ADi Descending Windows Brochure

Descending Windows
Descending Windows
Descending windows are the most sophisticated and classy way to open your windows to
maximise your million dollar view. Making an entire wall of glass, including the guide tracks
disappear will produce your biggest wow factor on a home. The images shown in this
brochure show 4 off windows, 5.8m wide x 3m high disappear into a purpose built
basement. The windows can be opened to 1m high to act as a balustrade for an open area.
Contact Advanced Design Innovations to help you create your own descending windows
Advanced Design Innovations Pty Ltd.
229 McKoy St, West Wodonga, VIC. 3690 Australia
P: +61 (0)2 6024 1888. Mob: +61 (0)412 320 871.