Journal of Molecular Liquids, 32 (1986) 173-181 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam - Printed MOLECULAR DYNAMICAL SIMULATION 173 in The Netherlands OF NEW AUTO AND CROSS CORRELATIONS IN LIQUID WATER M. W. EVANS Department Swansea of Physics, University College of Swansea, Singleton Park, SA2 8PP (Received 21 January 1986) ABSTRACT This Letter centripetal, liquid water, functions reports together with involving velocity. the first simulation and non-uniform auto-correlation of the classical functions strong single molecule its centre of mass position, These results were obtained based on the ST2 of Stillinger Coriolis, of the Hz0 molecule in cross correlation linear velocity with a new empirical, and angular pair potential 111 and Rahman. INTRODUCTION This Letter reports types of dynamical translation obtained the first detailed numerical auto and cross correlations and position in liquid water. and a brief account atom type potential between Several is given of each. investigation molecular original of new rotation, results have been Using a new empirical based on the ST2 of Stillinger and Rahman Cl1 atom it is found that: a) autocorrelation Coriolis, centripetal, laboratory molecular b) functions and non-uniform moments various motion accelerations (x,y,z) frame and <n the moving types of single molecule in water frame, classical exist.both in the (1,2,3) of the principal of inertia; showing exist in both frames, diffusion (a.c.f. 's) of the water molecule's as being cross correlation that it is impossible independent functions to consider of the centre of mass (c.c.f.'s) rotational translational of the same molecule. The vast aqueous diffusional dynamics 0167s7322/86/$03.50 literature C21 leaves room for detailed of the Hz0 molecule, 0 1986 Elsevier Science but still within Publishers B.V. studies the severe of the 174 limitations of classical choosing dynamics. and the other by Clementi to be that the evolution ab initio methods (in frame Clementi of computer obtained functions (p.d.f. 's) ofclementi (classical) which simulations is entirely in agreement reference (1,2,3) by pair distribution Monte Carlo disappearing Empiricism therefore from but the recent paper by Morse and potentials, none of satisfactory. equations written been obtained in rotating analytically and moving - the former for the centre of mass molecular latter for the same molecule's need for friction seems 3 and 4 body with experiment. that there are many empirical Some new insight has recently use of Langevin difference and in frame The atom-atom of liquid water, shows clearly in 1974 et al. to introduce and to introduce and Rahman seem to be gradually 111 for the centre of mass velocity et al., from a separate 131, seems to be broadly and two body constraints Clementi the pair potential in the two papers (x,y,z) by Stillinger in this field may be and Rahman The essential power allows et al.) do not differ markedly. simulation Rice [4] one by Stillinger et al. 13; in 1985. of computing The results terms. a.c.f. A decade of progress two key papers: rotational cross terms, C7-91 the three dimensional diffusion movement. translation This method and provides of an asymmetric [5,61 by the frames of a natural top molecule and the removes description the of in the liquid state. Computer Simulation Methods With the restricted computer the well known ST2 potential the oxygen and hydrogen described power available by including atoms. The empirical terms centred both on pair potential is then as follows: E/k(O-0) = 58.4 K ; 0(0-o) = 2.8 2 ; E/k(H-H) = 21.1 K ; o(H-H) = 2.25 2 ; c/k(O-H) = (d (O-O) ; (H-H))); where 5 and o are the usual atom-atom k the tetrahedral arrangement of charges paper, to me, I chose to modify atom-atom Cl1 together with the original of using separate hydrogen and oxygen ; a(O-H) = ;(a(O-0) + o(H-H)) Lennard-Jones parameters. In addition, in ST2 was used as in the original ST2 geometry atom-atom (fig. (I)). One advantage terms is that the artificial 175 swithing atom-atom function of Stillinger parameters estimates. were based and Rahman closely Cl1 is no longer required. on independent, The experimental, Cl01 9 Q L Fig. Illustration 1 of the ST2 geometry, With a time step of 5.0 x 10 no Ewald corrections, configurational obtained the mean pressure energy by Stillinger corrections. an experimental These results equations can be compared and Rahman of motion on each molecule this internal estimate boundary conditions, C31 the of about with a value The of -34.3 kJ/mole Cl], also in the absence energy 1000 time steps, bar. at 314K of Ewald the use of Ewald sums by Clementi to -38.6 kJ/mole, which compares with of -41.0 kJ/nole. were obtained numerically segment - 137 ? (1.15 x 106)~ For two body interactions et al. 131 reduced (1,2,3). energy at 300 K; p = 0.997 gm/cm, molar was, for a typical = 18.08 cm/mole; - 35.5 kJ/mole; of frame sec., a sample of only 108 molecules, and simple cubic periodic total mean configurational volume -16 and definition by integrating in two stages; was first computed the classical C11,121 from the atom-atom rotational the total torque and charge-charge forces, 176 and the angular momentum interpolation translational numerically respect equation of motion with the Verlet corrections to be constant were applied for Lennard NUMERICAL RESULTS Atom-Atom P.D.F.'s values - Newton's equation - was integrated applied with The total energy separation. a few parts to the virial cubic The and the cut off criterion centre of mass within in time sequence. in a thousand. Long range sum and to the total configurational Jones terms only. Atom atom p.d.f. 's were averaged (4000 time steps). The oxygen Table 1 with equivalent Clementi by a numerical (1,2,3) then algorithm, to the intermolecular was observed energy in frame over the four previous et al. 131. over about four consecutive to oxygen results (0-0)p.d.f. from Stillinger (The notation is compared and Rahman 111 segments in and from is that of the former paper.) TABLE 1 Oxygen T/K - oxygen p.d.f.'s Potential RI(~) Rz(% R3(% 2.63 3.21 4.31 r(Ml)/a 2.86 ML 3.02 r(M2)/8 4.74 M2 1.08 314 STZ1 300 Clementi et al. 300 This work 2.72 3.70 5.25 3.10 2.18 5.66 1.11 323 Exptl.ly3 2.64 3.31 4.21 2.85 2.28 4.75 1.11 As usual %2.8 141, the empirical and weaknesses. O-O p.d.f. maximum potential In table 1, for example, (at 323 K) is reproduced intensity 2.45 s4.0 'L1.1 for this letter has its strengths the first peak of the experimental much better in intensity than ST2; of the second peak is also close to the experimental the value, 177 but the position of the second peak is too far out. In this respect et al. 131 seems to be too far in, by about the same amount, Clementi their two body potential this work are broadly and Monte Carlo simulation. similar in detail with The H-H p.d.f.'s of III to STL, and will be illustrated in full elsewhere. Time Correlation Functions The more original dynamical 1) properties Coriolis, molecule exist 19 for the Hz0 Molecule results of this Letter are given in this section on I - a.c.f. 's and c.c.f.' s of the Hz0 molecule. centripetal and non-uniform in liquid water accelerations 1131 of the Hz0 at 300 K in both frames of reference, V 0.5 Fig. 2 a) The a.c.f. b) A.c.f. of the centripetal acceleration, frame (x,y,z). of the non-uniform acceleration, frame (x,y,z). of the H20 Coriolis c) A.c.f. d) As for a), frame (1,2,3). e) As for b), frame (1,2,3). f) As for c), frame (1,2,3). acceleration, frame (x,y,z). and can 178 be observed speaking, through because their respective frame respect to frame fig. 2 is the first illustration molecule's a.c.f.'s. (x,y,z) and vice-versa. Coriolis acceleration, the linear results 2) Ryckaert <t(t)xT(o)> et al. 1141 in frame off-diagonal difference the basic or translational elements between is a measure molecular inapplicability for liquid water. two different segments, "noise". Here v is ?i of the molecular velocity. of theories of purely the simple the existence The hatched each of about The intensity Non-vanishing (i,j) : <u.(t)v 1 j elements (o)> /(<w.~>' 1 of <e(t)xT(o)> <v.2>1). J c.c.f. of two of its area denotes the 1000 time steps, and of these elements PS Fig. 3 These in liquid water. (1,2,3), and fig. 3 confirms of my computer vector angular were the first to observe 111,121 acceleration, k(t) x c(t). ; the position diffusion with - that of the Hz0 centripetal acceleration and t is the resultant show clearly frame of reference As far as I am aware, of these a.c.f.'s centre of mass velocity, rotational 15,61 2&(t) x x(t); t(t) x (t(t) x ,r(t)); and non-uniform centre of mass, This is true, essentially (1,2,3) is a non-inertial in frame (1,2,3). shows 179 the strength of cross-correlation in this dynamical 3) context. The development recently 15,61 frame c.c.f.'s, of rotating to reyeal typified confirming, and the existence the dominant frame Langevin equations the existence of numerous by the diagonal elements where 4 : x,g x 6 or 6. water and indicates role of H-bonding 121 I have checked new types of moving of <k(t) x t(t) kT(o)> that these all exist for liquid the validity inter alia, of strong dynamical has been used of the new Langevin cross-correlation. equations The c.c.f. C61 for A-V is shown in Fig. 4. % ?r 0.04 m O.l2Q 0.04 ps_ _ JJ ! 2,2 1 - Fig. 4. The non-vanishing in frame (1,2,3); 4) C.c.f.'s frame (also C is confirmed 2v of <x(t) x t(t)xT(o)> C61 asymmetric top CHzC12. for the Hz0 molecule 1) in the frame of the type <g(t) x x(t)tT(o)> in this Letter ) in Fig. 5. /<(v2>02> (2) and (3) above all vanish elements (x,y,z) for the C2v symmetry result elements (i,i) = <(x(t) x t(t));vi(o)> of types but of off-diagonal (diagonal) (x,y,z) exist 1151 in This simulation in liquid water 180 Fig. 5. The non-vanishing in frame (x,y,z); (i,i) = '(I (off-diagonal) elements of <2(t) x $t)tT(o)> x ~(t))iwi(o)' I <$>5 <J> CONCLUSIONS The existence accelerations of the classical of the Hz0 molecule for the first time, together Coriolis, centripetal, in liquid water with strong dynamical and non-uniform is demonstrated explicitly cross-correlation on the 181 single molecule potential, These results level. based on the well-known were obtained with a new empirical ST2 of Stillinger and Rahman. pair Cl1 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The University of Wales is thanked for the award of the Pilcher Senior Fellowship. REFERENCE 1 s F.H. Stillinger (see also and A. Rahman, J. Chem. Phys., : ibid., 55 (1971) 3336; 61 (1974) 1545 ; 57 (1972) 1281; 61 (1974) 4973 ; 68 (1978) 666). 2 e.g. D. Bertolini, C. Salvetti, in "Advances P. Grigolini, S.A. Rice, 3 in Chemical (Wiley/Interscience, G. Corongiu, L. Domingo, A. Laaksonen Dynamics", 10 and J.S. Dahler, N.L. Allinger, Forces 11 M. Ferrario 12 M.W. 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