UKRAINIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH OF THE ASSUMPTION 684 Alta Vista Place Perth Amboy, NJ 08861 732-826-0767 www. Dear Business Owner: Assumption Catholic Church located at 684 Alta Vista Place, Perth Amboy, NJ will hold its Annual Ukrainian Cultural Festival on the parish grounds on Saturday, June 27, 2015 from 12 noon until 9 p.m. Based on last year’s very successful turnout (over 1000+ attended this event), we expect an even greater turnout this year. The festival will feature dazzling performances at 1:00 p.m. and at 3:00 p.m. in the school hall showcasing traditional Ukrainian dances. There will also be delicious homemade Ukrainian food, Ukrainian beer, delicious desserts, vendors, a church tour, live music throughout the event, a Beautiful Baskets raffle and 50/50 Money Ruffle. Admission to the festival is free. For more information call 732-826-0767 or visit us at Our festival is our annual celebration of the international and cultural diversity shared in our parish and in our city. It is also a time to raise funds and gather donations for our church in our efforts to serve God in the Perth Amboy community. Please Consider Becoming a 2015 Festival Sponsor! In conjunction with the Ukrainian Cultural Festival a commemorative booklet will be distributed to all who attend. We would most sincerely appreciate your support in the form of advertisement from your business for the Festival Booklet. Prices are as follows: FULL PAGE AD -----------------$200.00 HALF PAGE AD ----------------- $100.00 QUARTER PAGE AD ---------- $50.00 Advertisers should furnish their own camera-ready cuts of artwork. We encourage you to return the form with your ad copy as soon as possible, but no later than June 15, 2015. Send your ad copy and donation to the following address: Assumption Catholic Church 684 Alta Vista Place Perth Amboy, NJ 08861 Email Your Advertising: Please make all checks payable to Assumption Catholic Church. Thank you in advance for your support of our Ukrainian Cultural Festival. We thank all levels of support, including your attendance and prayers! Sincerely, Rev. Ivan Turyk – Pastor and the Festival Committee. UKRAINIAN CULTURAL FESTIVAL Perth Amboy, NJ AD FORM Name_________________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________ City__________________________________State_______ Zip _______________ Phone Number ________________________ e-mail ________________________ Please indicate your ad size by placing a check in the appropriate space. _____ _____ _____ FULL PAGE AD -------------HALF PAGE AD --------------QUARTER PAGE AD -------- $200.00 $100.00 $50.00 TOTAL AMOUNT ENCLOSED ______________________ Ad copy (use the space below or use a separate sheet). Send you ad copy and donation to the following address: Assumption Catholic Church 684 Alta Vista Pl, Perth Amboy, NJ 08861 Email Your Advertising: or Please return form and your ad copy as soon as possible, but no later than June 15, 2015.
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