HIGH POINT UNIVERSITY COURSE SYLLABUS THE 217 Costume Crafts Fall 2005 Classroom: OSCT 201 Class Hours: TTH 12:30­1:45 ashupe@highpoint.edu Ami Shupe Office: ARTS 403 Office # 841­4505 Office Hours: MWF 11:00­12:00 TTH 3:30­4:30 OBJECTIVES OF THE COURSE: 1. 2. 3. 4. The student will demonstrate proficiency in hand and machine sewing techniques necessary to construct a costume. The student will be able to interpret the symbols used in commercial patterns necessary to construct a costume. The student will learn the responsibilities and procedures of working on a wardrobe crew for a theatrical production or those procedures used to construct a costume for a production. The student will learn proper safety procedures for the costume studio. PROCEDURES FOR ACCOMPLISHING THESE OBJECTIVES: 1. 2. Lecture ­ Discussion Demonstrations 3. Projects as assigned 4. Readings as assigned STUDENT REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPLETION OF COURSE: 1. 2. 3. 4. Hand sewing samples Machine sewing samples Construct 2 garments from a flat pattern. Major production project (choose one): a. Wardrobe/running crew Peter Pan. b. Construction project for Peter Pan. Hand and machine sewing samples are to be organized in a 3­ring notebook and will be graded on the following: 1. Completion of samples 2. Neatness of samples and notebook 3. Organization of notebook. Samples should be labeled with regard to the following information: Name of sample and when such an application might be used. GRADING: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Samples notebook Production project Clothing construction project Personal clothing construction project Participation 20% 15% 15% 20% 30% GRADING SCALE: A+ A A­ B+ B B­ 97­100 94­96 90­93 87­89 84­86 80­83 C+ C C­ D+ D D­ F 77­79 74­76 70­73 67­69 64­66 60­63 0­59
* Students with diagnosed disabilities should contact Dr. Kelly Norton, Director of the Academic Services Center, 841­9037. Accommodation arrangements should be made at the beginning of the semester. Accommodations are not retroactive. *Class attendance is a minimum requirement. Excessive absences and lateness will have a negative impact on your final participation grade. No late work will be accepted. Failure to take a quiz or exam at its scheduled time will result in a grade of “F” for the assignment. Extreme circumstances may be discussed with the instructor. TEXTBOOK: Rosemary Ingham/Liz Covey, The Costume Technicians Handbook. DAILY COURSE SCHEDULE Please note that this syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor to accommodate instructional and /or student needs. It is the student’s responsibility to keep abreast of such changes. Aug. Sept. Oct. 25 Introduction of Course and Syllabus. Introduction to the Costume Shop, Costuming as a profession and Safety in the shop. Basic hand sewing techniques 30 Basic hand sewing techniques Hand sewing closures 1 Hand sewing closures Application to Notebook 6 Fabric Dyeing 8 Fabric Dyeing 13 Fabric Dyeing 15 Basic machine sewing techniques Seams 20 Seams 22 Seam finishes 27 Seam finishes 29 Joining techniques 4 Machine closures Shaping devices 6 Basic patterning and layout 11 Basic pattern and fabric cut/prep 13 Basic pattern and fabric cut/prep FINAL NOTEBOOK DUE
15­23 Fall Break Nov. 25 Basic clothing construction 27 Basic clothing construction 1 Basic clothing construction 3 Basic clothing construction 8 Basic clothing construction 10 No Class—Peter Pan production 15 Final Construction Project Due Fabric Shopping 17 Personal clothing construction 22 Personal clothing construction 23­27 Thanksgiving Dec. 29 Personal clothing construction 1 Personal clothing construction 6 Personal clothing construction 8 Personal clothing construction 16 Exam 8:30am Final Personal clothing construction project due