Christ in You - Baker Publishing Group

A Division of Baker Publishing Group
Christ in You
by Eric B. Johnson
1. I t’s an exciting and dynamic time for the Church today. What are some
of the key shifts you see taking place, especially in relation to the Gospel of
the Kingdom?
2. T
ell us about some of the people and experiences that inspired you to write
this book.
3. As believers begin to operate from a Kingdom perspective, how should that
impact the way they view and interact with their fellow man?
4. What realization from Paul’s letter to the Colossians needs to dawn anew in
Christians today?
5. What do believers need to better understand about the importance of
dedicating our lives to excellence and striving to increase our skills
and abilities?
6. What happens when believers finally begin to grab hold of the depth and
width of what it means that Christ lives in us?
Christ in You
by Eric B. Johnson
Trade Paper ISBN: 978-0-8007-9570-2
$14.99; 176 pp.
Ebook ISBN: 978-1-4412-6528-9
Release Date: April 2015
7. What does the Church look like when Christians are given permission to be
great and are able to live in pure confidence?
8. What are some of the dangers believers face when ministry becomes what we
do, rather than the overflow of living out who we are?
9. Tell us the story of “The Box” and explain how each of us needs to be
conscious of not allowing a fear of man to define how well we’re doing.
Media Contacts
10. As readers finish Christ in You, what do you hope they take away from reading
the book?
Shaun Tabatt
Ellen Graf-Martin
Please send tear sheets to:
Shaun Tabatt
11400 Hampshire Ave. S.
Bloomington, MN 55438
Available at your local bookstore, or by calling 1-800-877-2665.