Saturday 21st March 2015 Commencing 10.30am THE PETER SAYER COLLECTION OF MILITARY VEHICLES AND MILITARIA Tel: 01502 713490 Fax: 01502 711039 WWW.DURRANTS.COM £3.00 NOTES FOR PROSPECTIVE PURCHASERS DURRANTS AUCTIONEERS AND VALUERS Durrants’ experience of Auction Sales dates back to 1853 and since that time we have continued to undertake chattel sales and valuations throughout Norfolk and Suffolk. From our Auction Rooms at Peddars Lane, Beccles we conduct Fine Art and Antique Auction Sales every month, interspersed with Specialist Sales. Our team of Valuers and Auctioneers undertake valuations for probate and insurance purposes and provide advice for sale and family division. OUR SERVICE With our own salerooms, experienced staff and removal vehicles we are able to offer a comprehensive and cost effective service to executors, solicitors and private clients. On site inspections at short notice by appointment Experienced valuers throughout the group Verbal advice or comprehensive reports Professional and confidential service Specialist valuations of furniture, ceramics, pictures, silver, jewellery, clocks and watches, books, toys and dolls, stamps, postcards, coins, Militaria, swords, medals Sporting Guns and Antique Firearams Durrants has offices in Beccles, Halesworth, Southwold, Harleston and Diss. Each has a team of experienced Chartered Surveyors and Estate Agents, offering a wide range of services encompassing Agricultural, Residential, Commercial and Investment properties. We also have a specialist Building Consultancy team. The location and viewing days for this sale are:Ellough Industrial Estate, Benacre Road, Ellough, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 7TD Thursday 19th March between 10am and 4.00pm Friday 20th March between 10am and 4.00pm The morning of the sale from 8am SALE DAY TIMETABLE The sale starts at 10.30am. There will be no lunch break during the course of the day. Clearing is allowed during the sale. For further images please visit or To make enquiries for condition reports and extra images please contact us on 01502 713490 or email FORTHCOMING EVENTS FREE VALUATIONS AND TAKING IN OF GOODS SATURDAY MORNINGS FOLLOWING EVERY SALE BETWEEN 9AM- 12 NOON AUCTION CALENDAR 2015 13th March – Antiques and Fine Art with Jewellery and Silver 21st March – The Peter Sayer Collection of Military Vehicles and Militaria 17th April - Antiques and Fine Art with Jewellery and Silver 15th May - Antiques and Fine Art with Jewellery and Silver 28th and 29th May - A two day sale of Toys, Coins, Stamps, Postcards, Records Militaria, Medals, Sporting Guns and Firearms 12th June - Antiques and Fine Art with Jewellery and Silver 16th July - Antiques and Fine Art with Jewellery and Silver 13th August - Antiques and Fine Art with Jewellery and Silver th th 27 and 28 August - A two day sale of Toys, Coins, Stamps, Postcards, Records Militaria, Medals, Sporting Guns and Firearms 10th September - Antiques and Fine Art with Jewellery and Silver 2nd October - Antiques and Fine Art with Jewellery and Silver 23rd October - Antiques and Fine Art with Jewellery and Silver 13th November - Antiques and Fine Art with Jewellery and Silver th th 26 and 27 November – A two day sale of Toys, Coins, Stamps, Postcards, Records Militaria, Medals, Sporting Guns and Firearms 11th December - Antiques and Fine Art with Jewellery and Silver VALUATION EVENTS 2015 th Wednesday 25 March - Durrants, 12 Thoroughfare, Halesworth – 12noon – 3pm Wednesday 1st April - Durrants, Pump Hill House, 2b Market Hill, Diss – 12noon – 3pm Wednesday 8th April - Durrants, 32-34 Thoroughfare, Harleston – 12noon -3pm Saturday 18th April - Durrants Salerooms, Peddars Lane, Beccles, 9am – 12pm Wednesday 22nd April - Durrants, 98 High Street, Southwold – 12noon – 3pm Wednesday 29th April - Durrants, 12 Thoroughfare, Halesworth – 12noon – 3pm Valuations of Silver, Jewellery, Pictures, Porcelain, and General Antiques These dates may be subject to change – please contact us during the year to ensure you don’t miss out! All Antique and Fine Art Sales are on view for three days prior to the auction (9am-4.30pm), with late night viewing on Thursdays. Toy, Militaria and Collectables Sales are only on view the day before the auction with late night viewing, or by appointment. We are experienced at conducting full or partial house clearances and have a team of dedicated movers who are always ready to help. For further information please call: Mark Whistler ANAVA Manager and Specialist Militaria and Firearms Valuer on 01502 713490 or email Rebecca Mayhew MRICS, FAAV, ANAVA Auctioneer and Auction Marketing Consultant on 01502 713490 or email Robert Pearse Valuer for Jewellery, Stamps, Postcards, Collectables, Ceramics, Coins, Books and Watches on 01502 713490 or email Philip Stone BA Hons PGDWA FNAVA Valuer for Ceramics, Pictures, Silver, Clocks and Furniture on 01502 713490 or email ONLINE BIDDING We have teamed up with and to allow you to bid at our auctions from the comfort of home. Simply register on or and find Durrants under Live Auctions. Please register 24hrs before the start of the sale and will notify you when the sale is about to start. Peter Sayer Peter Sayer moved to Stockton, just outside Beccles in 1940 when his parents moved from Norwich to take over as landlords of the Stockton “Black Boy” public house. Mr Sayer was a Royal Engineer and was stationed in Egypt during the Second World War. He worked on military railway engines, as well as motorised vehicles. The passion for restoration of the military vehicles that he had been trained on grew and the collection started to take shape in the early 1970’s. As someone who had served in WWII he wanted the vehicles to be restored to an original condition and as good running order as possible. The sale is the product of one man’s lifelong passion for his chosen subject – in this case military vehicles (WWII era), radios, vehicle and air ministry, and a vast collection of uniforms and military related equipment. Within the collection there is a WWII airborne folding bicycle by B.S.A. in outstanding original condition. Amongst the equipment are mine detecting sets, complete in their crates and cable laying reel with rods. The radio collection spans from very early WWII through the war until post war examples. No. 11 sets, No. 19 sets and No. 38 A.F.V. sets are amongst the collection. There is also a vast amount of spares and parts both for WWII and post war vehicles. Extensive tools and workshop goods also feature in this sale. The star lots within the sale are of course the: 1943 Bedford M. W. 15cwt truck, complete with radio set No 19, 1942 Austin “Tilly” Light Utility 10hp model G/YG, and the 1941 Ford “Woody” V8 3.6lt station wagon which was made in Canada. All of these vehicles are in running order and have been restored to an extremely high standard and come with their original V5 documents. Not only were they exhibited in the UK and abroad (including th 60 anniversary events in Antwerp for the Woody and the Tilly), but these vehicles never travelled via low loader – they were all driven there and back again. We are delighted and honoured to be holding such an historic sale for a gentleman who turned his knowledge and passion into an extraordinary collection of Militaria and rare Military vehicles. Acknowledgements Durrants Auctioneers would like to take this opportunity to thank Bill Purchase, Ian McCallum and John Sayer for their invaluable help and support in putting this extensive sale together. Their combined knowledge on vehicles and radios is second to none and it has been a privilege as well as a huge learning curve for us to work with them. 1 A USA WWII era leather jacket, as found £60-90 22 23 24 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 A battledress blouse 1949 Patt. dated 1955 with Royal Engineers insignia to a Sergeant with WWII ribbons £30-50 A WWII (dated 1944) leather jerkin £40-60 A WWII (dated 1944) leather jerkin £40-60 Two WWII (dated 1945) A.T.S. shoulder bags £60-80 Two 1949 Patt. battledress blouse dated 1955 and 1951, one example with Royal Signals insignia for the 54th East Anglian division £30-50 A post war A.T.S. blouse and skirt with tie £30-50 Three pairs of post war battledress trousers £40-60 A WWII dated blouse tailored for shirt and tie with post war trousers £40-60 A pair of WWII dated khaki drill trousers and shirt £60-80 Two khaki drill shirts and a pair of shorts £20-40 A 1940 Patt. battledress blouse dated 1942, size 15 £60-90 A post war (dated 1954) battledress tunic and trousers £30-50 Two khaki drill pairs of shorts both dated 1943 £40-60 A denim blouse and trousers, blouse dated 1945 £30-50 A WWII dated Canadian battledress blouse and trousers £60-80 A WWII dated set of 1937 Patt. webbing £30-40 A post war fuel/water container with leather carrying handle £10-20 A British (1960's) Macanaw style jacket £20-40 A waterproof fur lined driver's coat £30-50 A WWII (dated 1943) shell dressing bag with some dated contents £40-60 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Two post war First Aid bags, an Officer's valise (dated 1940) and a small pack £30-50 An early military style kapok life vest £40-60 A large and small pack with some contents and a gas mask in bag £20-30 Five items of USA post war uniforms £40-50 An Officer's tailor made Greatcoat with insignia for field auxiliary nursing yeomanry £50-70 A post war Greatcoat with Staybright Royal Engineers buttons and insignia to a Sergeant £20-40 A WWII (dated 1942) "Mounted" Greatcoat to Gunner Kupperblatt with later buttons £40-60 A pair of service dress trousers dated 1943 with a 1940 Patt. Greatcoat dated 1945 £60-80 A WWII (dated 1944) Officer's Greatcoat named to Lieutenant Briggs £30-40 A 1942 dated gas cape £20-40 A 1941 Patt. A.T.S. Greatcoat named to W/202836 J. Painter £40-50 A selection of spanners etc, some dated in leather tool bag with a tool roll containing USA spanners £50-70 A WWII folding bicycle, for Airborne troops by B.S.A. with original seat, handlebar grips and war grade tyres. This example is in excellent overall original condition £700-1000 A reel of film prop barbed wire £20-40 A WWII (dated 1943) leather carry case £20-30 37 A WWII dispatch rider's waterproofs with dated helmet, map case and boots, complete on vintage mannequin £100-150 55 56 57 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Three WWII era leather tool bags £60-90 A large group of vintage items including typewriters, Bakelite telephone, washboard and clothes hanger £40-60 Four two gallon petrol cans £10-20 Four jerry cans including one USA example £20-30 Four jerry cans including one USA example £20-30 Three wooden 1970's 7.62mm ammunition boxes £20-30 Four two gallon petrol cans £10-20 An assortment of packs and webbing including two water bottles and a gas mask in its bag £40-60 An Admiralty Patt. 12 volt generator dated 1940 £150-250 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Two tin helmets one dated 1941 £40-60 Four Canadian (all WWII dated) two gallon petrol cans with filler pipe £40-60 Two jerry cans with a safety can £20-30 A collection WWII era knitwear etc £20-30 A quantity of leather items including Sam Brownes £30-50 A large quantity of webbing within a military related tin trunk £80-120 A vintage trunk with contents, including a tent, camp bed and a WWII dated kit bag £30-40 A 1945 dated British Bergen £40-60 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 A WWII era cable laying drum with a pair of related poles £30-50 A cased 80 watt charging set complete with exhaust, canvas cover and spares £80-120 An early Patt. mine detector with back pack and headphones etc £50-80 Three hot food containers, one complete with padded inner case £40-60 A No.4A mine detector complete with back pack, headphones and tester unit £40-60 A stretcher with WWII dated pillow £30-40 A folding campaign chair with folding small table £10-20 A No.4A mine detector, complete with back pack, headphones and tester unit £40-60 A wooden crate with contents and a L.M.G. transit box £20-30 A vintage travelling trunk containing a large quantity of vintage clothing, including military examples £20-30 A canvas tent and poles with three canvas carrying cases £20-30 A selection of lanterns a with coil of rope £20-30 A collection of military Patt. boots and shoes £20-30 A military tripod £20-30 A collection of three Air Ministry voltmeters £30-50 A 1951 dated military issue small wooden phone exchange £30-50 A 1941 dated aerial coupling unit for wireless set No.II £50-70 An early 20th Century Bakelite radio receiver £20-40 Four field telephones with instruction book £50-80 An Empire Melody Maker radio set No.234 £30-50 A pair of field telephone sets Mk.I £40-60 An Air Ministry receiver set with a filter unit £40-60 A USA low voltage circuit tester £30-50 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 A type PCR2 communication receiver £30-50 A radio transmitter (USA Navy) type COL52245 £60-90 A R107 reception set £60-80 A 1944 dated Canadian power supply unit £20-40 A wireless set No.31 with aerial and battery bag £40-60 A Canadian No.58 set Mk.I transceiver with battery attachment £120-180 The major parts of a wireless set No.21 £20-40 An Air Ministry No.1154 transmitter with an Air Ministry 1155 receiver £120-180 89 90 91 92 93 94 A No.19 MK.II set with two Mk.II control units with an assortment of leads and variometer £120-180 95 96 97 98 A Mk.II gun control unit £40-60 A flux meter No.I £20-40 A 1944 dated Mk.5 Fullerphone £20-30 An Air Ministry R224A receiver unit with transit case £60-80 A pair of loudspeakers with a USA valve tester £20-40 Two spare valve cases complete with valves and a quantity of transformers £40-60 A cased spare parts set No.42, near complete with a voltmeter £40-60 Two No.38 A.F.V sets £80-120 Two No.38 A.F.V. sets £80-120 A complete Mk.II Fullerphone £0-0 A valve balancing tester, Universal No.I £20-40 Three Aldous signal lamps £50-70 A 1944 dated Admiralty Patt. signalling lamp £50-70 A post WWII era USA tube tester complete with instructions £20-30 A No.2 75' wire aerial with a cased volt meter £30-50 A Mk.II wave meter £20-30 A Canadian lamp aiming unit in a box £30-50 A 6 volt battery dated 1953 in original box £20-30 Three aerial mounts £30-40 99 100 101 86 A No.17 Mk.II set with microphone, headset and instructions £100-150 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 87 88 An R109 receiver with two sets of headphones and original canvas cover. This example marked with yellow T (for tropical climates) £40-60 An admiralty Patt. cell tester £40-60 Three Tannoy speakers £20-40 A WWII era utility receiver with a Bakelite Murphy radio £40-60 A late War No.62 transceiver £80-120 Two No.9 P.S.U. for No.22 sets £60-80 A 1938 dated No.II set with operator's watch still in place. This early set comes with two P.S.U. (one dated 1939) headset and Morse key. The front of this set which doubles as a ground station table is also present £250-350 110 111 112 113 114 A radio set No.38 WWII era complete with aerial, throat mike, headset and instruction booklet £100-150 115 Four field telephones £20-30 116 An Exploder Dynamo Mk.II £30-40 117 A radio set No.38 WWII era complete with aerial, throat mike and headset £80-120 118 A US signal core dynamotor (W.D marked) rotary transformer £20-30 119 A post war DC/AC voltage tester £20-30 120 A Canadian R103 reception set S/No.2077 with cased spares pack and vehicle mounting brackets £100-150 121 A quantity of headsets, microphones and Morse keys £40-60 122 A pair of loudspeakers £30-50 123 A quantity of radio testing equipment £30-50 124 Three testers including an ignition circuit tester (cased) and a valve tester £30-50 125 An Air Ministry high tension unit transmitter £30-50 126 A USA cased pulse generator £30-40 127 A No.3 Admiralty Patt. receiver £40-60 128 A Canadian No.52 set (receiver) with manual £100-150 129 A No.I converter unit 12v-230v £40-60 130 A wood box containing a good quantity of valves £30-50 131 An Air Ministry amplifier type A1134 £20-30 132 A box of Radio related magazines and paperwork £20-30 133 A box of military vehicles related books and magazines etc £30-50 134 Three boxes of military related books and ephemera etc £30-40 135 Seven boxes of military related magazines including bound copies of "Wheels and Tracks" etc £20-40 136 Four two gallon petrol cans £10-20 137 Six jerry cans including a USA example £30-40 138 Four two gallon petrol cans £10-20 139 Six jerry cans including a USA example £30-40 140 A large quantity of mostly WWII dated ammunition boxes £40-60 141 Three boxes of military related books together with a tent and poles £20-30 142 A box of gas masks in their bags £20-40 143 A box of USA related items including a belt with water bottle £20-30 144 A box of military Patt. fire extinguishers £30-50 145 A military stove £10-20 146 A parachute £20-40 147 Two boxes of military related books £20-30 148 Two boxes of military related books £30-40 149 A box of HMS office publications £30-50 150 Two signal lamps one dated 1940 £10-20 151 A box of Military related books and manuals £20-40 152 Volume one and two of "Wireless for the Warrior" £20-30 153 A collection of radio related books and manuals, some WWII dated £30-50 154 Four bound volumes of "GEN", all WWII dated £40-60 155 Three Dodge trucks maintenance manuals, all WWI era £20-30 156 A Dodge truck maintenance manual with three Dodge truck parts lists, all WWII dated £30-40 157 A collection of military related books, including "Behind Both Lines" by Harold Denny £30-40 158 A Lucas single cylinder magneto £30-40 159 A quantity of military interest books including "RAF Beccles at War" £30-40 160 A selection of motor parts catalogues £20-30 161 A collection of WWII era publications with an AAF winged victory record set £30-50 162 A good quantity of WWII era small arms manuals etc £30-50 163 A selection of photographs including a British Officer in Austria (signed bottom right), some photographs framed and glazed £30-40 164 Two rare desert camouflage smocks, one dated 1943 £60-90 165 Two headlights "Butler" 12 volt, boxed £30-40 166 A microphone with an Army rear cycle mudguard £20-30 167 One Bedford speedometer with another £20-30 168 Early Bedford MW/panel with instruments £20-30 169 Four capillary temperature gauges £50-70 170 Three vintage car clocks £30-40 171 Two 1930's speedometers, a Ford example and a Smiths £40-60 172 Two military C.A.V. ignition/light switches £30-50 173 Four Aircraft related instruments £40-60 174 A Lucas single cylinder magneto £30-40 175 A pair of Lucas stop/tail lights with glass lenses £40-60 176 A pair of Lucas stop/tail lights with glass lenses £40-60 177 Wheel nuts and studs for Morris Commercial with box of spark plug resisters £10-20 178 A collection of Lucas vehicle switches and junction boxes £20-40 179 Five fuse boxes with two switches and a chain link remover £20-40 180 Two Magnetos by Bosch No.DJ4 £30-50 181 A post war USA road lamp (boxed) £10-20 182 A vintage exide glass battery £20-30 183 A vintage carriage lantern £10-20 184 A 1945 dated military lantern with electric light addition £30-50 185 A Power and Hammer Ltd lantern No.525 £40-60 186 A vintage lantern with coloured filters £30-40 187 A pair of ministry lamps £20-30 188 A quantity of Government issue blankets with ground sheet etc £10-20 189 A mixed lot including insulators and dressings £20-30 190 A box of webbing straps, slings and pull throughs £30-40 191 A box of mainly Home Front books and ephemera £50-70 192 A collection of oil cans and grease guns £60-80 193 A quantity of WWII era and later inspection lights £40-60 194 A part of a German incendiary bomb container recovered from Stockton 1941, with remnants from a German land mine parachute also recovered from Stockton 1941 £40-60 195 A British 1895 MkII water bottle in fine condition £60-90 196 A box containing ephemera with shaving items etc £20-40 197 A mixed lot including Canadian leather gauntlets, ground sheets etc £30-40 198 A Third Reich era sack marked with an eagle and dated 1939 £30-50 199 A WWII era enamel sign "Precautions" AW bombs etc £30-50 200 Four various stoves £20-30 201 Two field service saws, one in leather case, dated 1942 £10-20 202 A M6 periscope complete in original unopened packing £30-40 203 A USA portable riot control agent dispenser M4 £40-60 204 Two paintings on board by Ken Tyson, "Rommel" dated 1981 and German tank scene, dated 1978 £60-90 205 Four flags including a pair of Canadian ensign examples £30-50 206 A good quantity of Ford related including V8 manuals etc, some WWII dated £40-60 207 A good group of five manuals etc for the Willys Jeep including WWII examples £40-60 208 A collection of manuals including BSA and Norton interest £20-40 209 Three Bedford manuals for 15 cwt 4 x 2 models K.M. & O with 3 ton 4x4 £30-40 210 Manuals etc for Dodge and GMC vehicles with WWII examples included £20-30 211 Two instructions books for Ford W.O.T.2 and W.O.T. 3 with three other Ford books £30-40 212 A collection of driver related books etc £20-40 213 A group of Bedford manuals including a 1941 dated copy of "The Bedford Driver's Handbook" £30-40 214 Various manuals including a 1944 dated copy of "Crossley 3 ton 4x4" £20-30 215 Three Dodge instruction books and two Dodge handbooks £20-30 216 Two Humber instruction books with a Humber manual £20-30 217 A box of Austin manuals including a 1944 dated hardback copy of "Maintenance Manual and Instruction book for Austin Light Utility 10HP" £40-60 218 A collection of manuals including Leyland examples £20-30 219 Three manuals on driving and maintenance dated 1937 with instruction book on 8 and 10HP engines £30-40 220 Three Ford instruction books including a WWII dated example £20-40 221 Two manuals on the Hillman Light Utility both WWII dated £30-50 222 A collection of Ford service books including WWII dated examples £40-80 223 Three Government surplus vehicle catalogues £10-20 224 A group of maintenance manuals for Canadian vehicles some WWII dated £40-60 225 A 1942 dated A.F.V. recognition book part one £20-30 226 A group of shell cases including WWII examples, heads and a clip of .303 drill rounds £40-60 227 Two items of WWII German Prisoner of War work crafted in wood including a plane £20-30 228 A collection of shooting related items, including oilers, Bisley programme (1959) and a sight adjuster for .303 rifles £30-40 229 A WWI era flying helmet £60-90 230 A WWII (dated 1942) ATS hat with badge £60-80 231 A WWII (dated 1945) beret with Bakelite G.S. badge £30-40 232 Four WWII dated shell cases with a 1916 dated Trench Art shell/gong £30-50 233 A mixed lot including three WWII dated whistles and equipment protectors £30-40 234 A collection of flag lapel pins with sweetheart brooch and silver watch chain etc £40-60 235 A box of mixed military related items including glasses and dressings £20-30 236 A mixed lot including cloth badges, cards and ephemera £20-30 237 A collection of AA and RAC badges with vintage car badges £40-60 238 A good quantity of WWII warden items. All relating to John Macey "The Shop, Stockton", including a helmet, rattle and arm band with dressings £70-100 239 A Smiths Bakelite clock marked with broad arrow (with key) £50-70 240 A group of various lamps including military examples £30-40 241 A collection of Royal Engineers items including a drum ice bucket and a plaque £30-40 242 A Red Cross collection tin in the form of a shell marked with Red Cross and 19141918. Very unusual in this size 17"/43cm high £100-200 243 Two vintage suitcases £20-40 244 A USA WWII era B3 leather flying, as found £40-60 245 A WWII era "Thinking of You" stationery kit (complete) with an early 3-D glamour magazine titled "Bedside Clubman" (over 18's only!) £40-60 246 A volume of "Thirty Seconds Over Tokyo" by Cpt. Ted W. Lawson, part dust jacket present with "She Walks in Battledress" by Anthony Cotterell £40-50 247 A 1944 dated black leather holster for a 1911 A1 .45 Colt S/A pistol £40-60 248 A pair of WWII binoculars Mk.III dated 1943 with matching dated canvas case £20-40 249 A pair of early 20th Century German binoculars marked Rodenstock Munchen s/no.25957 with correct leather case with label to lid £40-60 250 Three "Fragments From France" magazines by Capt. Bruce Bairnsfather including No.3 and No.7 £50-70 251 Five 1915 dated examples of "The Vivid War Weekly" £30-50 252 A WWII ear Air Ministry marked escape hatchet with a USA hand axe £30-40 253 A WWII era machete in a 1940 dated sheath with a No.4 spike bayonet with scabbard £40-60 254 A French model 1874 Gras bayonet dated 1875 with its scabbard £30-50 255 Six canvas covers for No.4 Enfield rifle actions all WWII dated £50-70 256 Two swagger sticks, one for the Norfolk Regiment (as found) £20-30 257 An Indian No.1 bayonet Mk.II with correct scabbard still in "the grease" £30-40 258 A 1907 model bayonet by Lithgow with scabbard £30-40 259 A Remington model 1917 bayonet with scabbard £40-60 260 A 1907 model bayonet by Vickers, issue date 12/17 with scabbard £60-90 261 A WWII era entrenching tool complete with canvas and No.4 Mk.II bayonet and scabbard £30-50 262 A WWII era model of a plane £10-20 263 A WWII era pocket watch by JaegerLeCoultre marked on reverse GS/TP R2221 with a broad arrow and another pocket watch marked with a broad arrow, in a protective case £80-120 264 A 1942 dated Mk.II matching compass by T.G. Co. Ltd, London £30-50 265 Two WWII era button escape compasses £40-50 266 A box of mixed badges and buttons £20-40 267 A WWI crested china tank with a crested artillery piece £30-40 268 A WWI Trench Art inkwell made from a Turkish shell nose marked "Nose of Turkish shell found near Kilinair Macedonia 1917" £50-70 269 A mixed lot including a pair of 1942 stockings with a pair of roll garters on a card, razor blades and an unopened tin of Erinmore flake tobacco £20-40 270 Three red metal shelving units £30-40 271 A glass fronted display cabinet 89" x 34" x 30" £10-20 272 A glass fronted wooden display unit/bookcase £20-30 273 A bespoke display case with lockable door and top £30-50 274 A glass fronted wooden display unit/bookcase £20-30 275 Three WWII era shovels £30-40 276 Two mixed era USA shovels £30-40 277 A mixed lot of various shovels and picks £30-50 278 An air compressor by Aerostyle of Alton £40-60 279 Two glass fronted display cases, one vertical and the other counter top style £40-60 280 An Austin 10 "New Old Stock" bonnet and front grill £70-100 281 An Austin 10 used utility engine with used steering parts £30-40 282 Austin 10 parts including speedometer, distributor and wiper motor £60-90 283 Four Morris Commercial door side screens £20-30 284 A mixed lot including speedometers, wiper motor, tyre pump hose etc £20-30 285 As new headlight rims and glasses, one blackout light with wiper arms £80-120 286 A box of mixed distributors, caps etc £30-40 287 A mixed lot of used lamps and lenses £10-20 288 A group of Canadian pencil lights £30-50 289 A box of assorted spark plugs £20-30 290 A box of rubber gromets £10-20 291 A box of headlight rims and glasses £10-20 292 A collection of stencils £10-20 293 A Trico vacuum tank (as new) with two clutch plates £20-30 294 A quantity of gaskets including Bedford 23HP examples £10-20 295 Three vehicle heaters £10-20 296 Two boxes of Bedford pistons 060/0/5 £60-80 297 A mixed box of various Bedford pistons £30-40 298 Various valves with speaking tube assembly £10-20 299 Four con-rods and pistons with Vauxhall/Bedford valve guides £20-30 300 A collection of parts including Bedford distributor, fuel pumps and carburettors £30-50 301 Five oil filters ACZSI type £30-50 302 A Bedford crown wheel and pinion with clutch plate £60-80 303 Various Bedford parts £20-30 304 Bedford wheel cylinders with Lockheed brake repairs kits £40-60 305 A Bedford steering draglink £20-30 306 A Ford V8 gearbox, three V8 starters and two V8 dynamos £40-60 307 Two Ford carburettors with clutch cover plate £20-30 308 A box of Ford piston rings, two water pumps and spark plugs £30-40 309 A box of various Ford distributors part, caps, etc £30-40 310 Three boxes of Ford parts including rubber trims, petrol pump parts, engine parts and piston rings £60-90 311 Two boxes of Ford parts including carburettors and parts with distributors and plug leads £40-60 312 Ford headlights with V8 top and bottom water holes £30-40 313 Ford V8 head gaskets with Ford V8 con-rods £50-70 314 Two boxes of Ford parts including engine and transmission items and rubber spares £40-60 315 Two Ford truck instrument clusters £30-50 316 Two 1941 Ford V8 wing top sections £60-90 317 Three boxes of Ford parts, engine valves, wheel studs etc with oil filters £50-70 318 An engine stand with a trolley jack £30-40 319 An Austin 10HP powered compressor on wheeled trailer £50-80 320 A Sealey quality machinery power hoist £30-50 321 A portable compressor £20-30 322 A vintage bicycle fitted with a Cyclemaster engine Reg. No. ORT558 £40-60 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 323 Two Dodge engines with a Dodge gearbox £30-60 324 A box of Ford specialist tools £30-40 325 A group of Ford V8 parts including an axle, springs and wheel drums etc £60-90 326 A group of miscellaneous Ford spares including carburettors £20-30 327 A boat gearbox and governor £10-20 328 Two BSA spoked wheels with tyres £30-50 329 Two Chevrolet/GMC fuel tanks gearbox and miscellaneous spares £40-60 330 A large collection of used Bedford parts £30-50 331 A quantity of exhausts, a Leyland radiator, tubes and axles etc £40-60 332 A group of mixed tyres and tubes £20-40 333 A collection of various jacks £30-40 334 A box of blackout lights masks £30-40 335 A military trailer with contents, as found £30-40 336 A group of vices and spanners etc £40-60 337 A collection of miscellaneous vehicle parts £20-40 357 A box of various mirrors £10-20 Two boxes of lamps £20-30 A box of Ford shock absorbers etc £10-20 Four Ford heads with a group of water pumps £20-30 Two crates of various lamps £40-60 Two boxes of mixed horns and horn parts £20-30 Five boxes of mixed vehicle parts and spares £30-50 Two pairs of headlights (boxed) £40-60 Five boxes of mixed vehicle parts and spares £30-50 A pair of top panels for 1920's vehicle £10-20 Two tyres, size 900 x 16 £20-30 Five boxes of mainly nuts, bolts and fixings £40-60 A quantity of mixed canvases £20-30 A box of vintage complete lamps £40-60 A mixed lot including a box of tyre chains £20-30 A large quantity of vehicle parts and spares £30-50 A collection of tool boxes and ammo boxes containing a large array of various tools etc £60-80 A wheel balancing machine with boxed tools £20-30 A tyre changing machine with mobile tyre inflator, oil can with funnels and a wheel alignment tool £30-50 An early 20th Century skeleton style petrol pump with "switch off" sign £200-300 358 A group of oils, seals and gaskets £30-40 359 A foot pump with four boxed "gun squirt" grease guns £20-40 360 Five boxes of Trico vacuum wiper motors, blades and associated parts £50-70 361 A cased brake test meter by Ferodo £20-30 362 A cased clutch seating tool £20-30 363 Two Ford V8 engines £80-120 364 Four boxes of vehicle spares etc including light fittings and belts £20-30 365 A Uniden 400 CB radio with transformer and Thunderpose aerial £20-40 366 A pair of unused Matador tyres 155 x 30 with two other tyres £20-30 367 A valve grinder with tools on stand and other valve related items £30-50 368 A lathe with BSA four speed gearbox together with motor and extensive associated tools £150-250 369 An anvil £30-40 370 A portable tail light assembly £20-30 371 A double 500 watt halogen light on tripod with three other halogen lights £20-40 372 Four power tools including grinder and a multi tool £30-50 373 A workshop cycle stand, heavy duty trestles, boxed Workmate and a set of drain rods £30-40 374 A "Craftsman" tool chest with contents and a fourteen drawer metal cabinet £30-40 375 A vintage Castrol Oil dispenser pump £40-60 376 An electric pillar drill £20-40 377 A boxed 20 gallon parts washer with filters, a 4 x 8m tarpaulin and a clamp £20-40 378 A metal seven drawer cabinet full of various tools including socket sets, spanners etc £50-80 379 An arc welder with wheeled trolley for gas bottles including hoses and torches £40-60 380 Three boxes of mixed vehicle spares and parts including various filters £20-30 381 A large quantity of fittings and fixings £20-30 382 Four boxes of mixed items including wire, exhaust clamps etc £20-30 383 Six volumes of the Olyslager library including "The Jeep" £20-40 384 A collection of military vehicle reference books £80-120 385 Two Armstrong Siddeley Sphinx car mascots with a Brass eagle car mascot £80-120 386 A good quantity of camouflage netting £30-40 387 Four axle stands £20-30 388 A selection of vintage oil cans including examples from Little David, Castrol and Armstrong £20-30 389 A British Bulldog petrol station illuminated sign, approx 36" x 22" £30-40 390 An ATC petrol station sign approx 48" x 48" £20-30 391 A block and chain tackle £20-30 392 Two vintage pub tables £20-30 393 Six folding chairs including two wooden examples £10-20 394 A 1947 Morris Eight, registration no. GBJ 874, in running order. Military livery for 95th Bomb Group, with original receipt dated March 22nd 1947 and log book and other related paperwork £800-1200 395 A Fiat 500, this is a restoration project and the now iconic vehicle comes with an extensive collection of spare parts including panels, wheels and engine parts £600-900 396 A WWII Dodge D15 truck. This is a Canadian built, right hand drive 4 x 2 built during 1944. The vehicle has partly been restored to a very high standard and comes complete with an extensive amount of spares and parts including cab, panels etc £1500-2500 397 An Armstrong Siddeley coach built petrol saloon in black/blue. This true classic has a two-axle rigid body with registration mark AOX 39 and was first registered 4th April 1935. The vehicle was last on the road during 1963 so now needs restoration. To help enable this project, there is a vast amount of spares/parts that are included in this lot. £2000-3000 398 A 1943 Bedford M.W. 15 cwt truck fitted with radio set No.19. This vehicle has been lovingly restored over the years and has rallied in the UK and Europe until the last few years. The truck is in running order and comes with extensive documentation including V5 £7000-10000 399 A 1942 Austin light utility 10HP model G/YG. This vehicle known as a "Tilly" has been restored and is in overall excellent condition. It has been rallied extensively and prized over many years. This vehicle is just "one of the best". The vehicle is in running order and comes with extensive documentation including V5 £9000-12000 400 A 1941 Ford V8 3.6lt Station Wagon "Woody". Made in Canada, this extremely rare vehicle was a modification from a civilian seven seater model with standard axle and tyres. This modification was carried out at the time of manufacture for a military contract/use. This vehicle has been rallied in the UK and Europe, being kept in running order and good condition over the years. This wonderful and rare Ford comes with extensive documentation including V5 £20,000-25,000 COMMISSION BID SLIP st To be executed at the sale of The Peter Sayer Collection, Saturday 21 March 2015 Name: _____________________________________________________________________ Tel: No: ___________________________ Buyer’s No: __________________________________________ Mobile: __________________________ PLEASE NOTE THAT WE WILL BE UNABLE TO ACCEPT ANY BIDS WITHOUT A BUYER’S REGISTRATION NUMBER. Lot No. Description Maximum Bid NB: All purchases, in both salerooms, subject to 15% BUYER’S PREMIUM PLUS VAT Credit Card transactions will attract a premium of 2% GENERAL CONDITIONS OF SALE Signed: ______________________________________________________________________________________ 1 will be the buyer. 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