ATTENTION Recycling Change for Monthly Trash Day Notes from

Aurelius News
Volume 17, Issue 1
April 2015
Notes from the Treasurer
We start another tax season in July.
A Special Election will be held on May 5, 2015 to
vote on Proposal 15-1: A proposal to amend the
State Constitution to increase the sales/use tax from
6% to 7% to replace and supplement reduced revenue to the School Aid Fund and local units of government caused by the elimination of the sales/use
tax on gasoline and diesel fuel for vehicles operating
on public roads, and to give effect to laws that provide additional money for roads and other transportation purposes by increasing the gas tax and vehicle
registration fees.
Please write your tax check for the exact amount.
The check will be returned if the amount is incorrect.
Please double check the written and the numerical
amount to make sure they agree.
We do not accept debit or
credit cards for tax payment.
Postmarks will not be accepted. Allow plenty of time
to make the September 14, 2015 deadline.
Just a reminder…. if you still owe 2014 Summer
and/or Winter property taxes, payments need to be
made to the Ingham County Treasurer’s Office
located at the Ingham County Courthouse in Mason.
The telephone number for the
Ingham County Treasurer is 517-676-7220.
The Ingham County Treasurer has Delinquent
Property Tax Payment Options available on their
website at
To be eligible for voting Absentee:
 You must be 60 years of age or older.
 You expect to be absent from the community in
which you are registered for the entire time the
polls are open.
 You are physically unable to attend the polls
without the assistance of another.
 You cannot attend the polls because of the tenets
of your religion.
 You have been appointed an election precinct
inspector in a precinct other than the precinct
where you reside.
 You cannot attend the polls because you are confined to jail awaiting arraignment or trial.
Recycling Change for Monthly
Trash Day
For the benefit and convenience of our residents, Granger
is changing the recycling containers to a mix called “Single
To obtain Absentee Ballots or to see if you are registered, call your local Township Clerk, Tracy Ayres,
at (517) 628-2093, or stop by the Aurelius Township
Hall or log on to the state website at
All items accepted are as follows:
 Mixed Paper
 Boxboard/Cardboard (flattened)
 Tin Cans & Aluminum
 Plastic Bottles & Jugs
Monthly trash day is every 3rd Saturday from 8 am -11 am
See article on page 6 for more information.
Aurelius Township
Ingham County Plat Books
911 Emergency
Address Signs
The 911 reflective address signs come
in two styles: Regular $15 and High
Intensity $20. You can also choose
Vertical or Horizontal.
Web address:
Telephone: (800) 526-7077
New 2014 Ingham County Plat Books
are here! They are published by the
Ingham County Equalization/Tax
Mapping and are available at the
township office for $10
Aurelius Township
purchases American made
flags and standards to
mark the veteran’s graves
in our cemeteries.
Columbia Lakes Residents
Aurelius Township has adopted the Recreational Burning Permit requirements
from the City of Mason.
The requirements will be enforced by the
Mason Fire Department. A permit form
can be obtained from the City of Mason
This permit must be renewed and inspected yearly. A fee of $25 is required.
Cemetery Regulations
Artificial arrangements, wreaths and
statues may be placed during the winter
November 1 to March 31.
These types of decorations remaining
after March 31 will be removed and
disposed of by cemetery personnel.
Peddlers, Solicitors,
Transient Merchant and Vending
Regulation Ordinance
Please be mindful of the dog leash
rule in our Township Parks.
We have had complaints of owners
not keeping their dogs on leashes.
Solicitors and Peddlers are required to
obtain a license to solicit or vend within
the Township of Aurelius. Required by
Ordinance No. 39.10. Applications can be
obtained at the township office.
The township is continuing to take
pictures of homes in the township
for the parcel
assessment file. If you have any
questions, please contact the
office at 628-2093.
If you prefer to receive this newsletter
as an e-newsletter, please email the
Township Offices at
and we’ll take care of it.
April 2015
Fire Department Information
Fire Department and Burning Permit
Information for
all Aurelius Township Residents
Mason Fire (non-emergency) ….………..244-9025
Burning Permits…..……………………..676-9155
Mason Fire Department is covering all of Aurelius
Burning Permit Regulations in
Aurelius Township
Hours of burning will be from sunrise to sunset.
There will be absolutely NO BURNING ALLOWED AFTER DARK.
All fires must be supervised by an adult, 18 years or
older at all times.
The burning of building or construction materials, petroleum products, plastics, rubber product,
chemicals, asphalt, treated or painted wood products
or any other hazardous or noxious material shall not
be permitted.
Burning is not allowed in extremely dry conditions
or if winds are greater than 10 mph. You should
not burn when the wind is in such a direction that
smoke will be an annoyance to your neighbors.
Your permit may be revoked at any time if environmental conditions for burning are not favorable.
Unsupervised and unauthorized fires will be extinguished, and you will be billed for the fire run.
You do not need a permit for burning in trash barrels. However, law requires that you have a 1/2 inch
mesh cover on your barrel at the time of burning.
You do not need a permit to burn brush if there is
snow on the ground. If you intend to burn a large
amount of brush however, then you should report
your burning to Mason City Hall (676-9155) so that
they may contact the 911 Center. This could save an
unnecessary response by the Fire Department to a
report of fire at your property.
Burn Permit renewals will be accepted by telephone
on regular working days, from 9am to 4:30pm
Burning permits are free to township residents. You
must renew your permit each year.
To renew a burn permit, you must speak with someone. Leaving a message at the City of Mason or the
Fire Department does not renew your permit. If you
leave a message and the Fire Department arrives at
your home, you may be billed for the call.
The renewal will be valid four days per renewal during the calendar year.
Recreational Fires or Campfires
There is no permit required for a recreational fire.
Recreational fires are allowed under the following
“Recreational Fires” are defined as the burning of
charcoal, seasoned firewood or other fuel approved
by the fire chief, where the fuel being burned is contained within a device or pit. Recreational fires cannot be located within 15 feet of a structure, nor within 15 feet of an existing property line. Recreational
fires shall not exceed 36 inches in diameter and the
flame height shall not exceed 24 inches from the
ground surrounding the device or pit. Recreational
fires are permitted only on property used and occupied as a single-family dwelling. Recreational fire
burning shall not take place between the hours of
12:00 midnight and 7:00 a.m. Fires must be attended at all times and extinguishing equipment must be
nearby. All burning is prohibited if the wind velocity is 10 mph or greater. If you have any questions,
please call the Township Offices at 628-2093.
Aurelius Township
Who’s Who and What’s What in Your Township
Township Officials and Boards
Township Hall Office Hours:
Tuesday thru Friday
10:00 am until 3:00 pm
Planning Commission ................. Craig Iansiti, Chairperson
Sarah Ricketts................................................. Carol Hawkins
Joe Frushour ...................................................Gary Raymond
Gary Malcangi ................................................. Larry Johnson
Ron Ried
Telephone: 517 628-2093
Facsimile: 517 628-3989
Web page:
Planning Commission Meeting Dates: 7:00 pm
Feb 17, 2015; April 21, 2015; May 19, 2015;
Sept 22, 2015; Oct 20, 2015; Nov 17, 2015;
Jan 19, 2016
Township Board
Supervisor/Assessor ................................................ Larry Silsby
Clerk ....................................................................... Tracy Ayres
Treasurer .................................................................. Debra Groh
Trustee ................................................................ Bryan Droscha
Trustee ................................................................ Gary Malcangi
Support Staff
Deputy Clerk ..................................................... Tanya Brodberg
Deputy Treasurer................................................ Margaret Edgar
Secretary ............................................................ Jeanie Droscha
Township Board Meetings: 7:00 pm at Township
Hall 2nd Tuesday of each month
Services Offered
Police Protection: Provided by the Ingham County
Sheriff’s Department:
Non-Emergencies Call: 517 676-2431
Fire Service: Provided by the City of Mason
Non-Emergencies Call: 244-9025
Burning Permits Call: 676-9155
Site Inspector .............................................................. Ed Bedell
Zoning Administrator .............................................. Larry Silsby
Deputy Zoning Administrator ................................. Craig Iansiti
Building Inspector ........................ Randy Mastin / Milan Rakich
Electrical Inspector..................................................Jeff Fosburg
Mechanical Inspector ................................................ Dan Plyler
Plumbing Inspector ................................................. Rex Simons
Head Librarian ................................................ Jennifer DeGroat
Ass’t Librarian .............................................. Charlotte Krajniak
Notary Public: Call the Township Office at 517 628-2093.
Board of Review ......................... Richard Cheney, Chairperson
............................................................................ Terry Blauvelt
........................................................................... Robert LaMere
Refuse/Trash Pick-up: 3rd Saturday of each month from
8:00 am to 11:00 am at the township hall. Rates are determined by the hauler.
Meeting Times and Dates to be determined
Recycling: Available the 3rd Saturday of each month from
8:00 am to 11:00 am at the township hall. Free to residents.
Board of Appeals ........................... Brian Hankey, Chairperson
...............................................................................Anne Daman
............................................................................ Bryan Droscha
................................................................................ Craig Iansiti
....................................................................... Kathleen Johnson
Meeting Times and Dates to be determined
Cemetery Plots: May be purchased through the township
Burning Permits: Available through Mason fire department.
Please call: Mason City Hall 676-9155
Fax and Copying Services: You may have copies made or
faxes sent during township office hours for a small fee.
Parks: Columbia Creek Park is located on Curtice Road between Gale and Waverly Roads. The Glenna Droscha Park is
adjacent to the Township Hall.
Aurelius Township Hall: Available for rent to residents of
the township for personal use at a charge of $75/day.
April 2015
Items Accepted:
Electronics, Household Batteries, Books, Clothing and shoes (usable condition), CD’s and DVD’s, Holiday Lights, Unwanted Medicine, Appliances/Scrap Metal, Bicycles, Dehumidifiers, Room Air Conditioners, #1-#7 Plastics, Glass Jars/
Bottles, and Containers (including green glass), Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs, Mercury Thermo-stats (leave intact),
Mercury Thermometers (place in ziplock bag), Polystyrene Foam (no packing peanuts), Eyeglasses/Hearing Aids, Fabrics/Yarn (1/4 skein or larger only, please no scraps)
For More Information Contact:
Fluorescent Bulb Recycling
For a fee they can be recycled at:
665 Hull Rd, Mason
Hazardous Waste
Free Collections ONLY for the residents of
Ingham County
5303 S. Cedar, Lansing
Collection Schedule
May through the end of September
Every Thursday 2-6 pm
Hotline # for more information: 517-887-4312
Website: (look under Health Department
Car Tire Recycling Sites
Check with your local car tire dealer.
Flyers at Township Hall for:
(Styrofoam is a Dow brand name)
Recycle: polystyrene food containers can be
recycled at:
Dart Container
500 Hogsback Rd, Mason
(south side of Howell Rd., east of Cedar St.)
24 hours a day / 7 days a week
Waste Oil, Antifreeze, & Car Batteries
Computer Recycling
Appliance Recycling
Cork Recycling
Television Recycling
Recycle/Disposal of Construction Material
Aurelius Township
Friends of Aurelius Library
Support Summer Reading
Friends of Aurelius Library held a Euchre Party, Saturday,
March 7. Many people enjoyed playing euchre and we
raised nearly $300 for our treasury which will in turn support the Aurelius Library. Our next euchre night will be
Saturday, November 7.
Make going to the library at least a bi-monthly event. As
spring arrives, add playing on the playground to your outing.
Aurelius Friends will be having a fund raiser dinner with
the help of A&W restaurant in Mason, in September.
Please join us for a ham dinner with part of the proceeds
going to Friends of Aurelius Library.
Many of the funds go to support summer reading at Aurelius Library. Be sure your children continue this fun way
to keep up their reading skills when school is out. The
library also has weekly fun programs during summer. Our
library staff does an excellent job providing programs and
can help with any research you may be doing.
Ask a librarian how you can join the Friends of Aurelius
Library and help us raise funds for extras. Thank you to
all of you who have been so supportive in the past.
See you at the library.
My grandchildren love going to the library and participating in the crafts they have there and check out many books
to read.
Eileen Droscha, Friends of Aurelius Library
Annual Township-Wide
Clean-Up Day Is September 19
RECYCLE MORE at the Aurelius
Township Recycling Drop-off
The free township-wide clean-up day is happening
again! Last September was such a huge success that we
are planning another one September 19, 2015. Granger
Container will bring several dumpsters, a compactor
truck and recycling truck to the parking lot at the Aurelius Township Hall for residents to fill. This would be a
great time to clean up that junk lying around and dispose
of it. Automobile tires ONLY will be accepted. Tire
rims will NOT be accepted.
Hours will be from 8:00 am -12:00 noon.
Now it’s even easier to RECYCLE MORE! You no longer have to sort your recycling before bringing it to the
recycling drop off. All materials can be collected and put
in the container together.
This type of recycling is what is referred to as singlestream or comingled recycling. With single-stream recycling, all materials are collected and baled together before being shipped to a single-stream facility where it is
sorted using specialized equipment.
This Clean-up day is for Aurelius Township
Residents Only!
The recycling drop-off, which is located at Aurelius
Township Hall at 1939 S. Aurelius Rd. in Mason, is open
to all township residents. Recycling is available the third
Saturday of the month from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Accepted items include tin cans and aluminum cans/
trays, mixed residential paper, mixed plastic bottles and
tubs (#1 through #7), corrugated cardboard, boxboard
and brown paper bags.
For information about the recycling drop off, contact Aurelius Township at 517-628-2093.
For other recycling-related questions, contact Granger at
April 2015
Join Us For Some Free Programs!
We are working hard to bring free, high-quality programs for education and entertainment to the Aurelius
Library. We would love to have you join us for one or
more of these great events! For more information, call
the Aurelius Library at (517) 628-3743 or check out our
We’ll be hosting special programs and performers on
Wednesday mornings at 10:30 am, like Ming the Magician, animals from the John Ball Zoo, and Cirque
Amongus. We’ll also be showing movies on Thursday
afternoons at 2 pm. You won’t want to miss out!
Storytime: Bring your little ones for engaging stories,
songs and activities on Wednesday mornings at 10:30
For Children and Families:
Lego Club: Thanks to a very generous donation from
Lego (thousands of pieces!), we now have a Lego club
meeting once a month. Ages 4 and up are welcome to
join us for an awesome time of building. The next club
meeting is Monday, April 6 from 5-6 pm.
For Adults:
Computer Classes: We offer a different topic each
month. Our next class, Email Basics, will be held on
Tuesday, April 21 at 5 pm.
Spring Break Week: We have lots of entertainment for
you if you are staying in town for the week. We will run
a movie at 2 pm daily Monday, April 6 through Friday,
April 10. We’ll have make-it, take-it crafts during our
open hours Saturday, April 4 through Saturday, April 11.
We’ll also have an ice cream sundae social on Wednesday, April 8 from 5-6:30 pm.
Book Discussion: Our group meets every month for a
lively discussion about books we’ve read. Join us for
the next discussion on Monday, April 27 at 5:30 when
we discuss You Should Have Known by Jean Hanff Korelitz.
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly in Your Garden:
Join us on Wednesday, May 6 at 6 pm to learn how to
manage common pests and disease problems in your
vegetable garden, plus identify many insects that are
Summer Reading: Summer is right around the corner!
You won’t want to miss out on our summer reading program, which will run this year from June 6 through August 8. We will once again offer our traditional reading
for prizes program for all ages, birth-adult.
1939 South Aurelius Road
Mason, MI 48854-9729
Aurelius Township News
Township Meeting is the 2nd
Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at the
Town Hall.
We encourage you to attend.
Government Web Pages, email addresses, and telephone numbers
Contact by email
United States Senator
United States Senator
United States Representative
Michigan State Senator
Michigan State Representative
Ingham County Commissioner
Aurelius Township Library
Gary Peters (D)
Debbie Stabenow (D)
Mike Bishop (R)
Curtis Hertel (D)
Tom Cochran (D)
Randy Maiville (R)
Jennifer DeGroat
Web Page
Aurelius Township email
Aurelius Township
US Senate
US House of Representatives
Michigan Government
Ingham County
Capital Area District Library
202 224-6221
202 224-4822
202 225-4872
517 373-1734
517 373-0587
517 676-7200
517 628-3743