VOL. 51 NO. 4 SERVING 2000 ENGINEERS & LAND SURVEYORS JUNE, 2015 THE 2015 ASME FRANCIS RHODES MONTGOMERY DESIGN COMPETITION The ASME Hawaii Francis Rhodes Montgomery Design Competition was held May 8, 2015 in Hawaii Institute of Geophysics HIG 110 auditorium on the University of Hawaii at Manoa Campus. This annual event is cosponsored by the Department of Mechanical Engineering (DME), University of Hawaii at Manoa, and the ASME Hawaii Francis R. Montgomery Foundation. This year, the design competition consisted of eight project teams from the ME 482 Senior Design course. First place and $500 went to the Inspired Medical Engineering & Design (IMED) team, in second place and receiving $300 was the ASME Human Powered Vehicle Competition team – Na Koa O Ka Alahele, and third place and $200 to the Wave Energy team. All competing 85 mechanical engineering students demonstrated application of their cumulative engineering knowledge very well making final scores extremely competitive. Since 1987, ASME Hawaii has worked with the DME, to host the Francis Rhodes Montgomery Design Competition for the ME 481/482 Senior Design Courses. This is a two sequence mechanical engineering design course starting with ME 481 and completion through the ME 482 course with the students demonstrating not only their engineering knowledge, but also the execution of project management skills and the ability to work closely in teams. The student project teams compete before a panel of practicing engineer judges in an oral project presentation and demonstration judged on the basis of technical content, originality of concept and resolution of design problems, and effectiveness of the prototype. Besides recognizing and rewarding innovative design efforts and practicality of the design, the competition encourages the students to practice communicational skills to develop the ability to present a design project in a clear and understandable manner and also to work in project teams in their professional careers. As for accomplishing ABET or Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology accreditation requirements, the competition provides the DME third-party (practicing engineer judges) verification documents showing effectiveness of the DME program. The judges this year included Hawaiian Electric Company engineers Cheyne Eugenio, Jeff Griffith, Tony Koyamatsu, and Jordan Onuma. The opening remarks were provided by ASME Hawaii Chairman Derek Sato. Dr. A. Zachary Trimble and ASME Student Section Faculty Advisor coordinated the competition for the DME. The following are abstracts of the design pro- jects. More detailed project abstracts can be found on the ASME Hawaii website at h t t p : / / a s m e hi.com/frmdc.html. FIRST PLACE TEAM – Inspired Medical Engineering & Design (IMED) Postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) are costing hospitals hundreds of millions of dollars 1st place team: IMED, front row (L-R): Julia Gomes, Christopher annually to provide Escalante, Shanice Sarmiento, Porsche Yogi, Eugene Carl Malvar, medical assistance Kisha Shimamoto; and back row (L-R): Stephen Nishihara, John that could have been Calaro, Caleb Peich, Mckenna Nakamura, Cody Machida avoided. Coughing is necessary to expel mucus from the body and avoid PPCs, but also painful after surgery. In addition to pain, there is a lack of motivation for patients to follow through with their coughing and breathing exercises. IMED’s Flow & Steady is a motivational, interactive, and innovative device to help patients prevent PPCs. This was an 11 student team. SECOND PLACE TEAM – ASME Human Powered Vehicle Competition Team – Na Koa O Ka Alahele The purpose of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers’ Human Powered Vehicle Challenge is to develop engineering skills through the design of a human powered vehicle similar to a bike or trike. The recumbent design is frequently utilized for reasons of rider comfort, reduced aerodynamic drag, and high speed potential. The team’s objective was to produce a trike that weighed less than 65 lbs, reaches a top speed over 30 mph, and is versatile to compete in all events. This team had 12 students. THIRD PLACE TEAM – Wave Energy The wave energy converter is a device that would convert energy produced by ocean waves into electricity. This device takes advantage of Helmholtz resonance to generate a more energetic mode of an incoming ocean wave, thereby increasing the potential for energy extraction. This team had five students. The other projects included the following: Internal Combustion to Electric Drive Conversion (EV30) The EV30 project was established to conceive, design, fabricate, and test a platform for elegant, high-performance electric drive conversions. EV30 foundation is focused on incorporating the forefront of cutting-edge engineer- 2nd place team: Human Powered Vehicle, from left to right, first row (kneeling): Chris Ahuna, Ryan Saito, Chaz Bajet, Sandrick Cristobal; second row (standing): Nathan Maldonado, Eric Caldwell, Wonjun Jung, Ben Phouksouvath, Kelsey Kawaguchi, Russell Shigeoka, Jayme Navor (Captain), Joshua Gloga, Quincy Crowell. Sitting in the bike: Dr. A. Zac Trimble, Faculty Advisor. ing technologies and innovation into existing automotive concepts and recycling an abundant resource instead of replacing it, while surpassing traditional fuels in terms of efficiency and sustainability, as well as exposing students to carbon fiber composite manufacturing. This team had nine Students. MThruStR The current market for marine thruster is incomplete and there is a need for cheaper options of lesser quality. Our thruster is designed to cost less than $2500 per unit when continued on page 7 Page 2 Published monthly by: HAWAII COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING SOCIETIES SERVICE PRINTERS, INC. 1829 Dillingham Boulevard • Honolulu, HI 96819 Telephone: (808) 841-7644 • Fax: (808) 847-1487 ADDRESS ARTICLES FOR PUBLICATION TO: WARREN YAMAMOTO 1526-C Pukele Avenue • Honolulu, HI 96816 Telephone: 732-5216 WILIKI MAILING LIST Additions and/or corrections to the Wiliki mailing list should indicate the proper society, institution or association. Corrections to email addresses should be submitted to your society coordinator. HAWAII COUNCIL of ENGINEERING SOCIETIES P.O. Box 2873 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96802 HOME PAGE: http://hces.us 2014-2015 OFFICERS Chair: Chair-elect: Secretary: Treasurer: Les Kempers Stephanie Doan Kristen Yosida Joanne Hiramatsu SOC AACE ACECH APWA ASCE ASHRAE ASME CMAA EAH EWBH FALEA HSPE IEEE ITE SAME SEAOH SFPE SWE UHM CoE Representative J. Uno K. Hayashida J. Hiramatsu D. Barsana P. Scott D. Kam C. Lum H. Wiig W. Wong F.T. Cruzata M. Stevenson G. Torigoe W. Yamamoto B. Zachmeier A. Agapay S. Dannaway C. Jow S.K. Choi Alternate R. Babcock D. Sato N. Waters G. Albano K. Kunimine P.O. Box 4135, Honolulu, Hawaii 96812 Website: http://www.falea.org 2014-16 Officers/BoDirectors President: VP/Pres-Elect: Secretary: Treasurer: Ass’t Treas: Auditor: Bus. Manager: Press Rel. Off: Past President: HCES Rep: Alternate: Francisco T. Cruzata, AIA Gene C. Albano, Jr., PE, LEED AP Maritez A. Marquez Riza Marie R. Gatdula, EIT Belinda P.Tegui Ramon B. Bonoan, Jr., LEED GA Ferdinand B. Guinto, PE John C. Ramos, PE, CSP Jeoffrey S. Cudiamat, PE Francisco T. Cruzata, AIA Gene C. Albano, Jr., PE, LEED AP MAY 2015 HIGHLIGHTS: FILIPINO FIESTA PARADE & CELEBRATION – FALEA participated in the Annual Filipino Fiesta Parade on May 9 with its Marching Unit. It started from Fort DeRussy and ended up at Kapiolani Park where there was all day celebration with entertainment, food booths and exhibits. NAVFAC HAWAII’S FEDERAL EMPLOYEE OF THE YEAR AWARD – Our President, Frank Cruzata was recently honored by NAVFAC for Exceptional Community Service with the NAVFAC Hawaii’s 2015 Federal Employee of the Year Award. Among the community activities cited included volunteering in the recent Ohana Medical Mission to the Philippines, FALEA & Bicol Club involvement over the years, and volunteer Architect Consultant for the Waikele & Ewa by Gentry Community Associations. Congratulations, Frank! AMERICAN SOCIETY OF SAFETY ENGINEERS (ASSE), HAWAII CHAPTER, LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD – John Ramos, a Past President of FALEA, and Past Chairman of the Hawaii Council of Engineering Societies received the Lifetime Achievement Award during the opening ceremonies of the Biennial OSHA Hawaii Workshop on May 13, 2015. He has been involved in Occupational Safety & Health in government, the private sector, as well as a consultant. He has been with ASSE for over 40 years, and other related professional organizations. Congratulations! SAFETY TRAINING – Everything is a “go.” By the time you read this issue of Wiliki, the full Saturday of classes will have been almost over. It starts May 23, and ends June 13. BOWLING – Further discussions are on-going. More information later. FALEA’S marching group participating in the Filipino Fiesta Parade which ended at Kapiolani Park. Frank Cruzata receiving the NAVFAC Hawaii’s 2015 Federal Employee of the Year Award. John Ramos receiving ASSE Hawaii Chapter’s Lifetime Achievement Award. engineers and architects of hawaii founded 1902 PO box 4353, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 An association for Hawaiiʼs Engineers and Architects WEB address: www.eahawaii.org EAH 2014- 2015 Officers President 1st VP Treasurer Secretary Director Director Director Director Past Pres Bill Brizee, AIA Michael Albright, PE Aaron Erickson, PE Gary Yamamoto, PE Dave Martin, PE Geoffry Paterson, AIA George Coates, AIA Howard Wiig, PE Joseph Feind, PE 523-9636 591-2728 485-2777 543-4504 587-3811 543-4781 EAH’s new meeting location is Room 301 in the Topa Tower (Ewa tower on Fort Street; Old AMFAC Building). Validated parking is available (enter from Nimitz). The WEB site has been updated to provide directions and a Map. If you have questions please call Sam Gillie (543-4739). Meetings are held every Friday (except Holidays). Meetings start at NOON and have ended PROMPTLY at 1:00 pm for 70 Years. Program schedule may be adjusted. Call Sam Gillie to confirm speaker 543-4739; Fax 2031335. Lunch is $10.00 Members, $12.00 Guests. (All Welcome), Students Free. Drink refreshments are complimentary. You may bring your own lunches, in which case a $2.00 donation is gratefully appreciated!! Page 3 HONOLULU POST SOCIETY OF AMERICAN MILITARY ENGINEERS Established 1920 -Dedicated to the National Defense P.O. Box 31218, Honolulu, HI 96817 Web page: www.samehonolulu.org Officers/Directors/Advisors for 2014-15 President VP/Programs VP/Sustaining Members VP/Membership Secretary Treasurer Reg. VP, Pacific Region Advisor at Lge, Army Advisor at Lge, Navy Advisor at Lge, Air Force Advisor at Lge, Coast Guard Advisor at Lge, Civilian CAPT Ed Sewester, USN Bryan Zachmeier, USAF (Ret) Will Boudra, USN (Ret) Jerry Matsuda, USAF (Ret) Tim Dengler, USN David Brotchie Left to right: Membership Co-Director Ross Sasamura, Delegate John Lamer, Past President Ken Kawahara, Secretary Darin Izon, Mayor Kirk Caldwell, President Tyler Sugihara, Treasurer Ryan Char, Vice President Victor Valdez, Alternate Delegate Rouen Liu. Richard Stump MAJ Jeremiah Gipson CAPT Ed Sewester, USN Col Mickey Addison LCDR Clay McKinney, USCG John Lohr, Col, USAF (Ret) Col “Mickey” Addison, Commander, Detachment 2, Air Force Installation & Mission Support Center, addressed the attendees at the May 13 Pacific Industry Forum. P.O. Box 88840 Honolulu, HI 96830 Website: www.acechawaii.org 2014-2015 Board of Directors President William Bow, Bow Engineering & Development President-Elect Robin Lim, Geolabs Treasurer Corey Matsuoka, SSFM International Secretary Jeff Kalani, Yogi Kwong Engineers National Director Sheryl Nojima, Gray Hong Nojima & Associates Past President Beverly Ishii-Nakayama, Shigemura Lau Sakanashi Higuchi & Associates Directors Garret Masuda, Insynergy Engineering, Inc. Ken Kawahara, Akinaka & Associates, Ltd. Sean Sugai, Ronald N.S. Ho & Associates LETTER FROM THE ACECH PRESIDENT Written by William H.Q. Bow, P.E. The 2015 Legislative Session has just ended and we were successful in deflecting the attack on QBS law (HRS §103D-304) from the innovative procurement bills that were being introduced. Many thanks to the ACECH Legislative Committee comprised of Ms. Janice Marsters, Mr. Lester Fukuda, Ms. Sandie Wong, Ms. Sheryl Nojima, and Mr. Robin Lim for the hard 2015 Pacific Industry Forum and Scholarship Golf Tournament raises over $13,000 for Hawaii Students Over 200 individuals participated in SAME Honolulu’s Pacific Industry Forum and Scholarship Golf Tournament on May 12 and 13. The Forum, held at the Ala Moana Hotel on May 13, brought together SAME sustaining and individual members, non-members, and senior leaders from the Federal, State and County Governments for program briefings, a luncheon, and small business opportunities. Program briefings were provided by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, U.S. Air Force, NAVFAC Pacific, Pacific Command, and various State of Hawaii and City & County of Honolulu agencies. The golf tournament, held on May 12 at the Kaneohe Klipper Golf Course, generated thousands of dollars for the SAME Honolulu Scholarship Program, which provides scholarships to deserving students majoring in the engineering or architecture fields. work at the State Legislature on behalf of the member firms. In April 2015, a delegation of 12 members from ACECH attended the ACEC Spring National Convention and stormed Capitol Hill to meet with our National Legislators to talk about the issues that need their support. Four of the issues discussed were: • Enact a long-term re-authorization of highway and transit programs with increased investments supported by stable revenue sources. It’s hard to do any long range planning of our highways and bridges when the funding is short term. As you may know Map-21, Highway Trust Fund (HTF), will expire on May 31, 2015. • Encourage renewable energy and continue to support tax incentives for renewable energy resources. Hawaii is a leader in renewable energy development and must continue to develop new energy sources in the future. • Seek to maintain cash method of accounting for engineering firms. Recent House and Senate tax-writing committee proposals would force some firms to switch to accrual accounting. Another financial proposal we lobbied to stop was measures to increase Scorp payroll taxes. • Promote Design-Build as another “delivery system” to design and construct infrastructure and public buildings. Suggested streamlining the design-build process by limiting the second phase to the 3 best qualified teams. Website: hawaii.apwa.net Hawaii Chapter 2015 Officers President Vice-Pres Treasurer Secretary Past Pres Tyler Sugihara tsugihara@honolulu.gov Victor Valdez vvaldez@ssfm.com Ryan Char rchar@group70int.com Darin Izon dizon@BrwnCald.com Ken Kawahara, 836-1900 kck@akinaka.com 768-3600 356-1281 523-5866 523-8499 National Public Works Week – City Proclamation Instituted as a public education campaign by APWA in 1960, National Public Works Week (NPWW)calls attention to the importance of public works in community life. NPWW is traditionally sponsored and observed during the third full week in May. Through the Week and other efforts, APWA seeks to raise the public’s awareness of public works issues and to increase confidence in public works employees and professionals who are the oftenunsung heroes of our society. On May 11, Hawaii Chapter was presented with a City proclamation to designate May 1723 as Public Works Week. Additionally, Hawaii Chapter maintained an exhibit of various recent public works projects to energize and educate the public on the importance of the contribution of public works to their daily lives. The annual exhibit was on display during NPWW in Kahala Mall. Meet & Greet – June 1 Please join us Monday evening, June 1, for a Meet & Greet event at the Old Spaghetti Factory. We will be joined by APWA National President, Larry Stevens. Invitations have also been extended to representatives from various State and City Agencies. Additional information is available at hawaii. apwa.net/events/chapter. Project Awards Hawaii Chapter is pleased to recognize two projects for their excellence and contributions to the communities they serve. Public works projects often go unrecognized but are critical to the function and operation of the neighborhoods and cities that we live in. Please join us in recognizing AECOM for the Hana Highway Route 360 Emergency Repairs Project and Bowers+Kubota for the Emergency Repairs of the Ihi’ihilauakea Bridge Project. Both successful projects were vital to their communities and illustrate the need for strong public works support. Page 4 STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS A S S O C I AT I O N O F H AWA I I PO BOX 3348, HONOLULU, HI 96801 Web Page URL http://www.seaoh.org 2015 BOD OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS Position President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Director (Yr 2) Director (Yr 2) Director (Yr 1) Director (Yr 1) Past President Officer Phone Fernando Frontera 781-2802 ffrontera@baseengr.com Jeffrey Hanyu jeffreyhanyu@allisonide.com Joshua Tyau 535-3012 joshuat@nagamineokawa.com Jinghai Yang 791-3947 jyang@kaihawaii.com Paul Kane III 537-2811 alohamarketing@hawaii.rr.com Tim Waite 479-1216 twaite@strongtie.com Dennis Sakamoto 682-5737 dennis@tilecoinc.com Gaur Johnson 956-2377 gaur@hawaii.edu Ethan Okuna 945-0198 x103 eokuna@cshengineers.com HIGHLIGHTS OF BOD MEETING May 6, 2015 General Membership Meetings/Technical Seminars/Events For all events see seaoh.org or look for email flyer for registration. • June 11, 12, 13 – PTI Certification Workshop: Level 1 & 2 Unbonded Post-Tension Special Inspector. • June 17 – YMG Social, June 20 – YMG Service project, Contact James Aoki (5332210 jaoki@kaihawaii.com) for information. • July 9 – General Membership Meeting at REAL a gastropub. • August 14 to 15 – Save the date! Annual Convention @ Aulani details to come. SEAOH Website Member Login To take full advantage of the new site you will want to activate your member account by following the instructions below: 1) Go to the lost password site http://goo.gl/ r8XSxe 2) Enter the email address that receives SEAOH announcements. 3) Click Get New Password. 4) You will receive an email from SEAOH Admin. 5) Follow the link at the bottom of the email. 6) Set a new secure password. 7) Login to the site using your email address and new password. You now have access to SEAOH website privileges which include posting job listing and the ability to edit your membership directory information. Also check out seaoh.org for links to building code information for State and County amendments http://www.seaoh.org/ resources/government/ SEAOH Governing Documents SEAOH governing documents (the Charter of Incorporation and Bylaws) have been approved through written vote on renewal ballots and unanimous vote of SEAOH Board of Directors. Governing documents can be found on our website at http://www.seaoh.org/about/ bylaws-charter/ Missing Members Please contact Membership Chairperson, Jiabao Chen (791-3945 jchen@kaihawaii.com), or any of the SEAOH Officers if you have a new mailing and/or email address. Next Meeting The next SEAOH Board of Directors and Officers meeting will be on June 3, 2015. For location, contact SEAOH President Fernando Frontera (781-2802 ffrontera@baseengr.com). The American Society of Mechanical Engineers www.asme-hi.com ASME-HI 2014-2015 Officers Chairperson Vice-Chair Secretary Treasurer Past-Chair HCES Rep: Alternate: Hawaii Section 2014-2015 Officers www.ite-hawaii.org President: Vice Pres.: Secretary: Treasurer: Pete Pascua ppascua@wilsonokamoto.com Natasha Soriano natasha.a.soriano@hawaii.gov Sara Okuda sara.t.okuda@hawaii.gov Robert Nehmad rnehmad@mmm.com Annual Meeting Date: Wednesday, June 24, 2015 Place: Plaza Club Speaker: Race Randle, Vice President, The Howard Hughes Corporation Topic: Ward Village Development The Howard Hughes Corporation owns, manages and develops commercial, residential and mixed-use real estate throughout the country. The company is comprised of master planned communities, operating properties, strategic developments and other unique assets spanning 16 states from New York to Hawaii. The Howard Hughes Corporation is traded on the New York Stock Exchange as HHC and headquartered in Dallas Texas. Ward Village is a 60-acre urban master planned community located in the heart of Honolulu between the city’s downtown and Waikiki. This world-class coastal community is being meticulously curated into a vibrant neighborhood with plans for over 4,000 exceptional high-rise residences and more than one million square feet of retail space surrounded by outdoor public gathering places and pedestrian friendly streets. The neighborhood will be anchored by a four-acre public park that will serve as a multipurpose gathering space in Honolulu where residents and visitors will convene, socialize, and enjoy an array of community events. Phase One, projected for completion in 2016, includes the development of three residential towers and the recent opening of a new sales and information center in the iconic IBM building. Phase Two, Ward Village Gateway, will include two mixed-use towers, a one-acre park, and a flagship Whole Foods Market. Ward Village has received LEED Neighborhood Development (LEED-ND) Platinum certification, making the Honolulu project the nation’s largest LEED-ND Platinum certified project and the only LEED-ND Platinum certified project in the state of Hawai`i. Derek Sato 543-4108 Derek.sato@hawaiianelectric.com Derick Kam 848-6966 kam@thermaleng.com Kevin Dang 737-1708 dangk001@hawaii.rr.com Kory Ikeda 628-1231 Derick Kam Derek Sato NEXT ASME-HAWAII SECTION GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING Date: Not scheduled yet. Time: usually 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm Place: HECO Ward Ave Cafeteria Conference Room Agenda: To be determined. All members are invited and encouraged to attend our meetings. There are always lots of free pizza and soft drinks. Please contact Chairman Derek Sato or Ed Chang for directions and for more information, such as parking within Hawaiian Electric’s Ward Avenue facilities. 2015 BALLOTS & SURVEYS COMPLETED APRIL 30, 2015 Voting and survey solicitation ended April 30, and again the response was modest. SurveyMonkey.com was again used to make responding easy. Based on responses received our 2015-2016 Officers and Directors are Chairman Derek Sato of Hawaiian Electric Company; Vice Chair Derick Kam of Thermal Engineering; Treasurer Kevin Dang of Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard (PHNSY); Secretary Victor Russell of DSA Engineering; and Directors Ed Chang of Hawaiian Electric; Ronald Flegal, retired Leeward Community College; and Raymond Liu of PHNSY. 2015 FRANCIS R. MONTGOMERY DESIGN COMPETITION COMPLETED The Montgomery Design Competition was held Friday, May 8, 2015, on the University of Hawaii at Manoa (UHM) campus, HIG 110 auditorium. The Montgomery Foundation thanks judges Cheyne Eugenio, Jeff Griffith, Tony Koyamatsu, and Jordan Onuma, all from Hawaiian Electric Company. Co-MC for the event were our Chairman Derek Sato and Dr. Zac Trimble. ASME HAWAII SECTION HISTORY Last month we recalled the accomplishments of our first chairman (1953-1955), and one of the charter members of the Hawaii Section, Lieutenant General Henry S. Aurand Sr. He played an important part, and held a high position in the U.S. Army during World War II. Now we would like to report on the whereabouts of Frederick H. Kohloss, P.E., JD, ASME Fellow. Fred Kohloss was our Chairman in 19681969, HCES Engineer of the Year 1980, and HCES Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient 1999. He is also a Charter Member of the Hawaii Society of Professional Engineers and its President in 1961. Of course Kohloss was more well-known and active during his later continued on page 7 STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS, INC. iiÀ>Ê}iiÀ}ÊUÊÕ`>ÌÊ-ÞÃÌiÃÊUÊVÀÊ*ià iiÀ>Ê}iiÀ}ÊUÊÕ`>ÌÊ-ÞÃÌiÃÊUÊVÀÊ*ià MICRO PILES As defined in FHWA-RD-96-016 RD-96-016 “Micr “Micro o-piles are small diameter drilled and d grrouted re einforced piles used for both structural support and insitu earth reinfor e cement.” ement.” Typically y less than n 10” in diameterr, allowable design capacities frrequently equen exceed 100 kips and our crews have performed testing in excess of 225 kips or over 100 tons. Micrro-piles are frrequent equently e used e red e in difficult substrata conditions, or where a deep foundation system is requir where driven piles or large diameter systems arre impractical due to subsurface obstructions, or limitations presented by existing buildings at or adjacent to the prroject o site. Capabilities, Benefits & Advantages Low-overhead Equipment s Limited Access and Low-overhead Equipment s $ESIGN"UILD0ROJECTS s &(7!#OMPLIANT s (IGH"EARING4ENSION #APACITIES4ONS s .EW#ONSTRUCTION s #ASEDOR5NCASED3YSTEMS s (OLLOWBAR)NJECTION!NCHORS 0ILES Underpinning System s !TLAS#HANCE(ELICAL0IERS s 2EMEDIAL5NDERPINNING s &OUNDATION2ELEVELING s ,OAD4RANSFER s 3OIL.AILS'UNITE s 3LOPE3TABILIZATION s #OMPACTION'ROUTING s 5RETEK3LAB2ELEVELING New Construction, Maui Since 1985 in Hawaii, Structural Systems and its allied company Kelikai have compiled decades of experience installing deep foundation systems. Our experience includes a range of piling systems for bearing support, and a selection of differing anchor systems for tension applications. !DDITIONALLY WE ARE AUTHORIZED INSTALLERS OF THE !TLAS AND #HANCE BRANDS of prre-engineered foundation systems for both new construction and REMEDIALUNDERPINNINGAPPLICATIONS(AWAIIHASWIDELYVARIABLEANDDIFlCULT subsurface conditions. With their experience, ce, our staffff and field crrew ews are e peerless in their ability to addrress all the differing geotechnical conditions unique to Hawaii. STRUCTURAL SYSTEMS, INC. General Engineering 0/"OX (ONOLULU() 4ELEPHONE &AX Email: structurs001@hawaii.rr.com WEBSITE77733)(!7!))#/- Page 6 2015. Phone/email RSVP by Wednesday, June 10th, 2015, (808) 596-7790 or email at eric.a@tlcghawaii.com. No shows will be billed. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING Last held: May 5, 2015 Next meeting: June 2, 2015 2014-2015 ASCE HAWAII SECTION OFFICERS Office President: Name Phone Glenn Miyasato, P.E. 488-7579 email: gmiyasato@ascehawaii.org President-Elect: Benjamin Rasa, P.E. 531-1308 email: brasa@ascehawaii.org Vice President: Timothy Goshi, P.E. 791-3966 email: tgoshi@kaihawaii.com Secretary: Lara Karamatsu, P.E. 566-2227 email: lkaramatsu@ascehawaii.org Treasurer: Eric Arakawa, P.E. 596-7790 email: earakawa@ascehawaii.org Immediate Past Pres: Brian Enomoto, P.E. 388-5559 email: benomoto@ascehawaii.org YMF President: Puna Kaneakua, P.E. 593-1116 email: pkaneakua@ascehawaii.org COSTAS PAPACOSTAS Hearts are heavy as the Hawaii community has lost a great engineer, mentor, leader and wonderful person. He played a very active role in the organization with roles such as President and then History & Heritage Chairman for many years. ASCE Hawaii Section Executive Committee sends its heartfelt sympathies to the Family and friends of Costas Papacostas. He will be missed. GOLF TOURNAMENT The 13th Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament in Honor of Steve Fong will be held on Friday, August 28, 2015 at Pearl Country Club. Deadline to register for the tournament is August 14, 2015 (early registration closes July 17th, 2015). For more information, please visit http://www.ascehawaii.org/events.html. JUNE DINNER MEETING Program: Stream Bank Bluff Stabilization and Protection of the Riverside Apartments Speaker: Kealohi Sandefur, P.E., Project Manager, Yogi Kwong Engineers Synopsis: Deep soil erosion along a portion of the Wailuku River threatened to undermine the shallow spread footing foundation of the Riverside Apartments in Hilo, Hawaii. Several challenges had to be endured throughout the project including the existing steep and marginally stable slope, limited site access, regulatory compliance and project funding. Will examine how this high risk project was successfully designed, permitted and constructed on-time and on budget. Date: Thursday, June 18th, 2015 Location: Dave and Busters, Pa’ina Room (2nd Floor) Time: 5:30 p.m. Social Time 6:30 p.m. Dinner 7:00 p.m. Program Menu: Multi-entrée buffet Cost: $30.00 for ASCE Hawaii Section Members $35.00 for Non-Members and Guests $20.00 for University of Hawaii at Manoa ASCE Student Chapter Members Reservations: Please make checks payable to “ASCE Hawaii Section” and mail to: Eric Arakawa, ASCE Hawaii Section Treasurer, The Limtiaco Consulting Group, 1622 Kanakanui Street, Honolulu, HI 96817, by Tuesday, June 9th, CONTINUING EDUCATION ASCE National holds more than 275 seminars and computer workshops each year on a wide variety of technical, management, and regulatory topics. These seminars are held in more than 45 cities across the U.S. In addition, ASCE offers customized on-site training and many distance learning programs, including live interactive web/teleconference seminars, online courses and courses on CD, videotape, and audiotape. Please visit http://www.ascehawaii.org/links.html and click on ASCE National for complete details. ASCE HAWAII SECTION STUDENT SCHOLARSHIPS Please help us increase our scholarship endowment so that we can recognize deserving students. We continue to accept taxdeductible donations with the goal of increasing the annual scholarships. Make your check payable to ‘ASCE Hawaii Section’ and mail to: ASCE Scholarship Committee, P.O. Box 917, Honolulu, HI 96808-0917. If you have any questions, please contact Brian Enomoto at 388-5559, or benomoto@ascehawaii.org. ASCE JOB LISTINGS The following job listings are currently posted on the ASCE Hawaii Section website: • Civil Engineer VI – City and County of Honolulu • Civil Engineer IV – City and County of Honolulu • Civil Engineer V – City and County of Honolulu • Mechanical Engineer V – City and County of Honolulu • Structural Engineer V - City and County of Honolulu • Electrical Engineer – Coffman Engineers • Structural Engineer – Coffman Engineers • Civil Engineer V – SSFM International • Structural Engineer IV – SSFM International • Architect (Design Engineer) – Bishop & Co. • Civil Engineer (Design Engineer) – Bishop & Co. • Structural Engineer (Design Engineer) – Bishop & Co. • Mechanical Engineer (Design Engineer) – Bishop & Co. continued on page 7 Hawaii Section — Younger Member Forum Web site: http://www.ascehawaii.org/ymf.html 2014-2015 YMF Officers Puna Kaneakua, President pkaneakua@ascehawaiiymf.org Amanda Tanaka, Vice President atanaka@ascehawaiiymf.org Norman Leong, Secretary nleong@ascehawaiiymf.org Jordan Urabe, Treasurer jurabe@ascehawaiiymf.org Jason Sugibayashi, Past President jsugibayashi@ascehawaii.ymf.org YMF General Meeting The next YMF general meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 3, 6:00 p.m. at Bevy Bar. If you are interested in attending to find out what the YMF is all about, contact YMF at ymf.hawaii@gmail.com. Hawaii Foodbank – National Association of Letter Carriers’ (NALC) By Lori Higashi and David Miyasaki, Community Service Co-Chairs On the Saturday before Mother’s Day, May 9, 2015, 30 YMF members volunteered their afternoon to participate in the Annual Foodbank sorting at the Mapunapuna Foodbank. Along with various groups from unions, banks, and other businesses, YMF members helped with assembling boxes, sorting and packing the donations collected earlier that day during the annual Letter Carrier’s Food Drive. Majority of our members organized the donations into the predefined categories such as canned meat, assorted can, dry goods and miscellaneous. It was a great turnout for a great cause. Thank you to all the volunteers for coming out to this event and to Lance Kamada for coordinating this event with the YMF. (L to R): (back) Nguyen, Andrew, Ben, Kapi, David, Jesse, Jason, Allison, Norman, (middle) Jillian, Susan, Lara, Austin, Brent, Eric, Micah, Shaun, Julie, (front) Lori, Amanda, Nicole, Emily, Alicia, Jess, Kurt, Adam. (Missing from Picture: Jodi, Kevin, Jimmy, Lisa, Matt) Page 7 MONTGOMERY DESIGN COMPETITION, from page 1 manufacturing 100 units. The housing is oil compensated with an aluminum wall for high structural integrity and thermal dissipation. A 3.5 HP DC brushed motor was utilized for its cost and is controlled by an AMC 100A40 PWM servo drive and Arduino Uno micro-controller. The project is sponsored by Makai Ocean Engineering. This team had five students. SAE Aero Design Competition Team – Micro Class Manini Aero from the University of Hawaii competed in the 2015 Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Micro Aero Design West Competition held April 24-26 in Van Nuys, CA. The challenge was to design a lightweight unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) capable of carrying a high payload fraction. Successful designs are those able to carry a heavy payload relative to the empty weight of the aircraft and those capable of being fully assembled from a six inch diameter packing container by two people. This team had 12 students. SAE Formula Race Car Competition Team (Rainbow Warriors Racing –RWR) Formula SAE® (Society of Automotive Engineers) is an international design project where engineering students design, fabricate, and drive an open wheeled race car. Students dedicate their time and energy to be exposed to new knowledge and fabrication skills not otherwise learned in the classroom. By the end of the project, students will be able to see their unique designs come to fruition. The 2015 team improved upon different aspects of the car in hopes of placing higher in competition. This was the largest team with 28 students. Team KEG During an hour-long workout, an average human has the potential to generate 100 watts of energy, which is normally dissipated into the atmosphere as heat. The purpose of the Kinesthetic Energy Generator (KEG) is to convert the energy that is regularly wasted, into electrical energy by taking the translational motion in a workout and converting it to rotational motion for an electric motor. Though there are similar products, none convert translational motion into electricity at the moment. This team had three students. Acknowledgements The Francis Rhodes Montgomery Design Competition was established in 1987 in memory of Francis R. Montgomery, retired Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. Vice-President of Engineering, to further the field of Mechanical Engineering. The Hawaii Section is grateful to the DME for helping to perpetuate this competition. Coordinating this event for the DME were Dr. A. Zachary Trimble, ASME Faculty Advisor, and Dr. Mehrdad Ghasemi Nejhad, DME Chair and UHM DME ABET Chair. held in July, keep an eye out for our email blasts for more information on that. Our chapter is here as a resource for all Construction Engineering and Management professionals. If you have any questions regarding any of our upcoming events, would like to join our Ohana and become more involved with the CMAA Hawaii Chapter or would simply like to be added to our email list, please email us at hawaii.cmaa@gmail.com. Also please note that we have a new mailing address; CMAA Hawaii, PO Box 531, Honolulu, HI 96809 Looking for a CCM? The current listing for all Hawaii CCMs can be found here: https://cmaanet.org/certified-construction-managers-registry. ASME, CCMAA Hawaii Chapter http://hawchapter.cmaa.org Officers President Vice Pres. Secretary Treasurer Past President Directors Derek Mukai 531.4252 President@cmaahawaiicmaa.org Jeff Clark 225.6799 Vicepresident@cmaahawaii.org Bill Thornton 651.4541 Secretary@cmaahawaii.org Chandra Namumnart 561.7393 Treasurer@cmaahawaii.org Tim Bramsen 256.5952 Hawaii.cmaa@gmail.com Dustin Timm 256.2020 Mike Young 836.7787 Thank You all for your support in attending our CMAA Hawaii 3rd Annual Chapter Conference, which took place on Tuesday May 12th at the Ko’olau Ballrooms and Conference Center was well attended and informative, look for a write-up of our event in the upcoming issue of BIH Magazine. Our next CMAA event will be our upcoming Community Service Activity, in May of 2015 when we will continue our partnership with the Hawaii Judiciary, Transforming the Honolulu boy’s home space into Hale Hilina’i- a place of hope and safety for Oahu’s at risk youth. This is a very rewarding project that we are fortunate to have the opportunity to be involved with. If you would be interested in joining us (all are welcome), please let us know. Our next bimonthly Luncheon will be from page 4 years in ASHRAE, having been the Society President in 1986-1987, and the Hawaii Chapter President in 1989-1990. Currently, at 92, Kohloss is retired in Tucson, Arizona. If you knew or met his wife Peggy, Fred reported that she passed away in October 2009. They had chosen Tucson over Hawaii because their daughter Eleanor and family lived there, the weather is pleasant, the facility is excellent, and the city is familiar. ASHRAE Tucson Chapter did an excellent feature on Frederick H. Kohloss in an interview in 2014, which can be found at http://www.ashraetucson.org/history/memberprofiles/fred-kohloss/. In this interview, Fred spoke about his association and friendship with Francis R. Montgomery while Montgomery was still with Hawaiian Electric Company. He mentioned many other old-time Hawaii Engineers he worked with many of whom I recognize. Frederick H. Kohloss is a very accomplished Engineer, a consummate role model for the younger engineers. Now you know where he is. ASCE, from page 6 • Environmental Engineer – Bishop & Co. • Construction Manager – (Company withheld) For further information on these job listings or to find out how you can post job openings in your company on this website, please visit http://www.ascehawaii.org/job-listings.html. Professional Directory SUITE 1500, PACIFIC PARK PLAZA 711 KAPIOLANI BOULEVARD HONOLULU, HAWAII 96813 TELEPHONE: (808) 593-1676 FAX: (808) 593-1607 EMAIL: paren@pareninc.com Pacific Geotechnical Engineers, Inc. Soils & Foundation Engineering Consultants 94-417 Akoki Street Waipahu, Hawaii 96797 (808) 678-8024 FAX (808) 678-8722 E-mail: pge@pacificgeotechnical.com SHIMABUKURO, ENDO & YOSHIZAKI, INC. Civil, Environmental & Structural Engineers 1126 12th Avenue, #309 Honolulu, Hawaii 96816-3715 Phone: (808) 737-1875 Fax: (808) 734-5516 Email: seyeng@seyeng.com Engineers, Surveyors, Planners PHOENIX INTERNATIONAL (808) 486-6595 UNDERWATER ® WELDING INSPECTION REPAIR ENGINEERING Sales, Engineer Mobile: 808-479-1216 Email: twaite@strongtie.com Simpson Strong-Tie Co., Inc. www.rmtowill.com E D E PA RT M OF T RANS P AT I O N RT rmtowill@rmtowill.com • II TA TE S Contact: 808.842.1133 T • Civil Engineering Wastewater Engineering Surveying & Mapping Planning Construction Management Project Management N O SINCE 1930 Honolulu Maui www.satoandassociates.com Tim Waite, P.E. A O F H AW 720 Iwilei Road Suite 425 P.O. Box 3351 Honolulu, HI 96801 Phone: (808) 536-2705 Fax: (808) 599-4032 www.ssfm.com State Dept. of Transportation R. M. TOWILL CORPORATION Sato & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineers CONSTRUCTION COST CONSULTANTS hawaii.gov/dot Engineering transportation solutions in Airports, Harbors, Highways and Administration 1210 Ward Avenue, Suite 204 Honolulu, Hawaii 96814 Phone: (808) 947-6855 info@j-uno-associates.com Aloha ‘Āina, ‘Ā ‘Āina, ‘Ike Honua Local Knowledge, Global Coverage honolulu@wspgroup.com www.wspgroup.com 808.536.1737 WALKER INDUSTRIES, LTD. Precast Concrete Products Frederick K. Wong, PE P.O. Box 1568 Kahului, Maui, Hawaii 96732 Maui (808) 877-3430 Fax (808) 871-7282 HAWAII COUNCIL OF ENGINEERING SOCIETIES P.O. Box 2873 Honolulu, Hawaii 96802 Presorted Standard U.S. Postage Paid Honolulu, Hawaii Permit No. 1838 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED Professional Directory Waterproofing & Roofing Building Envelope & Solar Solutions 808.538.0115 www.abbae.com WWW. .COM BILLS ENGINEERING INC. Civil Environmental Engineering Tel: 808.792.2022 Fax: 808.792.2033 1124 Fort Street Mall Suite 200 Honolulu, HI 96813 info@BillsEngineering.com ControlPoint C ontrolPoin Surveying, Inc. LASTING creativity | results | relationships Multidiscipline Engineers Maui – Honolulu brownandcaldwell.com www.coffman.com 851 Fort Street Suite 300 Honolulu, HI 96813 808.687.8884 MASA FUJIOKA & ASSOC. A PROFESSIONAL PARTNERSHIP 1320 N SCHOOL ST., STE 1 HONOLULU, HAWAII 96817 ENGINEERS-SURVEYORS HAWAII, INC. (FORMERLY WILLIAM HEE & ASSOCIATES, INC.) Phone: 591-8116 ENVIRONMENTAL • GEOTECHNICAL • HYDROGEOLOGICAL CONSULTANTS MF A 98-021 Kamehameha Highway, Suite 337 Aiea, Hawaii 96701-4914 Phone 808 484-5366 • Fax 808 484-0007 masa-fujioka-associates.com • mfujioka@masafujioka.com Oahu: Oahu: 1150 1150 South South King King Street, Suite 1200 Honolulu, Honolulu, Ha Hawaii waii 96814 Ph:(808)591-2022, Ph:(808)591-2022 Fax:(808)591-8333 Email: Email: s surveying@cpshawaii.net urveying@ ower Ma in Street, Suite 102 Maui: Maui: 1 1129 129 L Lower Main Hawaii 9 Wailuku, Wailuku, Hawaii 96793 Ph:(808)242-9641, Ph:(808)242-964 Fax:(808)244-9220 Email: Email: c cpsmaui@cpshawaii.net psmaui@ p H AWA I I 2344 Pahounui Drive Honolulu, HI 96819-2220 (808) 832-9245 Fax (808) 832-9470 sales@ameronhawaii.com • Project Management • Planning • • Architectural/Engineering Design • Construction Management • 94-408 Akoki Street, Suite 201-A • Waipahu, Hawaii 96797 Phone: 808.836.7787 • Telefax: 808.834.4833 When it’s RUST Call us (808) 676-1963 www.corrosioncops.com Y. Ebisu & Associates Engineering Concepts, Inc. Acoustical and Electronic Engineers Civil/Environmental/Sanitary Engineers 1126 12th Avenue, Room 305 Honolulu, Hawaii 96816 (808) 735-1634 1150 South King Street, Suite 700 • Honolulu, Hawaii 96814 Phone: (808) 591-8820 • Fax (808) 591-9010 Email: eci@ecihawaii.com FUKUNAGA & ASSOCIATES, INC. 1357 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 1530 Honolulu, HI 96814 Ph: 944-1821 • Fax: 946-9339 office@fukunagaengineers.com www.fukunagaengineers.com GEOLABS, INC. Geotechnical Engineering and Drilling Services 2006 Kalihi Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96819 Phone: 841-5064 Fax: 847-1749 HIDA, OKAMOTO & ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING CIVIL ENGINEERS Honolulu 808.697.6200 Maui 808.359.2518 PACIFIC GUARDIAN TOWER 1440 Kapiolani Boulevard, Suite 1120 Honolulu, Hawaii 96814 Phone: (808) 942-0066 Fax: (808) 947-7546 hdrinc.com Hirata & Associates, Inc. Geotechnical Engineering 808.486.0787 www.hirata-hawaii.com SAM O. HIROTA, INC. Engineers & Surveyors 864 S. Beretania Street Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Telephone: 537-9971 INABA ENGINEERING, INC. 273 WAIANUENUE AVENUE HILO, HAWAII 96720 Phone: (808) 961-3727 / Fax: (808) 935-8033 Civil Engineering • Land Surveying Email: inabaeng@hawaii.rr.com ISLAND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING, INC. Geotechnical Consultants 330 Ohukai Road, Suite 119 Kihei, Hawaii 96753 Phone: (808) 875-7355 Fax: (808) 875-7122 Email: ige@igehawaii.com Airport Industrial Park Building 3375 Koapaka Street | Suite F-227 Honolulu | Hawaii | 96819 P: 808.488.0477 | F: 808.488.3776 www.KennedyJenks.com NAGAMINE OKAWA ENGINEERS INC. CONSULTING STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 1003 Bishop Street • Suite 2025 Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 Phone: (808) 536-2626 • FAX: (808) 536-3926 NAKAMURA, OYAMA and ASSOCIATES, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS ELECTRICAL/TELECOMMUNICATIONS/FIRE PROTECTION 1314 South King Street, Suite 401, Honolulu, HI 96814 Telephone (808) 591-8887 Fax (808) 596-2383 www.noa-engineers.com Okahara and Associates, Inc. ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS Civil - Mechanical Engineers Hilo: (808) 961-5527 • hilo@okahara.com Oahu: (808) 524-1224 • oahu@okahara.com www.okahara.com Small Business and Certified HUBZone
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