
Symposium Proceedings
Eco-DAS X Chapter 2, 2014, 14–24
© 2014, by the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography
Temporal scales of drivers of community dynamics: from microbes
to macrofauna across the salinity gradient.
Beth A. Stauffer1*, Christopher J. Patrick2, Kelly L. Robinson3, and Hannes Peter4
AAAS Science &Technology Policy Fellow at U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development,
Washington, DC 20460, USA
Ecological Modeling Lab, Smithsonian Environmental Research Center, Edgewater, MD, 21037, USA
Department of Marine Science, The University of Southern Mississippi, Stennis Space Center, MS 39529, USA
Institute of Ecology, Lake and Glacier Ecology Research Group, University of Innsbruck, Technikerstrasse 25, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria
The abundance and distribution of organisms in aquatic systems are affected by drivers operating at diverse
temporal and spatial scales. Understanding interactions among organisms and with their environments is
dependent on matching population and community dynamics with drivers at relevant scales, which can range
from hours to decades. Here, we review how physical, chemical, and biological processes operating at these
varying scales affect the abundance and the distribution of organisms in aquatic ecosystems spanning the “salinity gradient”: lake, stream, and coastal ocean. We highlight ecosystems that are representative of the different
aquatic regimes and perform a conceptual synthesis of the similarities and differences among those systems. Our
review underscores the important role drivers related to annual cycles of heat, light, and wind and water movement, for instance, play in structuring the physical, chemical, and biological constituents across fluid aquatic
environments. Interannual to decadal variability in population dynamics across the salinity gradient is often
related to long-term shifts in climate cycles or climate change; however, climate has differential effects in the
coastal ocean (e.g. shifts in current strength), lakes (e.g. climatological variability in ice cover) and streams (e.g.
decadal oscillations impacting salmon runs). We identify several potential avenues for future research, including
long-term forcing in lakes and streams; the drivers and effects of high-frequency, episodic disturbance events;
the influence of variability on eco-evolutionary feedbacks; and nonlinear effects of climate forces on ecosystems.
We recommend maximizing the effectiveness of investigations across multiple temporal scales through programs using a variety of approaches including long-term monitoring and short-term, event-driven responses,
and a new generation of tools and analytical approaches capable of resolving nonlinear dynamics over time in
complex aquatic ecosystems.
Section 1. Introduction
descriptors (e.g., abundance or biomass; Powell 1995). These
scales can also indicate the time or space required for recovery
of ecosystems following disturbance (i.e., resilience). While
the multiple scales of variability acting simultaneously on
an ecosystem may represent an obstacle to study, the scales
over which different drivers act may also inform us about the
importance of different driving processes within an ecosystem
(Kratz et al. 1987). Our ability to understand interactions
among organisms and with their environments is therefore
dependent on matching population and community dynamics
with the scales of the relevant drivers. These scales can range
from hours and days, to seasons, years, and decades.
A comprehensive understanding of the temporal scales
at which important physical, chemical, and biological processes operate in aquatic environments is further necessary
to understand their response to anthropogenic disturbances,
The abundance and distribution of organisms in aquatic
systems are impacted by drivers operating at diverse temporal and spatial scales. Differences in processes acting on
short- or long-term or near and distant scales can represent
the time or space required for change to occur in community
*Corresponding author: E-mail:;
Current affiliation: Department of Biology, University of Louisiana at
Lafayette, Lafayette, LA, 70504, USA
Full text appears at the end of the article.
Publication was supported by NSF award OCE08-12838 to P.F. Kemp
ISBN: 978-0-9845591-4-5, DOI: 10.4319/ecodas.2014.978-0-9845591-4-5.14
Stauffer et al.
Temporal scales in aquatic ecosystems
which involve simultaneous changes in multiple parameters
(Paine et al. 1998) and may induce regime shifts (Beisner et
al. 2003; Carpenter 2003; Scheffer et al. 2001). Organisms can
differ in their responses to the same disturbance depending
on its frequency of occurrence, intensity, and temporal extent
(i.e., pulsed versus chronic). Such response diversity may be
related to the frequency of dominant drivers in their respective ecosystems (Elmqvist et al. 2003). For example, intermediate levels of disturbance in time (and space) in a habitat
can contribute to the maintenance of biodiversity whereas
high levels of disturbance can degrade it (Connell 1978).
Maintaining biodiversity has the potential to drive further
evolutionary development via both sympatric and allopatric
speciation (Feder et al. 2003; Filchak et al. 2000). Variability
in organisms’ responses to short- and long-term drivers may
also be related to rates of metabolism, reproduction, adaptation, and evolution, all of which scale with organism size and
trophic level (Anderson-Teixeira et al. 2001; Peters 1983). For
these reasons, consideration of the scales at which physical,
chemical, and biological drivers operate and their effects on
organisms, populations, and communities is fundamental to
any ecological study (Levin 1992).
Our goal here is to provide a qualitative review of drivers
affecting different trophic levels at various temporal scales
in aquatic ecosystems spanning the “salinity gradient:” lake,
stream, and coastal ocean. Humans’ perception of organisms
in space and time is heavily influenced by scales of variability (e.g., Condon et al. 2012), and hence consideration of
scale is particularly critical when designing field investigations and when multiple trophic levels or whole watersheds
are involved. This chapter differs from other reviews of the
importance of scales (e.g., Colijn 1998; Powell 1995) through
consideration of aquatic ecosystems ranging from freshwater
to the coastal ocean and integration of bottom-up (environmental) and top-down (trophic) drivers. Our ultimate goal
is to provide the reader with an appreciation for the different
temporal scales at which environmental drivers operate in different aquatic ecosystems, and the relative importance of time
scale to different trophic levels. We do this by presenting case
studies that are representative of different aquatic ecosystems,
and performing a qualitative synthesis of the similarities and
differences among those systems.
Hampshire, USA, were combined with those from Chester
County in Pennsylvania, USA, and Broadstone Creek in the
southeastern region of the U.K. to provide a range of parameters measured in streams at a range of temporal resolutions.
Drivers considered include physical, chemical, and biological processes which affect biomass and the distribution of species at several trophic levels. Multiple time scales allowed us to
evaluate not only seasonal and annual changes, but also shortterm events that are physical (e.g., flood events), chemical
(e.g., pollution), or biological (e.g., invasive species) in nature.
The chosen study sites measured overlapping parameters of
all three broad types. Temporal variability is discussed in the
following sections in the context of these identified parameters
at the chosen case study sites.
Stream environments change rapidly along the continuum
from small headwater streams to large rivers and the important temporal drivers of communities shift along that gradient
as well. Small streams tend to be much more temporally
variable environments than larger streams and rivers (Poff
and Ward 1989). In smaller systems the metabolism varies
from year to year, across seasons, from day to day, on a diel
basis, and in response to major disturbances (Holtgrieve and
Schindler 2011; Roberts et al. 2007).
The natural flow regime is an important part of the stability
of a stream community (Poff et al. 1997). At short ecological
time scales (monthly to annual), changes in flow regime (e.g.,
spring floods and summer droughts) can be major disturbances wiping out whole populations of invertebrates present
in smaller systems whereas these same events may have minimal impacts in larger downstream rivers and can actually
lead to greater system stability in the long-term (i.e., decadal
time-scales). Droughts can lead to drying and the elimination
of above ground wetted habitat (Beche et al. 2009; Lake 2003).
Whereas some species are able to persist in hyporheic pockets of subsurface flow (Collins et al. 2007), these events are a
strong environmental filter extirpating many species including
fish and macroinvertebrates (Chase 2007; Clarke et al. 2010).
Storms can have similarly devastating effects to the biota of
small streams. Significant flows can create scour that destroys
the benthos (Walsh et al. 2005). Washouts and inputs of terrestrial material in earth slides can similarly extirpate entire
reaches of biota (Gomi et al. 2002).
Resources change predictably throughout the year in temperate forested streams. Notable seasonal pulses include
spring algal growth when water temperatures are warming
and light is still penetrating the open canopy, and the contribution of carbon and nutrients to the system from autumn leaf
fall (Roberts et al. 2007; Webster and Benfield 1986). These
changes in resources may lead to predictable shifts from heterotrophy in the fall to periods of autotrophy in the spring.
Small streams have species that are adapted to variable environments and many have morphological adaptions to drought
Section 2. Case study sites
To simplify the discussion of dominant temporal scales
across trophic levels and aquatic ecosystems, three case study
sites were identified that each exemplifies a different aquatic
ecosystem. Sites were chosen that had a rich scientific history, revealing long-term trends while also employing high
frequency sampling to investigate variability at shorter timescales. The North Temperate Lakes (NTL) and California
Current Ecosystem (CCE) sites are part of the Long-term
Ecological Research (LTER) program, funded by the National
Science Foundation. Datasets from Hubbard Brook in New
Stauffer et al.
Temporal scales in aquatic ecosystems
(Brown et al. 2011). Fish are less common in small streams and
the resident invertebrates tend to be colonizers able to rapidly
(within a year) return after an extirpation event (Patrick and
Swan 2011).
Downstream systems display less variability in terms of
resources, disturbances, and intra-annual variation in temperature (Vannote and Sweeney 1980; Vannote et al. 1980).
Whereas the same factors (drought and floods) will have an
effect on larger creeks and rivers, the magnitude of the effect
on the biota is less. Downstream invertebrate species tend to
be more generalist, taking advantage of the range of resources
being exported from upstream systems. These larger streams
and rivers have more trophic levels, in the form of insectivorous and piscivorous fish, as well as phytoplankton eating fish
in large rivers (Thorpe et al. 2006; Vannote et al. 1980).
Within streams and rivers, the macroinvertebrate community undergoes predictable intra-annual shifts in community
composition following the seasons. Many of the organisms are
univoltine, and their temporal niches are off-set to take advantage of the changing resources throughout the year and reduce
interspecific competition. Stream benthic communities can be
significantly different in the fall, winter, spring, and summer,
and higher trophic levels that live for multiple years show less
intra-annual variation in community composition.
There are a number of other factors potentially affecting the temporal dynamics and stability of stream systems.
Acidification, or drop in pH, is one example of a well-studied
phenomenon in stream ecosystems (Likens et al. 1996). pH
declines occurred as a multi-decadal trend in temperate North
America and Europe during the twientieth century because
of deposition of aerosolized nitrogen and sulfur species, NOx
and SOx (Layer et al. 2011). This acidification lead to gradual
shifts in species composition and loss of game fish in areas
with low buffering capacity, whereas streams with a strong
buffering capacity (i.e., limestone or dolomite) were able to
resist large changes (Schlesinger 1997). In this context, spatial variation in underlying geology led to spatial variation in
temporal patterns of the response to a press disturbance (i.e.,
acid rain).
While acidification is on the decline, new stressors are
emerging. For example, the effect of chemical road salts
on streams is becoming a larger issue in urbanized regions
(Kaushal et al. 2005). Road salts (NaCl) used to winterize
roads accumulate in soils and make their way into freshwater
systems. Preliminary work on this contaminant shows that
increases in the salinity of inland waters can have a variety of
impacts on aquatic biota, particularly amphibians (Karraker
et al. 2008). Furthermore, the effect of road salts appears to
be compounding over time as the buffer capacity of soils is
reduced (Kaushal et al. 2005).
Understanding the different scales of temporal variability
that affect stream communities, and the spatial variation in
that temporal variability, is a crucial part of predicting how
streams will respond to human impacts and climate change.
The collection of high resolution long-term data sets and
experiments at varying time scales are necessary first steps to
forecasting into the future. Our search for a single stream data
set that included high resolution sampling (intra-annual) for
fish, invertebrates, and the physical environment over decadal
time scales was unsuccessful, though discrete datasets at either
high resolution (e.g., US Geological Survey Water Quality
Watch, or sustained
over several years (e.g., US Environmental Protection Agency
Rapid Bioassessment program,
monitoring/rsl/bioassessment/) do exist. This gap suggests a
need for this type of temporally integrated monitoring that is
not currently being met.
Northern temperate lakes
In areas subjected to glaciation, lakes occur in high densities,
such as in the Northern Highland Lake District in northern
Wisconsin where the North Temperate Lakes Long Term
Ecological Research site (NTL-LTER) is located. Since the early
1980s, this research program has sought to understand the
long-term ecology of lakes and their interactions with terrestrial, atmospheric, and human processes. Lakes within this area
share the same geology (silicate sand) which allows significant
groundwater fluxes and determines key water-chemical parameters. The close spatial proximity also results in similar weather
and climate conditions for these lakes, which drive temperature
and light regimes. Yet, despite the shared basic characteristics,
lakes within the district differ in nutrient load, ionic composition, acidity, and species richness (Kratz et al. 2003).
The position of a lake in the landscape provides a further
basis for understanding variability in physicochemical characteristics and biotic dynamics. Lakes receive water from surface
runoff, groundwater inflow and precipitation, and in general,
lakes higher in a landscape receive relatively more water from
precipitation than lakes lower in the landscape (Lottig et al.
2011). This shifting balance of water sources to lakes along an
elevation gradient results in predictable changes in physical,
chemical, and biological factors. For instance, using semi-conservative cations as tracer, Webster et al. (1996) could show
that a lake’s landscape position influenced the limnochemical
response to drought. However, as lake size increases their
biogeochemical attributes converge due to a diversification of
flow paths to larger systems, greater biogeochemical processing, and changes in landscape composition (Lottig et al. 2011).
One of the main research focuses on the NTL-LTER has
been on synchrony and coherence of variables between lakes
over large regional scales and within seasons (Baines et al.
2000; Kratz et al. 2003). Observing regional synchrony in distinct ecosystems was used to deduce the influence of climate
variability on lake water temperature, pH, and water color
(Baines et al. 2000; Pace and Cole 2002) using data collected
during more than a decade. Surface temperature which is
mainly determined by insolation, air temperature, and wind,
actually showed a high degree of synchrony among the lakes
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Temporal scales in aquatic ecosystems
(Magnuson et al. 1990). While environmental and chemical
variables and their temporal variability have been recognized
as drivers of biological processes, population dynamics of zooplankton (Rusak et al. 1999, 2002, 2008), primary producers
(Baines et al. 2000; Marshall and Peters 1989), and fish (Olden
et al. 2006) have been explicitly addressed in more focused
Eutrophication of lakes worldwide is linked to overfertilization by phosphorus which stimulates algal blooms, resulting in
the accumulation of toxins, modified foodwebs, and diversity
loss. Assessment of phosphorus (P) loads spanning several
decades has shown that during extended periods of drought,
P loads, and summer total P concentrations decline. Studying
the Yahara River chain of lakes (Mendota, Monona, Waubesa,
and Kegonsa near Madison, Wisconsin, USA), Lathrop and
Carpenter (2014) showed that in years when P loads are high
due to major runoff events, summer total P in these lakes was
high, ultimately releasing algae growth from P limitation.
Moreover, landscape position determines P input, because P
is passed from one lake to another and increases with flushing rates, allowing for probabilistic modeling of management
actions in lakes across different regions (Carpenter and
Lathrop 2014).
A prominent sign of climate forcing on lake ecosystems
is the time of formation and disappearance of lake ice, with
profound effects on lake ecosystems, such as water level fluctuations or the formation of anoxia. Using datasets starting in
the 1850s, variability in lake ice cover has been used to identify
extreme events, i.e., extremely early or late freeze or breakup,
respectively (Benson et al. 2012). Mean ice duration has been
shown to decline, driven mainly by earlier break-up dates, and
this decline has accelerated during the last decades.
As a result of this rich history of research, limnologists have
quantified seasonal and regional drivers of temporal variability and synchrony relatively well. Regional comparisons on
multiple timescales are perhaps unique in this context (Kratz
et al. 1991); however, there is a dearth of published information regarding the effects of disturbance or extreme events on
temporal dynamics across multiple trophic levels.
response to the collapse of the sardine fisheries in the late
1940s. More recently, the CCE-LTER site has built upon the
ongoing CalCOFI dataset, specifically focusing on mechanisms leading to transitions over time between different states
of the pelagic ecosystem.
Physical, chemical, and to some extent, biological parameters in the CCE are dominated by seasonal, interannual,
and decadal scales of variability. Water temperature in the
CCE varies seasonally, with the most pronounced fluctuations at the surface, and on interannual and decadal scales in
conjunction with the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO),
Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), and North Pacific Gyre
Oscillation (NPGO; Kim et al. 2009; Venrick 2009). Decadal
signals are also apparent in salinity in the CCE, correlated
mainly with climate indices including the PDO and NPGO
(Kim et al. 2009).
Seasonal variability in phytoplankton biomass is largely
apparent as climatological spring blooms of diatoms in the
CCE, while interannual and decadal variability on the scale of
20-30 years is also evident and largely correlated with ENSO,
PDO, and NPGO (Kim et al. 2009; Mantyla et al. 2008). The
1997-1999 El Nino-La Nina transition, for example, is evident in time series of chlorophyll (Mantyla et al. 2008), while
magnitude and timing of the spring bloom at the Scripps
Pier has shown three distinct climatologies since the 1980s
(Kim et al. 2009). Phytoplankton community composition in
the CCE shows distinct variability on seasonal timescales, as
siliceous phytoplankton flux peaks strongly in the spring, and
interannually with ENSO (Venrick et al. 2008). Similarly, net
primary production (NPP) varies on an annual cycle, driven
largely by transitions between the relatively stable, high-light
water columns of summer to the turbulent, low-light winter
water columns (Mantyla et al. 2008), and on decadal cycles,
as suggested by multi-year increases in satellite-derived NPP
annual maxima from 1997-2007 (Kahru et al. 2009). At higher
trophic levels, variation in zooplankton and ichthyoplankton biomass on seasonal scales can be attributed to several
different processes depending on the time of year, including
increased phytoplankton production during spring and fall
turn-over, advection of nutrients, and biomass with changes
in the strength of the CCE, coastal and wind-stress curl
induced upwelling, and the development of coastal jets and
eddies (Macías et al. 2012; Roesler and Chelton 1987).
In addition to strong seasonal and interannual variability
in algal bloom magnitude and duration (Santoro et al. 2010),
phytoplankton biomass also shows episodic, high frequency
variability in the nearshore environment, as blooms tend to
occur on the order of weeks-months (Kim et al. 2009; Ryan
et al. 2009). Higher frequency temporal variability has been
shown to play an important role in chemical and biological
constituents of the CCE. Inorganic nutrients, such as nitrate,
ammonium, and phosphate show high frequency (days-weeks)
variability likely due to wind-driven convection (Mantyla et al.
2008) and upwelling (Omand et al. 2012), both of which inject
Coastal ocean
At the intersection of the land, open sea, and atmosphere,
coastal oceans are arguably among the most dynamic of all
the marine ecosystems. Among them, the California Current
ecosystem (CCE) is one of the most extensively studied
given its ecological and socio-economic import. The CC is
the eastern extent of the anticyclonic North Pacific Gyre,
transporting cool, low salinity subarctic water south (Venrick
2009). As a result of the equator-ward flow of the CC, the
CCE is as a coastal upwelling biome, supporting high levels
of primary production and a large number of active fisheries.
The California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations
(CalCOFI) program has been conducting quarterly research
cruises off the coast of California for almost 70 years in
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Temporal scales in aquatic ecosystems
significant nutrients into the surface layer. On shorter timescales (e.g., hours), these nutrients are also strongly influenced
by the stage of diurnal tides (Santoro et al. 2010).
Variability in zooplankton and fish populations on longer
time-scales (interannual-decadal) in the CCE are driven both
directly and indirectly by basin-wide and regional-scale climatic forcing. Changes in biomass, assemblage diversity, and
species geographic ranges have been linked to shifts in several
atmospheric phenomena, including NPGO (Di Lorenzo et al.
2008), ENSO (Chavez et al. 2003, McGowan et al. 1998), the
North Oscillation (Schwing et al. 2002), and the PDO (Mantua
et al. 1997) through their effects on biophysical conditions in
the northeast Pacific. ENSO is a dominant driver of interannual variability in CCE plankton and demersal and forage fish
populations, with shifts in community structure, biomass, and
productivity often responding to changes induced by El Niño
or La Niña events every 5.0-6.3 years (Lavaniegos and Ohman
2007; Miller and Schiff 2012; Smith and Moser 2003). Such
decadal and multi-decadal variations in zooplankton, ichthyoplankton, and fish populations have been a topic of great interest given implications for the management of the Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax), anchovy (Engraluis mordax), and the
Pacific salmon (Onchorhynchus spp.) fisheries. Low-frequency
changes in northeast Pacific conditions are thought to be driven
by shifts in PDO that occur every 15-25 years (Mantua and
Hare 2002) as well as NPGO (Di Lorenzo et al. 2008). Changes
in the PDO over the past fifty years (i.e., ‘regime shifts’) are
thought to have occurred in 1947, 1978, and 1998 and have had
effects on zooplankton biovolume (Roemmich and McGowan
1995) and species composition (Lavaniegos and Ohman 2003);
geographic distributions of larval oceanic fishes and historically
offshore taxa (Hsieh et al. 2009; Smith and Moser 2003); forage
fish abundances (McClatchie et al. 2008); and chinook and
coho salmon survival (Peterson and Schwing 2003).
in technology and funding to carry out high resolution or
long-term observations, rather than actual relevance. In this
section, we pinpoint some of the similarities and differences
in temporal scales of environmental drivers (Table!1), and we
hope that such cross-system comparison may advance different aquatic disciplines to test applicability of concepts across
the salinity gradient.
Across aquatic ecosystems, drivers related to annual cycles
of heat, light, and wind and water movement play a large role
in structuring the physical, chemical, and biological constituents of the fluid environments. Annual timescales might
reflect the life span of aquatic organisms such as invertebrates
and fish, and annual variation in physical environments often
impact ontogenetic processes with potential evolutionary
consequences. Most of our knowledge, however, is based
on research conducted in temperate regions of the northern
hemisphere and the dearth of research on tropical ecosystems
limits our understanding of temporal dynamics in the absence
of seasonality. Similarly, temporal dynamics of populations
and communities in polar regions, with their extremes of
heat and light, should also be a priority for providing further
insights into such eco-evolutionary coupling.
Interannual to decadal variability is often related to longer
term shifts in climate cycles or climate change while shortterm, episodic events can have significant impacts on the
ecosystems as sources of disturbance. In general, decadal
and multi-decadal scales play a primary role in structuring
coastal marine ecosystems (e.g., CCE) through variability in
current strength, temperature patterns, and general climatological conditions. Long-term processes are less well studied
in temperate lakes or streams. Decadal processes are evident
in lakes as variability of the duration of ice cover or nutrient
loads, with strong effects on timing of phytoplankton blooms
and mixing (Benson et al. 2012; Lathrop and Carpenter 2014).
Streams affected strongly by runs of salmon, driven in part by
decadal oscillations, show long-term coupling as well (Naiman
et al. 2002). While these few examples of long-term forcing
in lakes and streams are not exhaustive, it is also possible
that they represent a gap in the freshwater literature rather
than lesser influence of long-term processes in these aquatic
ecosystems. These relatively few examples may also be tied to
a unique feature of stream ecosystems, namely their spatial
gradients of temporal variability with smaller, upstream bodies being more highly variable than their larger, downstream
Across all ecosystems, there is a general dearth of information regarding the drivers and effects of high-frequency, often
episodic disturbance events. Using an automated monitoring
system deployed for several years in an Alpine stream, Peter et
al. (2014) reported seasonal, diurnal, and event-driven dynamics of CO2 partial pressure related to catchment processes (soil
respiration, bedrock weathering), metabolic processes, and
dilution. Temperature and light-dependent metabolic processes tended to build up diurnal amplitudes of CO2, whereas
Section 3. Synthesis and discussion
Similarities and differences across aquatic ecosystems.
Case studies presented here illustrate the importance of
light and temperature, water level fluctuation, and nutrient
availability as environmental drivers in all aquatic biomes,
suggesting that findings from one aquatic biome may stimulate research in another. For instance, the effects of varied
light availability in streams due to canopy cover could possibly be translated to ice cover in lakes and to turbidity and
shading from microalgal blooms and macrophytes in coastal
marine environments. Similarly, water level fluctuations have
been intensely studied in streams in the context of flood and
drought and in coastal ecosystems in relation to tidal dynamics; however, much less information is available about the
effects of water level fluctuation in lakes. However, the scales
of temporal variation considered as relevant in these distinct
aquatic habitats differs, and the question remains to what
extent this is caused by scientific tradition and limitations
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Temporal scales in aquatic ecosystems
Table 1. Summary of dominant drivers at the scales of hours-day, days-week, seasonal, annual, decadal in streams, lakes, and
the coastal ocean. This synthesis is based on literature from the case studies presented in the manuscript. NPP, net primary production; PDO, Pacific Decadal Oscillation; ENSO, El Niño Southern Oscillation; NPGO, North Pacific Gyre Oscillation; AMO, Atlantic
Multidecadal Oscillation; NAO, North Atlantic Oscillation; MJO, Madden-Julian Oscillation; NPP, net primary productivity.
Expected change to stochasticity in response to
climate change
Community identity, substrate
composition, geomorphology
Climate change may change frequency and intensity of
flood events
Leaf fall, temperature
Spring algae, carbon availability,
community shifts, heterotrophy
versus autotrophy
Climate change may change the identity of riparian
species and the time at which leaf fall and leaf out occur
Community identity
Climate change may change the frequency and intensity
of drought events
Community identity,
decomposition rates
N/A, although human activities which drive climate
change all affect acidification
Community identity
As precipitation regimes change during the winter so
will the application of road salts or the use of water for
irrigation (both of which contribute to salinization)
Marine-derived nutrient fluxes,
heterotrophic activity, hydrologic
Decadal climate empirical orthogonal functions may
certainly change in frequency
Weather-related runoff
Nutrient fluxes, NPP
Increase in flood frequency may increase nutrient pulses
Diel cycles
Regional weather
Vertical migration, damage and
Regional climate may become drier/wetter
Biomass distribution, dominance
Higher temperature may trigger bloom formation
Ice-cover duration,
mean air temperature
Timing of food web interactions
Shorter ice cover may uncouple pelagic food webs
Eutrophication, climate
Diversity, multiple responses
Extinction risk may increase
Tidal cycles, diel cycles
Nutrient fluxes, NPP, algal
Upwelling, wind-driven
convection, freshwater
inputs, cold fronts,
tropical storms
Nutrient fluxes, phytoplankton
and zooplankton bloom
Large scale climate signals (e.g. ENSO) may alter the
timing and intensity of coastal upwelling events and
tropical storms
Water temperature,
salinity, regional
weather, river
discharge hypoxia,
light, frontal
boundaries, eddies,
Phyto-, zoo-, and
ichthyoplankton biomass and
community structure
Alteration of regional weather patterns related to
climate change could alter river flow regimes, nutrient
inputs, and extent of hypoxia; fluctuations in the MJO
affect tropical storm development
Water column
stratification, light
NPP, Fish and invertebrate early
life stages settling or recruiting
to adult stocks; ecosystem
Warmer water temperatures possible coupled
with increased freshwater inputs could strengthen
Water temperature, salinity;
variability of fish populations,
biomass, ecosystem productivity
Time scale
Diel cycle
Response variable
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Temporal scales in aquatic ecosystems
episodic events such as storms and snowmelt interrupted
and dampened these patterns. Caron et al. (2008) showed
significant impacts of high frequency but largely predictable
changes in wind speed and direction on depth-resolved algal
biomass distribution, and studies of lakes in North America,
Asia, and Europe suggested that weather-related episodic
events could have both short-term effects on thermal structure and more long-lasting effects on dissolved oxygen, water
clarity, and algal biomass (Jennings et al. 2012). In the coastal
temperate ocean, some studies have revealed significant shortterm dynamics of microalgal blooms—biological disturbance
events with the potential to throw entire food webs out of balance. In the CCE, these events occur within days and often last
less than a week or two. While interannual variability is high
in bloom occurrence, magnitude, and duration, such largely
unpredictable events appear to be driven much more by local,
high-frequency processes (Kim et al. 2009; Omand et al. 2011).
In any case, organic matter export and phytoplankton bloom
events represent ecologically significant phenomena driven
by physical, chemical, and biological processes operating on
short scales that require development of new approaches to
effectively monitor.
At the other end of the spectrum, the nonlinear effects of
climate forces on ecosystems are also not well understood.
Climatic drivers operate over years, if not decades, and their
impacts on multiple trophic levels are an open area of study.
For example, the effects of match/mismatch among trophic
levels due to phenological shifts in one group, but not another,
represents an area in need of further study. Taxa often respond
to a different set of physical or chemical cues; as a result, such
investigations would require study of many parameters across
multiple timescales.
Study of multiple timescales is also integral to understanding eco-evolutionary dynamics responsible for longer-term
structuring of aquatic populations and communities. In the
past few decades, evidence that ecological and evolutionary
dynamics can occur across a range of timescales has accumulated (Hairston et al. 2005; Schoener 2011). Aquatic ecologists
have begun to recognize that evolutionary processes imprint
on population dynamics (Pelletier et al. 2009; Yoshida et al.
2003), alter community composition and assembly (Emerson
and Gillespie 2008), and structure spatial dynamics (Urban
et al. 2008). However, scale dependence of eco-evolutionary
dynamics has not yet been addressed. For instance, stochastic
events may interfere with eco-evolutionary dynamics whereas
long-term shifts might foster rapid evolutionary adaptation.
These relationships between timescale of disturbance events
or trends and adaptation and evolution of individuals represent an excellent opportunity for future study.
Finally, the responses of open biological systems to episodic
stressors such as oil spills also remain relatively unknown.
Such stressors tend to be unpredictable, which makes them
more difficult to study with long-standing ongoing research
projects. Instead, a combination of background data from
existing programs and reaction-based field campaigns is necessary for advancing understanding of such events. The investment in basic and reaction-based research in the aftermath of
the Deep Water Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico will
hopefully provide valuable information about the time-scales
of effects and recovery across trophic levels as well as provide
a model for such work.
Methodological considerations
These questions require an inherently broad view of ecosystems and the use of a wide range of tools for studying natural
systems. The interconnections between synchrony, regime
shifts, and the frequency and magnitude of extreme events
are most relevant to the study of climate change. However, to
effectively address all of these features, an investigator would
need to study several similar systems (synchrony) over long
periods of time and at high temporal resolution (extreme
events). This trade-off between long duration and high resolution is one of the main obstacles to such investigations,
but one that will hopefully become less of an impediment
as in situ, robotic, and remote methods for persistent study
become more widely adopted. The LTER program serves as
an excellent example of the inclusion of teams of researchers
spanning trophic levels, expertise, and scales of interest that
can provide the backbone of study from which short-term
and/or reaction-based field campaigns can be launched.
However, opportunities to add new sites to the LTER network
are severely limited. The National Ecological Observatory
Network (NEON) is another program that may fulfill the need
for long-term, high resolution data sets spanning ecosystems
and is incorporating mobility of sites into the design to allow
for flexibility in the ecosystems studied.
Finally, a new generation of analytical methods is also
necessary to understand data produced from such complex
investigations. Traditional methods for determining the coefficients of variation (variability, extreme events), and correlation (synchrony/coherence) must be combined with methods
for detecting nonlinear, sometimes step-wise changes (e.g.,
Rodionov 2004, change-point analyses) and understanding
time-series data in frequency-space (e.g., spectral analyses,
Fourier, and wavelet transforms). Moreover, since functional
traits structure communities and drive their responses to
change, analysis of intra- and interspecific trait variability at
different spatial scales need to be considered (Violle et al. 2012)
Lingering questions
The issue of resilience is at the forefront of ecological
research as scientists, resource managers, and policy-makers
struggle to predict what ecosystems are more or less vulnerable to disturbance across many scales in both space and time.
Are ecosystems driven by long term variability more or less
susceptible to disturbance? Do they take longer to recover? For
example, if lake productivity is primarily driven by processes
operating on seasonal to interannual and decadal timescales,
Stauffer et al.
Temporal scales in aquatic ecosystems
whereas a stream is variable at both seasonal and sub-seasonal
time scales, does this mean that the stream is more resilient to
disturbance? Does this relationship depend on what temporal
scales are dominant? These questions can be further refined
to investigate resilience across trophic levels and as whole
communities, i.e., do taxa that are forced by drivers at one or
a few scales represent a bottle-neck for recovery? Are there
differences in resistance and resilience between different levels
of biological organization, i.e., between microbes (Shade et al.
2012), primary producers, and higher trophic levels? What do
the scales of dominant drivers tell us about what the potential
mechanisms organisms are using to deal with variability?
How do the overlapping or decoupled scales of disturbance
and eco-evolutionary adaptation influence these mechanisms?
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Section 4. Conclusions
Aquatic ecosystems are driven by physical, chemical, and
biological processes operating across a variety of temporal
scales. There is great similarity in the dominant processes
and scales along the salinity gradient, though the drivers of
these processes often manifest differently in each ecosystem.
Much can be gained by cross-pollinating our understanding
of temporal dynamics across aquatic ecosystems, especially
when generating hypotheses and designing experiments for
understudied drivers or responses in a particular ecosystem.
To maximize effectiveness, investigations of aquatic ecosystems across multiple temporal scales require a variety of
approaches including long-term monitoring and short-term,
event-driven responses, and a new generation of tools and
analytical approaches.
The current collaborative paper is a product of the
Ecological Dissertations in the Aquatic Sciences (Eco-DAS
X) Symposium, with funding provided by NSF with contributions from ONR, NASA, and NOAA. Eco-DAS is sponsored
by the Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and
Education, the University of Hawai‘i School of Ocean and
Earth Science and Technology (SOEST) and the Department
of Oceanograpy, and the Association for the Sciences of
Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO). The authors thank
J. Smith, G. Hansen, J. Zarnetske, and P. Kemp for inputs in
the development of the paper and a reviewer for constructive
comments that greatly approved an earlier version of the
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