HIGH POINT UNIVERSITY COURSE SYLLABUS THE 217 Costume Crafts Fall 2005 Classroom: OSCT 201 Class Hours: TTH 12:301:45 ashupe@highpoint.edu Ami Shupe Office: ARTS 403 Office # 8414505 Office Hours: MWF 11:0012:00 TTH 3:304:30 OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: 1. 2. 3. 4. The student will demonstrate proficiency in hand and machine sewing techniques necessary to construct a costume. The student will be able to interpret the symbols used in commercial patterns necessary to construct a costume. The student will learn the responsibilities and procedures of working on a wardrobe crew for a theatrical production or those procedures used to construct a costume for a production. The student will learn proper safety procedures for the costume studio. PROCEDURES FOR ACCOMPLISHING THESE OBJECTIVES: 1. 2. Lecture Discussion Demonstrations 3. Projects as assigned 4. Readings as assigned STUDENT REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETION OF COURSE: 1. 2. 3. 4. Hand sewing samples Machine sewing samples Construct 2 garments from a flat pattern. Major production project (choose one): a. Wardrobe/running crew Peter Pan. b. Construction project for Peter Pan. Hand and machine sewing samples are to be organized in a 3ring notebook and will be graded on the following: 1. Completion of samples 2. Neatness of samples and notebook 3. Organization of notebook. Samples should be labeled with regard to the following information: Name of sample and when such an application might be used. GRADING: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Samples notebook Production project Clothing construction project Personal clothing construction project Participation 20% 15% 15% 20% 30% GRADING SCALE: A+ A A B+ B B 97100 9496 9093 8789 8486 8083 C+ C C D+ D D F 7779 7476 7073 6769 6466 6063 059 * Students with diagnosed disabilities should contact Dr. Kelly Norton, Director of the Academic Services Center, 8419037. Accommodation arrangements should be made at the beginning of the semester. Accommodations are not retroactive. *Class attendance is a minimum requirement. Excessive absences and lateness will have a negative impact on your final participation grade. No late work will be accepted. Failure to take a quiz or exam at its scheduled time will result in a grade of “F” for the assignment. Extreme circumstances may be discussed with the instructor. TEXTBOOK: Rosemary Ingham/Liz Covey, The Costume Technicians Handbook. DAILY COURSE SCHEDULE Please note that this syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor to accommodate instructional and /or student needs. It is the student’s responsibility to keep abreast of such changes. Aug. Sept. Oct. 25 Introduction of Course and Syllabus. Introduction to the Costume Shop, Costuming as a profession and Safety in the shop. Basic hand sewing techniques 30 Basic hand sewing techniques Hand sewing closures 1 Hand sewing closures Application to Notebook 6 Fabric Dyeing 8 Fabric Dyeing 13 Fabric Dyeing 15 Basic machine sewing techniques Seams 20 Seams 22 Seam finishes 27 Seam finishes 29 Joining techniques 4 Machine closures Shaping devices 6 Basic patterning and layout 11 Basic pattern and fabric cut/prep 13 Basic pattern and fabric cut/prep FINAL NOTEBOOK DUE 1523 Fall Break Nov. 25 Basic clothing construction 27 Basic clothing construction 1 Basic clothing construction 3 Basic clothing construction 8 Basic clothing construction 10 No Class—Peter Pan production 15 Final Construction Project Due Fabric Shopping 17 Personal clothing construction 22 Personal clothing construction 2327 Thanksgiving Dec. 29 Personal clothing construction 1 Personal clothing construction 6 Personal clothing construction 8 Personal clothing construction 16 Exam 8:30am Final Personal clothing construction project due
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