The influence of colour on pattern perception in Fair Isle knitted fabrics Elizabeth Gaston in Fair Isle knitted fabrics The influence of colour on pattern perception University of Leeds, UK Elizabeth Gaston University of Leeds ABSTRACT: This paper is part of wider research into colour and pattern perception in knitted Fair Isle fabrics. Through careful colour choices within Fair Isle fabrics it is possible to change the visual emphasis of the pattern and create perceptual ambiguities. Knitted fabrics demonstrate a grid framework of stitches on to which pattern can be applied allowing scope for a wide range of pattern and colouration development. Colour is one area of influence on pattern perception. This paper will review how the perceptual spatial positioning of colour can be used to enhance or reduce the perceptual effects of the figure/ground relationship, grouping by similarity and grouping by “good continuation”. 1. INTRODUCTION: This paper is part of wider research into colour and pattern perception in knitted Fair Isle fabrics. Through careful colour choices within Fair Isle fabrics it is possible to change the visual emphasis of the pattern and create perceptual ambiguities (figure 1). Three main areas of influence have been identified in creating perceptual changes in pattern; these are the influence of colour on pattern perception, the influence of pattern on colour perception and the influence of material choices. Theories of colour and pattern perception have been analysed to determine how differences in pattern perception arise. This paper will report on the concerns affecting one area of the project, the influence of colour in pattern perception, and how this relates to knitted fabrics. 2. FAIR ISLE KNITTED FABRICS: The structure of a knitted fabric can be described in terms of horizontal rows of stitches (courses) and vertical rows of stitches (wales) resulting in an overall grid of stitches onto which a pattern can be applied. This allows straight lines, horizontal, vertical or diagonal; to be produced easily however curved lines are less successful [1]. Fig. 1 The same design knitted in the same colours but in a different order creates two perceptually different patterns. The patterns in knitted Fair Isle fabrics are created from geometrical and symmetrical repeating units. Each knitted stitch, which shows on the technical face of the fabric as a v, appears as a discrete unit of colour. Despite the overall size of pattern used, technical considerations limits the size of individual pattern elements so that although the overall pattern size may be altered the size relationship between the individual blocks of colour will not change and the relationship between colour fields remains the same. Although only two colours are used in each row of knitting, complex coloration is achieved by changing colour use in successive rows. Traditionally the pattern (figure) is knitted in horizontal bands of analogous colour and the background (ground) is knitted in horizontal bands of different analogous colour (figure 2). Manipulating the relationship between the two colour fields can cause changes in the emphasis of the pattern and so create perceptually different designs. 1 231 Gestalt principles of pattern perception states that the relative size, surround, orientation and symmetry of one area will also affect the viewer‟s perception of the area as either figure or ground [7]. Fig. 2 The figure is knitted in red (pink), violet, blue and desaturated blue, the ground is knitted in varying neutrals. 3. THE INFLUENCE OF COLOUR ON PATTERN PERCEPTION: The colour organisation of a knitted Fair Isle fabric results in one colour field of the pattern to be perceived as a figure and one colour field of the pattern to be perceived as the ground. Ambiguity between which colour field is perceived as the figure and which colour field is perceived as the ground can be enhanced through spatial positioning of colour. Liebman identified value as more important than hue in the discrimination of figure and ground [2] and in a previous study of the figure/ground relationship in Fair Isle patterns in most cases the dominant colour was found to be the lightest [3]. In chromatic pattern the field that is perceived as nearer will be experienced as a figure and the field that is perceived as further away will be experienced as a ground [4]. Saturated colours are perceived to dominate and advance on tints, shades and tones of de-saturated colour which are perceived as distant [5]. Warm colours generally appear in front of cool colours of similar saturation and value. In chromatic colour in the same illumination on the same background the brightest colour will be more insistent however hues of similar value lack contrast [6]. Fig. 3 The smaller are of the black cross is perceived as the figure, this is emphasised when the figure is surrounded by the ground. The dominant perception of the smaller area as a figure is reduced when the vertical axis becomes a diagonal. The smaller of two areas is perceived as a figure. In figure 3 the diagram is perceived as a black cross on a white disc rather than four white areas on a black disc. The effect is emphasised if the small area is surrounded by the larger area. The orientation of the figure can however affect the perception of the pattern [8]. A horizontal or vertical direction (+) emphasises the field as figure; however, a diagonal orientation of a cross (X), which is common in Fair Isle patterns, can reduce the figural effect and the larger spaces between the cross which now have a vertical and horizontal axis can now assume dominance causing figure ground ambiguity as seen (figure 3) [9]. Symmetry in at least one plane of an area also has the effect of emphasising the position of the figure in relation to the ground [10]; however, the geometric nature of Fair Isle patterns results in both the figure and the ground having symmetry in at least two planes. This can cause figure/ground reversal as in the case of Rubin‟s vase/face experiment [11]. 2 232 Gestalt principle of similarity which states that contiguous areas related in form, size or colour are perceived as belonging together optically [13]. This can have the effect of emphasising the perceptual form of the figure (figure 6). Fig. 4 The teal cross is perceived as a figure individually but assumes the role of ground when repeated. Figure/ground reversal can occur in Fair Isle knitted fabrics where two pattern elements that individually would be perceived as figures combine to create an area of ground that assumes the role of a figure. In figure 4 the figural effect of the teal cross is weakened by a diagonal orientation and a cool, less saturated colour of lower value. The assumption of the ground as a figure between the repeated cross is emphasised with a strong vertical and horizontal axis and a spatially advancing warm, saturated colour of higher value. Fig. 6 The Gestalt principle of similarity can influence the emphasis of the perceptual form of the figure. x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Fig. 7 When the figure and ground are different in hue and value a strong cross is seen. When the-re is similarity between figure and ground the form of the cross is reduced. Fig. 5 Reversing the colour fields has the effect of altering which pattern element is perceived as the figure and which pattern element is perceived as the ground Colours close in value cling together perceptually and this can alter the perception of form [12]. This follows the In the repeating all-over pattern of a Fair Isle design this can influence the perception of which part of the figure is dominant through the spatial effects of colour and figure/ground separation (figure 7). 3 233 The Gestalt principle of Good Continuation is also important in the perception of Fair Isle patterns. This states that a smooth line is preferable to one with abrupt changes (figure 8). Two intersecting lines are perceived as a cross rather than two v‟s. [14]. Again, the spatial effects of colour can be used to emphasise of reduce this effect. Fig. 8 Two intersecting lines will be perceived as a cross rather than two v‟s. discrete units of colour can be segregated by the eye colour contrast occurs [17]; however, in patterns with high spatial frequency the opposite effect is noted and assimilation of colour occurs [18]. However, White‟s effect [19] and the inverted White‟s effect [20] demonstrate that contrast and assimilation can occur at the same spatial frequency and relationships between value are important in determining which effect will take place. Perceptual ambiguity can create illusory form. A contour is usually described as the luminance boundary between two areas. Illusory contours can be created by a configuration of line ends (figure 10) [21] which often occurs in Fair Isle Pattern. Good Continuation is particularly noticeable in Fair Isle fabrics when it occurs to create amodal completion of a figure (figure 9) [15]. Fig.10 Illusory contour formed from a configuration of line ends. Fig. 9 Amodal completion produces the perception of overlapping regular shapes rather than two separate irregular shapes. Another effect created by form worth mentioning briefly is the effect of brightness induction (figure 11) [22] in which illusory form creates a perceptual difference in brightness between two areas of identical colour. 4. FURTHER CONCERNS: The influence of colour on pattern perception is only one area of influence in the overall perception of pattern. It is worth noting briefly the nature of other fields of influence. Closely associated to the influence of colour on pattern perception is the influence of pattern on colour perception. The spatial frequency of a pattern has been shown to influence colour perception [16]. Where Fig. 11 The perceptual white rectangle appears brighter then the background 4 234 Material choices in the production of knitted fabrics will also have an effect on pattern perception. There are nine conditions of colour opaque, filmy, transparent, luminous, dull, lustrous, metallic and iridescent. If one colour was produced in all of these textures when measured it would produce the same results however perceptually they would be very different [23]. When used in a knitted fabric, the increased reflectance of shiny or lustrous yarns such as silk or viscose will change their perceptual value and so change the relationship between the colour of yarns with high reflectance and matt yarns of the same colour. Texture will also have an effect on the distinctiveness of border between two colour fields. Conventionally yarns used in knitted fabrics are spun from staple fibre which produces an inherent hairiness on the yarn [24]. At the border between two colour fields this produces a marginal gradient and results in the colour of each field appearing to be softer [25]. This is exacerbated by the v shape of the knitted stitch. Material use will also affect the scale of the pattern; a course yarn will produce a larger stitch and therefore a larger colour unit then a fine yarn. An identical pattern of two different scales will achieve different hue modification due to contrast or assimilation when viewed at the same distance. When the distance from the viewer of the two fabrics is such that the retinal image created for both fabrics is the same size then the same hue modification occurs [26] 5. CONCLUSION: The relationship between colour perception and pattern perception in knitted Fair Isle fabrics is complex and interdependent. Colour influences pattern perception through modification in the relationship between figure and ground and distortion of Gestalt principles. Pattern influences colour perception through contrast and assimilation and the creation of illusory form and colour. Both of these influences can be modified through material choices. Further work is being undertaken to determine the relative importance of each influence. REFERENCES: [1]McGregor, S. (1981) „Traditional Fair Isle Knitting’, New York, Dover Publications Inc. [2] Birren, F. (1961), „Color form and Space’, New York, Reinhold Publishing Corp. [3] Gaston E. (2007) „Colour effects in two colour stranded knitting’, Belfast, Ars Textrina. [4], [6] Katz, D. (1935) ‘World of Colour’, London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co [5] Birren F. (1987) „Principles of Color’, USA, Shiffer Publishing Ltd. [7], [11], [14] Bruce V, Green P R, Georgeson M A. (2003) ‘Visual Perception, physiology, psychology and ecology’, New York, Psychology Press. [8], [9] Rock I (1973) „Orientation and form’, New York, Academic Press [10] Gombrich E. H. (2002) „Art and Illusion – A study in the psychology of pictorial representation’, (5th ed), London, Phaidon Press [12], [23] Birren F. (1961), „Creative Color’, New York, Reinhold Publishing Corp. [13], [21] Gregory r. l. 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