "That's right" "Well, it must have been awfully tiresome." "It Vrasnt. We had only two sOngsI" —Tonkers Statesman. feridal Tourists. The bride looked oil the mountains, The river's golden strand. "Italian garden fountains Were tihlcling near at hand. ••She spake With cooing "Kindness, "How fair these Vistas are!" TShe "bridegroom in his "blindness SbWed doWn "beneath the car. $"rdrh thence aid he deliver Softie Words about a chain, Such Words as -made her shiver With aii astonished pain. Then to the balmy breezes She hummed these lines and smiled, •"Where every prospect pleases And only mail is riled." —Frederick l£dxon in Judge. "had filled In his presence, all from the same one of the palace wells, plft'ced Cost of First Class Traveling. his own seal upon them, and then', While on the Pacific ocean 1 met a without divulging their community of life insurance man who told me that origin, handed all six to a prominent he traveled constantly and that his analyst. To his amazement the reexpenses, afloat and ashore, averaged port sent in was that fom- of the sam$11 a day. He kept no expense ac- ples contained plague microbes.' The count, he said. At the end of the 5*ear fifth was merely putrid water, and the he charged the company $11 a day for ; sixth was qxrite pure. Abdul Hanlld expenses, and that was almost exactly | calmly shrugged his shoulders and What he spent 1 made a calculation; kept his thoughts to himself. and found that the present trip hasj cost "us §11 a day -each, almost to a | Would Pill the Bill. penny. Some who have attended councils If you want to know what traveling costs, here is an estimate yon may -de- and associations can appreciate this pend upon. This means rapid travel- story of the late Uev. Dr. Norman ing, by railroad and steamship, and Macleod of Edinburgh. Going into a sightseeing in the towns With the as- room in which was a cage containing sistance of a guide. The estimate in- a large owl, he surveyed It for a long cludes the purchases a traveler is com- time. The owl sat unmoved, placid pelled to make and cannot be reduced and erect, His mien was dignified, his much unless yoxi travel second class horns impressive, his eyes cold and and deny yowself majiy things.—)Ed observant, his countenance sagacious and critical. At length Gorman broke XV. "HOWe In His Travel Notes. silence, "Mais, ye wad niak" a splendid moderawtorr-Chrlstian Register. His Morning Duty. Ministerial duties and increasing digSentimeWialishh. nity have not robbed a certain minister Of his cherished boyhood accomplish- "Here's a very good definition of ft ment of making fritters. He frequent- sentimentalist." ly 'exercises this skill at breakfast time, "Let's hear It." much to the delight of the younger " 'A sentimentalist is a person "who members of the family. "Edith, the Xveeps over a fallen column, b~ut Is four-year-old daughter, recently took too lazy to help set i t up again.'"—Birtea With a member of the congrega- mingham Age-Herald. tion. After the silent grace the little Gifted, one, looking at her unmarried hostess, \ remarked With pity: ! "1 am convinced," said Mrs. Meek"You don't have any one to pray for, ton, "that women are especially qualiyou, do you?" \ fied for the duties of statesmanship." Said one Of the ladies present, smil- j "Why7" ing: I "Because most of the women 1 have "I suppose your papa prays for you known were natural born lecturers."— three times a day."' . j Washington Star. "Oh, no, he doesn't," "was the inMis Undertaking. nocent and earnest answer. "He fries ! Timeseed—This term 1 Kin in the morning and prays in the aftergoing to undertake the study of t>adn noon!"—Philadelphia Ledger. and Greek. Old Hardfax— iTm! I Common Weakness. | suppose them dead languages does An Interesting light Is thrown on the | need aft undertaker.—Chicago News. purely human side of the late Edward ] A Realist. VXI. Of England hy a story told Of his | Inability t6 resist the temptation to. "If there were four flies on the table appropriate a particularly good anee-1 and 1 should kill one, how many would dotfe. | "be left?" inquired the teacher. Some one told a delightful story to "One," answered a "bright little girl One of_ his__majestx's young nieces,. —'the dead One!"—London Tit-Bits. He Knew, A. teacher in « big elementary school •frail given tessons to an infants' class •on the Ten Commandments. In order So test their memories she asked: "Can atiy little child give me a cominaiidment with only four words in it?" A hand Vas raised immediately. "Well," said the teacher. " 'Keep Off the Grass,'" ^ a s the reK ^ k Globe. "Silver flate that Wears" A Mint Julep. The Laziest dhaf>. Ho -wouldn't help thr< toilers That plmved thf flf-lds for bread, "And lamllTiK a fish every minute Is too much like work," he said. And if ever he gets to slofy, •\ Whera ms.ny fin a-n^el sings, He'll tell 'am, "I'm Jes' too tired To aaj) -them ht-avenly -wings." —Atlatita Constitution. P O P U L A K ^ 3 L B ( ! T R I 0 I T Y A N D T H E W O R L D S A DV A i'nr i ii'i. You 111'tijoy il- auil wnnilpr at bow littli* yiiu kiww of fculs Cuci inH phetinmMumi. AMOUR othor articles that ; i i POPBIIREUG ion tummn Ow>Wn 11 C*yn MUTVX "tesr "SS^y U>n»<u» «*otnw*i "KSKr E»tMnOH tMVtWOTT mreutt nI •HI sraf eraj» dCE omft ADV^IBB ^^QnftA -^j m mm mm A Miracle of the Age! A Roniatic story of a Monster Bhip ttidijo Power D^volnpuwnt Ancient Tauks of Adtm— lllnminateil Flying JTIBII— WUrolprtR BotWnr-m (Jer- many and America—Wonders of Liquid Ait—Scott Expedition in Fitma—"Pulquo" the Curso of Mexico—Stories of UhineBe Railroading—Klectricity in Police work—Oxygpn in Aviation—and these are only typical of the 200 Facilitating Subjects of rWmiriUK luti'Vost, which, with 2QQAbsorbing Ulustratlons iino of the most lntinvstlUK of mnmiJust liiiti1 this lirlef Mimmary of K«II«1 IIUKR Mntlnti Pl.'tim- Doniirtiwiit of the Uitiwt \ihoto !)\HS"< HIM stnrtos with nil thi> I'ilctuuthiK details ui motion pictwiv iiwilui't.ii.iu. WorliVs Pk'tm-o Gallpry of Hiriklnnr photoptv«ph» fnmi nwrywhoiv. VPo lnirivstlnft! Tlu> (h-Piit teliwhif ill Rivtlivn tolls simply and onii>rtiilnlttirly tho CanlnatW ston- of cloi'trlclly and shows how to makp nnd dn things with it yoniwlf. Many ortn-v llvivnw.toli>s on moiliM'ii PMCWSK in all lliii's. Vivid Hvlnit nli'tnrrs nnd sinrli's of thi> world lna>it|im--tini>w»rlnir- I'dnratlmml npliftinu. This innin-iiM. ontcrtalnmrtit- of-!i)»pages-- 200 snWeetx - WA illastvatioiis -awnii* >-.m m Spanking POPULAR ELECTRICITY & WORLD'S ADVANCE For October 15 Gents a Copy Spanking will not euro children, of Wetting the bod, becatiBe it is no ahebit but a dangerous di-soa-oe. Th C. H. RowaQ Dru? Co^ Dbtot 2729 Chicago, 111. have discovered a stric ly hartelees remedy for this diSi tl-eesinz diaease, and to make it saei'its kiiowh they will send a 50 package Becureiy wrapped! and pre paid Absolutely Frao to ally reado of The Herald This mnedy als cures frequent d'esire to urinate an. inability to control the vu-inedttrin* the djay or ni^ht in old ot young The C. H. Rowan Bru »• Co. is an ok jReliable House; write to them to day for their free medicine. Core th afflicted members of vour family the.n tell your neighbors and friend about tills ireimedy. 43-1913-43-1914 Get It T o d a y Cfoift Yotii- rJ-ewsdealer. if >••><«• ilraler <vmnot mnply yon sr-ad \ishis,nanwivnd yonv iVwn amnc and miilvi%t>R ami l.v fora<-iipy pust-paM Electricity Publislilng Co.t 360 Novtli Clavk St., Cliicag-o Subscribe for t h e Madrid Herald. GOOD Notice. B«t>y C«tt Help In Applying Special Pi'tces on Poifch FfciFSiitufe and K-ug-s. gives just lhat eSect of quaiti'tivess with truly good taste that every discerning woman admires —and our store is lull ol desirable things. McGfflis Pays The^Freight FURNITURE CO. OGD ENS BURG, - N.Y Campbell's Varnish Stains Spveids sttioothly, flows freely and W d ens into a -perrfianail finisli. Good for Floots, Furnihire & Woodwork Easy to apply: 13 colors t y CnitKihtor-Morton Co., Boaton BROOM ttOtDER 1TREE Our Porch Furniture L PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF Alric R. SteirHman, Surrogate, of the County of St, Lawireaei\ and according to the Statute in sudi caisea unad© and provided, Notice is hereby given toall persons having claitoa •against the estate of p . Julia Baaton kite of Madrid 4n said County, deceased* that they 'are required to exhibit th© sairne, with th<? vouchers thereof, to the subscriber at his office in (Hie Village of MadWd, N. Y., in said County, on or •be-fore the 1st day of February next. Frederic J. Merriman) Administrator, bated, July 15th, 1913. t^reseirt tWi Cotipoo at dcilct'fi store ahi tc«rivc one of the Cimpbdl Broom HdHon free FOR 5At£ BY StibacrJbe now for t h e Notice. * S W R E M E COtTRT, COtTiirTY OP PURSUANT TO AN ORDER OF 4 I St. Lawrence, Stat^ of N«\v York, AlricR. Herriman, Surrogate of th© 0- Aim«lia P. Sniith, ^Plaintiff. a|rf»in=it County of St.Lawrence and accordin ' AbM^ H. Grace, Alttei-t 'P. Cam- to the statute in such ca-as mad« and <rtock, Minnie C. CotaistOek, liis^'if^, providied. Notice is hereby given temttia L. M'©e!k^'r, Minnie L. Drake, to all persons having claims againts Harriett J. Fisher, Williism T. Eaa- tlie-estate of Thomas Rotiseeau late tioin, Ella i t Baston, his , ni of Wa-ddington in said County, deM. Bastoin, Henty J. te , Lillian ceased, that they are required t o Bastion, Nettie E. B y t, Geofge exhibit th-e same, with the vouchers w . Peas-e, M:aTilla P. aimWlaiti,, thereof, to the subscriber, at hia J.Sas'fco'nGi'1leai>J&, LeeW. G Gilleapie, illi ir&sidience in the town of WaddingHeteu L. Gilles'pie, A. Jatnes Gillea- ton in said County, on or fbefore •pie, (Ralph C. Q-illespi^, Frederic J . the 15th day of Felbruary next. MetrSitti-aii as adiministratot Xvith Walter Veitch, Executor; Sellar t h e (Will aanestid of Williaaa H.Stes Leishtman, Atty. for Executors datt o a , rdeoa'ased, a. Herrimatt as a d - ed July 23d, 1913. !mi!ahti«ato* bf t h e >obds, chattels, land feTefditjs of H. Julia Eastitfn, fi©«eai5ed, Ot-vill^ A. feabcoct, Pataiy W. OS-afefcoek, Ids Wife, a n d Thiotoais Wellta^s, Th© People of t h e S t a i e of JSfev Yoi-k, de&Uidiaiits. fee *•<& tet bt wa iMit TtoA w Tot (tihe aJbove naim^di'd'ef eswiatitg: . 'Hlehot VOtx* tifi kit Ui G^ld. Silrer, You ifcS-e lie.'pe'by siinnaotied: t o asusJ r a Tt»dma itone^ W<sr !tih© cO!ta-pla.in.t in this action, *aHtT S«:KT »¥ KtTUKN KHIU lanid *o -seirvio (a oo£>y of your aiiisyer TOBX SKHTlNC * t£FININC COKPAKT o n t h e plaintiffs a t torney* within S-Akunnft M Vauo. I t w e n t y <diays aft«fr t h e service ol T ttUWLYQQ §t .'. this Sttotoons, «xelusive of t i e day A GRAND COMBINATION BARGAIN Me CalPs Magazine—One Year V<te $0.50 Six En&roidetfed HaiadkercMefs « .75 $2.40 Value Any lS-cent McGall Pattern The Madrid Herald—One Year « .15 " $1.00 Only $1.35 1847 ROGERS BROS. No Wonder cost of living's high And people have to stint. They make the rtoggonp money; Then they keep It in the -mint. And they keep it there for years tmd ypars And try to get our goats 33y circulating all around Those little paper Tiotrs. —Philadelphia, Press. The Lirhlt, "My husband," said Mrs. Meekly, ""has pawed the limit." "What has he done?" "He was ill last night and made me get a mustard plaster for him, and aft•er I put it on he turned reproachfully •and said to me. 'Your mustard plasters •<3o not hurt like thfiRe that my mother used to make.' "—Pathfinder. nraiiHi, j i n c n mt>> ill tlin tnyati>rv tnyatir UKDftXMid Her Bad Accident. "Did you ever have a bad accident?*' The lady chauffeur bit her Up. "I met my husband by accident," she admitted.—Exchange. i c ; and, in ottsi> of 'your o to ap.pp.ai* or answer, \u6jtwill )«> tak^iii'ii^ain^t you by ttofault fm* t-ho ivlief clei-nonded in tho 'complaint, total to bo held ta t h e County of Bt, LaAWent?!?, Dated this 15th 'day of August, 1013. W a t - . tetman & Waterman, Attorneys for PLaiatiff,, OKioo and,' Pastofiee ad1dn-esai 99 Poa-d atreet, 0*den.Bblu'(?« New Yoi'k, T.o Abbie H. Grace, Albert P, Oamfltocfc, Williaiii T. Baa ton. Ella M. lSa9to.ii, Hetea M. Basbox\, Heiil'y J. Eastonj Lillian Eastoin, Nettie E, Dygea-t, Mimji© L. Dral?«, Harriett J. l'ish'eir and' aeo.i4ge i\V. Pe Th« £oa%e^o.lng stituinioniSi is Upo.u you iby publication, pursttia&t 'to an ol'd'611' of Hon. John M, Bai-r. Special SuKr>o.g£.te of the. Coutttyi fli t h e Ooamty of St, X*aw»eottfce. New Y w k State, dkxted the 27t3ii 'ojayj ^ Atogu4t> 1913, .and filed w i t h the ooto-pl-aiUit in t h e 'office of the •office of t h e C t e k of St, Lawrence County afofoaaid; a t Canton, N.Y. Wates.im.-an. a n d Waterman, Plain™ tiff's Attoriieya, 99 Bord 24ikeet, b N, Y. Mr MilW. HIP mi.l> (rjijoc small Boy (handing druggist hall dollar)—Five five-cent cigars, and give me the change. Druggist—But, Bob, your father always smokes ten cent cigars, "Well, he isn't going to this time.*Life, of eecXXXXXXXD oe(XX!<X:OQOOOOOOOOCXXCOOOOO MYALLS MAGAZINE For Pleasure For Profit Read McCalFs, The Fashion Magazine SIX 'FINS •EMBXOIDEBED HANDKERCHIEFS XX Proven Quality r ^Rich design and refined beauty in knives, forks, spoons^ j and fancy serving pieces are not attributes of solid , silverware alone. The skill born of long experience has produced in the famous 1847 KOGEBS BROS, silver plate effects in pattern and design -which make its name for beauty second only to its reputation for quality— "Siloer Plate that Wears." Sold by leading dealers everywhere. Send for catalogue "CL," showing all patterns. INTERNATIONAL SiLVER CO., SuffPssor tci'Merldcn "BHtahftlaCo. These exquisite hand- embroidered- effect Ladkis' Hafidkerchiefs art made of fine quality of Irish Shamrock Linefie. Tho -embroidery work is <'Xc<?r'fir"i:<Hy dainty and attractive. These arc of the quality that retail for X2,1';,. cents each. Remember,hj taking advaiitage r.f thenV>vcextrrn.rd'-nary har.t;fiin cfier, >"ii way get the HX fine handkerchiefs a* well as McCall's "Magazine fr^r r.ni- yt.';r. ..nu McCall Ppttern and .air pn-per fr>r one yt-.^r, s!' f.-»r only a lktle ltir.re than tlic price e<i nur papi--- nlnni1. Vnu c-tini-'t pdSM'My invest $1.35 tii better advanlrige. Tl.is uonderftil offer may Tie accepted by all new Sub--crihers, or by any old subscriber* wh--i ivi'.h U> e-vtenrl their time ahead on eiUier puT>lioati> in. The only requirement is that you pay in advance. SO1VE YOTTR CXOTHXS In the matter of dress, McCall's is indispensable to every wrnan. It will help you keep in style and save money. Every issue is remarkable for its mammoth display of advance fashions, its wealth of beautiful pic-rur-is, its new ideas in Fancy Work, its many MmieyS;.ving and Labor-Saving Ideas, its charming articles and .stories; all printed on a very fine grade of paper. Almost w.qo.ono subscribers is the hpst proof of McCall's superiority. Request for the free pattern should be sent to The McCall Company after you receive first mapwine. The above combination bargain offer expires in sixty da%-s, so be sure to act quickly. MERIOEN, CONN. THE MADRID HERALD, MADRID, N.Y,
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