to Seminar Brochure as pdf.

Two Days National Seminar
“Socio-Economic and Educational
Status of Muslims in Tripura”
11th & 12th August 2015
Organized by
Department of Education
Ambedkar College
Unakoti, Tripura
Sponsored by
About the Seminar:
Although Tripura is the focus state, the
scope of the Seminar is wider as the
lessons learnt from other states or
comparative studies would be able to
provide further insights into the
development dynamics of the Muslim
community in the country. The
Seminar, therefore, also solicits
papers/views based on other states or
all India focus. Muslim community
continues to lag behind other socioreligious categories in socio-economic
and educational development. The
situation of the community is appalling
with regard to income, employment in
public sector, educational attainment,
access to healthcare and other
stereotyping, communal violence,
ghettoisation etc. are other major issues
which the community faces. Among
others, the deprivation of community
has been a result of their exclusion
from important spheres of socioeconomic decision making, lack of
political empowerment, discrimination,
frequent occurrence of communal
violence etc.
According to the Census of India 2001,
about 8 per cent populations of Tripura
are Islam in religion. As mentioned
above, this segment of population is
socio-economically deprived (in terms
of educational attainments, health,
housing etc.) as compared to other
religious groups, and in some
geographic areas and sector they even
lag behind Scheduled Castes and
Scheduled Tribes in the development.
Their employment pattern is highly
skewed towards lower level activities
in the tertiary sector with hardly any
occupational mobility.
Sub-the mes of the Seminar*:
The Sub-themes of the Seminar wh ich is
indicative but not limited to:
• Economic Status, Emp loyment, and
Institutional Credit
• Educational status of Muslims
• Health Status of Muslims
• Demography and Urbanisation
• Access to Public Infrastructure, Housing, and
Public Programmes
• Status of Muslim Wo men
• Identity Stereotyping and Polit ics of Violence
• Crime and Punishment
• Po litical Participation and Representation
*In this seminar one can also present a paper on
socio-economic and educational condition of
other relig ious minorities of Tripura / India, on
the above mentioned sub-themes.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission
31st July
(250 words)
Notification of
Acceptance of Abstract
Last Date for Full Paper
6th August
Conference Dates
11th &12th
August 2015
11th August
Guidelines for Abstract and Full
Paper: Papers are invited from the
academicians, social activists, research
scholars and policy makers on the
above mentioned themes. The abstract
and full text of the paper should be sent
to the conference Coordinators, Dr.
Sahidul Ahmed, Head, Department of
Fatikroy, Unakoti, Tripura-799290.
The guidelines for submission of
abstracts and full papers are as follows.
 The abstract should not exceed 250
 It should include title of the abstract
the author’s name, designation,
institutional affiliation, contact address,
contact number, E- mail ID.
 Authors are requested to kindly send
the abstract through E- mail to the ID: latest by 31st
July, 2015.
Full Paper
 The length of full paper including
references, etc. should be between to
6000 to 8000 words.
 The full paper should be in English
and typed in MS-Word in Times New
Roman with font size 12 and 1.5
 References/Notes should be given at
the end of the text.
 The selected full version of papers
should be submitted in soft copy
E- mail
Hospitality and Traveling Allowance:
The organizing committee will make
free modest arrangements for boarding
and lodging in local Hotels at
Kumarghat. TA will be reimbursed to
the participants in shortest route (only
for Bus and Train).
Venue : Seminar Hall, Science Building
Ambedkar College, Unakoti, Tripura.
Registration Fee: 500/Seminar Coordinator
Dr. Sahidul Ahmed
Asstt. Prof. & Head
Department of Education
Ambedkar College, Unakoti, Tripura
Seminar Organizing Committee
Dr. Subrata Sharma
Principal i/c
Membe rs
Sri. Prantosh Saha, Dept. of Education
Mr. L.T. Muana Darlong, Dept. of Econo mics
Dr. Anil Ku mar Acharja, Dept. of Sanskrit
Dr. Kalidash Brah ma, Dept. of Political Sci.
Mrs. Melody Darlong, Dept. of Philosophy
Miss. Mitu Das, Dept. of Co mputer Science
Miss. Lalthannguri Sailo, Dept of History
Mrs. Mousumi Basfore, Dept. o f English
Mr. Sribas Ch. Dey, Dept of Economics
Mr. Biplap Maju mdar, Dept. of Envn. Science
Mr. Gopal Das, Dept. of Education
Miss. Saikata Kar, Students
Mr. Man mohan Debnath, Dept. of Bengali
Mrs. Pad masri Maju mdar, Dept. of Eng lish
Mr. Bidyut Debnath, Dept. of History
Mr. Ku mar M isra, Dept. of History
Mr. Shyamal Biswas, Dept. of Pol. Science
Mr. Arunanshu Sen, Dept. of Pol. Sc ience
Mrs. Minati Sen, Dept. of Ph ilosophy
How to Reach Kumarghat (Fatikroy)
Kumarghat town is well connected by
road, train and by air. Kumarghar town
is connected with two airports. The
nearest airport is Agartala located about
150 kilometers and Silchar airport
which is located about 200 kilometers
Guwahati (via Lumding) and Silchar.