Tasmanian Under 12 Boys Team 2015
School Sport Australia National Championship
Perth, WA
Monday 3rd – Friday 7th August 2015
Players wishing to be considered for selection in the 2015 Tasmanian Under 12 Boys Team must complete the attached
nomination form and return no later than Wednesday 22 April, with payment of the nomination fee of $25 to Hockey
Tasmania Finance Officer, PO Box 96 New Town TAS 7008; or by email to
Players *eligible to nominate are boys aged 12yrs and under in 2015. Please read the Information Sheet attached to this form
before submitting your completed nomination form.
*We may utilise an SSA ruling which permits Tasmania to include over-age players (i.e. within 6 months of the eligible age) if it is deemed
necessary to bolster the number of players available for selection. Players interested in being considered may submit a nomination form and
following closing date for nominations will be advised if required to attend trials.
Date of Birth
Parent’s Name &
Email Address
(essential as invoices will be sent to this email address)
Phone (home)
Mobile (parent)
Post Code
Preferred Playing Position/s
Playing Experience - Club/State
I have made payment of $25
nomination fee (see below)
I wish to nominate for selection in the 2015 Tasmanian under 12 boys team
DIRECT DEBIT (preferred method of payment)
Account Name: Hockey Tasmania Inc
BSB: CBA 067-028
Account: 28011822
Send confirming email to: with Reference: TasU12B – add player’s name
CHEQUE I enclose payment of $25 nomination fee (cheque payable to ‘Hockey Tasmania Inc’)
Please debit $25 to my credit card as payment
Credit card #
Card holders name
Expiry date
Date of payment
Receipt #
I have read the information sheet attached to this nomination form; I understand the commitments related to membership of a Tasmanian team
and the requirement to attend all training sessions and other team activities as advised by team officials. I understand that state team
commitments take priority over club commitments.
Player’s Signature:
I have read the information sheet attached to this nomination form and agree to my child nominating for selection; I understand the commitments
related to membership of a Tasmanian team and the requirement of players to attend all training sessions and other team activities as advised by
team officials; I understand that state team commitments take priority over club commitments; I undertake to make prompt payment for expenses
incurred on behalf of my child and will ensure full payment is received by Hockey Tasmania no later than the due date set for final payment.
Parent’s Signature:
Hockey Tasmania Information Sheet – Under 12 Boys (version 2015.01)
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Tasmanian Under 12 Boys Team 2015
School Sport Australia National Championship
Perth, WA Monday 3rd – Friday 7th August 2015
Team Officials
Hockey Tasmania has appointed Sam McCambridge (Coach) and John McCambridge (Team Manager/Assistant Coach) as Team
Officials to the Tasmanian Under 12 Boys Team for 2015.
Selection Trials
Selection trials will be conducted on Sunday 17 May and Sunday 24 May at St Leonards Hockey Centre. The selected team
plus train ons will be advised to all nominees via email on Wednesday 27 May and then announced on the HT website.
Players wishing to be considered for selection in the 2015 Tasmanian Under 12 Boys Team must complete the attached
nomination form and return no later than Wednesday 22 April, with payment of the nomination fee of $25 to Hockey
Tasmania Finance Officer, PO Box 96 New Town TAS 7008; or by email to .
Players eligible to nominate are boys aged 12yrs and under in 2015.
*We may utilise an SSA ruling which permits Tasmania to include over-age players (ie within 6 months of the eligible age) if it is deemed
necessary to bolster the number of players available for selection. Players interested in being considered may submit a nomination form and
following closing date for nominations will be advised if required to attend trials.
Players who nominate but are unable to attend and/or participate in both selection trials must advise reasons on their nomination form. Players
who nominate for selection and are aware that they will be unable to fulfil all training commitments must advise reasons on their nomination
form. Failure to disclose such information may result in a successful nominee being withdrawn from the selected team.
Nominees are encouraged to nominate for selection in their regional team to participate in the Hockey Tasmania Junior Intrastate Series, to be
held on the June Long Weekend (U13 age group will play on Sat 6 June – Sun 7 June).
State Team Cost Estimates
The cost of participation will be around $1200 per player, which includes team entry fee, educational excursion, turf training,
first aid, officials costs and accommodation for **2 (player + parent).
**Each player selected in a Tasmanian U12 team is required to have a parent accompany them on tour; or arrange to have the
parent of another team member accept responsibility as their “guardian” whilst on tour. Hockey Tasmania has reserved
accommodation for players/parents of both under 12 teams at Karrinyup Waters Resort, with extra beds available if other family
members wish to stay with the team. (Families wishing to arrive before the official check in date of Sunday 2 August or stay on
after the official check out date of Friday 7 August will need to make their own arrangements).
Parents are responsible for making their own travel arrangements to and from Perth. When booking flights, please be aware that
arrival at the accommodation will be no later than 4pm on Sunday 2 August, and flight departure will be after 6pm on Friday 7
Uniform will cost around $300 for essential items and will be invoiced separately.
Hockey Tasmania requires all money to be paid prior to the championship and will invoice team members according to the
following payment schedule:
Thursday 11 June
Thursday 2nd July
Final Payment
payable no later than 18 June 2015
payable no later than 23 July 2015
Hockey Tasmania Information Sheet – Under 12 Boys (version 2015.01)
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Selection Trials & Training Schedule
Please note - times are subject to change and will be confirmed with the selected team. Players will be required to attend a
regional midweek training session each week and undertake a personal fitness program. Midweek sessions will be conducted in
Hobart on Wednesdays, in Launceston on Wednesdays and in Burnie on Thursdays.
UNDER 12 2015 Draft Program
Sunday 17/05/2015
1st Trial – StL2 10am - 12noon
1st Trial – StL1 10am-12noon
Sunday 24/05/2015
2nd Trial – StL1 12noon - 2pm
2nd Trial – StL2 12noon - 2pm
Sunday 31/05/2015
Rest weekend
Rest weekend
JLW - Hobart
JLW - Hobart
Rest weekend
Rest weekend
Sunday 21/06/2015
THC2 10:30am-12:30pm (with G12)
THC2 10:30am-12:30pm (with B12)
Sunday 28/06/2015
StL1 10:30am-12:30pm (with G12)
StL1 10:30am-12:30pm (with B12)
Rest weekend
Rest weekend
THC2 11:30am - 5:30pm
THC3 11:30am-5:30pm
THC3 9am - 12:30pm
THC2 9am-12:30pm
Sunday 12/07/2015
Rest weekend
Rest weekend
Sunday 19/07/2015
StL1 10:30am-12:30pm (with B13)
StL2 10:30am-12:30pm (with G13)
Sunday 26/07/2015
THC3 10:30am-12:30pm (with B13)
THC1 10:30am-12:30pm (with G13)
Sunday 5/07/2015
Wednesday 8/07/2015
Thursday 9/07/2015
Sunday 2/08/2015
Monday 3/08/2015
Friday 7/08/2015
Depart to Perth
SSA Championship commences
SSA Championship concludes – departure flights are to be after 6pm
Hockey Tasmania Information Sheet – Under 12 Boys (version 2015.01)
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