April 30, 2015 Natural and High Performance Computing Lab. – NHC Lab head: Radu DOGARU, PhD, Full Professor http://atm.neuro.pub.ro/radu_d/ Mission / history: NHC Lab was initiated in 2002 with the support from the Volkswagen Stiftung (a private foundation in Germany) within his program for developing young research groups in Eastern Europe. It was based on a research grant in partnership with Technical University of Darmstadt (Germany), the Microelectronic Systems group of Professor Glesner. The objectives where then the development of naturally inspired efficient solutions for various intelligent signal processing tasks supposed to be embedded in various hardware platforms. Previously the head of the laboratory was awarded a Fulbright scholarship (1996-1998) at University California Berkeley – Prof. Leon Chua’s Nonlinear Electronics laboratory, where he specialized in a naturally computing paradigm called cellular nonlinear/neural networks (CNN). Also, a substantial support for developing the topics of the NHC lab came soon after its birth from an Alexander von Humboldt scholarship (2005-2006) won by its head. Our lab is centred around educational and research activities including doctoral and postdoctoral students but also research activities with B.S. and M.Sc. students. We cooperate with various other groups and universities from U.S.A., Germany, South Korea, Argentina, Hungary, Austria, Spain and other countries. Topics of interest: Natural computing algorithms (cellular nonlinear networks, artificial neural networks and machine learning, fuzzy logic, swarm intelligence and naturally inspired optimization and learning algorithms, etc.) focusing on their applications mostly in image and other signals processing and recognition, prediction, modelling and intelligent sensor architectures. Nonlinear dynamics in complex networks and their applications: ciphering, prediction, models for various physical, biological and social processes. HP3 solutions (high performance, portability and productivity) implementation of the above mentioned algorithms into actual computing platforms (PC, FPGAbased systems, GPU based systems with CUDA support, mobile computing, development of specialized circuits in cooperation with other groups) Nonlinear bio-dynamics – nonlinear dynamical systems with a focus on boilsignals and modelling. Resources: - room B232 (research, staff, doctoral and master students): 4-5 PC workstations / Wireless Acces Point “natcom” , printer, scanner, projector; Platforms: 2 medium complexity FPGA platforms (XSB300E / Xilinx) and (Altera - DE2), 2 low complexity . FPGA systems (Basys 2 /Xilinx); Soft-scope SDS200A, various microcontroller development boards (from Freescale, Microchip, Cypress, etc.); 1 GPU with CUDA support () - room B125B (educational, research activities): 22 places / 11 networked PC workstations + server / projector / various peripherals and specific software. Mosty used for teaching activities (practical works) - room B145: server, host of the lab’s website (http://atm.neuro.pub.ro/radu_d/) Activities: educational, research, including with doctoral students, conducting research for diploma and master thesis, scientific seminaries and research meetings. Coordination of the master study programme IISC (Information Engineering and Computing Systems) Educational activities (courses run by our group): Embedded Computtaional Intelligence Inteligenta (ETTI1, fourth grade, bachelor), Reconfigurable Computing Systems (ETTI, fourth grade, bachelor), Natural Computing Systems (master IISC, first grade) Nonlinear Networks Structure and Dynamics (master ITEMS, second grade) Applied Neuroinformatics (master IISC and EIA, second grade) Object Oriented Programming (ETTI, bachelor, second grade) Internet Programming Techniques (ETTI, bachelor, third grade) Nonlinear Biodynamics Biodinamica (FIM2, master IMC-an I) Staff : main (teaching and research): Prof. Dr. ing. Radu Dogaru, Sl.dr.ing. Ioana Dogaru doctoral students: sl.drd.ing Valentin Stoica, drd. ing. Ioana Dumitrache, drd.ing. Catalin Mitrea, drd.ing. Raluca Boia, drd. ing. Camelia Moldovan, drd. ing. Mihai Bucurica, drd. ing. Marinel Enache postdocs: (visiting) dr.ing. YuLi Xue, Beihang University - Beijing, China (2014-2015) International partners: Prof. Hyongsuk Kim (Univ. Chonbuk, South Korea) - Robot Vision & Artificial Intelligence Lab. ; Prof. Manfred Glesner (Tehnical Univ. of Darmstadt, Germany) – Microelectronic Systems Lab; Prof. Leon O. Chua (Univ. California Berkeley, SUA) – Nonlinear Elecronics Laboratory; Prof. Pedro Julian CONICET, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina; Prof. P. Szolgay (Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Pazmany Catholic University, Budapest, Hungary) - ; Prof. Kyandoghere Kyamakya (Univ. Alpen Adria - Klagenfurt, Austria) – Institute of Smart Systems Technologies, Prof. Alberto Garcia-Ortiz (Univ. Bremen, Germany), Dr. Ricardo Carmona-Galan (Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla, Spain), Alumni: dr.ing. Ionut MIRONICA (doctoral thesis graduated in July 2013) 1 2 ETTI – acronym for the Faculty of Electronics Telecommunications and Information Technologies FIM – acronym for the Faculty of Medical Engineering Research grants ADBIOSONAR, director from University “Politehnica” – Radu Dogaru, (financed by CNMP–Romania under Nr. 12079/2008, in partnership with 2 Romanian universities and one research institute) – Tpoics: Computational intelligence for ultrason signal processing and cellular automata modelling of sound propagation, finalized 2011, total amount: 20.000 Euros. „Volkswagen Stiftung” research grant: (jointly with Technical University of Darmstadt)- director from University “Politehnica” Radu Dogaru, Topic: Efficient models for hardware oriented intelligent signal processing; finalized 2004 (duration 2002-2004), total amount (Romanian part): 30.000 Euros. Publications (a selection of recent BDI/ISI indexed ones): Radu Dogaru and Ioana Dogaru, "Cellular Automata for Efficient Image and Video Compression", Chapter 1 in book "Cellular Automata in Image Processing and Geometry, (Editors Paul Rosin, Andrew Adamatzky, Xianfang Sun), Springer, 2014, pp. 1-24, ISBN 978-3-319-06430-7. R. Dogaru and Ioana Dogaru, "Applications of Natural Computing in Cryptology: NLFSR based on Hybrid Cellular Automata with 5-cell Neighborhood", PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROMANIAN ACADEMY, Series A, Volume 14, Special Issue 2013, pp. 365–372. Ioana Dogaru, R. Dogaru, "JLCNN: An object-oriented Java package for low complexity neural networks”, in 4th International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ISEEE), pp. 1-6, 2013, DOI: 10.1109/ISEEE.2013.6674317 (IEEE Xplore) R. Dogaru,I. Dogaru, "Binary Synchronization of Complex Dynamics in Cellular Automata and its Applications in Compressed Sensing and Cryptography", Chapter 5 in Selected Topics in Nonlinear Dynamics and Theoretical Electrical Engineering, Studies in Computational Intelligence Volume 459, Springer, 2013, pp 81-95. Dogaru, R.; Dogaru, I.; Hyongsuk Kim; "Chaotic Scan: A Low Complexity Video Transmission System for Efficiently Sending Relevant Image Features", in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Volume: 20 , Issue: 2, Page(s): 317 – 321, 2010 (ISI) Ioana Dogaru, R. Dogaru, "Algebraic normal form for rapid prototyping of elementary hybrid cellular automata in FPGA", in 3rd International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ISEEE), pp. 277-280, 2010, DOI: 10.1109/ISEEE.2010.5628500, (IEEE Xplore) R. Dogaru, M. Glesner, "A fast and compact classifier based on sorting in an iteratively expanded input space", INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, VOL. 23, 607-618, May 2008. (ISI) Dogaru, R.; Julian, P.; Chua, L.O.; Glesner, M., (2002) “The simplicial neural cell and its mixed-signal circuit implementation: an efficient neural-network architecture for intelligent signal processing in portable multimedia applications”, in IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Volume: 13 Issue: 4, July 2002, Page(s): 995 –1008. (ISI) Publications (recent, BDI/ISI indexed) of doctoral students Moldovan, Camelia; Dogaru, Radu, "Fast support vector classifier applied to microarray data," Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2014 6th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.67,72, 23-25 Oct. 2014 Stoica, George Valentin; Dogaru, Radu; Stoica, Elena Cristina, "Speeding-up image processing in reactiondiffusion cellular neural networks using CUDA-enabled GPU platforms," Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence (ECAI), 2014 6th International Conference on , vol., no., pp.39,42, 23-25 Oct. 2014 Mitrea, C.A. ; Mironica, I. ; Ionescu, B. ; Dogaru, R. "Multiple instance-based object retrieval in video surveillance: Dataset and evaluation" Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing (ICCP), 2014 IEEE International Conference on, Publication Year: 2014 , Page(s): 171 - 178 Bucurica, M. ; Dogaru, R. "Virtual environment using cellular automata for experimental studies of sound propagation and echo classification with artificial neural networks in Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (ISFEE), 2014 International Symposium on, Publication Year: 2014 , Page(s): 1 - 4 Dumitrache, I. ; Sultana, A.E. ; Dogaru, R., "Automatic detection of skin melanoma from images using natural computing approaches", in Communications (COMM), 2014 10th International Conference on, Publication Year: 2014 , Page(s): 1 – 4 Mitrea, C.A. ; Ionescu, B.-E. ; Dogaru, R, "A Pseudo-Random Scan perspective to the motion detection paradigm" 4th International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ISEEE), 2013 , IEEE Xplore. Dumitrache, I.; Sultana, A. ; Dogaru, R., "Reaction-diffusion cellular nonlinear networks for feature enhancement in dermatoscopic images", 4th International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ISEEE), 2013 , IEEE Xplore. Boia, R. ; Dogaru, R. ; Florea, L., "A comparison of several classifiers for eye detection on emotion expressing faces", 4th International Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ISEEE), 2013 , IEEE Xplore. Ionuţ MIRONICĂ, Radu DOGARU, A NOVEL FEATURE-EXTRACTION ALGORITHM FOR EFFICIENT CLASSIFICATION OF TEXTURE IMAGES, U.P.B. Sci. Bull., Series C, Vol. 75, Iss. 2, 2013, ISSN 2286 – 3540. Books (with international visibility): Dogaru R., (2008) Systematic design for emergence in cellular nonlinear networks – with applications in natural computing and signal processing, Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2008, ISBN: 978-3-54076800-5, 165 pagini Radu Dogaru, (2003) Universality and Emergent Computation in Cellular Neural Networks, World Scientific, 2003, 260 pages, ISBN 981-238-102-3 A complete list of publication is available here : http://scholar.google.ro/citations?user=KZX6kiIAAAAJ&hl=ro
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