2015 Pedal For Paws sponsorship information.

Athens Canine Rescue
PO Box 7064
Athens, Georgia 30604
Dear Potential Sponsor:
On April 18, 2015, Athens Canine Rescue will host its 8th annual Pedal for Paws charity
bike ride. The ride offers two distance options and features food and drinks to follow the
ride. Last year, we had over 100 riders participating in both our 41 and 61 mile rides.
We expect the event to continue to grow each year and all proceeds will be used to
support our mission of rescuing abandoned dogs in the Athens area.
We are actively seeking partner organizations to serve as event sponsors. We invite
you to take advantage of this exceptional advertising and promotional opportunity as a
sponsorship participant. We are confident that the event will attract a good number of
participants for both races, making this a meaningful investment for sponsorship
participants. Athens Canine Rescue is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization and is proud
to have been a part of the Athens community since 1989. We have helped thousands
of dogs through our programs of adoption and outreach and our hope is to continue this
for many years to come. We need your help to sustain this mission in our community.
Without businesses like yours, our organization would not exist.
Athens Canine Rescue is a non-profit organization, so any donation you make is tax
deductible. We have provided details of all sponsorship benefits in the packet and hope
you support us for this worthwhile community event. We are committed to actively
promoting every sponsor who will help us make this event a success.
Please submit the enclosed letter of agreement by March 7, 2015 to be included in
race-day promotional material.
If you have any questions or would like additional information, please contact Bly Crane,
at (706) 206-8436 or president@athenscaninerescue.com. We look forward to working
with you on the 2015 Pedal for Paws. Thank you for the gift of support and sponsorship.
Athens Canine Rescue Board of Directors:
Bly Crane-President, Andrea Collier-Adoption Coordinator, Leslie Trier-Event Coordinator, Kellie Walker-PR
Coordinator, Angie Garcia-Volunteer Coordinator, Jessica Smith-Media Coordinator; Julie Denton-Secretary
Athens Canine Rescue
PO Box 7064
Athens, Georgia 30604
Sponsorship Levels (all in kind donations also accepted with matching benefit levels)
Platinum: $1000
● Your company/name or logo located on event t-shirt
● 5 event t-shirts
● Your company/name or logo on advertising for event
● Your company/name or logo on the Athens Canine Rescue website with an
active link to your website
● Your company/name in the Pedal for Paws event guide
Gold: $500
● Your company/name or logo located on event t-shirt
● 3 event t-shirts
● Your company/name or logo on advertising for event
● Your company/name or logo on the Athens Canine Rescue website with an
active link to your website
● Your company/name in the Pedal for Paws event guide
Silver: $250
● Your company/name or logo located on event t-shirt
● 2 event t-shirts
● Your company/name or logo on the Athens Canine Rescue website with an
active link to your website
● Your company/name in the Pedal for Paws event guide
Bronze: $100
● Your company/name or logo located on event t-shirt
● 1 event t-shirt
● Your company/name or logo on the Athens Canine Rescue website with an
active link to your website
Athens Canine Rescue
PO Box 7064
Athens, Georgia 30604
2015 Pedal for Paws Sponsorship Agreement
Company Name: _______________________________________________________
Agrees to provide financial sponsorship for the Eighth Annual Pedal for Paws on Saturday, April 18, 2015. As a
sponsor, I understand that I will receive the applicable sponsorship opportunities described in this packet. I further
understand that these opportunities will not be valid until this agreement is signed and my check has been issued to
and accepted by Athens Canine Rescue. As a sponsor, I agree to provide digital art work for all promotional
Please indicate the level at which you would like to participate.
______ Platinum Sponsor: $1,000
______ Gold Sponsor: $500
______ Silver Sponsor: $250
______ Bronze Sponsor: $100
Sponsor Name: _______________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
City: __________________________________ State: _________ Zip: ___________________
Contact Name: ________________________________________________________________
Email: _______________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: __________________________ Fax Number: __________________________
What size event shirts would you prefer? (Platinum=5, Gold=3, Silver=2, Bronze=1)
S _______
M _______
L ______
XL ______
Please send this completed agreement with check made payable to Athens Canine
Rescue: Athens Canine Rescue
PO Box 7064
Athens, GA 30604
If you would like to pay by credit card through our paypal account, please email Bly at
president@athenscaninerescue.com for instructions.
Please email your company logo or name as you would like it to appear, to