2015 Health Check: Examining the Business Impact of Private Health Insurance Exchanges Executive Summary Today’s health insurance landscape is more complex than ever, mirroring widespread changes in health care. The Affordable Care Act and the rise in health care costs, coupled with the emergence of the health care consumer, have yielded a plethora of health insurance innovations including public and private exchanges. New consumer engagement models are altering the ways in which businesses interact with people, creating new consumer e-commerce expectations. The benefits private exchanges can bring to consumers through simplifying and streamlining shopping and enrollment are now well documented. What this study uncovers is the business value private exchanges bring to insurers – through a reduction in administrative burden and an increase in market share - as well as the role that ancillary products play in increasing consumer satisfaction. Array Health’s 2014 study on private exchanges showed that insurer and employer adoption of the private exchange model was on the rise. A year later, this third-annual study examines a more mature market, one in which insurers are beginning to experience true business benefits through implementation of private exchanges. This year’s data shows that private health insurance exchanges are still central in helping resolve turmoil by offering decision support tools and familiar e-commerce experiences that make it easier for consumers to shop and enroll in the coverage that best meets their needs. While this report provides only a snapshot of industry sentiment around private exchanges, it does support analyst findings that private exchange adoption will continue to grow, while demonstrating the need for brokers to embrace single-insurer exchanges. It also touches on key industry issues, including how ancillary offerings will propel these industry projections and the need for more education in employer settings around private exchanges’ ability to support multiple funding models, including defined benefit and defined contribution. Most importantly, the data underscores the strategic advantages experienced by insurers that currently offer private exchanges in an increasingly competitive and crowded market. Health Check: Examining the Business Impact of Private Health Insurance Exchanges | 2015 arrayhealth.com | 2 Survey Key Findings 1 Insurers that offer single-insurer private exchanges are experiencing significant business benefits. 2 Ancillary products are seen as key to a compelling private exchange experience for consumers, yet exchanges are slow to adopt beyond only the most common products. 3 Private exchanges are on their way to becoming the de facto model for employersponsored health insurance. 4 Defined contribution has a PR problem. 5 Brokered sales continue to remain a strong channel despite widespread access to exchanges and online tools. Health Check: Examining the Business Impact of Private Health Insurance Exchanges | 2015 arrayhealth.com | 3 INSIGHT 1 Insurers that offer single-insurer private exchanges are experiencing significant business benefits. More than half (52 percent) have seen a reduction in administrative costs, while 48 percent have increased their market share. Of those that plan to offer singleinsurer private exchanges, more than half (55 percent) expect that a reduction in administrative costs will be among the benefits, followed closely by increased revenue (45 percent) and increased market share (43 percent). While singleinsurer private exchanges have been touted as solutions that offer employers and employees flexible options and cost control for employers, the business case for these exchanges is talked about less. Reduced administrative costs, specifically, can offer extensive cost savings to employers, brokers and insurers by eliminating paperbased waste, errors and process inefficiencies. More exciting, perhaps, is the future outlook around business savings as single-insurer private exchanges start to move with consumers – from group settings to individual plans – keeping loyal consumers tied to particular insurance brands through the exchange model. If you currently use a single-insurer private exchange to sell to groups and individuals, what areas of your business have been most impacted by the implementation of the exchange? If you are planning to use a single-insurer private exchange to sell to groups and individuals, what value do you expect to realize through the implementation of the exchange? % of respondents 50 40% 40 36% 31% 30 26% 25% 20 18% 15% 9% 10 0 Increased revenue Improved margins Health Check: Examining the Business Impact of Private Health Insurance Exchanges | 2015 Reduced administrative costs Increased market share arrayhealth.com | 4 INSIGHT 2 Ancillary products are seen as key to a compelling private exchange experience for consumers, yet exchanges are slow to adopt beyond only the most common products. Fifty-nine percent of respondents believe that the availability of ancillary products will lead to an improved consumer shopping and enrollment experience on private exchanges; however, nearly half of respondents (47 percent) indicated that less than a quarter of private exchanges will offer a robust and comprehensive set of ancillary products by 2016. Given that ancillary offerings are increasingly considered an important part of an employee’s overall compensation package, insurers offering private exchanges are missing an opportunity to create a compelling consumer experience by not quickly deploying beyond traditional product sets to ancillary offerings like life, critical illness, accident and pet insurance. This lack of urgency is especially surprising when almost half of the respondents see ancillary products as key to positioning private exchanges as go-to platforms for all insurance needs. By January 2016, what percentage of private exchanges (single and multi-insurer) will offer a robust and comprehensive set of ancillary products such as life, critical illness, accident, pet insurance, etc.? % of private exchanges 76-100 51-75 7% 14% 31% 26-50 0-25 0 10 20 30 40 47% 50 What role will ancillary products play in the private exchange market in the next 2-3 years? They will: Incentivize employer adoption of private exchanges 32% Improve consumer shopping and enrollment experience and overall satisfaction 59% Position private exchanges as go-to platforms for all insurance and ancillary needs Create new and more ongoing touch points between sellers and consumers Not have a material impact on the market 47% 39% 13% 0 10 20 Health Check: Examining the Business Impact of Private Health Insurance Exchanges | 2015 30 40 50 60 arrayhealth.com | 5 INSIGHT 3 Private exchanges are on their way to becoming the de facto model for employer-sponsored health insurance. Nearly three-quarters of respondents (71 percent) indicated that the majority of health insurers will offer a private single-insurer exchange by the end of 2017, if not sooner, and almost half of respondents (44 percent) indicated that the majority of employers will offer employer-sponsored health benefits via a private exchange within that same time frame. These findings corroborate recent reports from both Accenture and Deloitte, which found that private exchange enrollment could reach 40 million by 2018. The majority (more than 50%) of health insurers will offer a private single-insurer exchange: The majority (more than 50%) of employers will offer employer-sponsored health benefits via a private exchange (single-insurer or multi-insurer): 38% 38% 38% 29% 30 30 30 2525 25 18% 20 20 15 30% 30% 29%30% 29% 20 12% 15 15 12% 12% 10 10 11% 11% 18% 18% 11% 30 30 25 25 20 15 0 20 15 5 5 0 end of 2015 By the end By the end of 2016 of 2017 After 2018 By the By the endByBy thethe end By the end After By theNever end end of 2015 of 2016 end of of 2015 2017 of 2016 2018 of 2017 Never After 2018 22% 18% 18% 18% 15 10 4% 5 0 By the 22% 22% 18% 18% 18% 20 25 10 10 5 5 30 0 Never 4% 0 10 5 4% By the 0By the end By the end end of 2015 of 2016 of 2017 After 2018 Never By the By the endByBy thethe end By the end After By theNever end end of 2015 of 2016 end of of 2015 2017 of 2016 2018 of 2017 Health Check: Examining the Business Impact of Private Health Insurance Exchanges | 2015 After 2018 arrayhealth.com | 6 Never INSIGHT 4 Defined contribution has a PR problem. The pros of defined contribution (DC) for employers are clearly understood. Of the possible pros – among them more choices for employees as well as opportunities for cost savings – an overwhelming majority (86 percent) pointed to better cost predictability as a reason for adopting a DC approach. However, recognizing the benefits does not mean employers are actually implementing defined contribution. Sixty-nine percent of respondents indicated that a barrier to employer adoption of the model was fear that it would be negatively perceived by employees. What do you perceive to be the barriers to widespread adoption of the defined contribution model? 26% Employers feel locked into their current health insurance funding model Employers fear that it could be perceived negatively by employees 69% 49% Employers are hesitant to experiment 35% Health insurers don’t have technology to support it 28% Employers are unaware of it 0 10 20 30 Health Check: Examining the Business Impact of Private Health Insurance Exchanges | 2015 40 50 60 70 arrayhealth.com | 7 Employers have an opportunity here to educate their employees about ways in which better cost predictability can allow them to re-invest in other areas that benefit employees, such as health and wellness programs. Insurers and brokers also have an opportunity and obligation to correct any employer misperceptions that private exchanges are just a DC tool. The operational benefits of a private exchange approach can make enrollment more efficient for employers that want to continue with the more traditional defined benefits (DB) model. Insurers are no longer looking to implement private exchanges with just DC; they want their private exchanges to offer a wide variety of funding models, often for the same employer groups at the same time. Why is defined contribution attractive to employers? 41% It is less expensive than other funding options Continuity of health benefit offerings 30% 42% More choices for employees 86% Better cost predictability 13% Without it they can’t offer insurance to employees 0 10 20 30 40 50 Health Check: Examining the Business Impact of Private Health Insurance Exchanges | 2015 60 70 80 90 arrayhealth.com | 8 INSIGHT 5 Brokered sales continue to remain a strong channel despite widespread access to exchanges and online tools. Seventy-five percent of insurer respondents indicated that they would use brokers for the sale of plans with a start date of January 1, 2016 – not far behind direct sales (79 percent) and on par with public exchanges (75 percent), and slightly ahead of single-insurer private exchanges (67 percent). While it would be expected that private exchanges, direct sales and public exchanges would grow in popularity, given the impacts of health care reform and the rise of the health care consumer, brokered sales remain high, punctuating the need for additional educational resources in this complicated new landscape. These findings align with the AP-NORC Center’s 2014 Employer Survey, which found that nearly two-thirds of businesses (63 percent) say they always use a broker or consultant for assistance in choosing a health care plan. Most importantly, the data shows that insurers and brokers need to quickly figure out how brokers can be integrated into insurers’ private exchanges so they can continue to add value in the health insurance e-commerce era. For the sale of plans with a start date of January 1, 2016, which of the following sales channels will your organization be using? 75% Brokered sales 79% Direct sales 75% Public exchanges Private exchanges (single-insurer) 67% 48% Private exchanges (multi-insurer) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Health Check: Examining the Business Impact of Private Health Insurance Exchanges | 2015 80 arrayhealth.com | 9 Other Findings Providing a consumer-focused shopping and enrollment experience continues to be the most important ingredient in private exchange success. This capability was rated as more important than other capabilities, such as ancillary offerings and ability to integrate with existing employer and insurer systems, echoing the 2014 findings. These results reflect the ongoing recognition that insurers must create consumer experiences that meet the expectations of e-commerce savvy consumers. Rate the capabilities required for a private exchange (single and multi-insurer) to be successful: Enable multiple funding models, such as defined benefit and defined contribution 4.0 4.1 Integrate with existing employer and insurer systems Offer a comprehensive set of ancillary products such as life, critical illness, accident, pet insurance, etc. 3.5 Generate data that can improve sales and inform product development and placement 3.9 4.3 Provide a consumer-focused shopping and enrollment experience 0 1 2 3 4 5 Average score on a 5-point scale Health Check: Examining the Business Impact of Private Health Insurance Exchanges | 2015 arrayhealth.com | 10 “Single-insurer private insurance exchanges” needs a re-brand. This term can be confusing to those outside of the health insurance industry and can be perceived as inaccurate inside the industry because virtually all private exchanges sell ancillary products from multiple insurers. Nearly a third of respondents (31 percent) indicated that “health insurance e-commerce platform” was a more accurate descriptor, followed closely by “insurer or carrier-branded private exchange” (30 percent). Both terms reflect a growing understanding that this capability is an important direct channel approach to the market for insurers. “Single-insurer private insurance exchange” can be a confusing term. If you could rename the category, what would you call it? 30% 31% Insurer or carrier branded private exchange Health insurance e-commerce platform 21% 18% Insurer-led online marketplace Health Check: Examining the Business Impact of Private Health Insurance Exchanges | 2015 Health insurance retail platform arrayhealth.com | 11 Methodology Survey Respondents One hundred subscribers to Atlantic Information Services (AIS) and Healthcare Payer News (HPN) responded to the online survey, which ran for two weeks in April 2015. All decimals in this report are rounded to the nearest percentage point. This may result in certain numerical totals adding up to slightly more or slightly less than 100 percent. The estimates and opinions expressed in this report are based on the survey results only. Excerpts from this report (including charts) may be used for editorial purposes without prior permission from Array Health, provided: • Array Health is acknowledged as the source of the content • Charts are displayed as published • A link to the full report is included Health Check: Examining the Business Impact of Private Health Insurance Exchanges | 2015 arrayhealth.com | 12 About Array Health Array Health brings consumers and insurers closer together by powering a personalized health insurance experience. Its cloud-based e-commerce software platform enables health insurers to deliver their own branded online exchange– including e-commerce support throughout the value chain of brokers, employers and consumers, across all lines of business. The company’s technology gives employers a new way to control costs and personalizes the health insurance experience for consumers, enabling them to make more informed decisions and to more deeply engage in their health. Array Health is a privately held company based in Seattle. To learn more, visit arrayhealth.com. Health Check: Examining the Business Impact of Private Health Insurance Exchanges | 2015 arrayhealth.com | 13 Contact us today 1-800-640-7086 | hello@arrayhealth.com | arrayhealth.com © 2015 Array Health Solutions Inc. The Array Health logo and Spectrum are trademarks of Array Health Solutions Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
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