HOSTEL ONLINE APPLICATIONS AUD has about 40 seats for women in its Hostel in Kashmere Gate. Open: 13 April 2015 Close: 20 June 2015 ADMISSIONS Seats 35 FOR FURTHER DETAILS Visit: ELIGIBILITY Contact: +91-11-23863740, 23863743 To be eligible to apply for admission to a BA Honours in English, the candidate should have passed class XII or an equivalent examination, with at least 50% of marks, from a recognised Board and at least 65% marks in English. Mail: SELECTION PROCEDURE The selection will be based on merit on the basis of the marks obtained, which will not include any vocational subject. Meeting the eligibility criteria alone will not ensure admission, which will be strictly on the basis of merit as per the rules. Reservation norms of Government of NCT of Delhi will apply. BA HONOURS ENGLISH 2015-2018 SUS School of Undergraduate Studies FEES* Tuition Fees: Rs. 16,800 per semester Caution Deposit: Rs. 5000 (One-time, Refundable) Student Welfare Fund: Rs. 500 per semester If a student opts for extra credits an additional fee of Rs. 1050 per credit has to be paid. *Partial/full fee waiver and scholarships are available. APPLICATION FEE Rs. 330 for general candidates Rs. 130 for SC/ST/PD AMBEDKAR UNIVERSITY DELHI (AUD) LOTHIAN ROAD, KASHMERE GATE, DELHI 110 006 SCHOOL OF UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES (SUS) SUS is the academic home for all undergraduate programmes. The seven BA Honours programmes offer students a unique liberal arts education that acquaints them with diverse approaches to knowledge. The undergraduate programmes at AUD offer students a wide choice of courses. The School teaches students to think critically and creatively, to analyse and reason, to communicate effectively and to draw evidence-based conclusions. It aims to achieve a balance between the range and depth of the subjects studied. The unique aspect of undergraduate programmes at AUD is that there are common modules for foundational skills comprising language, writing skills, communication skills, analytical reasoning, and a core module in social sciences. A typical BA Programme has three types of courses: 1. Foundation Courses (24 Credits) 2. Discipline-based/Interdisciplinary Elective Courses (56 to 64 credits) 3. Special Interest Courses. BA (HONS) WITH MAJOR IN ENGLISH The BA with Major in English introduces students to all aspects of the study of literature. Along with literature written in English, the course has a strong component of translations into English of Indian and all other significant literatures across the world. The study of literature is considered as the entry point for students to critically examine the world. The programme hopes to impart to students the broadest possible understanding of literature as a cultural and linguistic practice and arm them with tools to dismantle accepted and forced hierarchies in literary and cultural practices. The programme consists of a host of Elective courses from which students are required to choose a fixed number each semester. STRUCTURE The programme is delivered through a total number of 96 credits over six semesters. Students have a range of Electives to choose from. They may also transfer from one Major to another on fulfilment of certain specified criteria. The courses comprise tutorial, field trips, workshops, seminars etc. ASSESSMENT AND EVALUATION AUD follows a system of continuous assessment and evaluation to facilitate and promote learning with understanding. The continuous assessment system ensures that the work done by students during the semester counts for more than the end-semester examination. Tutorials and mentoring are important features of all programmes. The Romantic Age Political Speeches and Writings by Literary Writers (PSW) Literature and Cinema (LC) Post-colonial Literatures (PL) Literatures of the Indian Sub-continent (LIS) The Epic (TE) Understanding Cinema (UC) Modern Movements in the Arts (MMA) Introduction to Cultural Studies (ICS) Study of English Language (SEL) Contemporary Indian Drama (CID) American Literature (AL) Introduction to Literary Theory (ILT) Victorian Poetry through Painting (VPP) Written for Children and Young Adults (WC) Approaches and Theories of Language and Learning (ATLL) The Art of Literary Translation (ALT) Blues, Jazz and Literature (BJL) Issues of Gender in Literary Texts Tragedy Down the Ages (TA) Mahabharata and its Modern Renderings (MMR) Modernism in Europe (ME) Realism and the Novel (RN) Folk, Oral, Indigeneous and Popular Cultures (FOIPC) Students are expected to attend classes and required learning situations (tutorial sessions, workshops, etc.) and the orientation sessions at the beginning of each semester. AUD follows a mandatory attendance policy. The penalties for low attendance are notified from time to time and may include mandatory ‘grade cuts’ based on a sliding scale of attendance shortfall, withholding of grade card/transcript or other actions. COURSES Introduction to Literary and Cultural Forms (ILCF) Literatures of the Renaissance (LOTR) Introduction to Indian and World Literatures (IIWL) AMBEDKAR UNIVERSITY DELHI (AUD) LOTHIAN ROAD, KASHMERE GATE, DELHI 110 006
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