Limnol. Oceanogr., 31(l), 1986, 79-88 0 1986, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. . Sources of carbon and sulfur nutrition for consumers in three meromictic lakes of New -York State’ Brian Fry2 Department of Biology, Jordan Hall 142, Indiana University, Bloomington 47405 Abstract The trophic importance of bacterioplankton as a source of carbon and sulfur nutrition for consumers in meromictic lakes was tested using stable carbon (613C)and sulfur (c?~~S) isotopic measurements. Studies in three lakes near Syracuse, New York, showed that most consumers ultimately derive their C and S nutrition from a mixture of terrestrial detritus, phytoplankton, and littoral vegetation, rather than from bacterioplankton. Food webs in these meromictic lakes are thus similar to those in other lakes that lack dense populations of bacterioplankton. annual primary production occurs at the plate, a food web based largely on bacterioplankton has been postulated (Culver and Brunskill 1969). Measurements of natural abundances of stable isotopes can be used to test such hypotheses about food web structure. Stable isotopic studies show which primary producers at the base of food webs are the most important general sources of nutrition for consumers (Fry and Sherr 1984). Although direct trophic connectedness between species is not revealed by 613C and 634S measurements, general pathways of carbon, sulfur, and energy transfer from sources of primary production to consumers of all trophic levels become evident. Consumers are expected to have isotopic compositions similar to those of bacterioplankton if bacterioplankton is the major source of C and S nutrition in meromictic lakes. Slight deviations from an exact correspondence between primary producer and consumer isotopic compositions are expected for C, but not for S, since isotopic compositions increase about 1% per trophic level for C, but not for S (Fry and Sherr 1984). Physical measurements were made in FGL to show the persistence of meromictic conditions in the 1983-1984 study period. Bacterioplankton and various aquatic and terrestrial plants were collected to ascertain the isotopic compositions of sources of organic C and S available to consumers. Because of the large samples required for 634S analyses (> 100 mg dry wt per sample), fish consumers in particular were collected to test for food chains based on bacterioplankton. Since fish are top carnivores, their tis- Meromictic lakes can support dense populations of anaerobic, photosynthetic sulfur bacteria. Permanently stagnant bottom waters of the monimolimnion are often rich in nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfide necessary for bacterial growth; a further growth requirement, light, dictates that photosynthetic bacteria be positioned at the top of the monimolimnion. Fayetteville Green Lake (FGL), 13 km east of Syracuse, New York, in Green Lakes State Park, is a classic meromictic lake (Eggleton 1956; Brunskill and Ludlam 1969). Small, deep, and protected from winds that might cause mixing and overturn, the lake also has a high salt concentration that enhances stratification. Anoxic bottom waters contain high concentrations of N and P nutrients, sulfate (N 15 mM), and sulfide (O1.2 mM) (Deevey et al. 1963; Turano and Rand 1967; Torgersen et al. 198 1). A bacterial plate is found at the top of the monimolimnion at 17-20 m from spring to fall; divers’ observations indicate that the upper boundary of the plate is well defined, with an abrupt transition from clear epilimnetic water to dark, bacteria-rich, monimolimnetic water occurring in a vertical distance of < 10 cm (Frey 1967; T. Field pers. comm.). Dense populations of zooplankton are associated with the upper surface of the bacterial plate (Harman 1967; Culver and Brunskill 1969) and because most of the l This research was supported by NASA grant NGR 15-003-l 18 to J. M. Hayes and NSF grant PCM 7% 10747 to H. Gest. ’ Present address: Ecosystems Center, MBL, Woods Hole, Mass. 02543. 79 80 Fry sues can be regarded as time-averaged indicators of the sources of organic matter utilized in lake food webs. Invertebrates were also analyzed to test the most-expected (zooplankton) and least-expected (littoral crayfish, snails) food web dependence on bacterioplankton. A few samples were also collected from two other nearby meromictic lakes: Round Lake (RL), about 110 m upstream of FGL, and Green Lake (GL), about 13 km southwest of the other two in Clark’s Reservation State Park (Effler et al. 198 1). I thank J. Favinger and W. Ruf for assistance in the field; D. Baas identified zooplankton samples. I also thank T. Maxian, W. Murray, and the staffs of Green Lakes State Park, and the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation for their cooperation in the sampling program. B. Culligan provided information about trout stocking and also samples of hatchery foods. J. Hasset and M. Melsor provided facilities and assistance for continuous flow centrifugation of bacterial samples; E. Ripley and J. M. Hayes provided mass spectrometer facilities for isotopic determinations. Methods Temperature, light, and oxygen profiles were taken at noon on clear, calm days by lowering probes from a rowboat anchored in the center of FGL. Temperature was measured to -tO.O5”C with a Whitney Underwater Instruments thermistor (model TC-5A). Light intensities were measured to a limit of 0.1 lux with a Photomatic underwater photometer and oxygen was measured with a Yellow Springs oxygen meter to LO.1 ppm. Water casts were made with a precision of about 1 m with a 37-liter Plexiglas sampler. Silver nitrate was added immediately to water samples upon retrieval from the lake; Ag,S was recovered by filtration and sulfate in the filtrate precipitated with BaCl,. Bacteria were harvested by continuous flow centrifugation of water collected at 18 m. Organic sulfur of the bacteria was analyzed after So had been repeatedly extracted by heating with CN- to form soluble SCN(Steinmetz and Fischer 198 1); extracted cells were pelletized by centrifugation and then thoroughly washed with distilled water. Bromine water was used to oxidize supernatant SCN- to S042- which was then precipitated with barium for later isotopic determinations. Fish were caught from shore with hook and line in August and October 1983; crayfish and plants were collected by hand along shorelines. Muscle tissue was dissected from animals for isotopic analyses. Zooplankton was collected in 15-30-min horizontal tows with a weighted 70-pm-mesh net and held alive for 12 h to allow gut clearance; after this period, elemental sulfur that could have been associated with bacteria in zooplankton guts was not detectable (cyanide test: Steinmetz and Fischer 198 1). Zooplankton were then separated by size with a 250+mmesh net. Plants and animals were dried, ground to a fine powder, washed twice with 0.1 M LiCl to remove inorganic sulfate, and dried again. The washing procedure involved shaking the sample for 30 min in 20 volumes of 0.1 M LiCl, centrifuging, discarding the supernatant, then repeating. Washed, dried samples were combusted under 30 atm of 0, in a Parr bomb, and BaCl, was added to the washings of the bomb interior to precipitate BaSO,. For isotopic determinations, BaSO, samples were decomposed to SO2 in quartz tubes at > 1,600”C (Fry et al. 1982). Ag,S samples were combusted to SO, in quartz tubes with V20, as an oxidant. For carbon, 0.5-2.0mg samples were combusted to CO2 in a Carlo-Erba elemental analyzer. CO, and SO, were purified with cryogenic and vacuum techniques, and the gases analyzed with isotope ratio mass spectrometers. Results are given in 6 notation where 613C = [(‘3R,ample/~3Rstd)- l] x 1,000 and 634s = [(34Rsamp,c/34Rstd) - I] x 1,000; = 13c: 12C, 34R= 34S: 32Sand values are reported relative to PDB (carbon) and CDT (sulfur) standards. Precision of individual measurements is about -L0.2?4&~for carbon and + 0.3%0 for sulfur. 13R Results and discussion Meromixis and bacterioplankton -The meromictic conditions and the bacterial plate reported earlier in FGL persisted at 81 Food webs in meromictic lakes LIGHT INTENSITY (%I 1.0 45# e 1 a . ..I. IO 100 p45 1 . . . . I . . . I. I . ..I 7 9 II 13 15 I7 I9 21 I . . . ..I 0 2 4 .I 6 02 8 1,. 8 IO 1 I2 . . . 23 25 0 C PPm Fig. 1. Light and temperature profiles, 2 1 August 1983, Fayetteville Green Lake. the time of this study (August 1983-June 1984). For example, the strong vertical stratification accompanying meromixis was still present in August 1983 (Fig. 1). Temperatures were 7”-7.5”C in the monimolimnion below 20 m; below 17 m, oxygen was absent and sulfide present (data not shown). A subsurface temperature maximum was present at 15-16 m; Jelacic (197 1) called this deep temperature maximum a “nose” and found that it was generally located l-2 m above the bacterial plate. In August 1983 the light-absorbing bacterial plate was present in the region just below the temperature nose (Fig. 1). Mild centrifugation (1,000 x g, 5 min) of water from 18 m yielded two highly colored fractions, a bright purple pellet and a dark chocolate brown supernatant fluid. The pellet contained several morphological types (N = 5) of bacteria, prominent among which were purple photosynthetic bacteria (Chromatiaceae); these cells sediment easily due to the high density of their internal So globules. Triiper (in Field 1974) identified the following purple sulfur bacteria from FGL: Chromatium vinosum, Chromatium sp., Thiocystis violacea, Thiocystis gelatinosa, Lamprocystis roseopersicina, and Thiocapsa roseopersicina. The brown supernatant fraction contained only two dominant morphological types of bacteria: rods (2.5 x 1 ,um) and spheres (l-pm diam). The latter may be the green sulfur bacterium, Chlorobium phaeobacteroides, which is actually brown and has been isolated from FGL (Triiper and Genovese 1968). Water taken from 18 m appeared visibly pink while water taken from 19 m was brownish; a vertical habitat segregation seems to exist, with purple Chromatiaceae occurring above brown Chlorobiaceae (green sulfur bacteria). This vertical stratification of Chromatiaceae above Chlorobiaceae is common in meromictic lakes (Caldwell and Tiedje 1975). Overall, temperature, oxygen, light, microscopic, and sulfide and sulfate isotopic data (below) all indicate that meromictic conditions reported in earlier studies of FGL 82 Fry Table 1. 634Sof sulfate and sulfide in Fayetteville Green Lake. Depth (m) 0 5 10 15 18 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 * Separate PS CDT SO,= 22.9 23.2 23.1 23.3 24.4 24.8, 25.9* 25.9 25.4 25.8 27.8 28.4 27.8 s2- -32.5 -31.8 -31.7 -31.6 -30.4 -28.6 -28.2 -27.1 A 56.9 56.6, 57.7 57.6 57.0 56.2 56.4 56.6 54.9 R = 56.5kO.8 water casts. persisted at the time of my study. One change is that the upper boundary of the bacterial plate (Fig. 1) had advanced to 16- 18 m from the 18-20-m level reported in the late 1960s (Culver and Brunskill 1969). 634S-Both sulfate and sulfide are important sources of sulfur for primary producers in meromictic lakes. Sulfides are typically depleted in 34Srelative to sulfate because of large isotopic fractionations accompanying bacterial sulfate reduction (Chambers and Trudinger 1979). The isotopic difference between sulfate and sulfide in FGL was large and approximately constant with depth (mean difference = 56.5o/oo:Table l), in excellent agreement with a 56Y& average difference found by Deevey et al. (1963). My closer-interval sampling showed three well mixed layers in FGL, with the sulfate isotopic values essentially constant within these zones: the epilimnion (O-15 m, 634S + 23o/oo);the upper monimolimnion (20-3 5 m 634S - + 25.7o/oo); and the lower monimblimnion (40-50 m, 634S- +28Y&). These sulfate isotopic measurements confirm a two-tier monimolimnetic structure proposed by Jelacic (197 1) on the basis of temperature measurements. Primary producers in meromictic lakes have access to sulfate only or to sulfate plus sulfide. Macroalgae of the epilimnion have access only to sulfate. Macroalgae in FGL and RL had + 18.3 to + 19.4 634S values, only slightly depleted in 34S relative to surface sulfate (634S = +22.9 and +22.8Ym in FGL and RL). Similar small 34S depletions relative to environmental sulfate have been observed in marine and freshwater macroalgae (Kaplan et al. 1963; Mekhtiyeva and Pankina 1968). These small 34S depletions arise during the general process of assimilatory sulfate reduction and are characteristic of unicellular algae as well as macroalgae (Kaplan and Rittenburg 1964). Because of this similarity in 634S values of macroalgae and microalgae, I would expect phytoplankton in FGL and RL to average about + 18 to + 2Oa/oo,as do macroalgae (Table 2). Because of the large samples needed and possible contamination from particulate terrestrial debris I did not collect phytoplankton for direct confirmation of this expectation. Bacterioplankton at 17-20 m in FGL have two possible sulfur sources, sulfate and sulfide (634S = +24.4 and - 32.57~: Table 1). Photosynthetic bacteria oxidize sulfide to elemental sulfur during carbon fixation; elemental sulfur extracted by cyanolysis from both the Chromatiaceae and Chlorobiaceae fractions had 634S values of -27.0 to - 30.5%. These values are slightly enriched in 34Srelative to - 32. Sa/oo sulfide, but clearly related to sulfide rather than to the +24.4 sulfate. However, organic sulfur from the same bacteria was much less closely related to sulfide. Organic sulfur averaged about - 10%0 (Table 2), intermediate between the sulfide and sulfate values. In the absence of any isotopic fractionation during sulfide uptake, the intermediate - 1Oo/oovalue indicates that about 60% of bacterial organic sulfur is derived from sulfide and the remainder from sulfate. Rooted plants in the littoral zone may also incorporate sulfides. In marine plants, 34Sdepleted sulfur can enter the roots from the sediments (Carlson and Forrest 1982; Fry et al. 1982). Sulfides were readily detectable in the littoral zone of FGL and RL by odor and the black color of subsurface sediments. Incorporation of sulfides by roots could account for the relatively low (vs. +22.9o/oo surface sulfate) 634Svalues of -3.9 to + 8.77~ found for an unidentified submerged rooted plant and the emergent rooted plant Typha ZatzjXa (Table 2). A last sulfur source important for vegetation is Food webs in’ meromictic lakes 83 Table 2. W3Cand 634Svalues for organic carbon and organic sulfur in samples collected from Fayetteville Green Lake and Round Lake. Bacterioplankton, 18 m Purple fraction (Chromatiaceae) Brown fraction (Chlorobiacesre) Unseparated suspension Plants Ulothrix* Chara, near inlet Chara, near outlet Cladophora Ruppia-like (rooted submerged plant, unidentified) Typha Iatifolia Corn Surface particulate org C Tree leaves Zooplankton 16 m, >250 pm 16 m, >70 pm, ~250 pm 0-5m,>70pm 16 m, >70 pm, ~250 pm 16 m, ~250 pm Fish Ambloplites rupestris Fundulus sp. Lepomis gibbosus Lepomis gibbosuP Micropterus dolomieui Micropterus dolomieuP Notemogonius crysoleucas Salmo gairdneri (std length, mm) 1 (686) 2 3 4 5 6 (220) (264) (235) (230) (254) i!i (260) Crayfish, Orconectes obscurus Crayfish, 0. obscurus** Gastropods, Goniobasis livescens, flesh Frog, Rana pipiens Amphipods from littoral algae Acidified sediment from 52 m -39.3(1983); -41.1(1984) -30.9(1983); -32.6(1984) -34.8(1983) - 11.8(1983); - 10.6(1984) -9.4(1983); -9.7(1984) - -25.0 -16.4 - 22.0 -29.2 + 19.4 +18.3 - -15.3 -29.4 -10.1 -30.2 -29.0f +8.7; +7.1t -3.9 +3.4 I+2.8+0.9 (N = 6) 1.2 (N = 6) -39.3Ik 1.2(2) -37.0f 1.3(2) -35.6* 1.1(5) - +7.1(1983)$ + ;.6(1984)§ + 12.1(1984)§ -26.4t- 1.6(8) -27.3(1)11 -26.2+0.2(3) -26.7+ 1.5(6) -26.8* 1.4(8) -26.4(l) -26.1(l) +6.0( 1) + lO.Of 1.9(6) +9.2-t-0.8(6) +10.6(l) +5.9(l) - 19.6 (liver) - 18.8 (muscle) - 17.7 (skin) -23.4 -26.5 -26.6 - 30.28 -33.2# -33.7 -36.7 -27.2&0.2(2) -26.3( 1) -29.4(l) -24.2(l) -29.0(1)11 -28.4 + 10.6 +10.1 +8.5 +6.9 +7.8 +6.8 +7.8 +4.4 +4.7 +3.6 +7.4+0.2(2) +4.2( 1) +12.3(l) -20.1 * Sample from Round Lake; other samples are from Fayetteville Green Lake. t Two separate samples. $ ~-75% Daphnia sp. 6 295% Diaptomus sp. I( Composite of four or more individuals. If Gut contents measured -27.6 and consisted of insects. # Corn in gut (6W = - 10.1; 6% = +3.4). ** From small creek connecting Round Lake and Fayetteville Green Lake. +7.7f 1.9(7) +W1)ll 84 . Fry Table 3. 613Cand 634Svalues of samples collected in Green Lake at Clark’s Reservation. 6’“C Surface S042Plants Leaf detritus Surface particulate org C Fish Lepomis gibbosus PUB cm+7.5 PS -24.8 -26.9 -27.7+ 1.1(3) +2.6+0.3(5) -27.0& 1.2(6) + 1.9+ 1.8(5) Crayfish Orconectes obscurus sulfate deposited from the atmosphere. Tree leaves in the FGL watershed averaged +2.8% (Table 2), a value similar to +2.9 to + 3.7%0 average values for soils, tree leaves, and lacustrine sulfate in the Adirondack Mountains of northeastern New York state (unpubl. data), and seems representative of atmospheric sulfate compositions. The relatively 34S-enriched values of - +23%~ found in RL and FGL surface sulfates arise from dissolution of ancient evaporites (Deevey et al. 1963) and not from rainfall. A variety of consumers was collected in FGL and RL, but none had the - loo/o0634S value to be expected if bacteria were essentially the sole important food resource in the lake. Mixed Daphnia and Diaptomous samples collected at 15-l 6 m in horizontal tows above the upper surface of the bacterial plate had values of +7.1 to 13.6% (Table 2), much closer to the approximately + 2Oa/oo value expected of a pure algal diet than to the - 1OVmvalue of organic sulfur in bacterioplankton. These findings indicate that food resources other than bacterioplankton are important for the mixed zooplankton samples, although individual zooplankton species may specialize as bacteriovores. Fish and other invertebrate consumers all had 634Svalues between + 3.6 and + 12%~in FGL and RL (Table 2), values that again did not value of organic closely approach the - 1O%CJ sulfur in bacterioplankton. In the third meromictic lake, GL, consumers had 634S values between 0 and +4%0, close to both terrestrial leaves (+2.8%, Table 2) and lake sulfate (+ 7.5o/oo,Table 3); no evidence for food web dependence on bacterioplankton, expected to be strongly depleted in 34S relative to surface sulfate, was found. PC-The two bacterioplankton fractions from 18 m in FGL had distinctly different carbon isotopic values. Chromatiaceae had values of -39.3 to -41.1%0, whereas Chlorobiaceae were enriched in ’ 3C by about 8.5%0 and had values of -30.9 to - 32.6%0. This carbon isotopic difference has been observed between cultures of Chromatium and Chlorobium (Sirevag et al. 1977) and is related to differences in carbon fixation pathways. Other plants in RL and FGL had 613C values of - 10 to -3OV& (Table 2) and were thus substantially enriched in l 3C relative to the - 40%0 Chromatiaceae. The wide - 16 to - 29?& range of algal 613C values found in FGL (Table 2) is similar to that found in other freshwater lakes (Oana and Deevey 1960; Deevey and Stuiver 1964; LaZerte and Szalados 1982); further investigations are needed to elucidate the reasons for this broad isotopic variation among algae in a single lake. Terrestrial C3 and C, plants were also analyzed in this study: C4 corn used as bait by fishermen had a value of - 1Oo/oowhile tree leaves and Typha had values of - 27 to - 30%0 typical of C3 plants (Smith and Epstein 1971). In spite of the carbon isotopic range of - 10 to -4OVm among available food resources, P3C values of most consumers were rather narrowly clustered in the -25 to - 3Oymrange in all three lakes (Tables 2 and 3). More negative values of about -40 to - 35%0 would be expected if the food web in FGL were based solely on -40%0 bacterioplankton and if up to five trophic levels were present (assuming a 1%1 increase in Food webs in meromictic lakes 85 Fig. 2. Isotopic food web diagram, Fayetteville Green Lake. Values for most consumers (0) fall within two mixing envelopes constructed from three kinds of foods (terrestrial leaves, phytoplankton, and macrophytes) indicating that these are the important sources of carbon and sulfur for consumers in the lake; bacterioplankton, G and P, appear unimportant since no consumers have negative 634Svalues. Symbols: O-individual fish or crayfish; S-gastropods; C-corn taken from trout gut; T-terrestrial leaves from trees in the watershed; PPsurface phytoplankton, 613Cestimated from POC and 634Sassumed +20 to +22.9%, 0 to -3o/oorelative to +22.9% surface sulfate; P-purple fraction of bacterioplankton (Chromatiaceae); G-brown fraction of bacterioplankton (Chlorobiaceae); Z-zooplankton; M-macrophyte. Vertical crosses give SD about mean for both tree leaves and phytoplankton. P3C per trophic level: Fry and Sherr 1984). The observed values of -25 to - 30%0 of most consumers are thus not consistent with a food web based on bacterioplankton, but are consistent with a food web based on a mixture of algae and terrestrial detritus that have 613Cvalues in the -25 to - 307~ range (Tables 2 and 3). Zooplankton were exceptional in that their 613C values reached - 39.3Ym (Table 2) and approached the values of Chromatiaceae, about -4Oo/oo, at the top of the bacterial plate. The question of zooplankton nutrition is considered further below. I also analyzed several trout (Salmo gairdneri, stocked in FGL from a hatchery. Feed rations used in the hatchery measured - 19.7 to -20.2Ym P3C and +8.4 to +9.2Ym 634S.One large breeder trout collected in the lake had stable isotopic compositions similar to the hatchery rations (Table 2: trout No. 1); such trout are stocked as mature adults and may not feed substantially after being stocked, accounting for a continuing isotopic similarity to hatchery foods. Several smaller trout (Table 2: individuals 28) had been stocked as juveniles more than 6 months before the collection in October (B. Culligan pers. comm.). Since 613C values of these trout changed as much as - 16.7o/oo from the -20%0 hatchery foods (Table 2), feeding and rapid tissue turnover were evidently occurring. Combined 634Sand V3C food web analysis-The 613C and 634S data can be combined to show which food resources are im- 86 Fry portant in food webs of meromictic lakes. Isotopic values of most consumers from FGL and RL fall within two mixing envelopes (Fig. 2) that are constructed from three sources: phytoplankton, submerged macrophytes, and terrestrial leaves. Isotopic values of consumers most closely resemble values for terrestrial materials, with small admixtures of macrophyte and phytoplankton C and S. Since no consumers had negative 634S values, bacterioplankton appear unimportant as food resources. Two comparisons substantiate this conclusion. First, littoral gastropods and crayfish can be expected to have much less access to a pelagic food web based on bacterioplankton than do fish consumers, yet gastropods, crayfish, and fish showed the same range of g13C and 634S values (Table 2). This isotopic similarity between littoral invertebrates and fish indicates a minor importance of bacterioplankton in the food web leading to fish. Second, the -23 to - 3 lo/o0 carbon isotopic values of most consumers in the three meromictic lakes are essentially identical to - 24 to - 3 1% isotopic values of bivalves from other nonmeromictic New England lakes (Oana and Deevey 1960; Keith et al. 1964). A significant lowering of 613C values toward the - 40% bacterioplankton value was thus not observed in the meromictic lakes, again indicating little food web importance for these bacteria. In summary, both P3C and 634S measurements showed that most animals collected in this study ultimately depend on terrestrial detritus, phytoplankton, and submerged macrophytes for their carbon and sulfur. Carbon isotopic values for zooplankton the animals most likely to consume bacterioplankton directly- matched the - 4Oo/oo value of bacterioplankton (Table 2). This result seems in contradiction to the organic sulfur results that do not show a close correspondence between isotopic values of zooplankton (7- 14o/oo)and bacterioplankton (- 10%). Two hypotheses can be advanced to explain this discrepancy between carbon and sulfur results. First, zooplankton may depend on bacterioplankton for carbon, but not sulfur. This seems unlikely since most sulfur in bacteria is in the form of protein (Cuhel et al. 1982), and assimilation of pro- tein sulfur would normally entail assimilation of protein carbon as well. Second, an unsampled, subsurface phytoplankton population may exist within the lake that has a -40% carbon isotopic composition that is identical to that of bacterioplankton, but the usual +20Y~ 634Scomposition that is characteristic of algae in FGL. Zooplankton feeding on a 2 : 1 mixture of such phytoplankton and bacterioplankton would have carbon and sulfur isotopic values near those observed. This hypothesis is speculative but may apply for the following reasons. Zooplankton in nonmeromictic lakes often have 613C values between -32 and -47o/oo (Oana and Deevey 1960; Rau 1978, 1980), largely because algae have similar very negative isotopic compositions. Such 13C-depleted values arise especially in stratified lakes when carbon dioxide respired by benthic organisms is added in quantity to bottom waters. This lowers the isotopic composition of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) from an air-equibrated value of - 0% toward the average value of benthic COz, - 30% (Oana and Deevey 1960). An overall lowering of isotopic values in the food chain DIC + algae + zooplankton occurs under these conditions (Rau 1978). Low values of DIC 613C occur in FGL (to - 2 lo/oo:Deevey et al. 1963; Takahashi et al. 1968; Torgersen et al. 198 l), indicating significant inputs of benthic respired carbon. Algal populations with -40%0 P3C values would be most likely to occur near the upper surface of the bacterial plate where isotopic compositions of epilimnetic DIC are lowest, - 11 to - 1~?J&o (Deevey et al. 1963; Torgersen et al. 198 1). Field observations support zooplankton feeding in this region: Culver and Brunskill (1969) observed that Daphnia collected near the bacterial plate had diatoms as well as reddish sulfur bacteria in their guts. In summary, analyses of organic sulfur show little evidence for a food web in Fayetteville Green Lake of the type bacterioplankton ---) zooplankton -+ intermediate consumers -+ large fish. The carbon isotopic analyses show that although zooplankton may be feeding on bacterioplankton, common fish consumers do not derive their tissue carbon from a food web based on bacterioplankton and zooplankton. These Food webs in merorqictic lakes results were unexpected since >80% of the annual primary productivity in FGL is due to bacterioplankton, zooplankton are concentrated at the upper surface of the bacterial plate, and several studies show that zooplankton can feed on and efficiently assimilate bacteria (Harman 1967; Culver and Brunskill 1969; Sorokin 1969; Gophen et al. 1974; Matsuyama and Shirouzu 1978). It is possible that more extensive analyses of other fish species and individual zooplankton species would reveal some animals that rely heavily on bacterioplankton for their nutrition. However, most fish species common in FGL were analyzed in this study (B. Culligan pers. comm.). top carnivores such as smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieui) should be good indicators of which primary producers are generally important as sources of carbon and sulfur nutrition for consumers in meromictic lakes. Analyses of such fish did not support the concept of a bacterioplanktonbased food web in FGL; rather, food webs of the three meromictic lakes are based more strongly on algae, macrophytes, and terrestrial detritus than on bacterioplankton, and so closely resemble food webs in nonmeromictic lakes. The large standing stocks of bacterioplankton and zooplankton present at the top of the monimolimnion and base of the epilimnion in FGL may exist as relatively isolated units. Low oxygen and the presence of sulfide in this region may deter further predation, allowing development of the observed high planktonic densities. microorganisms: Considerations for the application of sulfate incorporation into protein as a measurement of natural population protein synthesis. Appl. Environ. Microbial. 43: 160-168. CULVER, D. A., AND G. J. BRUNSKILL. 1969. Fayetteville Green Lake, New York. 5. Studies of primary production and zooplankton in a meromictic marl lake. Limnol. Oceanogr. 14: 862-873. 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