C L ER M O NT C O U N T Y C ON SE RVA T I O N P RO G R A M S Financial Assistance available for forests impacted by the Asian Longhorned Beetle Special Initiative Funding opportunities are currently available to landowners affected by the Asian Longhorned Beetle in the ALB quarantined areas of Clermont County through April 17th, 2015. The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) is taking applications through the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP). To request an application contact: Lori Lenhart Natural Resources Conservation Service (513) 732-2181, ext. 102 lori.lenhart@oh.usda.gov or Tim Wilson, ODNR Division of Forestry (937) 378-4920 Tim.Wilson@dnr.state.oh.us This special initiative provides financial and technical assistance for improving forests due to ALB disturbances. Controlling invasive species, such as honeysuckle, grapevine, and ailanthus, tree planting (in eligible areas), and forest stand improvement are a few of the practices being offered. EQIP is a popular program in the county for implementing conservation practices on cropland, pastureland, and forested land. “USDA is An Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer”
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