Knit for Baby * Sweater by Judy Head Tatamy

Knit for Baby * Sweater
by Judy Head
45% Cotton
55% Acrylic
2 Skeins
Sized for 3
months or 6
22 sts x 40 rows
in Garter St
Single Pointed
Needles US 5 (3.75)
Or size to obtain
Waste yarn or long
stitch holder
2 buttons suitable for
The asymmetrical front adds interest to this T-shaped baby sweater
and the easy shape allows room for a growing baby.
Darning Needle for
weaving in ends
The entire sweater is worked in Garter Stitch. Tatamy is an inexpensive
and easy care yarn with a great range of color choices.
The sweater is shown on 2 month old David.
Knit for Baby * Sweater
Special Pattern Notes:
KFB—Inc by K in the front and the back of the st.
Buttonhole Row—K 4 sts, BO 4 sts, and cont across row.
Return Buttonhole Row—K until you reach buttonhole. CO 4 sts to span the buttonhole. Cont row.
Right Side of the sweater is the baby’s right arm and is the wide side of the front.
Left Side of the sweater is the baby’s left arm and is the narrow side of the front.
Back: Two rows makes 1 ridge, which makes it easy to count rows.
CO 52 [60] sts.
K 50 [60] rows for back.
Cast On for Sleeves:
K across row and CO 30 [34] sts at the end of the row for first sleeve.
K across row and CO 30 [34] sts at the end of the row for second sleeve.
K 40 rows for back sleeves.
Right Shoulder:
This section begins working the right front.
K 48 [53]sts.
Place the rem sts (for the back neck and left front) on a long stitch holder or waste yarn to rest.
K 6 [8] rows.
Next row begins at the cuff of the sleeve.
Right Front:
Row 1: K until 1 st rems, KFB.
Row 2: K.
Repeat these rows 2 [3] times more.
Begin at cuff of sleeve, K across row, CO 17 [19] sts at neck edge.
K 6 rows.
Work Buttonhole Row and Return Buttonhole Row. See Special Pattern Notes above.
K 16 [20] rows.
Work Buttonhole Row and Return Buttonhole Row for second buttonhole.
K until right sleeve is 80 rows from sleeve CO. BO 30 [34] sts for sleeve.
K Right Front for 50 [60] rows to match length of back.
BO all sts and break off yarn.
Knit for Baby * Sweater
Left Shoulder: Starting at the cuff, move sts from waste yarn or st holder onto needle.
Attach yarn and BO 16 [22] sts for back neck; K rem of row for left sleeve.
K 6 [8] rows.
Next row begins at the cuff of the sleeve.
Left Front:
Row 1: K until 1 st rems, KFB.
Row 2: K.
Repeat these rows 2 [3] times more.
Begin at cuff of sleeve, K across row, CO 3 [5] sts at neck edge.
K until left sleeve is 80 rows from sleeve CO. BO 30 [34] sts for sleeve.
K Left Front for 50 [60] rows to match length of back.
BO all sts and break off yarn.
Sew side and underarm seams using the Mattress
stitch. The sleeves may be folded up to fit a
younger baby, so keep the seams as neatly as
possible. Securely sew 2 buttons on left front,
correspond to the buttonholes approx ¾” from
the edge. Please take care to choose and sew
buttons securely, with safety in mind.
The same blue sweater also fits 9 month Zion.