the flyer

The 3rd international ASHTRANS Conference
7 - 8 September
The international meeting platform for
Byproducts logistic and trading.
Fly Ash, Bottom Ash and Gypsum
from coal/Biomass combustion or
incineration plants are commercially
traded commodities.
With the transition in Europe towards
more renewable energy supply, the
need for traders, suppliers, users,
shippers, brokers and haulers, to
meet and exchange ideas related to
logistics and find commercial arrangements become even more pronounced.
Monday, September 7
Hence the ASHTRANS conference is
intended as a platform for comercial meetings to exchange views and
to meet with potential commercial
partners to discuss deals or just to
evaluate new possibilities.
13.45 The future of FGD gypsum in Europe, Dr. Frank Galka, Knauf GmbH, Germany
14.15 Coffee break
15.00 Production of manufactured aggregates from carbonated APCr from
waste to energy plants, Colin Hill, Carbon8 Ltd, UK
15.30 Alternative ways to the market for moist fly ash, Michael McCarthy, University
The conference may also be relevant
for authorities and environmental
interested parties, as well as
deposition plant companies.
11.00 Opening of conference bureau for registration
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Welcome note, The ECOBA President
13.15 Sustaining the market by logistic solutions, Fred Hooijmaijers, Vliegasunie, The
of Dundee, UK
16.00 CCPs management in Ukraine: current situation and perspectives, Olga
Pashulya, D.TEK LLC and Kristian Yerygin UMG, Ukraine
16.30 Conclusion of day 1
18.15 Conference dinner etc.
Read all about ASHTRANS
EUROPE 2015 and register at
Tuesday, September 8
09.00 Integrated reuse of bioash and sludge, Les Drury, Biolite Ltd, UK
09.30 Development of new landfilling facility, Trond Berg, NOAH, Norway
10.00 Coffee break
10.45 Project Fenix and use of Lignite fly Ash in Russia, Andrei Kalatsov, and Mi-
The ASHTRANS Conference 2015
is sponsored by:
khail Serebryakov (interpreter), Vector ProfCement-Vektor, leader of Consortium Fenix, Russia
11.15 Stabilization of harbour sediment with ash, Ida Fossenstrand, Muddermassor,
11.45 Use of ash products to replace cement, Brian Gonsalves, Uniglobe Trading &
Finance Ltd, UK
12.30 Conclusion of conference and lunch
Program changes may apply.
Morning session for Monday September 7
The program committee has under consideration a morning session for Monday September 7 for those who would like to arrive early to Copenhagen.
Details will follow in at
Conference costs
Venue of the Conference
For signing up until May 31, 2015 € 700,For signing up from June 1, 2015 € 800,For wife/husband attending the conference dinner Monday evening € 100,
IDA Building
Kalvebod Brygge 31-33
DK 1780 Kbh V, Denmark
Contact Person: Anna Simonsen
Phone: + 45 3318 4667
Cancellation can be made:
2 month prior 7. September 2015 at € 25,or 2 month -> 4 weeks before 7. September 2015 at € 50,A refund will not be made after August 7 2015
Travel information
Place poster stands at the Conference
For those participant who should so wish there is provided the opportunity –
free of charge – to place poster stands in the lobby room adjacent to the conference hall.
You only need to write directly to for confirmation
of booking.
The nearest airport is Copenhagen.
From the airport you have the
possibility to go:
- by taxi ( approx. 35 €)
- by bus and train, every 20 minutes,
approx. 45 minutes to Copenhagen
central station.
ASHTRANS suggest you to stay
across the street from the conference
venue (IDA building):
Fill in the form below and return by email to
OR register online at
Family Name / First Name
Title / Position
Company / Institute
Billing Address incl. ZIP number
Company / Institute VAT number (tax ID number)
Attendance fee, from June 1 2015 € 800,-
Attendance fee, until May 31 2015 € 700.-
Attendance fee for wife/husband for conference
dinner Monday evening € 100,-
Tivoli Hotel
Arni Magnussonsgade 2-4
DK-1577 Kbh. V, Denmark
Contact: Tivoli Reserv. Dep.
Phone: +45 4487 0000
The early bird booking rate is valid till
July 5, 2015.
Direct booking link:
Early bird prices:
Single room DKK 1.195,Guest room, double DKK 1.395,The rate is per room and per night in
conjunction with the conference.
The rate includes service charge,
valid VAT and breakfast.
For early bird booking remember to
refer to ASHTRANS
Organizational Information
The conference is arranged by ASHTRANS:
Phone: +45 2641 7186
And Co-Organizer: