The BIG Event X Co-Chair Application

The BIG Event X
Co-Chair Application
Name: _____________________________________________________________________ NU ID: ______________________________
Phone Number: ___________________________ Email: _____________________________________________________________
Year In School (2015 – 2016):
Please answer the following questions on one to two additional pages:
1. What previous involvement/experience do you have with The Big Event?
2. Why do you want to co-chair The Big Event?
3. What would make you a good Big Event Co-Chair? What are your strengths? What is your
approach to group leadership/oversight and how would you manage that with a fellow Co-Chair?
4. In which other campus/community organizations are you involved, and what, if any, leadership
roles have you held or do you hold? What other time commitments will you have in the coming
year? How much time per week will you be able to devote to The Big Event?
5. What would you do to enhance next year’s The Big Event?
Co-Chair candidates will be interviewed by the outgoing ASUN President the week of April 13, 2015
Return to the ASUN office (136 Nebraska Union)
Deadline is April 10, 2015- 4pm
If you have questions, comments, or concerns regarding this application or the position,
please contact The Big Event at