AUSTRALIAN TENPIN BOWLING SENIORS ORGANISATION National Seniors Week Tournament Procedures Manual National Seniors Week Procedure Manual – 7 April, 2015 1 of 10 Australian Tenpin Bowling Seniors Organisation National (Inc) National Seniors Week Procedure Manual Message from the President This manual is your guide to the organising process, where your skills, knowledge and savoir‐faire are all paramount to the continuing success of major events staged by ATBSON Inc. To all of you, on behalf of ATBSON Inc. and the bowling community, we thank you for volunteering to be part of our tournament Team. We are all looking forward to working with you and celebrating a wonderful event. This handbook outlines the necessary tasks needed to undertake in the preparation for a major event. It provides details of how to organise your event, who to contact and what to provide for prior to the event, during and after the event. Organising a major event is all about TEAMWORK. Welcome to the TEAM! 1. The Events The Events Each year ATBSON Inc. assigns the responsibility of the Annual National Seniors Week to the local host ATBSO zone association. This event includes championship squads of Singles, Doubles and Teams as well as Open, Classic, Grand Seniors and Restricted Team Challenges, Open, Classic, Grand Seniors and Restricted Masters Events and a Victory Banquet. The inaugural Annual National Seniors Week was held at AMF Norwood in 1993. Each year the Annual National Seniors Week is bowled in a different zone and on a rotational basis. The following venues have been selected 2015 – Perth, 2016 – Adelaide, SA 2017 – Canberra, ACT 2018 – Melbourne, Vic. 2019 – Brisbane, Q’land 2020 ‐ Sydney NSW 2021 Hobart TAS This rotational normally runs in parallel with the schedule set for the Darrell Holt Tenpin Bowling Carnival dates and venues for the next 5 years. At the 2008 ATBSON Inc AGM it was unanimously voted to have the Darrell Holt Tenpin Bowling Carnival run back‐to‐back with the ATBSO National Seniors Week. (There may be exceptions to this.) National Seniors Week Procedure Manual – 7 April, 2015 2 of 10 Australian Tenpin Bowling Seniors Organisation National (Inc) National Seniors Week Procedure Manual Venue Selection Criteria As the combined events (ATBSO & Holt) grow the minimum requirements in order to host these events may need to be adjusted slightly to accommodate the increased participation. Currently, a minimum of 24 lanes is required to run the “ATBSON (Inc.) Seniors Week”. This is the governing factor when selecting a venue. Although if this requirement cannot be met other alternatives will be considered. Consideration should also be given to the size of the ball paddock, tournament room, photographer’s area, meeting room (managers and AGM), car park, mini‐bus parking and closeness to accommodation, shops, restaurants and dinner dance venue. Sponsor Proposal and Negotiations ATBSON (Inc.) may source supplementary sponsorship for any given event and as such consideration should also be given as to the placement of signage and any possible conflict of existing sponsorship within the venues. 2. Pre‐Event Preparations Venue & Risk Management Assessment At least 30 days immediately prior to the start of the event an ATBSON (Inc.) Committee Member (or a person delegated by the ATBSON committee) may be asked to conduct a Risk Management Assessment of the venue. This is a detailed check list of the venue. If any risks are identified then a Notice may be created and forwarded to the venue to be displayed in prominent locations in the venue advising of any risk areas or conditions. Schedule of Events The event entry form usually includes the schedule of events. As soon as a draft of the entry form is available it is agreed upon that the schedule from this event be passed on to the centre proprietor in order that the event can avoid clashes with centre leagues or other bookings. The centre proprietor may ask to have some squads moved to avoid clashes. Some squads may not require all the lanes. This allocation will need to be done and completed early before entries are accepted so as not to overbook any squads. Budget A full and complete budget must be distributed to the ATBSON Inc Board for approval at least 60 days prior to the event. Entry Form Preparation, Printing & Distribution The entry form is prepared by tournament team members consisting of the Tournament Director, Tournament Secretary and Event Coordinator in collaboration with the venue proprietor in conjunction with the ATBSON (Inc) Board. For convenience a meeting is usually held between these people 12 months in advance to discuss this form for the same event next year. Discussion may be by way of Skype or, email. National Seniors Week Procedure Manual – 7 April, 2015 3 of 10 Australian Tenpin Bowling Seniors Organisation National (Inc) National Seniors Week Procedure Manual The goal is to have the electronic version of the entry form available for download from the ATBSON Inc website at least 3 months prior to the event. Not everyone has access to the internet, so a hardcopy version of the entry form is to be distributed to all States and Territories through normal channels together with a copy to the host centre at least 3 months prior to the event. Entries & Squad Allocations Entries are accepted by the Tournament Secretary only and must be accompanied with payment in full before the squads can be allocated. Once the entries and payment in full are accepted, then the participants’ details and squads are entered into the “Championship Software”. Financials (This to apply only if ATBSON (Inc) is running the event) A cheque book is required in the tournament room in order that the centre lineage can be settled on a daily basis. The cheque book is then returned back to the treasurer, post‐event, in order that the prize fund can be issued. All cheques require two signatures, usually, the Chairman, Treasurer or the Secretary. Medallions, Trophies & Plaques Pre‐event medallions, trophies & plaques are ordered by the National Board of A.T.B.S.O. (Inc.) approximately 2 months prior to the commencement of the event. Ideally these are to be shipped to the venue or a local committee person at least 2 weeks prior to the commencement of the event. However this may not always be the case and in certain circumstances may be brought to the venue by another means. The board of ATBSON (Inc.) and the host state to be informed if this is the case. Merchandise Limited event merchandise is usually the responsibility of the host association and is made available for sale at the venue. Accommodation, Transport & Meal Allowances For Tournament Team Accommodation for the Tournament Director and Secretary is the responsibility of the host State. In addition to this, the Tournament Secretary will receive a payment of an amount to be determined by ATBSON (Inc) for the compilation of squads, receipt of monies, telephone and time spent on allocating lanes for Championships etc. Media Vital to any major sporting event is the support shown by the media on a local, national and international level. Media includes radio (news or programs), print (sports page or editorials), and TV (sports news). National Seniors Week Procedure Manual – 7 April, 2015 4 of 10 Australian Tenpin Bowling Seniors Organisation National (Inc) National Seniors Week Procedure Manual Writing a Media Release • Decide on the outlet or outlets you are targeting • Keep it short • Grab attention in the first line or heading • Is there a good news angle? A famous person? A quote? • Are there results, why should the results be published/broadcast? • Is it a preview story? Why should it be run now? Include: ‐ ATBSON (Inc.) logo ‐ 24‐hour contact number ‐ photo/video opportunity ‐ something happening/rather than about to happen ‐ enough background, but not too much? ‐ a map, directions if necessary Follow up with a phone call. Get to know the journalist, producer, editor, announcer you are likely to get a response from. Cultivate them. Always be friendly and approachable. Spectator Seating Subject to adequate space in the venue concourse and, availability of funds, tiered seating should be organised in the venue. The size of the grandstand seating is to be carefully considered to allow sufficient walk space between the rear of the players’ area and also easy access and thoroughfare behind. Safety of this seating should be of utmost priority and inspection by a local safety group should be encouraged. Computer & Printer Requirements It is the responsibility of the host state to supply all items required for the Tournament room. This would include but not be limited to: Laser printer / printers, Computer, Approx two boxes of quality A4 paper, Plus sufficient laser ink refills, stapler, paper clips etc. Access to internet is also required to allow scores to be posted to the internet at the end of each day or as the allocated Tournament Director or anyone who possesses the skills necessary has time to do so. Lane Conditioning The Lane Conditioning is to be determined by the Tournament Director, Tournament team and the venue centre management or lane technician. The ATBSON Inc Committee require that the oil pattern be set no less than 4 Months from the commencement of the event and advertised to participants on the ATBSON Inc website. Lane Draws Lane draws for the Open, Classic, Grand Seniors and Restricted Challenges are to be pre‐determined by the ATBSON (Inc.) board and issued to the zones no less than 4 weeks from the commencement of the event. Perpetual Trophies As a courtesy the Tournament Co‐ordinator should send a reminder to all holders of the perpetual trophies so that they can arrange for their shipment to the venue in sufficient time before that year’s event. National Seniors Week Procedure Manual – 7 April, 2015 5 of 10 Australian Tenpin Bowling Seniors Organisation National (Inc) National Seniors Week Procedure Manual Signage (external & internal) ATBSON (Inc) signage is to be placed in key positions in the venue and as directed by the tournament team. Major sponsor and welcome signage may be required outside the venue. State & National Flags A complete set of state flags is kept by the ATBSON (Inc). These flags will be shipped to each event. The Office of Protocol in Canberra has advised us as to the order that must be followed when State & National flags are to be displayed at an event. Flags are to be hung so that the emblem (Union Jack or similar) is in the top left hand corner and placed in the venue in the following order, starting on the left hand side of the hung area: Australia Other National Flags in Alphabetical Order (if applicable) New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Tasmania, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory Local Government (if Applicable) Sports Flags (if Applicable) National Anthem The Australian National Anthem is to be played in the opening ceremonies for all events. The National Anthem may be played from a tape, CD or sung by an invited vocalist. Event MC is to ask those in attendance to face the Australian flag for the singing of the National Anthem. The host state will structure and manage the opening ceremony. Score System(s), Live Scores & Results If possible Singles, Doubles, Teams and All Events scores are exported from the “Championship Software” and converted into HTML files through MS Excel and uploaded to the ATBSON Inc website. These results are published on the website after the last squad as and when time permits during the day. A print out of standings will be posted on a suitable notice board after each squad has been bowled. This only if a suitably qualified person is present in the tournament room to do so. A results’ booklet is also produced in limited circulation and two copies presented to a representative of each zone at the dinner dance. This booklet should contain ALL results from “Seniors Week.” Together with the monies paid out to bowlers. Additional copies should be produced for the tournament team records and presentation to the venue and all sponsors. National Seniors Week Procedure Manual – 7 April, 2015 6 of 10 Australian Tenpin Bowling Seniors Organisation National (Inc) National Seniors Week Procedure Manual Lane Slips Lane slips for squads are produced immediately prior to a singles, doubles and teams squad. A set of templates files for Challenges and voting slips have been produced and are in the possession of the board of ATBSON (Inc.) These can be supplied on request. The printing of these are usually done by the host state and shipped to the venue in time for the commencement of “Seniors Week”. Ball Registration Ball registration is not compulsory for the Annual National Seniors Week, however, the Tournament team have from time to time found illegal equipment and strongly suggest that all participants have their equipment checked before competing. Team Registration Invoices At least 2 months prior to the commencement of the event the local host Treasurer will dispatch Team Registration invoices to each State, Zone or Territory. Managers Handbook(s) Managers’ Handbooks are compiled by the local host for each event and are emailed to the zone delegates for re‐ distribution to the team officials. Each team official is to print their own copy of this file and bring it to the respective managers meeting. Handbooks should contain any information which the host state deems Managers need to know including, but not limited to, Tournament Directors instructions, March out details, lane draws, Team participants, etc. Team Photographs. The host State will arrange a photographer for any photographs required. 3. The Event Anti‐Doping Random bowler testing is unlikely. However, as all bowlers are TBA Registered Players then this gives ASADA the right to enter the venue and the competition without notice and randomly select bowlers for a test. On this basis the Board of ATBSON (Inc.) strongly recommend all competitors who have been prescribed any medication on the banned list to have on their person a copy of a letter from their doctor supporting the use of this substance. Managers’ Meetings These meetings are an integral and important part of the Open, Classic, Grand Seniors and Restricted Challenges. These meetings inform the team managers of the proceedings for the upcoming days of play. Effectively we would like the team managers to run the event down on the lanes and address any problems between each team within their pair of lanes. Important issues and rulings will need to be addressed to the Tournament Director. National Seniors Week Procedure Manual – 7 April, 2015 7 of 10 Australian Tenpin Bowling Seniors Organisation National (Inc) National Seniors Week Procedure Manual The Tournament Director should chair the Manager’s Meeting. Meeting chair to address the following agenda items: Roll Call, Welcome Address, Introduction of Tournament Team, Rules & Regulations, Team Lists, Manager Duty Statement, Lane Draws, Risk Management Assessment, Dinner Dance Details, Question & Answer time. Opening Ceremonies Opening ceremonies are on Day One of the Open, Classic, Grand Seniors and Restricted Challenges. 1. Teams are asked to go to their assigned lanes as per the lane draw for game one. 2. The Tournament Director then invites the teams to the back of house Or any location suitable for a march out in preparation for a march out. Teams are placed in the overall order that they finished the previous year with male and female teams marching out together. 3. VIP guests are asked to be seated in their assigned area and the teams then march out to upbeat music. 4. MC asks all in attendance to face the Australian flag while National Anthem is played or sung. 5. MC introduces teams in the reverse finishing order and asks them to be seated in the players area immediately in front of them. 6. National President Introduced for a few words. 7. VIP(s) address and official opening. New bowlers and Sportspersons Oath The Master of Ceremonies will invite new Challenge bowlers out the front for recognition. The host state will arrange for two experienced bowlers to read the Sportspersons Oath. Supplementary Events At each Annual National Seniors Week various supplementary events are held. These include Open, Classic, Grand Seniors and Restricted Masters. From time to time additional events may added. Entries to these events are usually through a singles qualifying squad and in accordance with the event rules and regulations. Presentation Dinners Presentation Dinners are held towards the end of the event. Venue for these dinners is usually a reception room local to the venue. The local committee has the role of organising the dinner and collecting the monies for dinner tickets. Dinners can be a full buffet or a fixed menu. Dispute Resolution The Tournament Committee may convene at an event in order to hear a dispute or protest. The Tournament Committee will be chaired by the Tournament Director and will need to hear each side of a dispute fairly in order to make judgment or decide on a rule. Entry forms declare that the decision of the Tournament Director or Committee is final. National Seniors Week Procedure Manual – 7 April, 2015 8 of 10 Australian Tenpin Bowling Seniors Organisation National (Inc) National Seniors Week Procedure Manual Sportsperson Awards The completed voting slips are to be returned to the Tournament Team for collation on the designated days of the various Challenges.. The successful names are to be placed into a sealed envelope in readiness for the presentation at the dinner dance. 4. Roles & Responsibilities of the Tournament Team Tournament Director The Tournament Director runs an event, chairs manager’s meetings & the Tournament Committee. Tournament Secretary The Tournament Secretary accepts entries and confirms squad allocation. Tournament Assistant The Tournament Assistant will assist both the Tournament Director and Tournament Secretary to perform their jobs. At check‐in table mark all score sheets with relevant pre paid qualifying event as per Squad Allocation Sheet. Accept extra qualifying monies and record on Squad Allocation Sheet and Score Sheet. Accept extra entries. If the bowler has not participated in ATBSON (Inc.) Seniors Week, fill out participant registration form. Check with Tournament Secretary of lane availability and squad availability. Assist sorting of score sheets and posting of update scores. Assist double checking of score sheets against Result Listing. Entries Entries are only accepted by the Tournament Secretary. Team registration for Open and Restricted Challenges are invoiced by the local host association Treasurer, as are the invoices for the Open, Classic, Grand Seniors and Restricted Masters representative. Event Coordinator Preparation of entry forms in collaboration with the Tournament Committee. Preparation of the prize fund payout lists Position on the Tournament Committee Preparation of results booklets and live scores. Photographer A place where team photographs and event winners should be organised by the host state. National Seniors Week Procedure Manual – 7 April, 2015 9 of 10 Australian Tenpin Bowling Seniors Organisation National (Inc) National Seniors Week Procedure Manual Local Committee is responsible for but not limited to: Merchandise Sales Dinner Dance Lane Marshall(s) Score Corrections Removal of Deadwood Notification of lane break downs Volunteers Tournament Assistants Merchandiser Supply, stock and set up a merchandise stand Sales assisted by Local Committee Centre Proprietor & Staff Mission Statement: “To provide a safe, clean and professional Centre for all Athletes, Official Guests, Spectators, Media, Tournament Team Members, Volunteers, and Staff so that the Sport of Tenpin Bowling is given the opportunity to best showcase itself”. 5. Post‐Event Follow Ups Signage Placed signage is to be removed from the venue and packaged into the appropriate tournament boxes and returned to the Tournament Team post‐event. Flags National and State Flags are to be removed from the venue and packaged into the appropriate tournament box and returned to the ATBSON (Inc.) Challenge Tournament Team post‐event. National Anthem National Anthem CD or Tape (if used) is to be retrieved from Control Desk and packaged into the appropriate tournament box and returned to the Tournament Team post‐event. Prize Fund Payout The Event Coordinator will supply a list of prize fund payouts immediately after the event with the intention of handing this out at the dinner dance. Masters Shirts The Event Coordinator will supply a list of Masters winners (including shirt sizes) to the National Board uniform coordinator immediately after the event for ordering so that these can be made in readiness for presentation to the Champions at the following year’s event. Financials A full set of financials will be presented to the National Board asap after the completion of “Seniors Week”. 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