May 2015 Aspire Support Services Newsletter CEO Message Welcome to the May edition of the Aspire Newsletter. It is an exciting time at Aspire. Over the last several months we have been rebuilding our Executive and Management teams after our organisational restructure in December 2014 and all of these roles have now been filled. This new structure we have in place is fit for purpose and will drive Aspire in readiness for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). Our new Executive / Management Structure is as follows: 220 Borella Road Albury PO Box 7374 East Albury NSW 2640 Tel 02 6058 4000 Fax 02 6058 4050 Chief Executive Officer Nigel Stone General Manager Operational Services Trevor Cowell General Manager Corporate Services Mardi Weber Manager Early Intervention Rachael Webb Manager Aspiring Lifestyles Rachael has been seconded to manage Aspire’s Day Programs for a period of six months. Rachael will be focusing on driving the quality of the service we provide and working closely with the team to gain a better understanding of the needs of our service users. Manager of Supported Accommodation and Respite Services Josh McPhee Manager Finance Bianca Mann Manager Human Resource and Quality Emma Webb Manager Administration Donna Johnstone All of the new managers collectively bring a great deal of experience, energy and enthusiasm to our organisation, and together we are well equipped to manage the transition to the NDIS. During this transition period, we will be self-assessing all our systems and processes to further enhance our services, so that we can provide the highest level of support possible and ensure that our clients can achieve their goals and aspirations, no matter how big or small. During May, we will be celebrating National Volunteers Week. Aspire is very fortunate to have many volunteers who support our organisation; the work that they do is invaluable. I personally would like to thank all the volunteers who support Aspire, as services like our Opportunity Shop would not be able to run without them. Nigel Stone CEO Easter BBQ To the delight of many Aspire children and their families, Easter Bunny made a visit to our annual Easter BBQ. Pictured to the right is Andi and Victor Wang, who both enjoyed the treats from the rabbit’s basket. A special thank you to Pat Williams who always makes the event such a ‘bunny’ occasion! Aspire Mother's Day Luncheon 12.00PM T H U R S D AY 7 T H M AY xÜ Ñ C D 7 Äà â w t Where: St Ives Hotel, 64 Lincoln Causeway Gateway Island, Wodonga WhenM Thursday 7th May TimeM 12:00PM to 2:30PM CostM $10 per adult, $5 per child RSVP: Thursday 7th May - 10am - Sue Pringle 02 6058 4000 2 Support Groups - May 2015 Autism/Aspergers Family Network Group Where: When: La Maison – 40 Lincoln Causeway – Gateway Island Victoria Tuesday 19th May – 10.30am – 12.30pm Morning Tea - $4.00 per head (Children welcome – large area booked) Guest speaker: Dr Evelyn Ferris, Occupational Therapist Topics directed by discussion on the day can include Cognitive and learning skills; Self care and life skills; Social/emotional development; Physical/Sensory/Psychomotor Please RSVP for seating and catering: Telephone Aspire on 02 6058 4000 or email Albury/Wodonga Down Syndrome Family Network Group Monthly Meeting at Aspire When: Where: Monday 18th May - 12pm – 2pm, BYO Lunch 23 Stanley Street, Wodonga RSVP: Parent Contact: Jo McConnell 0466 467644 / email: Aspire 0260 584000 Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and/or Oppositional Defiant Disorder & related conditions Support Group Where: When: 23 Stanley Street, Wodonga Thursday 28th May 2015 – 1:30pm to 3:30pm Please RSVP for seating and catering: Telephone Aspire on 02 6058 4000 or email Dads/Mens Group As the Dads/Mens Group weekend away to Melbourne is being held on the 15th – 17th May, there will be no dinner meeting this month. For enquiries about this group, please contact Glenn Rowbottom on email or phone on 0412 084 537 or Aspire – 02 6058 4000 or Should you wish to be on a contact list for any of the Support/Networking meetings, or have any queries, please contact Sue Pringle at Aspire on 02 6058 4000 or email 3 Do you have a disability? Are you interested in playing netball? BE PART OF THE WODONGA NETBALL SSOCIATION ALL ABILITIES MIXED NETBALL! Do you have a disability? Are you interested in playing netball? SEASON STARTS: Saturday 9 May, 2015 10am - 11am, Wodonga Netball Courts (Cnr Melrose Dr & Lawrence St) $70 per player 10 week program with players aged from 12+ yrs, mixed male and female session Come and join the fun, meet new people and make new friends! For further informaAon contact Carolyn Muller on 0438 592 223 or email: 4 Business Nae YOU are invited to lunch at Beechworth Thursday 21 May 2015. Pick up Albury rail 9.30 Wodonga Target/Elgins 9.45. Return Wodonga 4.00, Albury 4.20 Donation $10 BOOKINGS ESSENTIAL! Please phone Reception or Sue Pringle at Aspire Support Services 0260 584000 5 The Every Australian Counts campaign has launched a report into Australia's disability housing crisis. The report is a response to 18 months of inaction by State and Commonwealth governments and has been released to coincide with a meeting of all Disability Ministers held in Melbourne on Friday the 24th of March. Here's a brief summary of what the report has to say: • • • • • • The majority of people with disability want to live in a home of their own (with or with out formal supports) and choose the people with whom they live Around a third would like a form of shared living such as a share house with one or two others, or community with others of similar disability No-one expressed a wish to live in a large residential centre One of the biggest concerns for older parents and their children is what will happen when the parents are no longer able to act as carers Housing affordability is a very common, strong and recurring driver and concern The most common theme of all relates to personal autonomy of people with disability. In whatever way it is expressed - and there are many ways in which it is said - across every form of housing type, tenure and model of support, people say they want themselves or their family members to live with support models that maximise personal freedom. To download a copy of the report visit: 6 Carers NSW NDIS resources Carers NSW is developing a series of resources to help carers in NSW understand and engage with the NaAonal Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). All of these resources can be found on our NDIS web page, If you don’t have access to the internet, you can request copies of our NDIS fact sheets by calling the Carer Line on 1800 242 636. Our NDIS web page contains: Eight fact sheets wriGen especially for carers on the following topics: o What is the NDIS? o Where do carers fit in the NDIS? o How can I prepare for the NDIS? o NDIS checklist for carers in NSW o Tips from carers on the NDIS o Carer stories from the NDIS (coming soon) o What if the person I care for is not eligible for the NDIS? (coming soon) o What if I have a problem with the NDIS? (coming soon) A monthly NDIS update e-newsleGer you can sign up for. The update summarises the latest news, resources and events relaAng to the NDIS and of interest to carers. Our report on the first year of the NSW trial of the NDIS, The NDIS one year in: Experiences of carers in the Hunter trial site. Links to informaAon and resources from the NaAonal Disability Insurance Agency, NSW Government and other organisaAons on topics such as the planning and assessment process and managing NDIS supports. 1800 242 636 7 BROADBAND FOR SENIORS FREE INTERNET KIOSK Learn more about using computers and the internet for free. • • • • • Create your own email address, Connect with family and friends, Search for any subject of interest, Research your family history, Plus much, much more. Sessions will run for 1 hour, with a maximum of 2 students. You can bring your own laptop or tablet, or use the computers provided. Sessions Available: • Monday - PM • Tuesday - AM & PM • Thursday - PM For more informa8on or to book your session, please contact Eve Bya: on 02 6043 5875 or Broadband for Seniors is an Australian Government iniAaAve to increase the skills of older Australians using computers and the internet. 19 Martha Mews, Lavington J T: 02 6043 5875 J F: 02 6043 5879 8 Albury Wodonga Volunteer Resource Bureau Inc. - Volunteer Week Date: Venue: Time: RSVP Monday 11 May 2015 Birralee Park Neighbourhood House, 39 Emerald Ave, Wodonga 12pm – 2pm this is a rolling sit down BBQ Lunch and choice of salads with a vegetarian opAon. Come with your volunteer team or come alone. Door prizes and random giveaways will be part of the aNernoon Contact your volunteer coordinator/ organisaAon to reply and to aGend this event (compulsory for catering purposes) Date: Wednesday 13 May 2015 Venue: Mirambeena Community Centre, 19 Martha Mews, Lavington Time: 12pm – 2pm this is a rolling sit down BBQ Lunch and choice of salads with a vegetarian opAon. Come with your volunteer team or come alone. Door prizes and random giveaways will be part of the aNernoon RSVP Contact your volunteer coordinator/ organisaAon to reply and to aGend this event (compulsory for catering purposes) 9
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