Astbury & Smallwood Parish News May 2015 Price £1 Astbury & Smallwood Parish News – May 2015 The United Parishes of St Mary Astbury and St John the Baptist Smallwood The Patron and Churchwardens request the pleasure of your company at the INSTITUTION by Rt Rev Libby Lane, Bishop of Stockport, & INDUCTION by the Ven Ian Bishop, Archdeacon of Macclesfield, of the Rev Jeffrey Charles Cuttell, B.Sc., M.A., Ph.D., as Rector of St Mary Astbury and Vicar of St John the Baptist Smallwood on Monday, 8th June, 2015, at 7.00 pm at St Mary’s Preparations are well in hand for our new Rector’s official arrival on 8th June, and we hope that you will be able to join us for the Service. We have plenty of room in the Church - but if you could share a car with others coming, that would be a great help. Allow sufficient time for your journey, and for parking and walking to the Church. If you are coming in a large group and wish to sit together, please come together and arrive early. Car parking marshals and sidesmen will be on duty at each of the car parks - Glebe Farm, the Egerton Arms, the A34 Churchyard, the car park south of the church (disabled access) - to assist and offer directions. Please do not park at the Rectory, School or Village Hall. The Churchwardens and PCC are grateful to Mrs & Mrs Lomas, and Mr & Mrs Smith for making their facilities available to us. Toilet facilities will be available at the Village Hall and near the Church. Please take your place in the Church no later than 6.45 pm - thank you. Refreshments will be served in church after the Service. 2 Astbury & Smallwood Parish News – May 2015 FROM THE CHURCHWARDENS Dear Church Family, ST MARY'S CHURCH FAMILY DONATES £2,022.48 TO ST GEORGE FOUNDATION How amazing is this? Two thousand pounds will enable SGF to support EIGHT more children and, when they have recovered the tax on the Gift Aided donations, there will be a further £380 to add to this total. John and I were travelling the M3 to Hampshire on Tuesday so we made a detour and delivered the money to SGF personally. We met Philip Dean and his family and, over tea in the garden and while being well entertained by Florence, Philip’s 2½ year old daughter, we were able to learn a little more about the work and the history of the Foundation in Sierra Leone. Philip has countless stories of God’s confidence-building by his provision, just in the nick of time, for these orphaned children. Such as the phone call from Africa to say the staff at the centre had only enough money left for one more meal for the children and could Philip wire some more money without delay. No Philip couldn’t, only the previous day the trustees had advised winding up the charity due to lack of funds. Cue for urgent and resolute prayer. Philip said he spent the morning on his knees praying and shouting at God on behalf of the children. The afternoon brought a knock on the door and a fellow parishioner apologising for forgetting to pass on a cheque for a thousand pounds . . . . Jehovah Jirah, the Lord will provide. All the charities working with children in Sierra Leone have recently been assessed (sounds like OFSTED!) and SGF came out top, above all the other major organizations like Save the Children, Oxfam, UNICEF etc who also work there. And now they have been asked to extend their work to another area around Port Loko in the north of the country which at present has no charity working there with the child survivors. We have been privileged to be able to help the work of SGF with our money these past few weeks; please, let us continue that support with our prayers and, where we can, with a regular sponsorship. Thank you everyone - xxx - Rachel 3 Astbury & Smallwood Parish News – May 2015 Editor – Mr W. Ball The Old Vicarage, Reades Lane, Congleton, CW12 3LL If you have any queries about services of Holy Baptism or Holy Matrimony, please contact Mr Hulse (01260 289084) or Mrs Cook (0260 290194); or for funerals, Mr Ball (01260 279276). Thank you. All Saints’ Chapel, Somerford: The next service of 2015 at the Chapel will be Evensong at 2.30 pm on Sunday 3rd May with the Rural Dean of Congleton, Rev Dr David Page. The Annual Dinner at Congleton Golf Club on 18th April was a great success. Ian Pennington 'RECTORY TEA IN THE VILLAGE HALL' is on tour! We are invited out for tea in May to Astbury Mere Care Home, some of whose residents regularly join us each month. They are planning a special celebration to mark the 70th anniversary of VE Day and have kindly invited us to join the. This will of course be on the right day, 8th May which is the second Friday of May and therefore there will be no tea party in the Village Hall on 1st May. It looks like being a lovely occasion for reminiscences and a chance to swap stories all accompanied by good company, a nice cuppa and a cake together with live music to bring back the memories. All welcome. Daffodil Openings: The Wardens thank Joan Taylor, June Taylor, Andrew and Gillian Bailey and Bill Ball for being in church to welcome visitors during the fortnight. More than 100 visitors were welcomed and nearly £150 raised for church funds. Our summer Church Openings started again on Easter Saturday and continue from 12 noon to 6.00 pm every Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday until 27th September. Refreshments are provided on Bank Holiday weekends between 2 and 5 pm. A sign-up sheet is available at the back of church so that YOU may sign up to help in this vital part of the church’s mission. Thank you in advance. Astbury and Smallwood Parish News: If you have not yet paid your subscription for this year, you will find a note to that effect on the last page of this month’s issue: please pay soon! You will receive a receipt attached to your next edition of Parish News after you have paid. 4 Astbury & Smallwood Parish News – May 2015 Please make cheques payable to Astbury & Smallwood Parish News not Astbury PCC. As part of Christian Aid week 10th - 16th May we have been asked to help with distributing and collecting envelopes round Congleton and Astbury. Please see Sally Drage for more details. Thanks. Astbury May Day this year is being held on Saturday 16th May in the new location of Glebe Farm. As always we require lots of helpers for this amazing event. If anyone can spare some time helping in the refreshments marquee either in the morning preparing food or serving in the afternoon please have a word with Donna Graham. We also need people to man the entrance gates, there will be 2 this year, one at either end of the Glebe Farm paddock. If you are able to help with this, selling raffle tickets or in any other ways please contact me or Kathryn Moore ( We also need contributions for the marquee of cakes and sandwiches and any raffle prizes. Thanks. Steph Morris The Archdeacon’s Visitation will take place at the church of St Mary Magdalene, Alsager, at 7.30 pm on Monday 18th May. The Wardens and Sidesmen are required to attend in order to be sworn into office. If you cannot attend on this evening, contact the Wardens for alternative arrangements. The PCC Meeting scheduled for this day has been postponed until the next evening, and will take place in the School at 7.30 pm on Tuesday 19th May. Astbury Ladies’ Fellowship: The next meeting will be on Wednesday 20th May, and our speaker, Liz Morris, with a Gardeners’ Question Time. We look forward to seeing you there. Carole Goodwin Astbury Women’s Institute: Astbury WI members were enthralled to learn about ‘That Certain Age’ when speaker Gay Rhodes entertained us at our April meeting. The President, Catherine Pedley, welcomed everyone and presented the birthday buttonholes to all those with birthdays this month. Congratulations were extended to Sheelagh Steele, Yvonne Walker and Margaret Moors who all had very special reasons to celebrate. Yvonne Walker gave us further details on the 5 Astbury & Smallwood Parish News – May 2015 outings and confirmed final details for the trip to Port Sunlight on 11th April. There will be a visit to Harrogate on Thursday 3rd September and names were collected. The WI Garden Party at Buckingham Palace was discussed and after a ballot the lucky member chosen to represent Astbury WI was Carol Goodwin. Brenda Sutton, Captain of the Bowling Group, invited new members interested in joining them to meet at Congleton Cricket Club Bowling Green, Booth Street, on any Tuesday between 2pm and 4pm. Don’t worry if you have no bowls as these can be borrowed. Members were reminded to support Astbury May Day which this year takes place on Saturday, 16th May at Glebe Farm. With all the business of the meeting concluded Catherine introduced Gay Rhodes. The room was filled with laughter as she told us so many amusing anecdotes collected whilst touring the country enlightening differing groups and organizations about ‘That Certain Age’. To each of us it means something different and for some it begins at thirty five. We all seek out miracle lotions and potions for our ageing, sagging skin and we search out the more expensive shops for clothes as they provide better mirrors to give us a more flattering look! Gay’s main goal in life was to live long enough to see the end of the DFS Sale.! Thanks were expressed by Margaret Pearson. The raffle was drawn and the winner of the competition for a limerick was Margaret Pearson. The speaker at the May meeting will be Caroline Bailey with her talk ‘If you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen.’ The competition will be for ‘an old kitchen utensil’. New members are always welcome – we meet on the first Wednesday of each month in Astbury Village Hall at 7.30pm. For further details visit Kath Wainwright ---------------Sartor’s Quiz (Answers on page 16) 1. Which Benson was the father of the other three and was appointed Archbishop of Canterbury in 1882? a. Arthur Christopher; b. Edward Frederic; c. Edward White; d. Robert Hugh. 6 Astbury & Smallwood Parish News – May 2015 2. Which Benson wrote Land of Hope and Glory? a. Arthur Christopher; b. Edward Frederic; c. Edward White; d. Robert Hugh. St Mary Redcliffe, Bristol is a cathedral-like church. Who described it as ‘The fairest, goodliest and most famous parish church in England’? a. John Betjeman; b. Nikolaus Pevsner; c. Simon Jenkins; d. Elizabeth I. 3. Boston Stump is a famous example of Perpendicular architecture. To which saint is the church dedicated? a. Bede; b. Benedict Biscop; c. Botolph; d. Bernard. 4. What kind of golden idol did Aaron make for the people of Israel when Moses was delayed at Mt Sinai? a. Cow; b. Calf; c. Sheep; d. Goat. 5. Who took up a tambourine and led the singing and dancing to celebrate the Israelites’ crossing of the Red Sea? a. Miriam; b. Moses; c. Aaron; d. Joshua. 6. Which apostle did Jesus describe as an Israelite without guile? a. Andrew; b. Simon Peter; c. Philip; d. Nathanael. 7. Where was Jesus when he offered the ‘living water’ to an unnamed woman at Jacob’s well? a. Galilee; b. Judea; c. Samaria; d. Decapolis. 8. St Ninian (d. c. 432) was an early missionary bishop in which part of the British Isles? a. England; b. Ireland; c. Scotland; d. Wales. 9. Bentley, Housman, Jebb and Porson were outstanding scholars in which field? a. Classics; b. Mathematics; c. Science; d. Theology. ---------------------------------------------------10. WORDS OF WIT & WISDOM Goodness is stronger than evil; love is stronger than hate; light is stronger than darkness 7 Astbury & Smallwood Parish News – May 2015 life is stronger than death; victory is ours through him who loved us.. Bishop Desmond Tutu They that go down to the sea in ships, that do business in great waters; These see the works of the Lord, and his wonders in the deep. Psalm 107, 23 - 24 Do not judge, so that you may not be judged. For with the judgement you make you will be judged, and the measure yo give will be the measure you get. Matthew 7, 1 - 2 Never ruin an apology with an excuse. Kimberly Johnson You can pretend to be serious; you can’t pretend to be witty’ Sasha Guitry If I had an argument with a player, we would sit down for twenty minutes, talk about it, and then decide I was right! Brian Clough The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable. John Kenneth Galbraith ------------------FOUR FASCINATING FACTS In a lifetime, each human being can learn, ponder, marshal and apply some fifteen million million items of information. Kenneth McLeish: Guide to Human Thought Our English word schedule – a plan or a list of items – comes from the Late Latin schedula – a small sheet of paper – from the Latin scheda – a sheet of paper. There was no unemployment in Nero’s Rome, and, though there was inflation, it was most marked in the price of real estate. Governments are always popular at times of inflationary real-estate prices. A. N. Wilson, Paul: The Mind of the Apostle, p3 Benjamin Jowett was professor of Greek and Master of Balliol College, Oxford. When he dies in 1893 his pall-bearers were seven heads of house (ie, College) and the Provost of Eton, all former pupils of his. Simon Heffer, High Minds, p19 8 Astbury & Smallwood Parish News – May 2015 9 Astbury & Smallwood Parish News – May 2015 --------------------------------------St JOHN’S CHURCH, SMALLWOOD PATRON – Sir Richard Baker Wilbraham Bt, DL, Rode Hall VICAR - Vacancy - Astbury Rectory. 01260 272625 CHURCHWARDEN Mr L. Ford, Overton Green Farm. Mr M. J. Wilson, Pear Tree Cottage 01477 500466 01477 500434 TREASURER SECRETARY Mrs T. Allcock, Parlour Cottage G. L. Wilson, Pear Tree Cottage. 01260 277076 01477 500434 SERVICES 10.00 am VILLAGE HALL 1st Sunday 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th Sundays Mrs A. Bracegirdle. Family Communion Holy Communion 01477 500342 CHURCH KEYS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE CHURCHWARDENS 10 Astbury & Smallwood Parish News – May 2015 Parish News Publication & Copy Dates 2015-2016 The June issue will be published on 31st May Last Date for material 22nd May The July issue will be published on 29th June Last Date for material 20th June The August issue will be published on 26th July Last Date for material 17th July The September issue will be published on 30th August Last Date for material 21st August The October issue will be published on 27th September Last Date for material 18th September The November issue will be published on 25th October Last Date for material 16th October The December issue will be published on 29th November Last Date for material 20th November The January 2016 issue will be published on 27th December Last Date for material 18th December The February issue will be published on 31st January Last Date for material 22nd January The March issue will be published on 22nd February Last Date for material 13th February The April issue will be published on 27th March Last Date for material 18th March The May issue will be published on 24th April Last Date for material 15th April ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 11 Astbury & Smallwood Parish News – May 2015 EGERTON ARMS HOTEL Astbury Village, near Congleton Tel 01260 273946 Fax 01260 277273 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Real Home-made food Real beer by Robinson's Restaurant and bar snacks Children welcome with well-behaved parents Vegetarian & Dietary dishes Senior Citizens' Luncheon, Monday through Friday Six executive en-suite rooms 5 Star hygiene rating Full Allergen menu available ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THE FRIENDLY PUB FOR FRIENDLY PEOPLE HOSTED BY GRACE and ALLEN SMITH 12 Astbury & Smallwood Parish News – May 2015 MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION OF FUNERAL DIRECTORS St Mary’s Church, Astbury John Garside & Son Cartlidge Newbold Astbury & its History £9.50 Funeral Directors Head, Congleton Past & Present £9.50 A PRIVATE FAMILY BUSINESS Established 1856 Offices and Private Chapels at HIGH STREET, BIDDULPH Telephone 01782 513210 and MOUNTBATTEN HOUSE, CONGLETON Telephone 01260 298829 Memorial Inscriptions CD £12 Parish Registers DVD £20 Funeral Plans Available Brazier St Mary’s Church guide £1.95 A COMPANY OF CARE AND UNDERSTANDING Gomme Notes on St Mary’s Church £2 Cartlidge A brief History of St Mary’s £2 ALTERNATIVE TO KENNELS Photographic prints £5 * Going away on holiday? Mugs £7.95 * Just for the weekend? Cards, Postcards, Gifts &c &c from 25p ‘Your dog can come and stay in my home, with adjoining fields, plenty of walks, care and attention.’ Available in Church or by post contact Mr Ball 01260 279276 CALL BELINDA ON 01260 224722 (Somerford Booths) 13 Astbury & Smallwood Parish News – May 2015 St Mary’s Church, Astbury Cartlidge Newbold Astbury & its History £9.50 A Complete Professional and Caring Service Head, Congleton Past & Present £9.50 Memorial Inscriptions CD £12 24 hour service Parish Registers DVD £20 32 West Street, Congleton, Cheshire Telephone 01260 277622 Brazier St Mary’s Church guide £1.95 Pre-paid Funeral Plans Available Gomme Notes on St Mary’s Church £2 Cartlidge A brief History of St Mary’s £2 Photographic prints £5 Foot Health Nurse Sian Eaton, DipCFHP, RGN A friendly, reliable and professional service offering foot care in the comfort of your own home Mugs £7.95 Cards, Postcards, Gifts &c &c from 25p Nail Trimming - Ingrown Toenails Corn Removal - Callus Reduction Diabetic foot care and advice Verruca Treatment Nursing & residential home visits also available Please call to book your appointment 01260 291492/07919 008332 Available in Church or by post contact Mr Ball 01260 279276 14 Astbury & Smallwood Parish News – May 2015 St MARY’S CHURCH, ASTBURY PATRON – Sir Richard Baker Wilbraham, Bt, DL, Rode Hall RECTOR DESIGNATE Rev Dr Jeffrey C. Cuttell CHURCHWARDEN EMERITUS CHURCHWARDENS Mr G. Taylor Mr J. Hulse, 2 Chaffinch Close. Mrs B. Cook, St Mary’s Cottage, School Lane SERVICES 8.00 am 8.00 am 9.00 am 10.00 am 10.00 am 10.00 am 6.30 pm 6.30 pm 01260 289084 01260 290194 1st & 3rd Sundays 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays 1st Sunday Holy Communion Morning Prayer Morning Prayer BCP BCP BCP 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays 2nd & 4th Sundays every Sunday 1st, 3rd, 4th & 5th Sundays 2nd Sunday Morning Worship Family Communion Junior Church Evensong Sung Eucharist CW CW BCP BCP Funerals and Services of Holy Baptism & Holy Matrimony by arrangement – see page 3 PAROCHIAL CHURCH COUNCIL Hon. Vice Chairman Dr S. Drage 01260 270217 Hon. Secretary Mr W. Ball 01260 279276 Hon. Treasurer Dr C. Tickner . DEANERY SYNOD Mr W. Ball, Mrs C. Goodwin, Mr A. Bailey ELECTED PCC MEMBERS Mrs G. Bailey, Dr S. Drage, Mrs D. Graham, Mrs C. Holford, Dr N. McIntyre, Dr J. Moore, Mrs J. Nadin, Mr I. Pennington, Mr P. Powell, Dr C. Tickner.. CO-OPTED PCC MEMBERS Mr M. O’Leary. SIDESEMEN BELL RINGERS TOWER CAPTAIN CHILDREN’S SOCIETY ELECTORAL ROLL OFFICER FLOWERS JUNIOR CHURCH 7Up PARISH NEWS EDITOR ORGANIST SAFEGUARDING CO-ORDINATOR VILLAGE HALL BOOKING see ASTBURY ROTAS, next page Mr P. Stanway Dr C. Tickner Mr P. Powell, 15 Belgrave Road, Crewe Mrs B. Cook. Mrs C. Holford, Mrs L. Shipton Mrs K. McIntyre Mr W. Ball Dr S. Drage Mrs B. Cook Mrs S. Brightwell 01270 560919 01260 290194 07857 234686 ASTBURY ST MARY’S CHURCH OF ENGLAND PRIMARY SCHOOL, School Lane, CW12 4RG. Head Teacher Mr M. O’Leary 01260 272528 Chairman of Governors Mrs K. Moore 01260 290135 WEBSITES CHURCH KEYS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE CHURCHWARDENS 15 Astbury & Smallwood Parish News – May 2015 Astbury Church choir meets to practise every Friday evening between 7.30 and 8.30 pm. Astbury Church bellringers meet to practise on the last Wednesday of each month between 7.30 and 9.00 pm. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ASTBURY ROTAS 8.00 am 10.00 am 6.30 pm April 26th May 3rd 10th 17th 24th 31st June 7th 8th May May June May June 1st 8th 15th 22nd 29th 5th 12th 19th 26th A. Carwardine J. Hulse E. Cartlidge C. Tickner T. Gresty J. Nadin B. Cook P. Powell G. Dale C. Goodwin J. Hulse P. Snape A. Bailey W. Ball B. Cook E. Cartlidge C. Tickner T. Gresty J. Nadin J. Hulse P. Powell G. Dale A, Carwardine B. Cook P. Snape A. Bailey J. Nadin J. Hulse E. Cartlidge C. Tickner P. Powell 5.30 for 7.00pm ALL SIDESPEOPLE CLEANING ROTA S. Stuffins, C. Mitchell M. Pennington, C. Brooks, K. Wainwright M. Follett, C. Garside D. Cotton, S. Naden, B. Sutton TBA J. Nadin, T. Morgan, C. Holford D. Hockenhull, D. Graham S. Stuffins, C. Mitchell M. Pennington, C. Brooks, K. Wainwright BRASS ROTA 12th M. Pennington, C. Brooks, K. Wainwright 2nd B. Cook, P. Briggs, M. Hocknell 23rd M. Booth, C. Goodwin, J. Nadin ------------Answers to Sartor’s Quiz (page 6) 1 – c; 2 – a; 3 – d; 4 – c; 5 – b; 6 – a; 7 – d; 8 – c; 9 – c; 10 – a 16 Astbury & Smallwood Parish News – May 2015 FROM THE REGISTERS Service Attendances March April March April 29th 5th 12th 19th 29th 5th 12th 19th 8.00 9 23 11 14 9.00 4 - 10.00 45 ad + 17 ch 89 + 23 40 + 5 32 + 14 6.30 22 35 19 Plate £177.60 £257.47 £653.19 £402.08 ----------------Collections Gift Aided £207.95 £241.00 £751.33 £492.03 -------------Burial of the Dead April 1st John Potts 85 -----------------JOINT PARISHES CALENDAR FOR THE COMING WEEKS APRIL Sun 26th EASTER III May Parish News published today 8.00am Astbury Morning Prayer – Mr W. Ball 10.00am Smallwood Holy Communion 10.00am Astbury Holy Communion – Rev C. Crumpton 12.noon Astbury Church open until 6.00pm 6.30pm Astbury Evensong - Mr J. Carter Mon 27th 7.30pm Smallwood Deanery Synod with Rt Rev Libby Lane, Suffragan Bishop of Stockport Wed 29th 11.45am Astbury Holy Communion in VH 17 Astbury & Smallwood Parish News – May 2015 Joint Parishes Calendar – continued MAY Sun Mon Wed Fri Sat Sun Mon Wed Thu Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Fri 3rd EASTER IV 8.00am Astbury Holy Communion – Rev J. Varty 9.00am Astbury Morning Prayer – Mr W. Ball 10.00am Smallwood Family Service 10.00am Astbury Morning Worship – 12.noon Astbury Church open until 6.00pm 2.30pm Somerford Evensong – 6.30pm Astbury Evensong – Mr J. Carter 4th 12.noon Astbury Church open until 6.00pm 6th 11.45am Astbury Holy Communion in VH 7.30pm Astbury Women’s Institute 8th 3.30pm Astbury Mere CH Tea & Cakes on tour 9th 12.30pm Astbury Holy Matrimony 10th EASTER V – Rogation Sunday 8.00am Astbury Morning Prayer – Mr W. Ball 8.30am Astbury Big Breakfast in VH for Christian Aid 10.00am Smallwood Holy Communion 10.00am Astbury Holy Communion – Rev C. Crumpton 12.noon Astbury Church open until 6.00pm 6.30pm Astbury Sung Eucharist – Very Rev Dr J. Cuttell 11th 10.00am Astbury Churches Together in Congleton 7.30pm Astbury Village Hall Committee 13th 11.45am Astbury Holy Communion in VH 14th ASCENSION DAY 7.30pm Astbury Holy Communion 16th Astbury May Day Celebrations 17th THE SUNDAY AFTER ASCENSION DAY 8.00am Astbury Holy Communion – Rev J. Varty 10.00am Smallwood Holy Communion 10.00am Astbury Morning Worship 12.noon Astbury Church open until 6.00pm 6.30pm Astbury Evensong – Mr. G. Scott 18th 7.30pm Alsager StMM Archdeacon’s Visitation 19th 7.30pm Astbury PCC Meeting 20th 11.45am Astbury Holy Communion in VH 7.30pm Astbury Ladies’ Fellowship 22nd June Parish News copy date 18 Astbury & Smallwood Parish News – May 2015 Joint Parishes Calendar – continued MAY Sun Mon Wed Thu Sat 24th WHIT SUNDAY 8.00am Astbury 10.00am Smallwood 10.00am Astbury 12.noon Astbury 6.30pm Astbury 25th 12.noon Astbury 27th 11.45am Astbury 28th 8.00pm Astbury 30th 3.30pm Astbury Sun 31st TRINITY SUNDAY 8.00am 10.00am 10.00am 12.noon 6.30pm JUNE Tue Wed Fri Sat Sun Mon 2nd 7.30pm 3rd 11.45am 7.30pm 5th 3.30pm 6th 12.30pm 2.30pm Morning Prayer – Mr W. Ball Holy Communion Holy Communion – Rev C. Crumpton Church open until 6.00pm Evensong - Mr J. Carter Church open until 6.00pm Holy Communion in VH Prayer Group Holy Matrimony Tea & Cakes at the Rectory in VH Astbury Smallwood Astbury Astbury Astbury June Parish News published today Morning Prayer – Mr W. Ball Holy Communion Morning Worship – Church open until 6.00pm Evensong - Mr J. Carter Astbury Astbury Astbury Astbury Astbury Astbury Village Hall AGM Holy Communion in VH Women’s Institute Tea & Cakes at the Rectory in VH Holy Matrimony Holy Matrimony 7th TRINITY I 8.00am Astbury 9.00am Astbury 10.00am Smallwood 10.00am Astbury 12.noon Astbury 2.30pm Somerford 6.30pm Astbury 8th 7.00pm Astbury Holy Communion – Rev J. Varty Morning Prayer – Mr W. Ball Family Service Morning Worship – Church open until 6.00pm Evensong – Evensong – Mr J. Carter Institution & Induction of the Rev Dr Jeffrey Cuttell as Rector of Astbury & Vicar of Smallwood ------------------------ 19 Astbury & Smallwood Parish News – May 2015 ASTBURY & SMALLWOOD PARISH NEWS is also available in large-print format. Please let Mr Ball know if you require such a copy. Editor – Mr W. Ball Telephone 01260 279276 Fax 01260 298913 email or Cover Drawings of St Mary’s Church, Astbury, St John’s Church, Smallwood and All Saints’ Chapel of Ease, Somerford by Marie McCormick © Exors of Anthony McCormick. For permission to reproduce any of the drawings, contact Mr Ball Typeset & printed at The Old Vicarage, Reades Lane, CW12 3LL Samsung ML-3310ND (b/w) - Brother MFC-J5910DW (colour) 150422 20
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