May 2015 - Astral Drive Elementary School

Astral Drive
Elementary School
Phone 462-8500
Safe Arrival 462-8500 ext. 1
S.T.A.R. monthly focus:
I will speak and dress appropriately.
May 4
Red n’ White Day (in support of
May 4
Music Monday
May 8
Family Games Night
May 12
Toonie Tuesday
May 12-15
We Act Art Show and Auction
May 14
Primary Orientation Day
May 15
School Based PD Day – no students
May 18
Victoria Day – no classes
May 20
Grade 6 Orientation night at ADJH
May 26
SAC meeting 5:30pm library
May 26
PTO meeting 6:30 library
May 29
Food Bank Friday
May 30
Spring Fair
June 3
Track Meet
(Rain Date – June 10)
June 24
Ice Cream Social
June 19
ADES Field Day
(Rain Date – June 22)
June 26&29
Assessment and Evaluation days
June 30
Last Day – dismissal 10:00am
Monday , May 5 the ADJH Bands and Counterpoint
Vocal Group will join forces with ADES to celebrate
the valuable role of music in our culture, schools, and
communities . Every year on this date, hundreds of
thousands of Canadian school children and community
groups join in this event. We will be singing “ We are
One” , this year’s Music Monday anthem. As the
composer 16 year old Connor Ross wrote, “It’s what
the nation needs to know” . The ADJH and ADES
bands will also entertain our school with a varied
program of music , including Star Wars.
In the words of Obi-1 Kenobe –
“May the 4th Be with You”.
This year, once again my Relay for Life Team is The
Astral Stars. If you or your family would like to join our
team, you can go to the Dartmouth Relay for Life Website or come and see me, Ms. Stevens. The Relay for
Life is on June 26th beginning at 7:00 P.M. and ending at
1:00 A.M. It has been 21 years since my first diagnosis
of cancer, so this year, I would like to raise $100.00 for
each of the years. If I reach my goal by that night, I will
once again shave my head at the Relay. I will be taking
donations at the Spring Fair or you can go on-line to the
Dartmouth Relay for Life and sponsor me there. Thank
PLEASE NOTE: As some of you may or may not
know, our very own Gail Stevens will be retiring this
year after 37 years of teaching. She has been at Astral
Drive Elementary School for 23 of those years. She has
touched the lives and hearts of so many children and
families in our community and we want to show her our
gratitude by taking part in an event that is near and dear
to her heart. Gail has been heavily involved
with fundraising for the Cancer Society over the years
and so her desire is to make her retirement celebration a
fundraising event. You are invited to join us, the staff of
Astral Drive Elementary, as we take part in the annual
Relay for Life on Friday June 26, 2015. Ms. Stevens has
had a team called Astral Stars, in this event for many
years. If you would like to make a donation or
participate in any way to this very worthy cause, we
welcome you. As well as donating at the Relay for life
website, you can also send a donation in a sealed
envelope to the office marked Relay for Life.
More information will follow concerning this event.
May 12th is Toonie Tuesday. We are
asking each child to bring in a toonie
which will go towards the IWK
Telethon. Our goal this year is to raise
$1000. 00. Thank you. Ms. Stevens
We Have An Online Store
Each spring the task of creating classes for the coming
school year begins.
We want to create classrooms that are conducive to
learning and to teaching. We look at children’s
personalities, male/female ratios, and student needs.
Placements will be made with input from the following
staff members: Sending teacher, receiving teacher,
specialists and administration.
 If you perceive your child has exceptional
needs that should be considered, you may
submit a description in writing, addressed to
the School Principal, Mrs. Bond, by May
15th. This written submission is to describe
the needs of the child only and is not to be a
request for a particular teacher.
 Due to the uncertainty of staffing allocations
at this time, we are unable to inform parents
of what grade teachers will be teaching next
Please note that the request is not a
guarantee of placement
Our primary orientation is being held on May 14th. On
that day parents of primary students will be sent an
appointment time for the morning. During that time
parents can meet with teachers to ensure that they have
the correct paperwork completed for the beginning of the
school year and have a vision screening by Public Health
If you have not already done so, to bring with you:
Your child’s birth certificate
Immunization form
Proof of address (power bill, water bill, etc.)
Excel registration will begin for new students on
Monday, May 5th at
In the afternoon children will return to the school
and have a session in the classrooms with primary
teachers as well as meet the physical education and
music teacher. While students are with engaged in
classroom activities parents will meet with
administration to discuss pertinent information
related to your child starting school.
Just a reminder that PMG has an Astral Drive
school clothing store. Simply order your clothes,
pay online, and they are delivered to the school in a
short time.
Check out the store at
The Excel Child Care Program is an HRSB program that
offers an option to parents when seeking before and after
school care for elementary school children. Information
about the program can be obtained from the HRSB website www. Click on the Excel link.
Excel is accepting applications from new families
beginning on Monday, May 4th at 8am. Please go to and click on EXCEL to register.
All grade 6 students are invited to attend dance at Astral
Drive Junior High on Thursday, May 7th from 6:308:30. The cost is $6 or $5 with a Food Bank donation.
Information Session: All Grade 6 students and Band
Program Astral Drive Junior High.
This evening will give students and their families an
understanding of what to expect next year, through
some interactive activities with staff and current
students of ADJH. We are hoping to provide a sense
of what the first days of school will look and feels
like at ADJH!
When: Wed., May 20, 2015 @ 6:00 – 8:00
Where: Astral Drive Junior High – Gym
It’s almost here! The annual Astral Drive Spring Fair!
Saturday, May 30th from 10:30am - 1:30pm at the
school. There will be bouncy castles, games, face
painting and more!
This event requires a large number of volunteers, and
sign-up sheets will be sent out over the next couple of
weeks. Bracelet order forms will be sent home when we
get closer to the event, as will a request for candy for the
candy shoppe and prizes for the prize room. The
countdown is on, so mark your calendars for this great
family event!
Mark the date and bring your whole family!
Thank you for your continued
support of the Food Bank. All
donations are greatly appreciated;
however we would like to reserve
the right to help out some needy
community as well as the food bank. Cash donations can
also be received. Our collection date this month is
Friday, May 29th.
Save the Date:
The order forms for the May gift card order will be
going out within the next week, and will be due by
Wednesday, May 13th. This is a great way to earn
money for the school with your everyday purchases. Gift
cards will be ready for pick up by Tuesday, May 26th.
So far we have earned almost $300 with this program,
thanks so much!
Popcorn Day:
Popcorn Days were once again a big hit. This month we
are experimenting with having only one popcorn day for
the entire school. Please mark down Wednesday, May
27th and remember to send in your $1
PTO Executive:
Nominations for our PTO Executive will be accepted at
our May and June PTO meetings. If you are interested
in, or would like more information on any of the
following positions, please let us know.... President (or
Co-President), Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer.
The May meeting is being held on Tuesday, May 26th at
6:30pm in the library.
Games Night:
Please mark your calendars and join us for 'Family
Game Night' on Friday May 8th at 630pm. We will have
some games available, but you are certainly welcome to
bring your own. Popcorn and water will be available at a
cost of $1 each.
Staff Appreciation:
It's hard to believe there are only two Staff Appreciation
Days left in this school year. We have a good amount of
things coming in May, but could use more treats for
Tuesday, June 9th. If you are able to send in any nut free
baked goods (homemade or store bought), veggies,
fruit, cheese & crackers, pita & hummus, nachos &
salsa, chips/popcorn, fun drinks etc..., please let us know
On May 13th, Welcome to The Living Bookshelf and
Favourite Tunes brought to life. Come enter our world of
classic songs and books, as interpreted by our choir,
band, violins and drama club. See the magnificent
displays of art for our We Act club auction. From
"Frozen" to "The Sound of Music", from Robert Munsch
to Dr. Seuss, from Jackson Pollock to Van Gogh, our Art
Showcase will appeal to both young and young at heart.
Doors open at 6:30, and the show starts at 7pm. To help
defray the cost of sound equipment there will be a
voluntary collection of $2 per adult at the door.
There is limited seating due to fire regulations so you
may want to line up early!
Girl Guides of Canada had Fun for Girls of All Ages!
Sparks (ages 5-6)
Brownies (ages 7-8)
Guides (ages 9-11)
Pathfinders (ages 12-14)
Rangers (ages 15-17)
Adults (ages 18+)
Registration is on now!
New girl registration begins June 1st, 2015
Go to and click "Join Now" for
Units in your Area!
What is Sparks?
Know a girl entering Grade Primary or One?
Come, Visit and see what Sparks is all about!
Tuesday May 26th, Astral Drive Elementary Music
Wednesday May 27th, Caldwell Elementary School
Music Room
Thursday May 28th, Astral Drive Elementary School
Music Room
All times are 6:15 – 7:15pm. Please RSVP to
Are you looking for a new piece of art to decorate your
walls? Well you are in luck because the We Act Club's
art auction is just a week away. The best part about this
art auction...the art has been created by the students at
ADES, yes, your very own sons and daughters!! The We
Act Club will have 30 different pieces of art of various
canvas sizes to auction off; there is something for
everyone: modern art, realistic art, famous art painting
replications, you name it and we have it! Every
single class at the school has painted their very own
canvas, and the members of our We Act Club have also
painted a few pieces. All items will be put up for auction
and sold to the highest bidder. All funds raised through
the auction will be put towards the club's local (IWK)
and global (UNICEF) initiatives.
“Wear Red ‘n’ White Day”
With the Toronto 2015 Para Pan Am Games just around
the corner, Paralympic Schools Week (May 4-8) is a
fantastic opportunity to show our support for Team
Canada and our students active in parasport. ADES will
declare Monday, May 4th as ‘Wear Red ‘n’ White Day’
for staff & students to wear red and white to show your
support for Team Canada athletes.
Mrs. Steele is collecting:
used outdoor sports equipment to go into the
classroom playground bins. She is especially
looking for soccer balls and tennis balls to
replenish our depleted supply. Thanks to the
PTO for donating funds to purchase equipment
for our students to play with at recess.
The auction will be held in conjunction with the school's
ARTS WEEK which is taking place May 11th-14th. While
the auction will be online, we invite everyone to
come view the artwork, in person, the evening of May
13th during the ART SHOWCASE.
large workout/agility balls to be used in
classrooms (the kind you sit on). If you have one
that is gathering dust in your garage, send it in
and we will put it to good use in a classroom.
The online auction site web
address is
old speakers/ ipods/ mp3 players or smart
phones. Mrs. Steele is collecting these to use for
various activities.
Boston Pizza receipts. Our PE Program gets
10% of all receipts submitted to put towards PE
equipment. Thank you to those who have
already submitted receipts.
The site will not be live until Wednesday May 6th. At
that time parents, family, friends, and any one else that
uses the online auction site will be able to peruse the 30
art pieces. Bidding will commence on Friday, May 8th at
noon and will close Friday, May 15th at noon. Please
help us get word out about the auction and share the
web address with your family and friends. We will have
it posted on our website, but please feel free to share
the address through email or Facebook as well. For
those that have family and friends that are afar, they
too can participate in our auction. All items can be
shipped to the purchaser (the cost of shipping is at the
purchaser's expense), or arrangements can be made to
have someone pick it up for them at the pickup time
and location noted on the auction website.
Thank you for your continued support of this very
important club! The We Act students truly care about
helping others and desperately want to be able to help
Sneak Peek
Afterschool Running Club
Our afterschool running club will be starting up again in
May. Grades 3-6 will be invited to join on Thursdays
afterschool 2:45-3:30 May 14, 21, 28, June 4, 11. If the
fields are sopping wet, the session may be cancelled.
Permission forms will be sent home. Students must dress
for the outside field conditions.
Grade 6 Ultimate Frisbee Club & Tournament
Our Grade 6 students have been invited to the Auburn
Ultimate Frisbee Club Tournament in May – date To Be
Confirmed. Practices for the team will take place on
Monday May 4, Thursday, May 7th and Monday, May 11
afterschool. There may also be lunch hour practices
scheduled. The information and dates will be in the
permission form. There are no tryouts and all grade 6
students are invited to participate.
Grade 1 & 2 Skipping Club & Jump Rope for Heart
– Event May 11
We have been holding a grade 1 & 2 Skipping club at
lunch for the past 3 Mondays. There are two more weeks
left in this 5 week skipping program. No permission
forms are necessary. The final week, May 11th , will be
the official Jump Rope for Heart Event for our
school. Students in Skipping club have been given a
fundraising envelope for the Heart and Stroke
Foundation. If any students who have not received a
fundraising envelope wish to participate in the
fundraising program, please send a note or email Mrs.
Steele at and she will send one home.
Fitness Challenge
Classes will be participating in the second Fitness
Challenge during PE classes on May 4-8th. Students are
excited to beat their scores from earlier this year.
Track and Field
The Grade 4, 5 & 6 Track meet will take place on June
3rd at Beazley Field. The team will be selected as soon
as the field dries up.
Field Day
Field Day will take place on June 19th with June 22nd as
the rain date. If any parents are able to volunteer for field
day (8:30-11:30 am) please contact Susan Steele at