qr.F. {\ /T6{nErr7661q76r*- g kerGrftr*-rfr 6rqtdq, ?o 1 s*trn-qr fui+.: r! f oq lzo(si cfr, t. r. Qfuq qftrffc', *i'rgrq ("tdur). rd gqffl{Fftq qfrrqrft aqr l. rd terffi, fwGr sitqnrq rtfurcm arr arqor sni'nqr{. sqfqqr.ftc fftr fus:- {0€ <eiffi kw orti,rmE sr+f, +q, ka€, +q-{eq E. q erfiirr e q Frqq{; Frqq loqq qr qrfrr {ir+q cfuE+ td sr{d. (ffi M td{ dldq dt rreE qiqr rtr{ enqqrs m-afru-qn ++ 61, (t) (('tr-S) c+fi irc{ftq-q} ffi qrq{ s-5-{, eilt'flsts fiil@rsd ti}a, um7o, +q, qt-qqrdq, s,r€ ftT,rTt 3rftrkqq 13qq d ma+ s,,!-qrd E-s it sil+€r qfrrfinrsr ria E. atq arfu'r q rH d$q Ei+ f{qqqqd, Mrorfr aqr fqarFistftr*rfr s+trnqrc qiqr orftr*-R tM l+qcrqr qqEr ilqR or'qra or*or ent. sl$'r c.* +-frar eTrqun€ qw}-c-d fiqqrEr.qgEl q qfrr {q-+ qrafrrqm ia ergt, dlqd-d HeI qqffi trffi e-{* q emiar kdqrqr qr oIkT Ttr(t irfl-qrf,. fu.,aesfffi rii clil?tm: fq-€r *a org{, e'd gs-{r/rrs-& SRTEIRI 10 qrffi s<-0-d qT qAZfi'R, qftrorfr, s+i'n-crc qiqr +-afrqm n'i 61, qr+dd i{6{ g-d{r s{ttnqn tc-@rcrfl-d qft {-q-+ qrda qre tFrsiut5 cfisd EI* -Hl\- rrenqortraqrrqgr<cflqfi r{r *{qrsrq ffiill I qr.F. ?o t \/rl6arGn/ddq/6-r*- I 6 t ffirorfr mrqif,q, 3rlirnsR fuffi:zg lo( /zots- ilfi{qfffiI qrrrt acrq qqa€, diq s{ Yrw6tq, Frcvnffiiq gs q qffi qfud s-{uqrd +e +t, fia-ertsrftrort *lqtdq 3ii-n-qr qi-+s-E{, s?rT il (t) (\'fi-s) ctAf, dt{fu-q} ffirorfr s{ftr*Rrqr qM{ ifi-oT, s+irfl=crq a.i-q qiqr elFr*.n M +ffTfiq o+t{rclE qiqr !-qH e-ruqra frqcrqr qg<I dqn q-rtqn errter nqr ffiffift e+r?i-or eryt. qdffi tfiqin {Rrq are 'qYiqms fq-€r utsT6, i-q, q. q dtH,r e +S11116 x-d-cT fiqqrqT vqqr qflt F*t.*e a]4, uroF, +q, qtq-{Eq, we 5s rtat r' Bcirffccpi dqR iF{".IkT Hic, g. qicT qimq ofufrqc rsqq i dfur e st6'r E.* aH dt-s ei+ trqr<rsrd, ffir*lfr srltrn-{E (cffi {-d q-+tq q frqm) fiqc 3t-q-+s-{r{d-{, I'tq" +rt ent' fir"drorfr aqr ffir*rt fi rt#rera www.aurangabad.nic.in qr li+d{Prdrqt 3q5*1 ery}. irfr qT-dri qI 5;um xd q-{+q qidd o-{u<td +i si, v{t-d rrgtn q-i-dt-sr *-ct, er*a ilE{qmd e+trrcn t-_" 'id qftsn orfr sqtlorqlqlrr*a srC-e ifi ilr{sqt+d qlq-d olFTqrqlcrs-d F]G'ltrorfr sfli]IrqK qin orqte-qn qqTqr qrfrqd{r efis{-rqr ffirorfi ffieilcr{{ io ft-+qrd sl<-t 6{T'e. ffi nqr /..-- *i.nErq Government of Maharashtra Official gazette _ Merch 2015/Chaitra Shake 1937 District Msgistrate Aurangabad (Notification) In accordance with the powers conferred by the provisions of Section 33 (IXXA) of the Bombay Police Act l95l,l and ofall other powers enabling him in that behalf the District Collector and the District Magistrate , for Aurangabad District hereby makes the following for Eating House, mess and restaurants by whatever name they are called in Aurangabad District (Excluding the territorial limits ofthe Police Commissionarate Aurangabad ofas under:- 3. Name:- These Rules shall be called as the Aurangabad District Eating House, Mess and Reslaurants, Bhojnalayas etc and Lodging and Boarding in Aurangabad District. (Registration and R"Eulation) Rules 2015. These rules shall be applicable to the entire Aurangabad District ^ Excluding the territorial limits ofthe Police Commissionarate Aurangabad. 2. Definitions:- a. Aurangabad District: - Means the entire teritorial limits of the Aurangabad Revenue Distric! excluding the territorial limits ofthe Police Commissionarate Area Aurangabad. b. Distri* Magistrate: - Means the District Magistrate and District Collector of Aurangabad District , and also includes the Additional District Magistrate Aurangabad. c. Eating House i Means any place where eatables are served for a monitary consideration, and includes the private mess , and restaurants and the Roti Kendras ,Bhojnalaya /juice centers/cold drink centers / Raswanties /Bhojnalaya /Juices lce cream parlours /snacl$ centers /Raswantiysweet marts/Namkins /lce creams Parlours , i Bakery producs residential Mess/ Hotel/ Dhaba /Pav bhaji centers ,/Farsan Mart and Coffee homes where the eatables and meals are being prepared and sold , to the customers for monetary consideration. d. Lodging/Boarding House:- Any premises by whatever name called, in which the proprietor ofthat premises offer any persons Temporary accommodation as per the , on the payment of charges Tariff, and also includes the premises where the Eatables and Drinks are offered to the persons who are offered Accommodation in the premises., e. Registering Authority: - Means the District Magistrate and District Collector of Aurangabad District, and also includes the Additional District Magistrate Aurangabad. 3. No person shall open or keep any of Eating Houses/ Lodging/boarding house in the Aurangabad District unless he holds a certificate of Registration granted under the Bombay Police Act l95l and Roti and in accordance with these rules in respect of such Eating House, reslaurants and mess Kendras. The Eating House license is mandatory for Restaurants Bhojnalaya /juice centervcold drink centeB / Raswanties /Bhojnalaya /Juices Ice cream Parlours /snacks centers /Raswantis/Sweet marts/Namkins /lce creams Parlours / Bakery products residential Mess/ Hotsl/ Dhaba /Pav bhaji centers /Farson Mart and Coffee homes' by whatsoever name called' obtain the In the like manner every Proprietor ofthe Eating House, t odging/Boarding house shall Rules' necessary registration certificates in accordance with the provisions ofthese 4. ln the cases of the Eating Houses /Lodging'rboarding house which are in existence and in Lodging/boarding operations on the date ofthe commencement ofthis rules, those Eating houses/ Gazette, shall apply house shall, within 3 months from the publication ofthese rules in the o{Iicial totheregisteringaurhority,intheprescribedformfortheregistrationoftheEatingHouse Lodging/boardinghouse,etcinaccordancewiththeprovisionsofthisRules.onthefailureto proprietor of submit such application for the registration, under these rules, within 3 months, the theconcernedEatinghouse/Lodging/boardinghousesha||beundertheliabilitytomakethe Eating House paymenr of the penalty of Rs 200 per Day, for the delay cause in registering the under the provisions oftheso Rules. The said delay shall be condoned for the maximum period be liable for of 2 months, beyond which, the failure to, submit the Registration application, shall, the action ofclosure ofthe said Eating House by whatsoever name called' 5. house Registrrtion: - An application for the Registration ofthe Eating House/ Lodging/boarding house in the office be submitted by the Proprietor of the Eating House / Lodging/boarding shall of The Registration Officer in the prescribed form along with all the necessary required documents in DuPlicate. i) On the submission of such application for Registration ' the Registering Authority shall scrutinizethedocumentsattachedbytheapplicant,andshallconductsuchnecessaryenquiry ashemaydeemfit,andthereuponiftheRegisteringAuthorityshallifhedeemsfit,issue house in the the Registration certificate for the Eating House and the Lodgingiboarding Prescribed Form. ii)IftheRegisteringAuthorityRefusesandrejectstheApplication,heshallcommunicatetothe applicant the reasons thereof. ofRegistration iii) Ifthe Registering Authority grants Registration certificate than such certificate on 3l st December ofthe shall be vatid for the a year beginning form I st January and ending registering authority ' current year , Subject to further renewal , on year to year basis by the unless the same is cancelled or revoked by the Registering Aulhority' 6] The Registration Fee to be prid by the applicrnt: - Every certificate ofRegisration in respect of an Eating House at the District shall be as under a. Eating HousdRestaurant Having Sitting Capacity of Rs 550 of Rs I 100 of Rs. 2200^ 0-10 Persons:b. Eating House/Restauranl Having Sitting Capacity I l-25Persons c. Eating Housey'Restaurant Having Sitting Capacity 26-50 Persons d. Eating House/ Restaurant Having Sitting Capacity of Rs-4400i- 5l-100 Persons e. Eating House/Restaurant Having Sitting Capacity of Rs 100001 / Rs 5000/- Above Hundred Persons f. For Roti Kendras /juice centers/cold drink centers Raswanties /Bhojnalaya /Juices Ice cream parlours / snacks centers / /Sweet marts,Namkins / / Bakery products residential Mess/ Hotel/ Dhaba /Pav bhaji centers / Farsan Man and Coffee homes 7l tf the certificate is lost or destroyed ,the registering authority may on an application to him and on payment of a fee of Rs 500/- and such Enquiry as he may think A fit issue a duplicate copy of the certificate lost or destroyed as the case maybe 8l Every registering authority shall maintain a register in respect of the c€rtificale of Registration issued and renewed by him from time to time 9l lfthe Applicant has applied for the Registration ofthe Eating House/ Lodging/boarding house, and if it is a partnership firm ,then the Applicant shall be required to submit the registered partnership deed and a registration certificate {Register of Companies I along with other documenl which is already mentioned in clause herein after, I0l The Applicant shall submit the following documents along with the Registration Applicationr [A] Prescribed Application form [B] Shop Act License coPy [C] Food and drug License coPY [D] 7/12 Extract OR ProPerty card copy IE] Municipality /Planning Authority's NOC [G] Building Permission before construction [H] Building completion certifi cate [J] Commercial NA order [K] Photographs ofthe proposed site and also regarding parking space and other arrangements [L] Owner permission /consent deed, if the premises is rented [M] National Highway Authority's N O C [subject to location] [N] NOC of District Health officer Zilla Parishad Police Station and [O] police Verification Report to b€ submitted through the concemed the SuPerintendent of police, Aurangabad. [P] Undertaking in the pr€scribed form. n I l] A renewal license fee to be paid by the applicant every year shall be as follows Al Hotels /Restaurants /canteens /Bhojnalaya Bl Eating House with Ba$ permit rooms etc. etc RS 2500 RS' 2500 Cl Delayed renewal of Liccnse Eating House Aurangbad District up to 3 month form the ofdue date ofrenewal oflicense Till maximum 3 further months: - Rs. 200 /Ivtonth Dl Change of location E] Inclusion ofname of Partner in the Rs 1000 License Rs 1000 of partners] {For more than one parher Rs 1500 shall be charges for every addition l2l This Rules shall be applicable to all the canteens at all the Railway canteens ST Stand Canteen Cinema Theatre also l3l The normal timings between which between 5 Am finished till till I I Pm. lf the restaurant, Eating House, etc shall be kept open shall be for the reasons that the eatables served to ay customer could not be I1.00 pm, then the time for closure ofthe said eating house shall be extended up to further 15 minutes. Thereafter if any eating house, is reported to be kept open then necessary penal action shall be taken against the concemed eating house and its proprietor in accordance with the provision of the Bombay Police Act, in addition to the fine which shall imposed by the Registering Authority, which shall not be more than Rs. 5,000L. 141 Reglstration of Lodging and Boardint House- No person shall run any lodginS,/boarding house unless he obtain the necessary registration certificate for the same from the registration authority in accordance with the Rules here in framed. Any person intending to start lodging and boarding house within the territorial jurisdiction the District Collector Aurangabad shall apply to the registering authority in the prescribed form for the registration of the lodging/boarding house, 151 The Applicant shall submit the following documents for the Registration of the Lodging and Boarding License (aI Prescribed application form (b) Shop Act l-icense (c) Food and Drug License (d) Eating house License in case of the lodging/boarding house attached to any eating house. lel 7h2 ExlracllPR card/Namuna no.8 copy (fl No obiection certificate form DHo /zP Aurangabad (g) Building sanctioned plan (h) No obiection Certificate from the concerned planning authority (J) Copy of Commercial N A order (K) Building completion certifi cate (l) Undertaking in the prescribed form 71 registration of the "A License fee for grant of the Registration to be paid by the applicant for seeking 161 Lodging/boarding house shall be as follows:- I Lodging House 5 Star Hotel Rs 20,000 2 Lodging House in 4 Star Hotel Rs I5,000 3 Lodging House in3 Star Hotel Rs 10,000 4 Lodging-BoardingHouses in Rs 10,000 (ln addition to the above fees, the applicant shall also deposit) 17]FeesforgrantofRegistrationtobepaidbytheapplicantshallbeasfollowsforeveryLlcensein respect of Lodging and Boarding - Rates (Rs) Particulars of Rooms Sr. No. (applicable in whole district) 1,000 1to 10 Rooms 1 Having 2 Having 11 to 25 Rooms 1,500 3 Having 25 to 50 Rooms 2,000 4 Having 51 to 100 Rooms 3,000 5 Having more than 100 Rooms 5,000 181 Renewal every year shall be as follows' of License- A renewat license fee to be paid by the applicant A) I Lodging House in 5 Star Hotel Rs 5,000 2 Lodging House in 4 Star Hotel Rs 4,000 J Lodging House in3 Star Hotel Rs 3,000 4 Lodging-Boarding Houses Rs 2,000 1,2 B) Rates (Rs) Particula.s of Rooms Sr. No. (applicable in whole district) 191 Oelay Having 1 to 10 Rooms 1,000 Having 11to 25 Rooms 1,500 Having 25 to 50 Rooms 2,000 Having 51 to 10O Rooms 3,000 Having more than 100 Rooms 5,000 in Renewal of ucense up to 1year - A fee to be paid by the applicant shall be as follows for License in respect of l-odging and BroodinB Provided that a fee of Rs. 250 per month shall be charged form the date of expiry of License, if there is delay up to 1 year in making application for renewal. lf there is delay beyond up to L year in making apptication the license shall be treated as cancelled, in such cases before cancellation of license revenue fine will be recovered from applicant in any case, if licensing authentic want to continue renewal of License Renewal charSes in extra, which was mentioned in rule 11. copy 2Ol Duplicate copy of Licensee Rs 5OO Shall be paid by the applicant for obtaining the Duplicate of the Certificate of Lodging and Boarding House 211 The Necessary enquiry shall be made by the ReSistering Authority as he deems fit , in respect of the Application submitted by the Proprietor for the Registration of the todging /Boarding House Either by Himself or through any officer authorized by him and thereafter take appropriate decision on merits regarding the Grant or Refusal ofthe ticense/ ReBistration Certificate for the Lodging /Boarding House 221 lf at any point of time it apPears to the Registering Authority, that the Prop' Of Lodging activities, which is /Eoarding House is indulged in any kind of illegal, unauthorized, immoral, detrimental to the public Peace, and safety, and is a threat to the I internal security of the state, thentheResisteringauthority,afterconductingthenecessaryenquiry,inthisregard,shallpass such orders regarding the cancellation of the certificate of Registration of such Lodging down' /Boarding House, and shall cause the said Lodging /Boarding House to be shut 13 231 Applicants shall submit the following documents for the purpose of the renewal of the registration of the Lodging and Boarding House (a) Renewal Fees paid by Challan in SBI' (b) No ob.iection certificate of DHO ZP {C) No Objection Certificate of B and C Department (d) lnsurance of Place where License is granted 24]lnsuchcasesLicenseshallbeSrantedandthevalidforthemonthofDecemberofthe subs€quent Year. 251 and the That every registration certificate issued under this rules in respect of the Eating House LodginSandBoardingHouseshallbeinheritableinaccordancewiththeprevailinSlawandthe Personal Law of Succession apPlicable to the registration certificate holder' 26]Thescheduleheretoappendedtobetheofficertowhomanappea|shalllieagainstanyorder Lodging/boarding refusing to grant or renew any certificate of Registration for any Eating House/ house made under any rules or orders for authority mentioned of the said schedule functioning within thejurisdiction ofthe officer within 30 days from refusing Schedule Sr Registering AuthoritY no oficer to whom an Appeal shall be placed District Magistrate & Additional District Magistrate I Divisional Commissioner Aurangabad Aurangabad Provided that an appeal can be filed after the Expiry ofthe period of thirty days ' ifthe applicant satisfiestheappellateauthority,thattherewassufficientcause,whichhadpleventedhimtofile the appeal within the prescribed period. 27]RepealandSavings:.Theruleswhichwereinforcerelatingtothesubjectmatteroftheserules, prior to the coming into existence ofthese rules stand repealed' Aurangabad Darc:a 3lollZrts (Vikra Distric t M a g{-strate Au ra n ga bad 1,4
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