Sooner Cager Classic National Basketball Tournament May 1-3, 2015 Oklahoma City, OK Entry Deadline: April 17, 2015 BOYS DIVISIONS GIRLS DIVISIONS 9U/3rd Grade 12U/6th Grade 15U/9th Grade 10U/4th Grade 13U/7th Grade 16U/10th Grade 11U/5th Grade 14U/8th Grade 17U/11th Grade* *Unsigned seniors allowed 9U/4th Grade 10U/5th Grade 11U/6th Grade Players must meet either age or grade qualification for their division (age as of 10/1/15) Grade or age verification must be turned in at precheck in site one hour prior to first game Players must meet either age or grade qualification for their division (age as of 1/11/15) Grade or age verification must be kept on site by coach → → → → → → → → 12U/7th Grade 13U/8th Grade 14U/9th Grade 15U/10th Grade 16U/11th Grade Three game guarantee with pool play (All teams advance to the Championship bracket) National Travel teams will compete All games held at Santa Fe Family Life Center, Boys & Girls Club and local Oklahoma City metro area facilities Awards for Champion in all divisions Registration Fees (price varies by age): TEAM CHECK-IN SITE Best Western Hotel Ages 15, 16, 17 = $300.00 Ages 13, 14 = $250.00 6101 North Santa Fe, OKC 73118 Ages 9, 10, 11, 12 = $200.00 (Discount of $25.00 per team for 2 or more teams registered from the same program) (Example: 1st team entered fee $300.00; 2nd team entered fee $275.00; 3rd or more team entered fee $250.00) **Please note that team participation in the tournament is based on a first come first served basis and a spot is confirmed once full payment is received** For More information, call (405) 476-5072 or email: 2015 SOONER CAGER CLASSIC Team Name ______________________________________________ Boys _____ Girls _____ Age/Grade Division _______________ Contact Name _________________________________________ Coach Name ______________________________________________ Address _____________________________________________________________ City _______________________________________ State _______ Zip Code ______________________ Phone: Home _________________________ Cell _________________________ E-Mail _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Payment: Make Check/Money Order Payable to Athletes First Pay with Credit Card by registering online: Mail entry and payments to: Athletes First 5830 N.W. Expressway, P.M. Box 350 Oklahoma City, OK 73132 The undersigned being the coach of the team named above, hereby agrees to hold Sooner Cager Classic, the officers and directors faultless in the event of injury or other harm occurring to the team’s players during the participation in all tournament events. Coach assures the tournament that adequate medical insurance is available and if necessary will be responsible for any medical expenses. Signature ___________________________________________________________________ Date _________________________________
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