PROSPECTUS Dear Parent/Guardian I hope you find this Prospectus both useful and helpful. It aims to set out, in a clear and interesting way, what we are attempting to do at Aughnacloy Primary School. In Aughnacloy Primary School we aim to treat all children equally and with respect, as well as accept and cater for, their differences. As a staff we have your child’s interest at heart and are committed to his/her educational, social, moral, emotional and physical development. UNCRC article 3 (best interests of the child) The best interests of the child must be a top priority in all things that affect children. Education is a positive partnership between home and school and parents are one of a school’s most valuable resources. Information and understanding on both sides are vital if the partnership is to be strong, effective and complimentary. Through this healthy, open relationship we believe that your children can be given the most support and encouragement at Aughnacloy Primary School. Further information about our school can also be found on our web-site at or of course you may wish to visit and see first hand how we operate on a day to day basis. Please do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance. Yours sincerely Mrs Jane Clarke Principal 2 AUGHNACLOY PRIMARY SCHOOL STRUCTURE OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS: Principal Chairperson Vice Chairperson Teacher Rep. Church of Ireland Transferors Rep Presbyterian Transferors Rep Transferors Rep. Transferors Rep. SELB Rep. Parent Rep. Secretary Name Mrs J Clarke Mr Gary Lee Miss L.Kyle Mr Gary Lee Reverend Ian McKee Rev Bill Atkins Rev Barry Reid Dr D McCord Mrs E Bloomer & Mr A Parr Mrs J Clarke WHAT ARE THE GOVERNORS’ RESPONSIBILITIES? The Governors are ultimately responsible for the overall management of the school. They are required to meet for a minimum of 3 times each year, but in practice they meet more than this. Some of their duties include The oversight of the curriculum The control of the school budget Providing parents with information The selection of staff Maintenance of school premises (a shared responsibility with the Southern Education & Library Board) The Admissions Policy Fostering links with the local community and pursuing objectives of mutual understanding 3 TEACHING STAFF Teaching Staff Mrs J Clarke Miss L Kyle Mrs K Moore Mr Mills Mrs A Porter Mrs Loane Mrs Loane Class Taken P1/P2 P2/P3 P3/P4 P5/P6 P6/P7 SEN Principal Release ANCILLARY STAFF Ancillary Staff Mrs N Donaldson Mrs Q McNeill Mrs D Millar Mrs Vera Hawe Mrs Valerie Smyth Mrs Rachel Wallace Mrs Naomi Donaldson Mrs Rachel Wallace Mrs Valerie Smyth Mr Darren Graham Mrs D Little Mrs D Millar Mrs G McMaster Mrs Amanda Brush Position Held P1 Classroom Assistant P2 Classroom Assistant SEN Classroom Assistant SEN Classroom Assistant SEN Classroom Assistant SEN Classroom Assistant Lunchtime Supervisor Lunchtime Supervisor Lunchtime Supervisor Morning Playground Supervisor/Lunchtime Supervisor School Caretaker School Secretary School Cook Kitchen Assistant 4 SCHOOL ACCOMMODATION Aughnacloy Primary School caters for children of both sexes between the ages of 5 and 11. It is a rural school serving the needs of the area. The school is situated on the edge of the market town in a building that has been extensively rebuilt to a high standard. The school building has retained the feel of the original school. There is a large car park which links directly to the bus depot for enhanced pupil safety. Facilities include: Five classrooms, each one furnished with an interactive whiteboard Toilet and cloakroom facilities Two resource areas, one of which is located outside the Foundation Stage classrooms, used for play, reading groups etc. A large assembly/dining hall which is lined and equipped with P.E apparatus, mobile staging, sound system which projects both internally and externally, a data projector and screen A central library where the different year groups are provided with a timetabled session each week to develop their library skills. This room also acts as a computer resources room and a group room/reading recovery room Additional libraries in each classroom A staff room Two disabled toilets A secretary’s office Stores are available for books, music equipment, cookery equipment, Science and Technology equipment, PE equipment and canteen furniture Principal’s Office Large foyer The grounds are extensive and well maintained which adds to the pleasant rural atmosphere. We have A hard-core tarmac playground with games markings, play facilities and picnic tables A grass playing area (currently being developed for a multi-purpose synthetic pitch) An outdoor play area specifically designed for Foundation Stage pupils i.e enclosed sand pit, water features, blackboards The added advantage of the use of Aughnacloy College’s playing fields, hard core area and building An organic garden with a poly tunnel and beds where the children plant a variety of fruit and vegetables and then harvest themselves An orchard ,a natural willow-dome and tunnel. A bicycle/storage shed that houses a range of outdoor play equipment Solar panels Wind turbines 5 Aughnacloy College has premises, which are adjacent to our school, which means we have access to the computer suite, gymnasium, science laboratory and technology rooms. The expertise of Aughnacloy College’s staff is also at our disposal and we have excellent links with the school in general. Full use is made of our local environment in providing learning experiences ie the nearby Eco Park. This includes out-of-school visits including a programme of swimming for pupils in Primary 3 - 7 based at Monaghan Leisure Centre. SCHOOL ETHOS “Nothing will stand in your way if you walk wisely, and you will not stumble when you run. Always remember what you have learnt. Your education is your life, guard it well”. (Proverbs Chapter 4 verses 12 – 13). Aughnacloy P.S. is committed to involving pupils in discussions and decisions on school life that directly affects them and to listen to their views. (Article 12 – Every child has the right to say what they think in all maters that affect them, and to have their views taken seriously.) At Aughnacloy Primary School we aim to provide the highest standards of pastoral care and child protection.(Article 19 - Protection from all forms of violence). We are committed to being a healthy school, to supporting healthy children, who are better able to learn and develop. (Article 24 Every child has the right to the best possible health). At Aughnacloy Primary School there is a strong emphasis on literacy and numeracy across the curriculum. (Article 28 – Every child has the right to an education). The teachers are committed and enthusiastic and they enjoy a positive relationship with their pupils and with other school-based staff and they are dedicated to improving learning. Teachers reflect on their own work and the outcomes of individual pupils. The school Principal demonstrates a commitment to providing professional development opportunities for staff, particularly teachers, and promote a readiness to share and learn from best practice. Teachers are given the opportunity to share in the leadership of the school. Aughnacloy Primary School has good relationships that facilitate engagement and communication between the school and its parents and the wider community that it serves. The school and its teachers are held in respect by parents and the local community who in turn actively support the work of the school. 6 ADMISSIONS (currently under review) Enrolment Number: 116 Admissions Number: 17 2012/2013 School Year 2013/2014 School Year 2014/2015 School Year APPLICATIONS P1 19 19 22 ADMISSIONS P1 19 19 18 Actual enrolment in September 2014: 124 pupils aged 4-11 years (Boys/Girls) Expected enrolment in September 2015: 127 pupils aged 4-11 years (Boys/Girls) School Management Type: Controlled ADMISSION The Board of Governors consider that a request for admission is an indication that parents are in agreement with the school’s philosophy, ethos, policies and discipline procedures. If the school’s admissions and enrolment numbers have not been reached the school will admit all children of compulsory school age whose parents wish them to attend the school. These children are those who have their fourth birthday between 02 July 2014 and 01 July 2015. The Board of Governors at Aughnacloy Primary School draws up the admissions criteria and delegates to an Admissions Sub-Committee, which includes the Principal, the responsibility for applying these criteria. Any reference herein to the term Board of Governors includes any Sub-Committee appointed by the Board of Governors of Aughnacloy Primary School, for purposes of applying the admissions criteria set out herein. ADMISSIONS CRITERIA The Board of Governors will apply the following criteria to identify which children should be admitted either at initial admission to education (P1) or on transfer from another school. In selecting children for admission children resident in Northern Ireland at the time of their proposed admission to the school will be selected for admission to the school before any child not so resident. 1 Children who will have brothers or sisters currently in attendance during the 2015/16 school year. 7 2 Children whose parents/guardians/brothers and sisters previously attended the school. 3 Sons or daughters of permanent full-time employees at the school. 4 Children for whom the school is the controlled primary school nearest to their home or to the child minders home. 5 Children transferring from Aughnacloy Playgroup. 6 Children with special circumstances: Preference will be given to children with exceptional circumstances (medical, social or other problems) that necessitate admission to Aughnacloy Primary School rather than any other primary school. The circumstances should be personal to the child and must be supported by independent and appropriate documentation, providing evidence of the circumstances being described as being exceptional. 7 The remaining places will be allocated on the basis of the proximity of the child’s home to the school, priority being given to those living nearest to the school as measured by the shortest walking route by public thoroughfare. Criterion 7 will also be used to discriminate within any oversubscribed criterion (except criterion 1). Inaccurate or misleading information provided on or attached to an application may lead to the withdrawal of any place awarded to an applicant who has thereby gained an improper advantage. The Board of Governors reserves the right to require such supplementary evidence as it may determine to support or verify information on any application form. ADMISSIONS CRITERIA P2 – P7 The Board of Governors will not admit a child to the school if this will result in a teaching group containing Key Stage 1 (P1 to P4) exceeding the statutory limit of 30 pupils. The Board of Governors has decided that no other teaching group will exceed 35 pupils. ARRANGEMENTS FOR ADMISSION During the summer term 2015 children to be admitted to P1 in September 2015 will be invited to come to the school with their parents to meet the teacher and to be provided with additional information. A development proposal has been published to extend the approved enrolment for Aughnacloy Primary School from 116 pupils to 145 pupils with effect from 01 September 2015 for as soon as possible thereafter. 8 CURRICULUM POLICY STATEMENT It is the policy of the Board of Governors that all pupils will receive their full entitlement under the Northern Ireland Curriculum and that the school will go beyond that entitlement in areas where there are particular abilities of the staff. AIMS OF THE SCHOOL The school aims to promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual and physical development of the pupils in a caring and relaxed atmosphere reflecting the love that each parent feels for their individual child.UNCRC article 28 (right to an education) Every child has a right to an education. ACCESS TO THE CURRICULUM The Curriculum is a ‘Common Curriculum’ for all children who attend our school. The school will consider the needs of all children, including those whose needs are ‘educationally significant’. We will make every effort to cater for children who have a particular need. Where a child has a particular medical or physical need, Governors will endeavour to meet their individual requirements. We do have a specialist medical facility in school, which provides privacy and accommodation. These children are also entitled to specialist help in the form of a classroom assistant. Our classroom assistants are of the highest quality in terms of professionalism and parenting skills. UNCRC article 23 (children with a disability) A child with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life with dignity and independence, and to play an active part in the community. PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT The school believes that an active partnership between school and parents is vitally important. Invitations are sent to parents to attend School Concerts, Harvest Thanksgiving Services, Carol Services, Sports Days and fund raising events as they are planned. The Staff value the participation of parents in the teaching and planning of the curriculum, once the relevant vetting process has been carried out. UNCRC article 5 (parental guidance) Governments must respect the rights and responsibilities of parents and carers to direct and guide their child as they grow up, so that they enjoy their rights properly 9 PARENT TEACHERS ASSOCIATION Aughnacloy Primary School has a Parent Teachers’ Association which makes a valuable contribution to the life of the school. All parents are automatically members of the PTA. The PTA organises a variety of both fund-raising and social events for the school community and wider school community. Among several successful events held in recent years are: Non-Uniform Days School Disco Belfast Marathon Christmas Raffle at annual Christmas Concert Christmas Cards/Calendars Table quiz Parents help the school in many ways, not least being the provision of funds for resources to further enhance the already high quality of teaching and learning taking place in our classrooms. In the past few years the PTA has presented the school with money that went towards staging, the sound system, literacy & numeracy resources, data projector and screen, playground equipment, ipads and many other useful items. We hope that you will play a full part in the PTA during the years your child is a pupil at Aughnacloy Primary School. VISITING THE SCHOOL Aughnacloy Primary School aims to involve parents fully in the education of their children and to inform them as far as possible about their children’s progress. In general the arrangements for visiting the school are as follows: BEFORE ENROLMENT Entrants to Primary 1: 1. Parents and children wishing to enroll in P1 in September will be invited to an open morning in school in January 2. All parents of enrolled P1 children will be invited with their children to meet the P1 teacher and view the school in June. For entrants who have previously attended another school: 1. An interview will be arranged with the Principal. 2. Parents will be welcome to view the school premises. 10 3. A meeting can be arranged with the prospective teacher(s) of the child or children. REPORTING TO PARENTS 1. Two verbal reports will be given in Term1 and Term 2 and parents are invited to discuss their child’s progress with the class teacher. A report in the form of a Pupil Profile will be written and distributed to parents in mid-June. From Primary 1 the Pupil Profile will build up to provide a more holistic portrait of each individual child’s achievements and development across learning areas, skills and capabilities. It will report on each child’s progress, interests and aptitudes and will help to support and inform choices throughout their education. 2. Curriculum evenings will be organised to keep parents informed of the ongoing curriculum changes and they can view examples of pupil’s work which will be on display in the school. 3. Parents of children who will be transferring to Secondary Education in September will be invited to an interview to provide advice and guidance on the completion of the Transfer Report form. PARENT REQUESTED VISITS Parents are welcome to come to the school to discuss any aspect of their children’s progress. To avoid disruption of classroom work an appointment must be made at a mutually convenient time. You should not hesitate to contact staff to seek advice on any matter, as small worries can become major concerns if not dealt with quickly. The Principal, as the day to day manager of the school, will seek to ensure that all such contacts are conducted in a manner which will promote the educational interests of the pupil and allow for the safety of all the children and staff. The means of expressing this working relationship are diverse but Parents/Guardians will appreciate that some guidelines are necessary as each Teacher has responsibility for a large number of children. All exchanges between Parents/Guardians and staff should be conducted in a respectful and 11 tolerant manner and Parents/Guardians are asked to adhere to the school’s guidelines when seeking contact with their child’s Teacher. The school has also put in place arrangements for addressing the most serious situations where the approach of a Parent/Guardian might amount to harassment of Teachers in the workplace. Thankfully such situations are rare in the school system and we trust unlikely to ever occur. SCHOOL HOURS School buses arrive from 8.30 am. Parents are asked not to leave their children within the confines of the school grounds before 8.30 a.m. The school bell will ring at 8.45 am to announce commencement of the school day. From 8.30 am to 8.45 am an adult will be on duty outside. Parents and visitors are required to have left the school premises by 8.45 a.m. to allow teaching to commence. 8.45 8.45 8.45 8.45 am am am am - 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 pm pm pm pm 12.45 pm - 1.45 pm 12.45 pm – 1.45 pm 12.45 pm – 2.45 pm 12.45 pm – 2.45 pm P1, P2 P3 (Tues, Thurs) P3 (Mon, Wed, Fri) P4, P5, P6, P7 P1 and P2 children are to be collected from school at 1.45p.m. They are joined on Tuesday and Thursdays by P3 in order to accommodate afternoon classes. All children who are not involved in school-organized activities should have left the premises by 2.45 pm. The times of our daily breaks are as follows: Assembly Breaktime Lunchtime 8.50 – 9.00 Tuesday, Thursday & Friday 10.20 – 10.35 12.00 – 12.45 CHRISTIAN EDUCATION The Board of Governors has developed a School Policy that delivers a Christian education through a broad and balanced curriculum. Staff take assembly on a rota basis. We encourage the visitation of the local religious leaders, who attend on a regular basis, to help in the spiritual and educational development of the pupils. School Assembly is based on the Christian Bible. Pupil participation in Assembly is encouraged i.e playing a musical instrument, role play etc. 12 Religious Education is Non-denominational and will be available to all children. Parents may remove their children from Religious Education classes on the grounds of conscience and the school will make alternative provision for them. No offence will be taken if a parent decides to avail of their right, as we respect the individual beliefs or non-beliefs of our families. UNCRC article 14 (freedom of thought, belief and religion) Every child has the right to think and believe what they want and also to practise their religion, as long as there are not stopping other people from enjoying their rights. THE NORTHERN IRELAND CURRICULUM Aughnacloy Primary School will offer a broad and balanced based curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, intellectual and physical development of its pupils, and which prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. UNCRC article 28 (right to an education) Every child has a right to an education. It will seek to develop in its pupils, an enquiring mind and help them in individual and group situations to acquire skills of handling information. It will attempt to develop a positive, healthy and confident attitude towards themselves and their own abilities. The acquisition of knowledge and skills will be placed in the context of developing positive attitudes to learning and the development of sound moral values based on the Christian religion. We will not give up on any child. As they are full members of our community, they deserve the love, affection and discipline too often only afforded to the most academic of pupils. However, we do recognise that some children would have their individual needs better met in a special unit or school. These decisions are taken in consultation with SELB SEN’s section and the parents. We place a strong emphasis on practical and creative work within all classes. This is in addition to the more traditional ‘formal classes’, which form the cornerstone of our teaching. From September 2009 the Revised Northern Ireland Curriculum became statutory for all P1-P7 pupils. It is intended that this new statutory curriculum will allow for more discretion for teachers and pupils to meet individual needs and be more suited to the needs of the 21st Century. 13 Foundation Stage P1 & P2 – This builds on the valuable work undertaken at pre-school. During this new stage, teachers will be able to teach at a pace which is developmentally appropriate for very young children. There is a strong emphasis on play-based learning and personal, social, physical & emotional development. FOUNDATION STAGE Aughnacloy Primary School was involved in the piloting of the Enriched Curriculum initiative. It provided the basis for the new Foundation Stage, which came into force for all schools in September 2007. The benefits of the Foundation Stage of the Northern Ireland Curriculum for the children are: PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT MATHEMATICAL DEVELOPMENT PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT Enthusiasm for school. Greater confidence. Higher self-esteem. Greater sense of responsibility. Greater independence. More co-operative. Improved listening skills. Increased confidence to express feelings and emotions. Greater use of descriptive language. Independent ideas for writing. Belief in her/himself as a reader and a writer. Enthusiasm for school. Greater confidence. Higher self-esteem. Greater sense of responsibility. Greater independence. More co-operative. Improved physical agility and fine manipulation. Physical confidence, competence and self-esteem. Language to talk about their movements. Good co-ordination, balance and spatial awareness. Throwing, catching and aiming skills. Greater perseverance and concentration. Enthusiasm and confidence. Ability to collaborate. Ability to choose and use a variety of materials and tools. Value other children’s work. More precise observational skills. 14 Key Stages 1 & 2 – Key Stage 1 covers P3 & P4, whilst Key Stage 2 remains P5 – P7. Pupils will be encouraged to make connections in their learning and see the relevance in what they are studying. Our school has piloted ‘Ideas for Connecting Learning’ or ICL’s which were made available to all teachers and schools in Northern Ireland from September 2007. Skills and capabilities will be developed throughout all six Learning Areas which consist of Language & Literacy, Maths & Numeracy, Personal Development and Mutual Understanding, Physical Education The World Around Us (Science, History, Geography). The Arts (Music, Art, Drama) LANGUAGE AND LITERACY Including Talking and Listening, Reading and Writing Language and Literacy is seen as central to the curriculum. A Linguistic Phonic Programme has been implemented in every year group to provide the pupils with an additional word decoding and spelling strategy. A wide range of texts is available to promote children’s enthusiasm and develop their skills across a range of genre. MATHS AND NUMERACY There are five main areas of study in the Mathematics and Numeracy curriculum: Processes, Number, Measures, Shape & Space and Data Handling. Each area is studied every year so that by Primary 7 the children have a comprehensive understanding of Mathematics and Numeracy. Emphasis is also placed throughout P1 to P7 on the development of mental agility. Numeracy is a life skill, used in making everyday decisions and in virtually every life context. We present Maths through practical activities which help foster understanding and the development of correct mathematical language. Practical activities will be followed by more formal exercises to help consolidate and reinforce knowledge, skills and understanding. Miss Kyle and Mrs Clarke received specialist training in the ‘Maths Catch Up ‘ programme. They provide additional afternoon teaching for individuals or small groups who have difficulty with some of the aspects of Number when needed. 15 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT AND MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING There is an increased emphasis on Personal Development across the Curriculum. This is divided into two strands – Personal Understanding & Health – Mutual Understanding in the Local & Global Community. Within the first strand, pupils are helped to understand the importance of issues such as healthy eating, physical activity and road safety. Within the second strand pupils are helped to respect others within their own community and the wider world. Aughnacloy Primary School is and has been involved in a number of programmes that support the implementation of Strand 2 – PCPP, Hands of Friendship, Dissolving Boundaries, Speedwell, Media Initiative & PACT. PHYSICAL EDUCATION Children are helped and encouraged to develop their physical skills including co-ordination, strength, stamina and spatial awareness. Skilful body movements are development through gymnastic movement, dance, games, swimming and athletics. Swimming lessons begin in Primary 3 and the majority of children can swim confidently and skilfully by the end of Primary 7. FUNDAMENTAL MOVEMENT SKILLS Aughnacloy Primary School is involved in a new initiative in Physical Education called Fundamental Movement Skills. These skills are movement patterns that involve different body parts such as the legs, arms, trunk and head and include such skills as running, hopping, catching, throwing, striking and balancing. They are the foundation movements necessary for 3-8 year old children as a precursor to the more specialized, complex skills used in play, games, sports, dance, gymnastics, outdoor education and physical recreation activities. There are 22 fundamental movement skills: Balance Forward roll Dodge Punt Foot dribble Continuous leap over arm throw climb under arm throw jump for height two-handed strike jump for distance catch sprint run chest pass side gallop hand dribble line walk hop skip gallop kick 16 Early childhood is the optimal time to teach & learn fundamental movement skills when young children are motivated and keen to master ways of moving, controlling their bodies and co-ordinating their movements. Fundamental Movement Skills will be included in the structured Physical Education lessons throughout Foundation Stage & Key Stage 1 with specific skills being focused on in each year group. As well as supporting the child’s physical development, FMS can also be embedded into their every day learning experiences. It can support the child in other areas of learning eg Literacy, Numeracy, Art, Science etc. FMS can be reinforced through: Teacher directed activities Outdoor play Homework activities Child structured activities Playground activities In Aughnacloy Primary School children experience a range of sport and sporting activities as part of the curriculum for Physical Education and as lunchtime and extra-curricular activities. Children have the opportunity to compete in games such as football, badminton, hockey, netball, rugby, tennis, kwik cricket, table tennis. Children in Primary 7 are also encouraged to participate in the National Cycling Proficiency Scheme. We have able to secure external grants to enable our children to partake in coaching in a variety of sports given by qualified, skilled coaches for rugby, football, table tennis, basketball, athletics etc. UNCRC article 31 (leisure, play and culture) Every child has a right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities THE WORLD AROUND US Focusing on the development of knowledge, skills and understanding in Geography, History and Science & Technology Before September 2007, Science/Technology, Geography and History were separate subjects. Now they are joined together under the title’ World Around Us’. This means that they can be taught together and children can see how one subject area is linked to another. For example in Primary 7 the children may cover a topic about ‘The Irish Famine’. They could examine what life was like for people during the time of the famine (History). Could compare with areas in the World affected by famine to-day (Geography). Could investigate conditions necessary for growing potatoes (Science) Could build a moving vehicle using a range of junk materials etc that will transport a kg of potatoes to market.(Technology) Topics will differ throughout the school from P1 to P7 but the process remains the same. 17 THE ARTS Including Art & Design, Drama and Music Each class sets aside time to develop the above areas. In the Foundation Stage the children have ample opportunity to build junk models, create models from dough, clay or plasticine, paint, draw etc through their work-time programme. Music is also used throughout the day as they learn songs, play simple instruments and create music. As children move through the classes their fine and gross motor skills will develop. Aughnacloy Primary School has a strong tradition of musical and drama productions. All pupils perform at the Annual Harvest Service and each year at Christmas the pupils perform a drama production for parents and friends. P4-P7 pupils participate in the School Choir. The choir performs at school concerts and community events such as the Dungannon Music and Drama festival, Fiddes Court, Copperfields Nursing Home, Tesco’s Dungannon. Previously the choir joined up with the choir from St Mary’s Primary School, Aughnacloy and entertained guests at Speedwell as well as performing at the official opening of Aughnacloy Playgroup in September 2011. In 2012 and 2013 the joint choir entered the Dungannon Music & Drama Festival. Many pupils are entered for the individual verse speaking section. Literacy, Numeracy and ICT are developed through all subject areas as are the pupil’s thinking skills and personal capabilities. The school is well equipped with a wide, comprehensive range of resources to assist with the teaching and learning in all areas of the curriculum. We are constantly updating our range of reading materials and textbooks for the core subject areas. ICT Using Information & Communication Technology, along with Communication and Using Mathematics, is one of the three statutory cross-curricular skills introduced as part of the Northern Ireland Curriculum and which will be assessed and reported on throughout the school using levels of progression. The requirements for Using Information & Communication Technology are set out under headings described as the 5 E’s. These are: Explore is about looking for, finding, choosing and using information as well as using digital roots to investigate and solve problems 18 Express Exchange Evaluate Exhibit is about pupils being creative, developing and presenting their ideas using text, sound, music and still or moving images is about pupils collaborating with others online to share and develop their ideas is about reflecting on their process and outcomes and how they might improve is about pupils managing and showcasing their work digitally The assessment of pupils’ UICT skills is based on teacher assessment. These skills will be developed each year as pupils’ progress through the school. Evidence of pupils’ UICT competence will be based on work undertaken in UICT across the Areas of Learning. Pupils are required to demonstrate their level of UICT competence by carrying out tasks set in a curricular context. Aughnacloy Primary school has a set of 32 ipads for the children to use as part of their learning. As we look to the future of technology in our society these ipads will greatly enhance our children’s learning and their ICT skills. A big thank you to our school PTA for their tireless fundraising which has allowed us to buy this excellent resource. EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES All reasonable steps will be taken to provide access for an appropriate education that affords the opportunity for every child to achieve his/her full potential regardless of Special Educational Needs or disability in accordance with SENDO (NI) 2005. Account will be taken of SENDO 2005 in relation to the application of this policy including an awareness of children with SEN; learning difficulties, which call for specialist educational provision to be made and disabilities that have substantial and long term effect on the ability to carry out normal day to day activities. UNCRC article 23 (children with a disability) A child with a disability has the right to live a full and decent life with dignity and independence, and to play an active part in the community. 19 ASSESSMENT FOR LEARNING At both primary and post-primary, pupils will be encouraged to become actively involved in their own learning process. Assessment will be a key part of the on-going learning process rather than an end product. The assessment arrangements for the Northern Ireland Curriculum place Assessment for Learning at the heart of the learning and teaching cycle. All the teaching & non-teaching staff at Aughnacloy Primary School undertook training, delivered by the SELB to develop formative assessment strategies in their classrooms. Research shows that pupils learn best and benefit most from assessment when Learning intentions are shared between pupil and teacher Feedback is given on successes as well as areas to improve Opportunities are provided to read and respond to feedback Time for reflection and evaluation is provided to consider what & how they learn The strategies that we have put into place are Sharing learning intentions using WALT board to show ‘We Are Learning To’ and WILF to show ‘What I am Looking For’ Shared success criteria – standard of work expected is clearly set out for pupils Feedback – Aughnacloy Primary School is using ‘Thumbs Up’, ‘Traffic Lights’ & ‘2 stars and a wish’. Teachers mark using pink and green pens. Pink – I am ‘tickled pink’ about your work. Grenn – for ‘go’. Go and find out how I can make my work better. These strategies tells the pupils what they have done to meet the shared success criteria so far and what else they need to do. Self-Assessment – This allows the pupils to reflect on what they have learnt and how they have learnt it. HIGH/SCOPE This is an active learning educational approach derived from developmental principles. Firmly rooted in practice, it has been researched, developed and shaped by new knowledge and understanding over a forty-year period. There is a strong emphasis on how children learn and the style of adult-child interactions which support the development of selfesteem, respect for others, reasoning and language skills. In the High/Scope approach to early childhood education, adults and children share control. Children take the first step in the learning process by making choices and following through on their plans and decisions. As children participate as active learners within a supportive community, they develop a 20 sense of initiative. Supported by adults who are genuinely interested in what they say and do, children are able to construct their own understanding of the world around them and gain a sense of control and personal satisfaction. The adults expand children’s thinking with diverse materials and nurturing interactions as they build on children’s strengths, interests and achievements. This initiative compliments the requirements of the Northern Ireland Curriculum. The goals of High/Scope are: To develop children’s ability to take the initiative and make decisions about what they are going to do and how To develop children’s self-discipline and their ability to identify personal goals and complete self-chosen tasks To develop children’s ability to work with other children and adults so that work done is a result of group planning, co-operative effort and shared leadership To develop children’s ability for self-expression so that they can use language, pictures, movement and writing to share experiences with others To develop children’s ability to apply their reasoning in a wide range of situations and using a variety of materials To develop children’s creativity, spirit of enquiry and openness to knowledge and other people’s points of view Foundation stage staff attended a number of training sessions in Armagh which covered Active Learning, Key Experiences, Learning Environment, Daily Routine, Adult Interactions and observation & Planning The Early Years practitioners at Aughnacloy Primary School are building on the valuable work undertaken by the staff at Aughnacloy Playgroup, as they too are trained in the principles of High/Scope. RIGHTS RESPECTING SCHOOLS AWARD All children have rights which guarantee them what they need to survive, grow, participate and fulfil their potential. Yet every day these rights are denied. UNICEF is the world’s leading organisation working to protect and promote children’s rights. The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) guides everything we do, including our work on education. The Convention is a comprehensive human rights treaty that enshrines children’s rights in international law. It defines universal principles and standards for the status and treatment of children worldwide. UNICEF UK promotes children’s rights in schools in two ways: by supporting schools to ensure that rights are embedded in their ethos and policymaking and by offering resources and activities to ensure that children and young people can learn about rights in the classroom and beyond. 21 What is ‘UNICEF UK’ Rights Respecting Schools Award? The RRSA recognises achievement in putting the Convention on the Rights of the Child at the heart of a school’s planning, policies, practice and ethos. By taking these steps a school community helps improve well-being and develop every child’s talents and abilities to their potential. A rights respecting school not only teaches about child rights but also models rights and respect in all its relationships: between teachers/adults and pupils, between adults, and between pupils. Across the UK, the RRSA is being successfully implemented in early years settings, primary schools, secondary schools, special schools, and pupil referral units. THE RRSA STANDARDS - To be accredited as rights-respecting, a school must show evidence that it has reached all four of the standards: 1. Rights-respecting values underpin leadership and management; 2. The whole-school community learns about the Convention; 3. There is a rights-respecting ethos; 4. Children are empowered to become active citizens and learners. A school uses the standards and other guidance provided by UNICEF UK to plan and monitor progress. We gained our Level 1 RRSA in May 2013. A school achieving Level 1 has made good progress towards embedding the values and principles of the Convention into its ethos and curriculum. We are currently working towards achieving our Level 2 RRSA. TRANSITION PROGRAMME Foundation Stage staff are involved in a structured Transition Programme with Aughnacloy Playgroup in order to ease transition from one school setting to another. Staff from the two settings meet on a regular basis. P.1 teachers and Classroom assistants visit the playgroup in May time of their pre-school year to see the children in a familiar setting. A big book is shared with the Playgroup children show photographs of their new setting and the staff they will meet. A buddy system with P6 children is also developed. In June of their pre-school year children visit Aughnacloy Primary School along with the Playgroup leader. Play group staff come to visit the new Primary 1 children in school early in their first term. 22 LINGUISTIC PHONICS What is Linguistic Phonics? The central rationale of Linguistic Phonics is that children understand the relationship between their spoken language and the written word. The initial emphasis is on developing attention and listening skills and oral language. This is followed by a focus on phonological awareness so that children learn how to identify syllables, rhyme and eventually, individual phonemes (sounds) within words. Each phoneme is then matched with its corresponding grapheme. (letter or letter-combination) Unlike traditional phonic programmes, linguistic phonics does not teach letter names, rules or exceptions, or refer to silent letters, word families or long and short vowels. By significantly reducing the amount of unnecessary memorising each child is asked to do, more energy can be spent on thinking about, and interacting with text. All learning takes place within a meaningful context: sounds within words; words within texts. Children are given strategies to help them investigate and problem-solve; challenging them to take responsibility for their own learning. Parallel to the development of decoding skills, is an emphasis on the development of receptive and expressive language so that children are constantly developing their capacity to interpret what they read and to communicate their ideas more effectively. The programme works most successfully when it is integrated appropriately as part of a well-planned literacy programme. The programme : Key Principles sounds are represented by letters longer words are made up of blocks of sound (syllables) sounds can be represented by more than one letter some sounds can be represented in different ways e.g. boat, go, snow, cone some spellings can represent more than one sound e.g. cow, snow 23 Phonological Skills Segmenting - the ability to access the individual sounds in words. Blending - the ability to push sounds together in words phoneme. Phoneme manipulation - the ability to pull sounds in and out of words e.g. decide that ‘ow’ is not ‘oa’ in cow. Information Code knowledge – how the 44 sounds in the English language are represented. All three elements, concepts, skills and information, are learned within the context of words and text. This means that the child learns about how sounds are represented as he or she uses them in the only context that makes sense – to read and to write. The programme also takes into account the nature of the learner, ensuring that learning takes place through active discovery. There are Six Stages in the Programme Stage 1:- One letter one sound – children need to understand that sounds are represented by letters for reading and writing. Stage 2:- Building Longer words - Children need to understand one letter to one sound correspondence. Stage 3:- Multi-Syllable words – Children need to understand that longer words are made up of blocks of sound (syllables) Stage 4:- Sounds represented by more than one letter (green) - Children need to understand that a sound may be represented by more than one letter. Stage 5:- Categorizing Sounds in Single-Syllable words with Orthographic Diversity (red) – Children need to understand that a sound can be represented in more than one way and that the same letters may represent more than one sound. Stage 6:- Multi-Syllable Words with Orthographic Diversity (purple) – Children need to be able to read longer words and to understand the impact of schwas, unusual beginnings (prefixes) and endings (suffixes) often derived from foreign languages such as Latin, Greek and French 24 How is Linguistic Phonics being implemented in Aughnacloy Primary School? In year 1 the focus is on developing the disposition to read and write as children are immersed in a rich literacy environment. Throughout the year children develop attention and listening skills, oral language and phonological awareness. They are gradually introduced to how sounds are represented in print, through modelled and shared experiences across the curriculum. The methodology is formally introduced in years 2 to 7 as a whole-class approach. Here the emphasis is on acquiring the knowledge and skills needed to ‘crack the print code’ as quickly as possible, so that children can read and write with increasing independence. LANGUAGE LINK Aughnacloy Primary School purchased The Language Link package. This enables teachers and teaching assistants to screen for receptive language difficulties at school entry and implement support for children with straightforward language delays. The package offers a receptive language screening assessment with supporting resources and classroom strategies. Language Link is not intended as a substitute for exisiting speech and language therapy services or language work in the classroom. It is designed to work alongside them to provide targeted help for children with difficulty understanding language. ACCELERATED READER AR is a computer program that helps teachers manage and monitor children’s independent reading practice. From P3 – P7 children will be given books at their own reading level and when finished, take a short quiz on the computer within 24 hours. AR gives both children and teachers feedback based on the quiz results which the teachers then use to help children set targets and direct ongoing practice. 25 STORY SACKS Children in the Foundation Stage have access to Story Sacks as part of their pre-reading development. A Story Sack is a large cloth bag containing a young child’s good quality picture book with supporting materials to stimulate reading activities. To bring the book to life, soft toys of the main character, props relating to items in the story, a non-fiction book relating to the fiction theme, and a language game based on the book are included. Additionally a card of ideas is inserted, suggesting to parents/carers ways they may develop listening, reading and writing skills using the contents of the Story Sack. The aim of a Story Sack is to give a parent/carer the confidence to enjoy books and reading together with their child, thus creating a combined learning experience. Not every parent/carer finds it easy to read stories but with the supporting materials a Story Sack offers, all parents can successfully share books with their child at a variety of levels. Each item in the sack has been carefully chosen to offer a multi-sensory approach to the sharing of books and will make reading fun for both parents and children. Story Sacks will help develop and improve your child’s reading skills and encourage a life-long love of reading. By using the sack together, you will provide opportunities for your child to: Listen to good stories read aloud Talk and extend vocabulary Read for meaning Extend general knowledge Develop social skills Improve confidence and stimulate an interest in books and stories The criteria for a Story Sack Picture Book are a strong story line, quality illustrations, easy to read aloud, appropriate content and interest level.In term 1 our Foundation Stage pupils are sent home with a Story Sack on Thursday afternoon. Sacks are to be returned the following Tuesday morning. 26 COMPLAINTS RE: CURRICULUM In cases where parents consider that the provision of the curriculum is not satisfactory it is then possible for them to express their concern. The following procedure should be adopted: INFORMAL – STEP 1 Comment/Complaint made to appropriate member of staff (verbally) INFORMAL – STEP 2 Comment/Complaint made to Principal (verbally) FORMAL – STEP 3 Formal written comments/complaints made to Principal FORMAL – STEP 4 Formal written comments/complaints made to Chairperson of Governors & referred to Governors’ Sub-Committee APPEALS PROCESS – STEP 5 Written request to have case heard by Appeals SubCommittee of Board of Governors A more detailed account of the school’s Complaint’s Procedure is available in school. 27 TRANSFER PROCEDURE In the September following your child’s eleventh birthday he/she will transfer to a post primary school. Given the uncertainty surrounding a replacement for the Transfer Test, a number of Grammar schools have decided to draw up their own entrance exam consisting of three 1 hour papers focusing on Literacy and Numeracy. We do not select pupils to sit the exam; it is up to the parents to decide if they want their child to enter the exam. In the absence of a decision by the Department of Education we will continue to give the pupils every opportunity to become familiar with examination technique by providing after school classes and test papers. Aughnacloy College, City of Armagh and Fivemiletown High Schools do not require your child to sit a Test. We would encourage you to use our local College for non-grammar pupils as it strengthens our community to have a secondary school in the town. HOMEWORK In Aughnacloy Primary School, homework is considered to be an important part of the educational process. The reasons for homework are: To reinforce and consolidate what is taught and learnt in school To encourage responsibility and self discipline To complete work not finished in class To ‘research’ projects being done in school To nurture links between home and school To highlight and give extra effort to resolving any academic problems a child may be having To revise or prepare for tests and examinations Homework may be structured to group, class or individual needs. Forms of homework will include information to be learned, research to be gathered, exercises to be written and reading. Reading preparation, practical and learning homeworks are considered to be of equal importance to written homeworks. ‘Talk to Me’ Maths Boxes were introduced in school from Primary 1 – 7 in September 05 to provide parents with opportunities to interact with their child in a very practical manner and to emphasis the importance of Maths at home and in daily life. Inside each box there is a wide range of expensive practical resources suitable for each year group. Each member of staff will be setting activities for homework appropriate to the mathematical concepts being taught in class. It is extremely important that you spend time with your child working on the activities set for homework. A Maths Game Record book is sent home with 28 each pupil at the beginning of the academic year. Pupils must evaluate the Maths game undertaken. The feedback given is used to enlighten us as to whether or not any changes to the Maths games are required. Spelling Homework – Each week children will get homework activities based on their target sounds for the week. We request parental assistance to supervise homework in as quiet an area as possible, to ensure its completion. The staff set homework as required by our Homework Policy and we operate a positive marking policy. It is vital that a child should have time to play and to have parental contact outside school hours. This must be a real consideration in the setting of homework. ANNUAL ATTENDANCE RATE The attendance at school continues to be very good and comments have been passed on the high level of attendance throughout the year. If your child is absent, please ring in to school before 9am that morning and leave a message as to why your child cannot attend. For any lengthy period of absence (e.g in excess of two weeks) you should speak with your child’s teacher to check if home tuition may be required. Home tuition is provided by the S.E.L.B. for extended illness only. As a result of Government legislation, schools must indicate any unauthorised absences a child may have. The criteria used for recording unauthorised absences include holiday taken beyond those approved, absence where no reason is provided, lateness and truancy. 29 SPECIAL EDUCATIONAL NEEDS Children with Special Educational Needs will be retained within their own classroom, as far as it is possible, and work pitched at their individual level. Teachers monitor pupils on a daily basis and meet with the SENCO, and the Principal, Mrs Clarke to discuss potential difficulties children may be experiencing. Sometimes the problem can be addressed in class with individualised teaching. In other more serious cases, we refer children to the SELB Educational Psychologist who has the expertise to assess children and provide school with a report on the exact nature of difficulties and possible remediation. In some cases pupils are provided with a classroom assistant or peripatetic teacher. At all times we keep in close contact with parents to inform them of our concerns and possible routes for support. Within school we endeavour to provide as much additional individual support as possible. We have five classroom assistants trained in Reading Partnership. This is an intensive one to one reading programme which takes place over ten weeks and is designed to improve the reading scores of average pupils. Over the past number of years parents have also been offered the opportunity to receive training in this initiative. Foundation/Key Stage 1 teachers also provide additional afternoon teaching for individuals or small groups who have reading difficulties. The school recognises the rights and wishes of the parents in making any decision on the future learning prescribed by officials. It is our policy to keep children within our community as long as it is possible. This policy has been requested by parents for social reasons. Mrs Moore is the Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator. PASTORAL CARE The notion of the whole curriculum includes pastoral care. In line with the policy of maximizing the potential of each child, the school recognizes that it has a responsibility to do everything possible to care for each pupil’s physical and emotional well-being. The school will endeavour to provide a comfortable and safe environment for learning. Due to the nature of primary education it will be the responsibility of each class teacher to look after the pastoral needs of the children in his/her class. If a teacher feels that a problem has arisen or is likely to arise, then the parents will be informed. The solution to the problem will be worked out as a team using the abilities of the parent and the teacher. The services of the clerics and Board of Governors are also available to help as independent counsellors. 30 All teachers will be grateful for information about any difficult home or school circumstances, which may be causing distress or anxiety to a child. Should parents feel reluctant to divulge such information to a teacher, the Principal may be contacted in confidence. When a child is sick or injured the school will, in the first instance, attempt to contact a parent so that the child may be cared for by them. If this is not possible the school will contact the child’s doctor and if necessary take the child to the hospital. Efforts will continue to contact a parent. All parents are asked to nominate an emergency contact for use in such circumstances. If your child is going to be absent from/late for school for whatever reason, it is your responsibility to contact us anytime between 08.15 and registration at 09.00 to inform us your child will not be attending school that day. If you do not let us know about the absence beforehand, and your child fails to turn up for registration at 09.00, then we will ring the necessary contact numbers given on the child’s Data Collection Sheet. We are sure you can appreciate that we have the safety of your child as our utmost priority and so to avoid unnecessary worry and time-wasting, we hope you would co-operate fully with us on this particular request. Children will be with us for a very long time and we are privileged to watch them as they mature through school. Some take time to mature and are often slower than others in their peer group. Patience is the key to dealing with their problems; co-operation between home and school is vital. We will make mistakes, as will you, but no problem is insoluble. It just takes a good deal of forgiveness and hard work to correct. Teachers are just members of the community. We are not special but we do have a special responsibility. PUPIL COUNCIL Aughnacloy Primary School has a very active Pupil Council which meets regularly under the watchful eye of Mrs Clarke. The Council was set up to provide pupils with a way of discussing issues and making decisions which will help everyone in the school. Schools work better when pupils and teachers are working together and listening to each other. Each year pupils from P3 to P7 elect 2 members from their year group to represent them at meetings. The elected school councillors: Go to School Council meetings and take part in discussions Let the class know what was discussed at meetings Take the views of classmates to the School Council Are involved in projects that the School Council runs 31 ECO-SCHOOLS Eco-Schools is a scheme which supports schools to raise pupils’ awareness of environmental issues through curriculum work and specific environmental projects. It is an accredited award scheme and schools who achieve eco-school status receive a Green Flag to display in their school. We have already achieved a silver award and we gained our first Green Flag in May 2013. ECO-COUNCIL Aughnacloy Primary School has an Eco-Council. In order to set up this, pupils from P3-P7 elected 2 members from their year group to represent them at meetings. The Eco-Council meets under the watchful eye of Mrs Porter and they undertake an environmental review. The outcome of the reviews enables the Eco-Council to write an action plan detailing all the things they are going to do that year. Action Plans are displayed on our noticeboard. POSITIVE BEHAVIOUR Discipline is regarded as important in creating an atmosphere conducive to learning. Staff will expect considerate good behaviour at all times and will draw up a code of behaviour for all pupils. We would expect this to be adhered to and hope for the support of the parents in implementing it. Discipline is seen as the joint responsibility of home and school. Each teacher will teach discipline in class and support the school standards using certificates, praise and rewards. Self-discipline will be highly valued and singled out for public praise. If a minor punishment is required, the teacher will use verbal techniques and body language. A more serious incident will result in extra work or losing free time during school. Serious poor behaviour will be reported to the Principal and a letter sent home to the parents, which they must read, sign and return to the Principal. Where a pupil is persistently causing problems, and his/her behaviour is likely to be dangerous to other pupils, the Principal would request that the parents of that child come to discuss the matter. This type of behaviour will result in loss of free time for the pupil in school, extra homework or being kept in after school. Twenty-four hours notice will be given if a pupil is to be detained after school. 32 Unacceptable behaviour will result in a child being put on report as well as being punished. This will be done in consultation with the parents at a formal interview. The Playground Friends Initiative was introduced in 2004. A number of staff attended training days regarding the implementation of the project and had the opportunity to visit Harte Memorial Primary School in Portadown to see how the initiative was run there. Using money raised through our School Fun Day, we purchased a vast range of playground equipment and divided the playground into zones for different types of activities. Pupils in P5 – P7 who volunteered as Playground Friends were trained in the procedures and sanctions and rewards for behaviour were established and explained to the children and a letter sent out to parents. The sanctions were as follows: Step 1 – Talk to the child and give them a verbal explanation as to why their behaviour is unacceptable. Step 2 – If the child continues to display unacceptable behaviour, then they have to take ‘time out’ from that activity and sit quietly. Step 3 – The next step means that the child has to shadow the Teacher/Supervisor around the playground/room, and is asked to discuss their behaviour and how we can all help to make it improve etc. Step 4 – The pupil receives a Red Card, which the Principal and Parents sign. Step 5 – The pupil is brought to the Principal. A new Lunchtime Policy was drawn up, taking all the new initiatives on board. Pupils were given more ownership of the playground by being asked to draw up a set of Playground Rules that would enhance their playtime. When the final set of rules was chosen, this was sent off to Trade Signs in Lurgan, who printed it onto a large plastic notice board. This was then erected in the playground on a wall where it were clearly visible to everyone. Any child who does not learn from the above sanctions will be liable to suspension or expulsion as set out in the SELB guidelines. The School Governors will interview the parent and child at this stage to inform them of their decision. A copy of the school Positive Behaviour Policy is available on request. 33 CHILD PROTECTION As you may already know, all schools are required to have in place a Child Protection Policy. Our school has always had a policy, which meets the legal requirements. We have been directed to remind parents of the procedure for investigating complaints. The procedure covers complaints made against workers in school or complaints made against individuals outside school. We have confidence in our staff and our parents and trust that this procedure will never need to be used. Safeguarding Team Mrs Moore (Designated Teacher for Child Protection) Mr Mills (Deputy Designated Teacher for Child Protection) Mrs Clarke (Principal) Child Protection Leaflet – Appendix 1 How to make a complaint – Appendix 2 Intimate Care Policy – Appendix 3 POLICY FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION IN SCHOOL The Board of Governors & Staff of Aughnacloy Primary School wish to ensure that pupils with long term and complex medication needs receive appropriate care and support in school. Please note that parents should keep their children at home if acutely unwell or infectious. Parents are responsible for providing the Principal with comprehensive information regarding their child’s condition & medication Prescribed medication for long term & complex medical conditions will not be accepted in school without complete written & signed instructions from the parents Any item of medication must be delivered to the Principal or Authorised Person, by the parent, in a secure and labelled container as 34 originally dispensed. Each item of medication must be clearly labelled with the following information: Pupil’s name Name of medication Dosage Frequency of administration Date of dispensing Storage requirements Expiry date It is the parents’ responsibility to renew the medication and ensure that the medication is supplied within its expiry date It is the responsibility of parents to notify the school in writing if the pupil’s need for medication has ceased School staff will not dispose of medicines. Date expired medicines or those no longer required for treatment will be returned immediately to the parent for transfer to a community pharmacist for safe disposal. For each pupil with long term or complex medication needs, the Principal, will ensure that a Medication Plan and Protocol, is drawn up, in conjunction with the appropriate health professionals. All staff will be made aware of the procedures to be followed in the event of an emergency. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Children from P1-P7 are invited to join in extra curricular activities after school. Activities offered can include Cookery ICT Rugby Hockey Kwik Cricket Football Art and Craft Drama Guitar Choir Table Tennis Badminton Tennis Netball Eco-Warriors Zumba Golf 35 A National Cycling Proficiency course will be held for P7 pupils in the summer term. School productions will require some extra curricular drama activities. Teams are entered into a number of Football, Rugby, Hockey & Netball Tournaments. OUTDOOR PLAY Aughnacloy Primary School has a well-developed outdoor play area for P1 – P3. The indoor and outdoor environments are available to the children simultaneously and children have access to all areas of learning within the Northern Ireland Curriculum. An outdoor area provides young children with one of the best possible environments in which to learn new skills and make fresh discoveries. So far, our outdoor area allows children to access Sand/water Gardening Quiet Time Imaginative Play Wheeled Vehicles Creativity Small Equipment Snack Area The school will continue to develop its outdoor play area, as well planned and well resourced outdoor play experiences allow for progression in a child’s thinking and understanding. MUSIC TUITION P4-P7 children with a particular aptitude for Music may avail of the tutoring services (subject to audition) offered by the S.E.L.B. Lessons may be offered on Brass instruments. At present the S.E.L.B. Brass Tutor visits the school once a week. Parents are expected to pay for these lessons (at a very reasonable rate) and for the hire of an instrument. PMLP Our school is involved in the Primary Modern Languages Programme. This involves a language tutor coming into school on a weekly basis to deliver a programme to children in P1-4. The aim is to provide a positive and enjoyable experience of learning a language in the early years and to enhance communication skills. This year our children are learning Polish. 36 SCHOOL UNIFORM The parents are asked to support the wearing of school uniform to foster a sense of belonging to the School. The uniform may be obtained from ‘Pauls’ Clothes Shop in Aughnacloy. Applications for the SELB Clothing Grant are available in school. It helps if children can easily recognize their own belongings. Please mark all individual items of clothing with child’s name. For Physical Education children require a change of clothes i.e shorts and T-shirt. All items must be labelled with child’s name. To facilitate storage and easy access P.E kit should be kept in a simple, pull-string bag. Parents are also asked to note that pupils are only allowed to wear stud earrings and for reasons of safety are NOT allowed to wear earrings during sports activities. BOYS GIRLS PE KIT UNIFORM DETAILS Grey trousers, Red polo shirt, Grey School Sweatshirt, Red Reversible School Fleece (P1-P3 boys also need a pair of black plimsolls) Grey skirt or grey trousers, Red polo shirt, Grey School Sweatshirt, Red Reversible School Fleece, optional red gingham Summer dress (P1-P3 girls also need a pair of black plimsolls) Pair of shorts, t-shirt, pair of black plimsolls ROAD SAFETY One of the greatest social problems in our society today is the number of people, many of them children, who are killed or injured on the roads of Northern Ireland each year. The governors and staff of this school believe that we have an important roll to play in helping to reduce this tragic and unnecessary waste. We believe in educating for life in a very real sense and see Road Safety Education as a basic life skill. We intend to promote this ideal through the cross curricular of the subject and by playing a full part in approved Road Safety schemes. We recognise that a separate funding is available from the SELB’s Road Safety Branch for this purpose. 37 PROVISION OF SCHOOL MEALS Hot meals are available daily in school through the School Meals Service. Children bringing sandwiches for lunch eat at the same time and are in the dining room with the other children taking school meals. The current cost is £12.00 per week (including dessert). School dinner money, should be brought on a Monday morning in an envelope, with your child’s name on it, stating the number of days lunch is required. Failure to do so leads to unnecessary wastage of teaching and clerical time. Parents who feel their child might be entitled to free school dinner may obtain a form from the office. MILK School milk is provided at a cost of £2.00 per month. We will send a letter out to each family at the beginning of each month and money should be returned, as advised, by the due date. HEALTHY EATING Aughnacloy Primary School is involved in the ‘Healthy Eating Breaks’. All children are asked to eat healthy food at breaktime. Children have the option of paying for break provided by school (£7.00 per month) or bringing their own healthy break. WATER BOTTLES All pupils should bring in a drinking water bottle to enable them to have regular drinks of water throughout the day. This helps with concentration and attention span. The bottles will be sent home each Friday for cleaning and must be sent in with the child again on Monday morning. These water bottles also need to be clearly labelled with the child’s name. 38 TOOTHBRUSH SCHEME As a follow up from good practice in Playgroup, children in P1 to P4 now brush their teeth after break each day. We ask for your support at home in this initiative. CHARGING AND REMISSIONS POLICY No charges are made for any lessons or activities, which contribute to the Northern Ireland Curriculum but the Board of Governors may appeal to parents from time to time for their support in the form of voluntary contributions. No child will, in any way, be disadvantaged should parents decide not to subscribe. Occasionally the school may take part in an ‘optional extra’ such as a visit to the theatre, a residential trip or a school outing in the Summer. Charges will be made for these though a decision by parents not to take part will not affect the child’s performance at school. MID-ACADEMIC YEAR CHANGES All parents will be informed, should the Board of Governors feel it is necessary to change any of the above information during the 2014/2015 academic year. SECURITY Following recent leglisation all schools are required to meet high standards of security. Aughnacloy Primary School operates a surveillance system which screens visitors coming into school and records activity in the school grounds, 24 hours a day. CAR PARKING There is a car park for staff, parents and visitors. When ‘leaving off’ or ‘picking up’ children from school please allow any school buses to move off first as they are on a very tight schedule. Please do not park in front of the school as you are obstructing the view for those motorists coming from Rehaghey Road. Please ensure when using the school car park that you are mindful of all other users in the car park and to please park safely in the spaces provided. 39 CHILD COLLECTION Pupils whose school day ends at 1.45pm should be collected punctually from the doors of the new extension as P1-P3 teachers are required to take afternoon classes. Teachers are timetabled to accompany the children across the playground to the car-park and buses each afternoon at 2.45 pm. Any child who has not been collected at either 1.45pm or 2.45pm will remain in school. The emergency contact will be telephoned. Please ensure that you collect your child punctually as children can become very distressed when there is uncertainty about travel arrangements. If there is an emergency and you think your child will not be collected on time, please telephone the school and let us know. This allows us an opportunity to inform the child of the circumstances and eliminate any unnecessary distress. CONCLUSION Now that you have read our School Prospectus, I hope you will have a better understanding of the rich and varied life your child will have at Aughnacloy Primary School. As no Prospectus can convey the real atmosphere, I invite you to come and visit the school and see for yourself. We hope that you will share with us in making this a successful and special period in your child’s life. Yours faithfully, Aughnacloy Primary School A WISE choice!!! Mrs Jane Clarke Principal 40
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