GAUGE: Gauge is not critical for this project. SPECIAL ABBREVIATIONS Picot: Chain 3, slip st in first ch to make picot. MOTIFS Small Flower Ch 6, slip st in first ch to form a ring. Round 1: Ch 6 (counts as dc and ch 3), [dc in ring, ch 3] 5 times, slip st in 3rd ch of beginning ch to join – 6 ch-3 spaces. Round 2: [Sc, hdc, 3 dc, hdc, sc] in each ch-3 space around – 6 petals. Round 3: Working in back of work, slip st around post of first dc on Round 1, *ch 5, slip st around post of next dc on Round 1; repeat from * 4 more times, ch 5, slip st in first st – 6 ch-5 spaces. Round 4: [Sc, hdc, 5 dc, hdc, sc] in each ch-5 space around – 6 petals. Round 5: Working in back of work, slip st around post of first dc on Round 1, *ch 7, slip st around post of next dc on Round 1; repeat from * 4 more times, ch 7, slip st in first st – 6 ch-7 spaces. Round 6: [Sc, hdc, 7 dc, hdc, sc] in each ch-7 space around – 6 petals. Fasten off. Sweet Irish Rose Necklace & Earrings This Irish crochet jewelry set is extraordinary! Crochet it for a special occasion or memorable gift. LC2434 Designed by Lisa Gentry. One size fits most. Aunt Lydia’s® “Classic Crochet”: 1 ball 492 Burgundy. Crochet Hook: 1.75 mm [US steel hook 4]. 30 red glass beads - 1/8” (3mm), 4 pearl beads - 3/16” (5mm), 1 pearl bead - ¼” (6mm), earring wires, spring and jump rings, stitch markers, yarn needle. ©2011 Coats & Clark P.O. Box 12229 Greenville, SC 29612-0229 Large Flower Thread 30 red glass beads onto working thread. Ch 6, slip st in first ch to form a ring. Round 1: Ch 6 (counts as dc and ch 3), [dc in ring, ch 3] 5 times, slip st in 3rd ch of beginning ch to join – 6 ch-3 spaces. Round 2: [Sc, hdc, 2 dc, slip 1 bead close to hook, dc, hdc, sc] in each ch-3 space around – 6 petals. Round 3: Working in back of work, slip st around post of first dc on Round 1, *ch 5, slip st around post of next dc on Round 1; repeat from * 4 more times, ch 5, slip st in first st – 6 ch-5 spaces. Round 4: [Sc, hdc, 3 dc, slip 1 bead close to hook, 2 dc, hdc, sc] in each ch-5 space around – 6 petals. Round 5: Working in back of work, slip st around post of first dc on Round 1, *ch 7, slip st around post of next dc on Round 1; repeat from * 4 more times, ch 7, slip st in first st – 6 ch-7 spaces. Round 6: [Sc, hdc, 4 dc, slip 1 bead close to hook, 3 dc, hdc, sc] in each ch-7 space around – 6 petals. Round 7: Working in back of work, slip st around post of first dc on Round 1, *ch 9, slip st around post of next dc on Round 1; repeat from * 4 more times, ch 9, slip st in first st – 6 ch-9 spaces. Round 8: [Sc, hdc, 5 dc, slip 1 bead close to hook, 4 dc, hdc, sc] in each ch-9 space around – 6 petals. Round 9: Working in back of work, slip st around post of first dc on Round 1, *ch 11, slip st around post of next dc For more ideas & inspiration - on Round 1; repeat from * 4 more times, ch 11, slip st in first st – 6 ch-11 spaces. Round 10: [Sc, hdc, 6 dc, slip 1 bead close to hook, 5 dc, hdc, sc] in each ch-11 space around – 6 petals. Fasten off. AUNT LYDIA’S® “Classic Crochet Size 10”, Art. 154, available in white & ecru 400 yd (365 m), solid color 350 yd (320 m) and shaded color 300 yd (275 m) balls. Abbreviations: ch = chain; dc = double crochet; hdc = half double crochet; mm = millimeters; sc = single crochet; st(s) = stitch(es); tog = together; yo = yarn over; [ ] = work directions in brackets the number of times specified; * or ** = repeat whatever follows the * or ** as indicated. EARRINGS (Make 2) Make Small Flower but do not fasten off, slip st around post of dc on Round 1, ch 5, slip st in earring ring, ch 5, slip st around post of next dc on Round 1. Fasten off. Sew 1 small pearl bead in center of each Small Flower. NECKLACE (Make 2 Small Flowers and one Large Flower) Slip st into spring ring, ch 132, slip st into jump ring. Row 1 (Right Side): Ch 1, turn, skip 1 ch, sc in each ch across – 131 sts. Row 2: Ch 1, turn, working in front loops only, sc in each sc across. Row 3: Ch 1, turn, sc in 4 sc, [sc in 4 sc, 2 sc in next sc] 24 times, sc in last 7 sts – 155 sts. Row 4: Ch 5 (counts as dc and ch 3), turn, skip next st, dc in next st, [ch 3, skip next st, dc in next st] across. Mark center dc. Row 5: Ch 2, turn, [2 sc in next ch-3 space, ch 2] across to last ch-3 space, 3 sc in last ch-3 space. Mark 5th ch-2 space on either side of center dc for Flower placement. Row 6: Ch 3, turn, [3 dc, picot in next ch-2 space] across to first marked ch-2 space, 2 dc in ch-2 space, slip st in center st of one petal of first Small Flower, dc in same ch-2 space, (picot, 3 dc, picot) in next ch-2 space, 2 dc in next ch-2 space, ch 5, slip st in center st of next petal to left of same Small Flower, slip st in center st of one petal of next Large Flower, dc in same ch-2 space, (picot, 3 dc, picot) in next ch-2 space, 2 dc in next ch-2 space, slip st in center st of next petal to left of same Large Flower, slip st in marked center dc, 2 dc in next ch-2 space, (picot, 3 dc, picot) in next ch-2 space, 2 dc in next ch-2 space, ch 5, slip st in center st of next petal to left of same Large Flower, slip st in center st of one petal of next Small Flower, dc in same ch-2 space, (picot, 3 dc, picot) in next ch-2 space, 2 dc in next ch-2 space, ch 5, slip st in center st of next petal to left of same Small Flower, [3 dc, picot in next ch-2 space] across to last ch-2 space, 4 dc in last ch-2 space. Fasten off. FINISHING Weave in ends. Sew small pearl beads in center of each Small Flower and large pearl bead in center of Large Flower of Necklace. ©2011 Coats & Clark P.O. Box 12229 Greenville, SC 29612-0229 For more ideas & inspiration -
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