ServerCAR® Quick Start Guide An illustrated introductory guide to using Server Consolidation Analysis Resource tool This presentation, including any supporting materials, is owned by Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates and is for the sole use of the intended Gartner audience or other authorized recipients. This presentation may contain information that is confidential, proprietary or otherwise legally protected, and it may not be further copied, distributed or publicly displayed without the express written permission of Gartner, Inc. or its affiliates. © 2015 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ServerCAR® Overview ServerCAR is an web based tool to analyze server consolidation scenarios. You first import or create a list of existing (installed) servers, then create a list of replacement (target) servers. You can optionally specify more details such as workload type and the amount of installed memory. ServerCAR automatically provides an analysis of the performance and environmental differences between the installed and target servers. By adjusting server counts and target utilization levels, you can determine the number and configuration of target servers necessary to match the performance of the installed servers. Most of these actions are done in the ServerCAR project Workspace, pictured below. The Workspace features three distinct areas, or panes : Analysis, Installed server list, and Target server list. View performance, memory, space, and environmental benefits of your proposed consolidation in the Analysis Pane Import or create a list of servers you are planning to consolidate or replace in the Installed Pane ServerCAR home page Project Workspace The Add Servers tool lets you manually choose Installed or Target servers Define possible consolidation solutions in the Target Pane The Target Server Wizard guides you through choosing servers you plan to consolidate onto. Add Servers window Target Server Wizard You can save your project for later recall and update, export to a spreadsheet, or analyze electricity cost savings and carbon emission reductions using the integrated Carbon Calculator. April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide 2 Using the Home Page ServerCAR home page provides a main menu, a direct link to the project Workspace, links to saved documents, common tasks and external information, as well as What’s New and Latest Updates. QuickView provides a look-up search for server descriptions My Profiles lets you edit your registration profile, display settings, and Alert subscriptions Open the project Workspace Consolidate multiple projects together for a combined analysis Import an inventory of servers with Smart Import Personalize server definitions on the Custom Servers page View all recent changes to RPE2 and power data with the Server Watch tool On-line User Guide, email support & feedback, plus background information on the RPE2 performance estimates used in ServerCAR Click the What’s New headings for descriptions of the latest enhancements to ServerCAR Latest Updates highlights the most recent server models added into this tool, and other significant data changes My Documents provides access to your saved projects in ServerCAR and other Competitive Profiles modules Tasks provides links to the most common functions or information resources using plain English descriptions. Note that some links duplicate main menu functions April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide 3 Project Workspace Overview This page provides an overview of the project Workspace, while the following pages of this guide describe the project Workspace operation in more detail. The core functions of ServerCAR are carried out using the project Workspace and the associated Add Server and Target Server Wizard functions. The project Workspace has three distinct areas, or panes. These are named Analysis, Installed and Target. Above these three panes, there is the main menu bar and options to manage your projects. The project management area includes functions to save, recall and delete projects, and to customize your view of the Workspace The Workload Type selects the metric to use to represent the performance capacity of each server Installed Pane lists the servers you are planning to consolidate or replace. Servers can be added using the Add Servers button, or by using the optional Smart Import tool Analysis Pane provides estimated benefits in performance, memory, number of servers, server space, power and cooling Target Pane are the servers onto which you plan on consolidate. Target servers can be added with the Add Servers button, or by using the Target Server Wizard In the Analysis pane are graphical and numerical displays to show the computing and memory capacity differences between Installed servers and target servers Power and heat values shown in Workspace depend on the power data option selected in My Profile HINT: Each of the three panes, Analysis, Installed and Target, can be collapsed or expanded as required to optimize screen real estate. Simply click on the or the symbol as required. April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide 4 Creating a new Project First, create a New Project and choose the Workload Type If you have an existing project displayed, click Existing function or select New Project from the Open Select the type of application that is running on installed servers by choosing a Workload Type from the drop-down menu under the Project name: The Workload Type will define which RPE2 performance metric will be used to represent server performance capacity for the consolidation analysis. There are five available workload types: Composite, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Java, OLTP, and Compute Intensive. HINT! If you are running a mix of different workload types, or if your application does not match one of the ServerCAR Workload Types, choose the Composite type. Second, create your Installed servers listing There are two options to build a list of installed servers. Using Add Servers, as described following, or by using Smart Import – please refer to the separate Quick Start Guide provided with Smart Import. 1. Click Add Servers button in the Installed server pane. The Add Servers Search window will open as a pop-up. 2. Use the relevant search options and then click Search to list servers matching your criteria in the ServerCAR database. Search Tips provides more information on how to best use the search options. Reset criteria returns the search options to the default state. April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide 5 Creating a new Project - continued 3. From the Search Results, select the server or servers matching your actual installed servers, and click Add to Installed. Repeat Steps 1 - 3 until you have fully populated the Installed servers list. 4. Once your Installed servers list is prepared, use the Count field to indicate how many of those servers you have. Enter values in the optional Utilization % and Memory fields, if known. ServerCAR will assume 100% utilization and maximum memory if the Utilization or Memory fields are left blank. Alternatively, you can assign global utilization and memory values in the Analysis pane. HINT! Use a fraction in the Count field (e.g. 0.25) to represent a slide of a single server, such as a partition or virtual machine. Third, create your target server or servers listing There are two options to build a list of target servers. You can use the Target Server Wizard to automatically choose target servers that best match your criteria, or you can manually select servers with the Add Servers button. To Add Servers using the Target Server Wizard: 1. Click the Target Server Wizard button to launch the Target Server Wizard in a new window. 2. In Step 1 of the Target Server Wizard, filter the potential target server products by high level characteristics, such as server form factor, architecture, and chip profiles. A count of potential products from each vendor is dynamically updated as you limit criteria. 3. In Step 2 of the Target Server Wizard, you will see the potential server products that match your criteria. Pick one or more server products. Configurations of these server products that match the “best of” criteria from Step 1 will be shown in Step 3. April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide 6 Creating a new Project - continued 4. In Step 3 of the Target Server Wizard, you are shown configurations for each server product, along with the number of servers needed to match your performance target. Sorting options and a ranking system let you compare these configurations based on various metrics, such as performance per server. Select one configuration from Step 3 to import back into the Target Pane in the Workspace. For more information about using the Target Server Wizard, please refer to the separate Target Server Wizard Quick Start Guide. Instead of using the Target Server Wizard, you can manually Add Servers as described below: 1. Click Add Servers from the empty target servers list. 2. Use the relevant search options to list the matching server or servers in the ServerCAR database. Selecting “Currently Marketed only” can be helpful to filter selections if you are intending to purchase the target server(s). 3. Using the information provided in the Search Results list, select the target server or servers desired, optionally with a range of chip/core options to be evaluated, and click Add to Target You now have a list of Installed servers with their Counts and optional Utilization % and Memory factors, and have selected target server or servers as replacements. In creating these server lists, performance and environmental data is automatically included. April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide 7 Creating a new Project - continued You now use the bar graph and numbers in the Analysis pane to compare the computing capacity and memory of the Installed servers to that delivered by the target servers. The Analysis pane also allows you to apply a Growth factor to your Installed servers. You can also apply an optional Average Utilization % factor, Virtualization Overhead % factor , and Memory Max % factor to use for any installed or target servers that don’t explicitly include that data. The Installed Performance + Growth compute capacity bar is driven from the Workload Type, the Installed server selections, Count, any optional Utilization factors, plus an optional Growth factor. A green dot indicates a user-defined Custom Server The Installed memory bar is driven from the Installed server selections, Count, any optional Installed memory amount memory, and the optional global Memory Max % factor Applying a global Average Utilization % does not overwrite Utilization % entered at a server level. The Target Performance achieved bar is driven from the Workload Type, the target server selection, Count and optional Average Utilization % factor. The global Max Memory % defines memory amount for servers whose memory is not defined in Installed or Target panes Local Utilization % entered by user or automatically from Smart Import. The Target memory bar is driven from the target server selections, Count, any optional target memory, and the optional global Max Memory % factor The Analysis pane provides details of the physical and environmental benefits. April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide 8 Additional Workspace Features The project data can be exported from the Workspace into Excel using the “Export” link in the upper right of the Workspace. You can delete or clone rows in the Installed and Target panes by marking the row (checking on the box at the right edge of the row), then clicking the appropriate command at the bottom of the pane. By selecting a row and clicking Ignore, you can cause ServerCAR to exclude that row from the project analysis. This is a convenient way to allow you to place multiple potential solutions in the Target pane, and then selectively analyze each solution independently. Rows marked Ignore will be in faded, italic text. You can re-include Ignored rows back into the analysis by selecting the row and clicking Restore. Buttons to Delete, Clone, Ignore, and Restore a selected row appear at the bottom of both the Installed and Target panes Rows that were chosen to be Ignored appear in faded, italic text To select one or more rows, check the box in the “Mark” column for that row, then click the desired command button If you have licensed Competitive Profiles as well as ServerCAR, you can click on a server description to see its profile information in Competitive Profiles. In addition, it is easy to create a comparison of installed versus target servers, or even compare target server options, all backed up by the extensive data and tools in Competitive Profiles. Click the server description to open the product profile information in Competitive Profiles Click Compare to create a side-side comparison in Competitive Profiles April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide 9 Adjusting Workspace view You can control which columns are displayed in the Workspace by using the column controls above the Analysis pane. The Hide columns / Show hidden columns link will toggle between showing all columns and showing only those you’ve selected in your General Preferences. Modify column views will open your General Preferences (see below), where you can choose which columns you want displayed on the Workspace. Fields that are checked in this General Preferences will remain visible when you click Hide Columns in the Workspace. HINT! You can hide columns to minimize the size of your Workspace window while still keeping visible the data that you want to see for your project. All hidden columns will appear in a project export. April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide 10 Choosing power data type ServerCAR contains power consumption estimates for servers under two different configuration scenarios, called power data types.. You can select which power data type that ServerCAR should use in the General Preferences tab of the My Profile area. A message indicating which power data type is being used is shown in Workspace, and is also included in other screens and exports. When using the server power data associated with Sample Configurations (called “sample power data”), power values for servers assume that the servers contain the same options used in the sample configurations in CPServers. These sample configurations are defined such that similar servers contain the same type and number of options ,such as hard drives. When using the server power data associated with Worst Case Configurations (called “worst case data”), power values for servers assume that each server is configured with the most options that the server can support.. Choose the power data type in the General Preferences tab of the My Profile menu. HINT! Using the Sample power data type is most appropriate when you which to compare servers that are going to be configured similarly to each other, such as with the same number of internal hard drives. April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide 11 Custom Servers ServerCAR includes the ability to add your own server definitions into the built-in library of hardware products. This lets you extend ServerCAR analyses to include additional vendors, products, or server types; or to supply your own environmental or performance data. For example, Custom Servers could represent self-built servers, converged systems, non-server devices, and virtual machines. Click on Custom Servers in the blue navigation bar A list of Custom Servers that you have created appears on the main Custom Servers page. From this page, you can add, edit, or delete your personalized server definitions. Click on the Create a custom server at the top of the Custom Servers page to make a new server definition. Create a new custom server Edit or Delete Custom Servers that you have created When you create a Custom Server, you define characteristics such as environmental and performance attributes. You can create your own values for these attributes, or you can copy them from other server definitions in the Gartner database. The Description text is used throughout ServerCAR as the name for your Custom Server. If you do not define a parameter for a Custom Server, ServerCAR will use a default value of 0 for that parameter when the Custom Server is used in a server consolidation analysis. Except for the Description, all fields are optional In addition to creating Custom Servers for your personal use, you can share Custom Servers with other users using the Publications feature. April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide 12 Custom Servers – Virtual Machine Wizard The Virtual Machine Wizard simplifies the creation of Custom Server records used to model virtual machines. This Wizard defines a virtual machine as a fraction of the host physical server. You choose a host physical server, core count(s), and optionally memory amount(s), and the Wizard will create Custom Servers that include appropriate specifications, performance, and power consumption estimates. When you start the wizard, first select the physical server that represents the host of the virtual machine(s). Select a core count that represents the fraction of the physical server used by the virtual machine. Click this button to generate a standardized Description for this virtual machine. Alternatively, you can enter your own Description Virtual Machines that you have defined are listed here. Click “Create Custom Servers” to save these records into ServerCAR. April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide 13 Managing Projects One of the first things you may want to do after creating a project is to save it. ServerCAR enables you to save your projects, secured under your user profile. Only you can access your saved projects. Saved projects remain available until you delete them. Enter project name Click Save Project When you Save a project, the Workload Type selected is saved as well. ServerCAR will also highlight if you have unsaved changes to a project you have previously saved, as a prompt to save those changes if desired. You can recall or delete a saved project using the Open Existing selection tool. This tool provides an expanding selection process by clicking on the + symbols. An example of an expanded saved projects structure is: Click to start a new project Click on a project name to open it in your project Workspace. You will be prompted to save any existing open project. Fully expand a project entry by clicking the + symbol to access the Delete function. The Load function duplicates clicking on the project name. NOTE: When you create a project in ServerCAR, it is retained in your project Workspace even if you save the project or close the browser session. This is a temporary project storage area that will be overwritten if you start a new project or load an existing project. Of course, you will receive a warning message to save your project in those circumstances. When you make changes to the data for the project in your project Workspace data, ServerCAR works with the browser software to ensure your changes to the temporary project Workspace aren’t lost if you close the browser or navigate away. You will see messages appear in the browser in these circumstances. It is of course advisable to save project data changes regularly using the Save Project function as above. April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide 14 Sharing Projects You can share your saved projects with other Competitive Profiles users. Projects are shared using the Publications feature, which can be accessed from a link on the Tasks menu in the ServerCAR home page. A Publication is like an electronic envelope in which you send selected documents to others. It works by sending links (URLs) to other users via email. When the user clicks on that link, the project will open in their ServerCAR workspace. They can simply view it, or save it as per one of their own projects. Only saved project can be shared with other users. Any updates you make to the project after sharing and prior to the recipient opening the link will be included in that user’s copy. On the ServerCAR home page, click the “Share ServerCAR project…” link Enter a title for your publication, and optional notes. You can also password protect the project. In Step 2, select a project from the directory tree to share. In Step 3, enter the recipient’s email address and an optional message to include in an email. Click Send Email when completed. April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide 15 Consolidating Multiple Projects ServerCAR includes the ability to combine the benefits analysis from multiple projects. Click on Consolidation in the main menu On the Consolidation page, open the Select Project: function and saved projects list by clicking on the + symbols. Then simply select the projects you wish to combine the benefits for by clicking on the project names. You will then have a table with the combined benefits of the selected projects and the selected project summaries. This information can be exported to Excel using the link provided, or using copy/paste. To remove a project from your consolidation group, click the remove this project link April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide 16 Carbon Calculator ServerCAR includes an integrated Carbon Calculator designed to provide you with rapid analysis of electricity cost savings and CO2e and carbon emission reductions from consolidation projects. To access the Carbon Calculator, click the Carbon Calculator link located at the right hand side of the project management area in both the ServerCAR Workspace and Consolidation pages. There are three distinct areas on the Carbon Calculator page: 1. The project benefits analysis table * 2. The Carbon Calculator panel itself 3. The Cost and Conversion Parameters panel. * From the current Workspace project, or for multiple projects from the Consolidation page. The Carbon Calculator combines information from a ServerCAR project benefits analysis with a number of parameters, including location specific CO2e conversion factors and electricity costs or your own custom factors to produce its outcomes. The complete information can be exported to a spreadsheet for further personal analysis. Click to create a project summary report in PDF form. Above is an example of a Carbon Calculator analysis for multiple projects. CO2e stands for CO2 equivalent. Note that on your first access to the Carbon Calculator, there will be no calculations until you’ve selected the location to base the Cost and Conversion Parameters factors on. April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide 17 Setting Cost and Conversion Parameters The ServerCAR Carbon Calculator combines information from three points: • the project benefits analysis table • optional selections within the Carbon Calculator itself • factors from the Cost and Conversion Parameters On your first access to the Carbon Calculator, Use IDEAS factors will be selected by default. The Carbon Calculator can operate with either the IDEAS supplied location factors or any custom factors you have previously saved. Your previous selection will be remembered. Use the My location selector to choose the country to base the Carbon Calculator calculations on, then any secondary selection offered, such as state where applicable. Note that not every country selection will have a secondary selection. You have the option to set parameters for situations where the installed and target server locations are different. Your location selection will determine the factors for electricity cost and electricity consumption to CO2e conversion. Sources of this data are shown. The default factors for datacenter operational hours per annum and air conditioning electricity consumption will be consistent between all locations in the IDEAS factors. Inclusion of the air conditioning savings is on by default, but can be switched off in the Carbon Calculator calculations if either you are not sure which option to use, or specifically do not wish to include air conditioning electricity savings in the Carbon Calculator calculations. Note that you can overwrite or change any of these parameters (apart from the CO2e to carbon factor) and those changes will be applied automatically in the Carbon Calculator panel calculations. Your factor and selection changes however will not permanently overwrite the IDEAS factors. April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide 18 Setting and Using Custom Factors The ServerCAR Carbon Calculator allows you to create, save and recall custom factors . This feature can be useful where you have specific factors you want to be able to store and reuse. An example may be where you have specific negotiated electricity costs and want to use that value but with the other IDEAS values for the selected location. You can base your custom factors on an IDEAS set of location factors, only changing a specific value or values and save these while retaining the unchanged IDEAS factors, or create a completely new set of factors. To create a set of custom factors, click the Use my factors option. The immediately previous factor settings are still displayed, you can overwrite desired factors and change default settings. Options are provided to select the price currency for electricity cost and lbs or kgs for the CO2e conversion factor. The complete set of factors and selections will be saved under your custom factor name, not just the ones you changed. This includes the cooling calculation option and default value. You can also delete previously saved custom factors that are no longer required. To use your custom factors, simply select Use my factors and select the specific custom factors required in a similar manner to choosing a location. To delete a set of saved custom factors, simply select the factors you wish to delete and click OK. Note that the Save and Delete functions for custom factors are only visible when Use my factors is selected. April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide 19 Carbon Calculator outcomes The ServerCAR Carbon Calculator produces outcomes from a server replacement or consolidation project or multiple projects in terms of annualized electricity savings, reductions in emissions of both CO2e and carbon as well as the carbon footprint reduction percentage. It uses location based or custom factors described previously along with the project benefit analysis information as two of its three data inputs. The third source of input factors is located within the Carbon Calculator panel itself. The Carbon Calculator panel provides the choice of using Maximum power and heat values or Utilized power and heat values. This selection defaults to Utilized power and heat as representing the most accurate estimate. You can also choose metric or imperial for the units in the calculations. Your selection is remembered for next access. The Carbon Calculator will provide a breakdown for both the installed and target servers as well as the reductions obtained. An example of a Carbon Calculator analysis is: April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide 20 QuickView QuickView lets you make ad hoc searches of the ServerCAR server configuration database, collect multiple results into a Basket, and then export data on those configurations into an Excel file. Click on QuickView in the main menu An enhanced Search capability in the first pane of QuickView allows you to quickly find specific configurations in the ServerCAR database. HINT! Selecting “Currently Marketed only” can be helpful to filter selections if you are intending to purchase the target server(s). You can select multiple configurations from the Results pane and move them into your Basket of results. More information about Individual configurations can be viewed by clicking the + symbol The contents of the Basket are retained until you delete them, so that you can assemble a Basket with results from more than one search. April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide 21 ServerCAR Watch The ServerCAR Watch tool allows you to browse a list of recent changes in RPE2 and power consumption data. Click on Server Watch in the main menu Choose whether to browse changes that have occurred in the last day, week, month, or quarter Choose whether you want to see servers that have updated RPE2 values, maximum power values, or idle power values. Check this box to restrict the report to those servers used in one of your saved Projects Only those server descriptions which have a change matching the filter criteria will be included in the tree view April 2015 Before, After, and the change amount (in percent) is shown. RPE2 numbers may or may not be visible on this screen, depending on your license rights. ServerCAR Quick Start Guide If the listed server appears in one of your saved ServerCAR Projects, the name of that project will be listed here. 22 Alerts Management Alerts Management allows you to subscribe to push emails that will alert you when RPE2 or power consumption estimates in ServerCAR have changed. Access ServerCAR Alerts Management from the My Profiles tab on the main menu: Alerts are sent to the email address listed in your Registration Profile. For alerts covering change in performance (RPE2) and power consumption values, choose a single frequency (daily, weekly, or monthly) that governs how often a report might be sent to you. All alerts will be included in a single email. In addition to changes to existing values, you can also configure a Product Alert that will send you an email when a new server model is added to the ServerCAR database. Choose how often you wish to receive an emailed report of changes. Define the server(s) for which you would like an alert when a data value changes. You can select all servers from a vendor, or choose only a family, model, or single configuration of a server. Product Alerts, generated when a new server model is added into the ServerCAR database, are always sent on a daily basis. April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide To configure an alert when a performance value (RPE2 value) changes, check the “RPE2” box. For alerts when a power consumption value changes, check the “Power” box. Chose how large a change must occur before triggering an alert. 23 Help and Support ServerCAR includes comprehensive help and support features as part of the subscription. Help and Support features include this Quick Start Guide, an on-line User Guide with context sensitive access, and email based support for “how to” usage queries and support for queries on the ServerCAR data. Access to explanatory information regarding Gartner Relative Performance Estimate Version 2 (RPE2) is also included on-line. This Quick Start Guide is accessible from the link on the ServerCAR home page, underneath Tasks. Help from the main menu opens to provide access to the on-line User Guide. Click Support to place an email support request with IDEAS support staff. Feedback provides an email channel for you to make suggestions regarding current features of the product, or offer suggestions for enhancements. About RPE2 provides on-line PDF documentation on this unique server relative performance data. Click the Help icon at the top right on any page to open the on-line User Guide April 2015 ServerCAR Quick Start Guide 24
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