Supplies & Tools: cute as a hoot owl & bib • Cotton fabrics: Fabric A: 1/4 yd for owl Fabric B: 1/3 yd for bib & mask Fabric C: 1/8 yd for owl belly Scraps for hearts, eyes and beak • 1/3 yd fusible adhesive web that can be sewn • Velcro® brand hook-&-loop fastener • 8"x12" Warm & Natural® batting • Embroidery thread for applique • 1 small bag polyester stuffing • Sewing machine & basic sewing supplies • Fabric marker or chalk • Iron, pressing surface skill level 2 DIRECTIONS: RS = Right side(s). 1. From Fabric A, cut two of owl pattern & one from bib owl pattern. 2. Cut out two of bib pattern from Fabric B and one bib pattern from Warm & Natural® batting. 3. On the paper side of the fusible web, trace 2 owl masks, 2 owl bellies, 2 beaks, 4 eyes & 10 hearts. 4. Fuse the web on the back of the corresponding fabrics and cut out. 5. Fuse cut pieces on one stuffed owl shape and the bib owl shape. Use fabric marker or chalk to draw wing outline. 6. Use satin stitch for wing outline, belly, mask & beak. Use free-motion straight stitch for eyes & hearts. 7. Owl doll: Place appliqued owl and plain owl face-to-face. Sew together with 1/4" seam allowance; leave small opening for turning. Turn owl inside out, press & stuff. Sew opening closed. 8. Bib: Layer Warm & Natural® batting bib, one bib fabric & appliqued bib owl, aligning bottom of owl with bottom of bib. 9. Sew two ear pieces RS together, following sewing lines. Repeat with remaining ear pieces. Turn & press. Place ears under the top sides of owl head & baste close to edge around entire owl. Satin stitch across top of owl to cover fabric edge & secure ears. 10. Place bib back RS together with finished front and sew all around with 1/4" seam; leave small opening for turning. Turn. Press & sew opening closed. Sew small Velcro® brand hook-&-loop fastener on back of neck. more projects, tips & techniques at® free STUFFED OWL CUT 2 OF OWL & 1 EACH OF THE OTHER PARTS 8" 111⁄4" BIB CUT 2 OF FABRIC CUT 1 OF WARM & NATURAL® BATTING 23⁄4" BIB OWL CUT 1 OF OWL NOTE: FOLLOW DOTTED LINE ALONG TOP EARS FOR BIB CUT 4 Created by Jo-Ann Fabric and Craft Stores® Skill Level 2: Some experience necessary Approximate Crafting Time: 3 hrs Please read and follow all manufacturers’ instructions for all tools and materials used. Provide adult supervision if children participate in this project. ©2012 Jo-Ann Stores, Inc. All rights reserved. 083-858P3
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