Newsletter 5th Edition March 2015 Word from The Chair Dear SMAI Members and Friends, Welcome to the New Year of 2015. At the beginning of a New Year we often stop to reflect on the past year and make resolutions for change and growth. In SMAI we have seen increased membership and activities throughout Indonesia in 2014 as well as new developments in our region. What was formerly Asia Suzuki Association (ASA) has now become an interim organization that will oversee the formation of a new association: Asia Region Suzuki Organization (ARSO). We are pleased with the increased openness and expansion of our networks throughout Asia and hope that we can forge new friendships and exchanges between Suzuki Method programs in neighboring Asian countries. This is one of our aims in the New Year. Another goal of SMAI in 2015 is to improve communication between members in Indonesia by being committed to our biannual newsletters: every February and August. We hope that all members will join us in supporting our efforts either by writing articles (always welcome!), sponsoring or passing the newsletter on to friends and family. At least monthly we will also send email updates - so be sure that your membership is up to date and the contact information is correct! Jl. Kalimantan 62 Ruko Plaza Espana North Lippo Village Tangerang 15811 Indonesia Phone: 0812 870 1726 (Adriana) 0816 736 741 (Yanti) 0812 8484 5623 (Yuli-Service in English) Fax: (021) 546 1772 Email : Website : What are your resolutions for the New Year? Is anything music related? Listening more to good classical music, going to concerts, or practicing an instrument? I know I would LOVE to practice everyday! Good practice leads to improved skills, more fun, faster learning and motivation to try something new and different whether a solo, chamber music or orchestra piece. Practice for a musician should help make playing an instrument easy. For a child to START practicing however isn’t always easy! This is when the parent and teacher have to take the difficult path of finding new creative, innovative and fun ways to spark motivation in a child. It is actually easier to say ‘practice because I said so!’ ‘practice because you will be in trouble if you don’t!’ ‘I don’t want to hear your excuses- just do it!’. But perhaps this new year we can say something more positive. For example: ‘let me listen to you practice that hard spot and count the repetitions for you- I bet after 20 times it will be easy!’ or ‘look at your 100 day practice chart- we have already practiced 15 days; let’s make today’s practice extra special and play your polished piece for Papa afterwards!’ or to a 4 year old- ‘let’s count every piece in Book 1 that you can play with…. (1 teaching point like- curved t h u m b) a n d f o r e a c h o n e y o u g e t… . (s m a r t i e s , s t i c ke r s , marble)-nothing wrong with occasional rewards and incentives! Start practice with an invitation to do something together: let’s….. thus the child knows they are not on this journey alone. Whatever your New Year’s resolutions don’t be discouraged if you fall and miss your target at times. There is always a new day, a new moment to start fresh and to make a difference a step at a time. Never hurry, never rest Therese Wirakesuma SMAI Chairman Dr. Shinichi Suzuki S U Z U K I M E T H O D I N I N D O N E S I A Bali Manado Famed Suzuki genius teacher Dr. Terry Durbin came to Bali on 7th December 2014, for an all too brief stay. We only had the chance to have a one day session with him. Students and teachers in New Harmonic Music Manado were so lucky for having chance to invite Mrs. Therese Wirakesuma and Mrs. Joel Suprapto as guest teachers in Manado Violin Camp on October 16-18, 2014 in Manado, North Sulawesi. Af t e r ro a m i n g a ro u n d t h e w i l d s o f C a n g g u , o u r a r r i v e d l a t e f o r t h e 1 s t g ro u p l e s s o n t o fi n d o u r students totally engaged and enthusiastically participating in his brillant fun and games. In a private lesson with one of our students he was able in 10 minutes to solve a posture problem we had been struggling with for months! I can not overstate how inspiring he was for me and my students. They remembered every detail of his teaching word for w o r d . We s i n c e r e l y h o p e h e w i l l r e t u r n s o o n t o Indonesia. We are lucky to have Terry in our lives. His magnificent example is one of the many reasons for my total dedication and involvement in our Suzuki method endeavors. Robert Brown, SMAI Teacher The classes went from morning to evening with participants of students and local violin teachers. Participants in P r e -Tw i n k l e Class, Grades, Chamber and Master Classes were so exc i ted , es p ec i a l l y t h e accompanying parents in Pre Twinkle Class: They were encouraged to act like their youngsters as the children felt happy playing with ‘dummy’ violins, singing and dancing together. The class activities closed with the Grand Concert on October 18 evening, held in Grand Kawanua City Walk, where all the ‘White-Black Costumed’ Students (Suzuki’s Stage Uniform), included Suzuki Piano Kids were performing together: From the youngest to the parents and beginners to advanced, all were united in Suzuki. Thanks to Mrs. Therese and Kak Joel for spending your valuable time and efforts, teaching a n d s h a r i n g t h e m o m e n t w i t h u s i n Ma n a d o . We b e l i e ve t h e l e c t u re s , d i s c u s s i o n s a n d i d e a s w i l l improve a better outcome in the future for each of us here. We hope the fresh memories with students and teachers in classes, and the City: The Corals, Beach, Mountains, Extreme Dishes and H o t- D r y S u m m e r We a t h e r w i l l retell you a good story about Manado in the future. Grace Hosea, Harmonic Music School Administrator S U Z U K I Medan M E T H O D I N I N D O N E S I A Suzuki Method Medan, Sumatra Conservatoire sekarang memiliki 10 orang murid. Mereka seminggu sekali belajar secara individu 30 menit,dan group lesson 60 menit. Setiap belajar d i ke l a s m e re ka d i m u l a i d e n g a n S ca l e d a n D a i l y Finger Exercise sebagai pemanasan. Sesekali saya mengambil foto, bow hand dan posture mereka. Supaya mereka bisa melihat, dan memperbaikinya. Sedangkan di group lesson mereka bermain lagu-lagu Suzuki dan kadang beberapa pieces yang m u d a h . A n a k- a n a k S u z u k i b e l a j a r d e n g a n ca ra hafalan dan fun sekali. Selalu ada cara untuk mengatasi kesulitan dalam belajar, dengan games dll. Tiap 3 bulan sekali anak2 selalu diwajibkan untuk tampil di acara home concert, bermain solo atau juga dengan group. Sumatra Conservatoire sangat mendukung sekali Suzuki method, berencana akan mengadakan string camp di Juni, mudah2an acara ini dapat terselenggara atas bantuan dan dukungan SMAI. Maulida Nur Isnaini, SMAI Teacher S U Z U K I M E T H O D I N I N D O N E S I A Probolinggo Surabaya Untuk pertama kalinya, Suzuki festival diadakan di Probolinggo pada tanggal 9-11 Januari 2015. Sebanyak 34 siswa – 20 siswa biola dan 14 siswa piano – turut berpartisipasi dalam beragam aktifitas seperti : master class, group lesson, orchestra, dan vocal training. Suzuki Programme di Surabaya memang masih belum sering diadakan. Untuk pertama kalinya MusiChords mencoba mengadakan "SII (Suzuki Institute of Indonesia)-Precamp" di Surabaya agar orangtua dan murid lebih mengenal dan mengerti tentang Suzuki method. Acara ini ditutup dengan grand concert dan g r a d u a t i o n c e r e m o n y. I n i a d a l a h G r a d u a t i o n C e re m o n y p e r t a m a s e j a k m e t o d e S u z u k i m u l a i diperkenalkan di Probolinggo tahun 2010. Terdapat 20 siswa-sisiwi Piano dan Biola yang telah berhasil menyelesaikan 1 tahap pembelajaran mereka. Program ini dibuat serupa dengan SII agar orangtua dan murid dapat memiliki gambaran mengenai SII yang tiap tahunnya diadakan di Jakarta. Selama 2 hari, pada siswa belajar bersama Mrs. Therese Wirakesuma (masterclass untuk violin), Mr. Stephen Cahyadi (masterclass untuk group lesson for piano), Suprapto Wiro Utomo (orchestra), Yasintha Pattiasina (group lesson untuk violin), dan Hannah Amanda (vocal training). Banyak pengalaman dan pembelajaran yang didapat. Banyak juga keseruan dan kegembiraan bersama. Yang terpenting, orang tua dapat berpartisipasi aktif dan terlibat dalam s e t i a p m o m e n t ya n g d i a l a m i a n a k- a n a k nya . I n i merupakan awal yang sangat baik untuk b e r ke m b a n g n y a S u z u k i M u s i c d i P r o b o l i n g g o . Semoga acara ini bisa menjadi agenda rutin setiap tahunnya. Hartanti, SMAI Teacher Ad a p u n ra n g ka i a n a ca ra d i b u a t d a l a m d u a h a r i d i m a n a m a s i n g - m a s i n g p e s e r ta m e n d a p a t ka n 2 individual lesson dan 2 group lesson. Selain itu ada pula sesi diskusi untuk orang tua agar mereka dapat bertanya lebih lanjut mengenai Suzuki dengan Mrs. Therese selaku ketua SMAI. Acara ditutup dengan Home Concert dimana masing-masing anak membawakan 2 lagu yg dipilih d a n d i l a t i h s e l a m a p ro g ra m b e r l a n g s u n g . Aca ra berlangsung dengan baik, berkat dukungan penuh dari SMAI dan Mrs.Therese Wirakesuma. Kami di Surabaya sangat mengharapkan acara seperti ini dapat rutin diadakan di Surabaya. Suzuki Program ini diadakan pada tanggal 6 dan 7 Januari 2015. Meski beberapa peserta seharusnya sudah masuk sekolah pada tanggal 7, mereka terlihat News Flash sangat antusias untuk mengikuti acara Suzuki ini secara penuh. Akhirnya orangtua dan murid sepakat u n t u k i j i n s e ko l a h y a n g ke b e t u l a n m a s i h h a r i pertama sekolah dimana biasanya sekolah masih belum terlalu padat di hari pertama. Adapun mereka rela ijin sekolah agar dapat fokus mengikuti program Suzuki secara full. Dampak positif setelah program Suzuki juga terlihat dari semangat belajar anak-anak yang semakin membara. Elizabeth sebagai pengajar mereka juga melihat adanya kemajuan yang signifikan setelah anak anak mengikuti Suzuki program, anak anak lebih disiplin dan rajin berlatih di rumah. salah satu o ra n g t u a p e s e r ta m e n g a ta ka n a n a k nya C l a r i ce (9 t h n) s e ka ra n g l e b i h s e m a n g a t b e r l a t i h s e t i a p harinya. Selain itu para orangtua juga mulai sadar untuk semakin mendukung anaknya dengan memberikan alat musik yg juga lebih berkualitas agar anak anaknya dapat lebih semangat berlatih. "Michael (9 thn) memulai belajar violin dengan metode Suzuki 7 bln lalu. Hampir tiap pagi tanpa disuruh Michael berlatih sendiri. Dengan mengikuti M a s t e r c l a s s 2 h a r i i n i d i a j a d i t a h u b a hwa l a g u sederhana jika dimainkan dgn benar hasilnya akan s a n g a t i n d a h . S aya s e n d i r i m e n d p t b a nya k i d e bahwa menemani anak berlatih bisa dengan cara yang menyenangkan. Sangat diharapkan kegiatan Masterclass ini diadakan rutin 2-3x/tahun di Surabaya utuk lebih memberikan nuansa belajar lain bagi anak2."-A- (Ibu dari Michael). Elizabeth Suryani, SMAI Teacher SMAI & ARSO Updates Over the past months there have been a number of meetings of the management of SMAI and ARSO (Asia Region Suzuki Organization). A brief summary is below: SMAI (Suzuki Music Association of Indonesia) 1. The following positions in the management b o a rd of d i re c to r s h a ve b e e n re e l e c te d o r newly elected: Chairman, Therese Wirakesuma Vice Chairman, Stephen Cahyadi, Secretary, S u p r a p t o W i r o U t o m o , Tr e a s u r e r, L e l y Kurniawan. 2. SMAI has been paying for ARSO teacher trainers to check and comment on graduation videos. Now that there are more graduations, SMAI management has decided to charge a Graduation Assessment Feeto cover the costs. The fee starts at Rp. 250,000 for book 1 for graduation assessments after the student gets a passing mark. We will continue to subsidize for graduations outside of Jakarta. This goes into effect for all graduation videos submitted January 2015 and later. ARSO (Asia Region Suzuki Organization) 1. SMAI is now under the umbrella of the International Suzuki Association while the new Asia region association is being set up. The interim organization is called ARSO. There are new by laws, teacher training regulations and a process for accepting new country members. Mrs. Therese is the representative for ARSO in the ISA board of directors. We look forward to seeing our region grow! 2. SMAI will be the host of the 6th Asia Suzuki Region Conference in Bali June 26-30. Put it on your calendar now! A R T I C L E Why Suzuki The Suzuki Method nurtures a child to become a beautiful human being, achieved when the parents are the pillars for the child's education to educate their child in a kind loving way. Suzuki Parent Education is needed to ensure that the parent and the teacher have the same understanding in educating the child. When the teacher and parent can work together, the child’s best potential is reached. *The fate of a child is in the hands of his parents Children learn everything from their parents. From this quote, lies the truth that the parents are the pillars or root for the child to reach their best in character and ability. The child only sees the teacher once or twice a week whereas the child sees their parents’ everyday. It is so important for the child to have a role model, who can guide and remind them on daily basis about the lesson they have received from the teacher. *Every child is unique, thus they need to be educated differently to reach the best potential of themselves. Every child has a different character, thus teacher and parent need to adjust their teaching to the individual child. There are children who will imitate instantly what the teacher show them; there are children who need an explanation with stories. Every child can be educated; it’s the teacher and parent’s task to find the best way to teach them. As an example: when I asked one of my students who talkative to be quiet and I ignored everything the child said, before long the child was also ignoring my instructions. The child imitated my behaviour. The next week, I allowed the child to talk while holding the bow properly and at times I checked the bow hand. And it worked! I let the child be his true self, while learning how to hold the bow hand properly. *Why should parents attend the lesson? By attending the lesson, the parent can observe and take notes on how the teacher teaches the child so then the parent would be able to do the same as the Home Teacher. From the parent, the teacher can better understand the child’s behavior and habits. The teacher and parent get to know more about the child; what their likes or dislikes are, when they feel sad, angry, and so on-thus together they can deal with negative situations and even prevent them from happenings with a kind and loving manner. *The child reflects the parents’ attitude Please remember to have quality time for your children. Despite the parents’ daily routine and responsibilities, it is important to be present for your child-your mind, soul, and body. Try to notice the environment during the violin group lesson. If there’s a child who really pays attention to the teacher, you can see that the parent pays attention as well. And if there’s a child who has a hard time to concentrate, it may surprise you to see what the parent is doing during the lesson. Ideally, before a child learns how to play, the parent ought to to take a Suzuki Parent Education Program and learn the instrument in advance, because it’s in the child’s nature to want to do the same as their parent. This training would give a chance for the parent to nurture the child’s desire to learn the instrument and also developed the child’s ability to play by ear because they have observed how the parent practices and and have listened to the CD. The right time for the parent to practice is when the parent feels relaxed and calm; when the child is awake and around the house. Once a n d a w h i l e t h e c h i l d ca n s ee a n d l i s ten to yo ur practicing. For this reason, make sure that you are free from any interruptions, cellphones etc. you have to communicate this to the entire family. After you have decided on your practice time, you need to commit to it. Let the child wander or sit near by, but if they interrupt your practice, say gently, “Dear, Mommy (or Daddy) is practicing now, let’s talk later after I finish my practicing.” After a few months observing the parent’s practicing and listening, the parent gains the confidence to help their child and the child would be confidence coming to the lesson because they have the music inside of them. Thus, the parent has become a role model in how to practice and be committed to it. To ponder upon: To grow a tree that produces sweet fruit, it’s not the fruit that we need to take good care of, but instead, it’s the seed since the beginning. Each day we carefully take good care of the seed, make sure it’s planted in a fertile soil, has enough sunlight, water. In this matter, the seed (the child), since the beginning needs the best support from the parent. And the support from the environment which is conditioned by the parent, for instance, by making these activities as a habit: for example listening to a variety of classical music, enjoying a live classical music concert, encouraging the child to perform in a family’s event, and so on. Crescentia Edith Lawanto SMAI Violin Teacher Violin Teacher Training Pelatihan guru Suzuki kembali diadakan pada tanggal 9-13 Oktober 2014 yang lampau. Dihadiri oleh 13 orang guru dari berbagai daerah, Teacher Trainer yang datang dan mengajar adalah Dr. Lan Ku Chen yang didampingi istrinya, Hoie Tsu Chen. Kelas Dr Chen dan istrinya selalu menyenangkan. Ide-ide mengenai cara mengajar buku 2 yang disampaikan sangatlah menarik dan praktis untuk dilakukan, serta memberi banyak insight bagi para guru untuk bisa sekreatif mungkin dalam mengajar. Materi ajar yang terlihat sulit dan rumit menjadi menarik dan praktis untuk diajarkan. Penjelasan Dr Chen dan istrinya selalu mengandung nilai p e n d i d i ka n y a n g m e n d a l a m , y a n g b e r d a s a r ka n pada pengetahuan dan pengalaman mengajar s e l a m a p u l u h a n t a h u n . H a l i n i m e r u p a ka n b u k t i kecintaan dan dedikasi Dr Chen dan istrinya terhadap pengajaran biola melalui metode Suzuki. Me re ka j u g a m e n g e m u ka ka n b a hwa m u s i ka l i ta s adalah sesuatu yang perlu diajarkan sejak tahap awal bermain biola. Dengan mengasah musikalitas, anak terbiasa untuk mengenali keindahan musik, sehingga pada akhirnya anak memainkan musik yang indah melalui instrumen, tidak hanya bermain i n s t r u m e n s e m a ta . S e l a i n m e n i t i k b e ra t ka n p a d a poin-poin pengajaran buku Suzuki 2, bagian yang juga penting dalam pelatihan ini adalah pembahasan mengenai permainan biola guru, dimana guru menerima umpan balik mengenai p e r m a i n a n m a s i n g - m a s i n g , ya n g n a n t i nya a ka n memperkaya guru dalam pengajarannya. Dr. Chen dan istrinya selalu memberikan kritik yang m e m b a n g u n d a l a m ca ra y a n g p o s i t i f, s e h i n g g a memotivasi guru untuk mengembangkan diri mereka, baik dalam mengajar maupun dalam permainan biola individual. Mengikuti pelatihan ini me r u pakan pengal am an yang sangat berh a rga . S e b a g a i s e o r a n g g u r u , s a y a m e r a s a d i p e r ka y a dalam pengetahuan akan mengajar biola sekaligus menyadari betapa banyaknya hal yang belum saya ketahui, sehingga hal ini menjadi motivasi bagi saya untuk selalu mengembangkan d i r i d a l a m mengajar. Yasintha Pattiasina, SMAI Violin Teacher For children from Children I like playing violin. I want to play violin because I heard and saw my sister had been playing violin since I was a baby. I also came to my sister’s c o n c e r t s a n d performances and I think they are cool. Now, I enjoy playing violin with my friends. We can make funny noises with it too. I like playing violin in malls because people in the mall get to see and hear our performance. I also like playing violin during the school home concert. Playing together with friends and teachers are fun. Today, my friends and I are playing violin in Sang Timur to entertain kids with disabilities. We played various Christmas songs. I thank God for the talent t h a t He g a ve s o t h a t ot h e r p e o p l e ca n e n j oy o u r performances. But I have to go through the hardship of practicing and listening to the Suzuki music everyday. I don’t like it when mom makes me practice when I don’t feel like to and when I have many h o m e wo r ks . B u t I a m happy when I can play new song well and memorized it. My best moment was when I got koala’s doll from ANZCA examiner a f t e r fi n i s h i n g t h e exa m . I wa s s o h a p py that I left the room carrying the koala but leaving my violin in the examination room. I wish to get another doll again when I take next examination. By Clarice Tantra (8 Years Old) Cred it: Cael y Calli sta, 7 SMAI Students Bring Joy and Love to Sekolah Luar Biasa - Sang Timur. On 12th December 2014, SMAI students together with all the 2nd grader o f S e ko l a h P e l i t a Harapan L i p p o V i l l a g e ( Le f t t o R i g h t ) C o n n o r, E d w a r d , went to James, Eliana, Clarice, Caely. Sang Timur to ce l e b ra te C h r i s t m a s . T h e s t u d e n t s t h e re h a ve disabilities such as down-syndrome, autism, and learning disabilities. We arrived at 9 am by bus. After we played games and sang songs, the SMAI students played violin. There were six of us and we performed five songs: t h re e p i e ce s f ro m S u z u k i V i o l i n b o o k 1 a n d t w o Christmas songs. I led the group when we performed i n f ro n t of a u d i e n ce , a p p rox i m a te l y 1 3 0 p e o p l e . Everyone was silent and enjoyed our performance. We heard cheers and claps at the end of each song. While we were ending our 4th song, I got a shock!! T h e D S t r i n g fl u n g u p f r o m m y violin. Can you imagine a leader t h a r p l a ys v i o l i n w i t h o n l y t h re e strings? Is that weird, not so weird, or not weird at all?? Please answer it by yourself. There you go... Eventhough my D String broke off, I continued to lead the 5th song. After we performed all five songs, there was a big long round applause from the audience. With our violin, we brought joy and Year s Old s h a re d l ove to t h e s t u d e n t s a n d teachers at Sang Timur. Bravo to all SMAI buddies that joined me on stage that day. We returned to our school at 11 am. What an awesome experience! By Edward Chang (8 Years Old) A R T I C L E Student Story Music - Language without Barriers W h e n I b e g a n l e a r n i n g v i o l i n I wo u l d h a ve o n e individual lesson a week, and a group lesson every Saturday with the other students who were at a similar level to myself. In these group lessons we would practice techniques together, review pieces from the repertoire, and also take turns leading the playing of songs. Even though we all had different backgrounds and personalities, we easily bonded through the music to form a community. Playing with others is a truly amazing experience, and is my absolute favourite part of violin. In May 2013, I took part in the 16th Suzuki World Convention, in Matsumoto. This was an inspirational experience, for me and my friends from New Zealand also attending the convention. On the first day, they had a list of all the different countries participating. This shocked me as to how many countries were involved in the Suzuki method. In our classes, I had been separated from my friends and was amongst mainly Japanese students, I was alone, or so I thought. During the first class we played La Folia, after looking around at all the others I reminded myself, I didn’t need to speak Japanese, Dutch or even English. All I needed was the music. The m o s t fa n ta s t i c a s p e c t of m u s i c i s t h e a b i l i t y to communicate with all those around us. Music brought us all to the same location so we could communicate and enjoy the music together. I currently am living in Jakarta although there aren’t as many group classes, there is a friendly sense of community. I truly love it in Jakarta, it has really given me more opportunities to learn other pieces outside the re p e r to i re . I a m ve r y g ra tef u l fo r t h i s a m a z i n g experience, it has changed who I am and my perspective on music, whether it be from the Suzuki books or not. Just as in Japan where I could not speak to the other students, same goes for here. Some students only speak Indonesian, meaning the only language we can speak together is music. Music is something special; it should be treasured and respected, used to communicate w h e n w o rd s ca n n o t e x p re s s ones-self. Music brings together the most unlikely of people; it builds beautiful friendships and unbreakable bonds. It can turn individuals into communities, communities into nations and n a t i o n s i n to a u n i fi e d wo r l d . Music together, forever. Olivia Coup (14 Years Old) Parents Story Setiap usaha berbanding lurus dengan hasilnya Pengalaman saya selama 3 tahun mendampingi putrid saya Naya begitu penuh warna. Ada banyak tawa & tangis … seperti naik “ r o l l e r c o s t e r ”. P a d a periode awal latihan (umur 3thn 10bln umurnya waktu itu), setiap prosesnya terasa menyenangkan Naya begitu bersemangat, lagu demi lagu dikuasai Naya tanpa halangan berarti. Penampilan di muka umum pertama kali bersama teman2nya di sebuah café membawakan lagu lightly Row & Twinkle Little star. Lagu yang sama pun ditampilkannya pada saat perayaan ulang tahun Naya yang ke 4. Bangga... tentusaja, melihat semangatnya kami pun mengikuti Summer Camp Suzuki tahun 2012 di Jakarta. Ternyata kesenangan itu tidak berlangsung lama, tantangan sebenarnya baru dimulai. Entah apa sebabnya mendadak mood Naya berubah total. Semangat latihannya hilang tanpa jejak. Seperti naik roller coster, saat itu kami sedang terjun turun & jungkir balik. Naya jadi “ogah” latihan, waktu lesnya sebagian besar dihabiskan dengan “pembinaan” yang direspon Naya dengan tangisan. Pusing, bingung, marah, tapi saya tahu bahwa situasi ini bukan untuk diratapi. Segera bersama Tanti gurunya, kami berusaha menemukan penyebab dan mencari solusi. Setiap trik yang tidak berhasil berarti saatnya mencoba trik yang lain. Sabar.. sabaaarr dan tidak menyerah. Lebih baik jalan ditempat daripada mundur dan berusaha untuk terus melangkah maju meski kecil2. Dan akhirnya setelah kurang lebih 6 bulan, periode “jungkir balik” ini berhasil kami lalui. Naya berhasil menyelesaikan buku 1 dan saat ini sedang mempelajari buku 2. Alhamdulillah… Bahkan prestasi membanggakan mampu diukir Naya. Dengan membawakan J.S. Bach Musette, Naya berhasil meraih 1st Prize katagori Beginner A pada LCM Youth Music Competition di Surabaya November 2014 lalu. Saya sangat bersyukur dengan terus mendampingi Naya, masa sulit kami terlewati. Profil: Hermaliana, S.T,MM (35 thn) I b u d a r i A i l e e n Na u ra At h a ya & D a s ta n Na d h i f Razandra W O R D PA RT S O F T H E V I O L I N F I N D P H O T O ASIA SUZUKI G R A D U AT I O N 2 0 1 4 PIANO ACTIVITIES SII 2014 G A L L E R Y C A L E N D A R J U N E 2 9 - J U LY 3 2 0 1 4 MARCH O F E V E N T S SUZ UKI WO RKSH O PS IN SURABAYA AND PRO BOLINGGO NEWSL ET T ER #1 MARCH 15-20 B O O K 1 VI O L I N T EACH E R T RAI NI NG CO URSE MARCH 21-23 SAVE-VI O L I N T ECH NI QU E CO URSE FO R VI O L I NI STS APRIL 13-17 B O O K 3 PI ANO T EACH E R T RAI NI NG CO URSE M AY 1 7 SM AI JAKARTA AREA GRAND CO NCERT JUNE 19-21 SUZ UKI WO RKSH O P I N M EDAN J U N E 2 9 - J U LY 3 20 15 SUZ UKI I NST I T UTE O F I ND O NESI A 2 0 15 AUGUST NEWSL ET T ER #2 OCTOBER VI O L I N T EACH ER T RAI NI NG NOVEMBER SUZ UKI CAM P I N M ANAD O JUNE 2016 ARSO CO NFERENCE I N BAL I 2 0 1 5
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