149 JournalofMolecular Liquids, 32 (1986)149-160 ElsevierSciencePublishersB.V., Amsterdam-Printed in THE POLEY ABSORPTION IN LIQUID GARETH J. EVANS and Joseph Department of Chemistry, The Netherlands CRYSTALS K. MOSCICKI,l University College of Wales, Aberystwyth SY23 1NE. and MYRON W. EVANS Department of Physics, University College of Swansea, Singleton Park, Swansea SA2 8PP (Great Britain) (Received 14 February 1986) ABSTRACT The far infrared torsional crystal has been isolated modes. using a molecule with a dipole moment so that torsional oscillation The far infra-red power absorption nematic, i.e. the torsional sharpen itself. and intensify molecular engineered this absorption. dynamics those in a regular molecular frequency proper for to the long axis this component is therefore about the rigid liquid synthesised perpendicular of phase changes in liquid crystals librational specially of the liquid crystal conditions oscillation The effect that phase changes of a nematic about this axis modulates solid and supercooled molecule absorption for the first time free of higher This has been achieved this purpose oscillatory only. in the isotropic, a Poley absorption, long axis of the liquid crystal on a macroscopic level is to This is clear evidence are cooperative to the effect phenomena, the about the long axis are little different from liquid. INTRODUCTION The first far infra-red crystal was reported 1. Permanent Krakow, power absorption contemporaneously address: Institute spectrum by three groups of Physics, Jagiellonian Poland. 0167-7322/86/$03.50 of a nematic 0 1986 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. liquid in the early University, 150 seventies aniline Cl-31. The object which The nematic asymmetric computer simulation. produce to The investigation because broad band power absorption of absorption. was masked theoretically is roughly in the and with of MBBA did not torsional was complicated with time because Poley absorption, oscillation by higher frequency fact that MBBA has a dipole moment which presence torsional the inter-molecular p'n butyl by all three groups. into the dynamics The interpretation and this angle fluctuated benzylidene the far infra-red be due to molecular top, and has been reproduced clear results, flexibility. p methoxy and was investigated of these studies was to isolate is now well known diffusing modes liquid crystal (MBBA) was then available oscillatory intra-molecular further by the at 45' to the long axis, of the inherent molecular On top of this MBBA is a Schiff base and decomposes in the of moisture. Subsequent cyano biphenyl molecular investigations (7CB) whose [4-81 with nematics dipole moment long axis have resulted as expected at relatively this has been interpreted consistently power absorption molecular proper modes, the inter-molecular in the isolation high frequencies parallel of the Poley absorption, [41 and Kerr effect data. oscillator However in this case is again complicated and special measures absorption p' to the in the far infra red [5,81, and using the model of the itinerant with dielectric infra-red such as p n heptyl is accurately of interest, self the far by intra- had to be taken C81 to identify such as supercooling in glassy decalin. This paper aims to complement torsional oscillation synthezised moment for this purpose accurately the work on 7CB by looking about the long axis of a molecule at Krakow. perpendicular designed [1,5,81 Fig. 1. n perpendicular the intra-molecular of the far and mid infra-red to be rigid with the minimum with the ability to exist in a nematic modes the molecular in fig. (I). of was compatible phase near room temperature. showing dipole. framework of alkyl chain flexibility Sketch of the liquid crystal molecule, to the long axis. a permanent to the long axis, as illustrated III order to remove as far as possible absorption This requires at the specially The the dipole moment 151 bridging oxygen dipole moment neglect the small, power absorption supercooled in mind, the most detailed dynamics and follows The position coordinate irrelevant responsible red spectrum will provide of phase changes Furthermore, described on local molecular EXPERIMENTAL long axis. for looking dynamics Great if our and if all the far infra- in detail at the effect in a liquid crystal C91. of this kind takes place relatively maximum a much greater freely, shows up in the fifty to one hundred as in regular molecular liquids dynamics insight care was taken to produce accurate Mark III, interfaced [lo]. It is possible relatively straightforwardly than with MBBA or 7CB. far infra-red power absorption both on the ordinate and the abscissa, respectively the -1 in neper cm and the wavenumber, ;, in with a Research 6080 local mainframe. were obtained cell outside and Fourier configuration transformed "Cube" interferometer, 3802 Microprocessor several and interferograms on this system by placing and evacuating the sample as much as possible of the up to the Golay detector. The sample was accurately to within absorption coefficient 0.01 mm. designed thermostated The limiting is related length used to attentuate was specially Machines For each spectrum, the interferometer determined aliasing of angular Therefore, power absorption coefficient, a(;), -1 cm . This was achieved with an N.P.L./Grubb-Parsons optical that the as a function METHODS coefficients Honeywell oscillatory dipole moment means above be successful, an ideal method to study the liquid crystal and this provides torsional it phases. for its modulation long axis libration region, therefore molecular of the far liquid, nematic, because modes have indeed been eliminated, so that the Poley absorption wavenumber on the molecular the various the molecular engineering intra-molecular the determination in the isotropic solid is of key importance, of the permanent will be that about piece of molecular therefore, information molecular long axis, if we induced by alkyl chain dynamics. of this molecule these through oscillation that the permanent to the molecular dipole moments and low temperature provides torsional perpendicular temporary With these considerations infra-red in fig. (I) means illustrated is accurately to the inverse the incident radiative to take accurately effects were eliminated and the sample path length Cl01 uncertainty with power machined suitable in the power of the uncertainty IO. quartz combinations in the path The sample cell optical flats, of filters, and 152 all mirrors pumping were kept free of oil vapour and drying agents The power absorption of spurious features eliminated. RESULTS coefficient was measured in the transmissivity The results especially and moisture favourable with a combination illustrated repeatedly of the instrument until all signs were in this paper are samples taken under conditions. AND DISCUSSION Fig. crystal (2) illustrates of fig. the far infra red power absorption (I) in the isotropic OI 0 Fig. 2. Far infra-red power absorption 2) Supercooled glassy solid at 295 K. 3) Nematic 4) Isotropic Abscissa: 200 of the molecule four phases. (?) solid at 233 K. at 311 K. liquid at 357 K. Power absorption -1 cm coefficient : I I Crystalline Ordinate: I 100 or possibly of the liquid liquid phase at 357 K, in the nematic I 1) of such as silica gel. (neper cm -1 ). cm-' of fig. (1) in three 153 phase at 311 K in the solid at 295 K and at 233 K. It is clear from all four results characteristic that the broad, featureless of the torsional oscillatory dynamics in the isotropic and nematic phase, solid at 233 K there is visible means of unresolved that the complete butits peak at below interpretation at higher lattice modes liquids frequencies El01 is well resolved and in the solid at 295 K. in the shape of what appears mode absorption, number absorption of regular In the the onset of proper to be a of relatively high intensity. This Poley absorption is not as well resolved at 233 K, -1 is still clearly visible. A qualitative 100 cm of these spectra can therefore be given in the following terms. i) The most dynamics absorption There important observation of the molecule remains roughly phases which on the grounds bandshapes This remarkable result dynamics and in consequence anticipating at 295 K, which could be interpreted to nematic between number absorption indicating This liquid crystalline Poley absorption glass. to nematic condition producing evidence and related intensity and that of the solid It seems that further the spectrum (sometimes known There Cl01 as the "cross as the density is a disproportionately temperature phase transition is sources. and this is due to the increasing to the higher shown for this supposition - the large solid, probably that there is a jump, i.e. a discontinuity, the isotropic cooperative terms, that of the isotropic molecular crystallisation per unit volume. from the nematic the and that in the solid at 295 K. to mean that the torsional status. No corroborative is decreased, that to the other between i.e. the area of the curves in fig. (2), increases of dipoles increase is applicable liquid is, in dynamical a supercooled yet from X ray diffraction temperature liquid alone Clll. solid, and indeed there is not much of a band- is probably The integrated and to suspect liquid are already highly between the nematic of this glass induces section"), reasoning that the isotropic in fig. (2) at 233 K. oscillatory in a regular difference is very little difference phase for instance, liquid and the crystalline ii) There to be intermediate shape difference available the isotropic of temperature in the isotropic the change is well known cooling Similar in this figure. in the nematic oscillatory between from fig. (2) a 1one there would be no reason a phase change had occurred. two spectra frequency is no more than could be expected such as dichloromethane In other words to the torsional in the same place at all four temperatures. is a slight shift to higher nematic of relevance of fig. (1) is that the peak of the far infra red temperature in the density c91. at In contrast the 154 cross section lowered increases to 233 K. much less rapidly This means symmetry, there are always present induced absorptions the "pure" Poley absorption The main qualitative in the three or possibly dichloromethane several freezes four phases long axis dynamics explaining of the intermediate permittivity power absorption to frequencies frequency beyond to consider work [41 on this molecular the results into dielectric equations between similarity in is surely a key point in state of matter in future dielectric liquid and nematogen, between liquid in the terahertz. clO,121 these spectra to stretch The straightforwardly range of dielectric downwards Cl01 loss vs. to the megahertz any quantitative in terms of molecular the dielectric to see range of that figure corresponds The complete Naturally loss and at lower frequencies. curves of fig. (2) can be converted loss, and the wavenumber is well known explaining [lOI in differences This pronounced of fig. (2) are paralleled to lower frequencies. reproducing One would solid. It will be interesting whether spectral similar liquid such as are available solid. in this type of nematogen the existence and crystalline in fig. (2). when a regular of more pronounced phase and crystalline on oscillatory in fig. (1) are remarkably illustrated differences such as these superimposed itself. is that the torsional 1111, and observations rotator molecules liquid, rotator field 112,131. of the librating molecule of the long axis of the molecule Alternatively in packing in far infra red spectra C141, and these are always conclusion expect much more pronounced change. by an increase and this may have an effect on the internal interaction dynamics by much of a density in the solid could be accompanied Additionally of the solid is that if there is a phase change as the solid is cooled it cannot be accompanied the cooling as the temperature dynamics attempt and at must be capable loss and the power absorption of from the same Only then will a clear view of the dynamics begin of motion. to emerge. QUANTITATIVE INTERPRETATION Standard methods in the far infra-red of quantitative available in the literature transform the power absorption correlation function interpretation range and lower frequencies ClOl. C10,15,161. The first stage is to Fourier coefficient Neglecting of power absorption are well established into a rotational cross correlations velocity Cl21 and and 155 collision induced effects L141 the Fourier are, to a first approximation, transforms the auto-correlation obtained in this way function: 2 <$(t).fi(o)> <!i > i.e. of the time derivative of the dipole moment between the far infra red spectrum because this type of time correlation stochastic differential the Langevin computer Fig. equation simulation equations molecular velocity can be built up from like the Kramers equation C161, and also by molecular of three direct Fourier transforms nematic solid condition. correlation time scale, and are similar isotropic and supercooled functions in nature liquids 1.0 are oscillatory or dynamics to their well documented such as dichloromethane --c 0 Direct Fourier a) Normalised b) In the nematic. Fourier c) In the supercooled Ordinate: Normalised Abscissa: time in ps. equivalents which are not I I 2 4 transform glassy The I transforms Fourier of the data in on a picosecond I Fig. 3. contact dynamics, C171. fig. (2) in the isotropic, Cl01 in regular function of motion and developments (3) shows the results rotational ii. This establishes and the ensemble of curves (2) to (4) of fig. 2. in the isotropic solid. transform liquid. PS 156 known to support point. liquid crystalline At longer times are almost identical. equivalent power absorption evolution phases before the normal This echoes the similarity at intermediate spectra at low frequency at low frequency in fig. there are two observable equivalent Fig. minima The three Fourier at the time origin in comparison transforms in normalised frequency is slight, and especially As with the frequency phases. from the correlation place. In fact more pronounced temperature of a regular dynamics spectra, functions in the sense that the the difference in time and isotropic it would be impossible to that any phase changes were taking molecular dynamics, to unity reflects in the power spectra. the nematic ones are observable isotropic In terms of molecular dependence so between domain discern in with one deep inimum in the in time dependence (3) shows that in terms of molecular dependence The in fig. (3) are all normalised so that any difference difference in the (2). times of up to about 2 ps is distinguishable fig. (3), that of the two liquids being more oscillatory, solid. freezing (from about 3 to 5 ps) the three curves of fig. (3) the liquid, e.g. dichloromethane specifically the long axis of fig. (l), the conclusions simply by changing torsional oscillation 1111. about to be drawn from fig. (3) are as follo"s. i) In the isotropic almost identical responsible for the isotropic nematic multi-molecule dynamics liquid at 357 K the torsional to those of the nematic level. The minute on the single molecule orders of magnitude is the ability director in the dielectric involving ii) in observable phenomena. the cooperative motion therefore of millions cross-correlations identical to that of auto-correlations dynamics, evolve primarily behaviour of individual It is therefore absorption possible with Langevin by six or seven birefingence. to attempt equations of the nematic This is manifest are therefore phenomena of inter-molecular region is very similar or such as that of i;. In other words, i.e. picosecond from a consideration molecules, to of this of molecules. in the far infra-red of the far infra-red, on the acting cooperatively [9,101, which are oscillatory A well known example that the time dependence dynamical the dynamics the torsional field to cause alignment macroscopic loss and permittivity It is probable between or more molecules observable dynamics that the factors phase change are to be defined difference of a weak electric resulting This means level must be amplified by a million produce macroscopically oscillatory at 311 K. and sub-picosecond of the torsional such as the one illustrated to describe [16-201. oscillatory in fig. (1). the far infra-red power 157 DESCRIPTION USING A SIMPLE LANGEVIN One of the simplest Ii;(t) + The equivalent at = Kramer-s equations for the conditional associated (2) probability density. (1). friction energy V is a "minimal" potential a by Reid C181. are the e,B and y parameters 1 so that with an approximate the complete spectrum the friction coefficient absorption [211. are available, in fig. (2) can be matched The parameters height Vo. frequency only the results In the meantime involved moment By "complete" dielectric of the dielectric the power absorption from eqn. (2) as shown in fig. (4) with the parameters A more detailed dielectric dynamics dielectric functions theoretical by Moscicki and lyotropic with experimental study of the complete loss will spectra of fig. (3) can shown in predictions loss, and it will be interesting these predictions data will be available developed nematogens correlation In this figure are also shown the theoretical of maximum spectrum of fig. (2) on the power to the rotational the frequency I loss and power equivalent future work to compare in : of inertia be matched the figure. velocity The of Raid C181, defined by but future measurements in due course. [10,201. in terms of only two free parameters, to terahertz At present in two dimensions, can be solved by standard of the effective B and the barrier absorption of by ; can be expressed we mean the zero frequency be available knowledge moment described of the true mean inter- equation C18,201 and the spectrum as first described motion displacement representation g,’ ; y = 2(1>) = librational and W a Wiener process The Kramers energy. differencing this comparison Here I is the effective @ is the angular coefficient potential approximately (1) is: molecular differential C16, 18-201 is: - with the two dimensional equation B the rotational W(t) equation v’ ap IFS= as- the Langevin V'(C) class of Langevin -v. cos 26)(t) = i, a0 ap+ inertia + 1@(t) v relevant EQUATION of in data. far infra-red and in future work with the theory of long rod [91. At present, this theory liquid crystals with dipole moments is designed roughly for 158 I I I 1 I I a E’ C 0. 25 - , O- ‘5- OO 159 parallel to the long axis, but could be adapted described i.e. with in this paper, for the type of molecule the dipole accurately perpendicular to the long axis. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Nuffield Foundation for a "Small Grant" thanked and Leverhulme and a Fellowship Trust are thanked respectively S.E.R.C. for the award of an Advanced Dr. Moscicki The University to MWE. for the award to MWE of the Pilcher Senior Fellowship Fellowship is and the The visit of to GJE. was funded by the award from the Nuffield of Wales Foundation. REFERENCES M.W. Evans, Faraday and (in part) M. Davies Trans. B.J. Bulkin, Helv.Chim.Acta, J. Sciesinski M.W. Evans, Trans. and I.W. Larkin, J.Chem.Soc., II, 69, c973), 1011. 52 (1969) 1348; and L. Sciesinska, R.F.S. Moutran, communication, communication, and A.H. Price, J.Chem.Soc., Faraday II, 71 (1975) 1854. G.J. Evans and M.W. 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