welcome to London Road Salisbury city centre 7 minutes T HIGH ST RD the Reds shop ANAL Red NEW C Lion cinema Old George Mall CRANE ST 1835 CHORISTERS GREEN NEW ST IVY ST NO RT H WA LK Salisbury Cathedral these buses show red 2 on the front and pick up from stop M in Blue Boar Row public holiday Mondays return fares 0910 0932 adult group £2.50 £3.50 then every 15 mins RD ST T ST GE MILFO GIGAN 15 mins public holiday Mondays ID W ER RO N ST then every 1747 1803 1821 1841 1925 1955 2025 BR BU TC H BROW 0800 0820 0840 0900 0920 0940 0957 1632 1646 1700 1712 1724 1737 1750 1806 1821 1841 1925 1955 2025 until S I LV E R S TRINIT Y ST ST A N N S T EXETER ST 1605 1619 1634 1650 1703 1717 1729 1741 1805 1820 1855 until 15 mins Sat I D GE ST N’S ST ST JOH until public holiday Mondays 15 mins 15 mins 2025 BR T RINE S 1820 1855 then every Guildhall Cross Keys Mall C AT H E then every then every 2025 The Maltings B ISH OP ’S WA LK until 0823 0843 0902 MARKET SQUARE WI N C HE ST ER ST ST 15 mins Mon-Fri E then every 0718 0729 0741 0753 0806 0819 0832 0847 0904 0919 0932 Sat AN 0800 0820 0840 0900 0920 0935 Mon-Fri BL UE BOA R ROW CR 0720 0735 0746 0758 0810 0824 0837 0850 0905 0922 0937 0950 Sat PRIORY SQUARE L M QUEEN Mon-Fri Sainsbury’s Tesco LANE ER CHIPP HIGH ST Blue Boar Row stop L where to get on in SS ST travel time last buses back ENDLE return times from city centre C ASTL E ST buses to city centre up to 4 people travelling together If there are more than 4 people travelling together, pay just £1 extra per person buy from the driver until pay in cash - please keep hold of your ticket for your return change given 1817 1835 concessionary pass holders travel free after 9.30am weekdays, anytime weekends & public holidays until 1757 travel regularly? adult 10 trip | £12 group 10 trip | £16.50 there are no buses on Sundays on Good Friday a Saturday timetable runs use when you like use when you like buy from the driver pay in cash change given 60 trip tickets available go to the Salisbury Reds shop in New Canal If you need to use any other Salisbury Reds in the city, buy a Salisbury Zone ticket and get unlimited travel on all buses including park&ride. £13.50 | 7 days 30 day & 90 day tickets also available buy on the Key, our handy smartcard - get yours at salisburyreds.co.uk/thekey 01202 338 420 salisburyreds.co.uk working with if you have any suggestions or feedback please email parkandride@wiltshire.gov.uk london road 960x680.indd 1 21/05/2015 08:49
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