Te erms s and Co ondiition ns 1. General Orders s are accepted subje ect to the following terms t and conditions and the placing oof an order with w Sika Australia Ptty Limited (Companyy) is deemed to be ac cceptance of these teerms and co onditions by the partyy purchasing the goo ods (customer). No variation or modificaation of, or substitution s for, these e terms and condition ns will be binding un nless expressly acceppted by an authorised a officer of tthe Company in writing. 2. Quotations and Price List mpany price list are not an offer by the Company to supplyy the Quotattions and/or the Com goods referred to in such quotations or price lists, and no order placed p in response to a quotation or price list will b be binding unless acccepted by the Comp pany in writing. All ssuch any are subject to availability a of the nec cessary materials annd to acceptances by the Compa the Co ompany being able to o obtain any necesssary authorisation and/or licences and too the same remaining r valid. 3. Prices and Terms o of Payment a) All prices given in quotations are provisiional only until the order o has been acceppted by the Company. Prices a are based upon the prices and costs off materials, labour, ffuel, ort and overhead exp penses current at the e date of the quotatio on and may be variedd by transpo the Co ompany at any time e either before or afterr acceptance of the order o to correspond with any va ariation in such price es or costs which may m occur at any time before delivery off the order to the customer is co ompleted. All prices shown in price lists are subject to alteraation withoutt notice. b) Unless otherwise sstated in the Compa any’s quotations or price p lists current att the time off the Company’s accceptance of an orderr, prices quoted are strictly s net. All goodds or service es delivered to the cu ustomer by the supplier in any calendar month m must be paid foor in full in Australian A dollars byy the customer on or before the Supplier’s last trading day inn the month following in which the goods or services were delivered or pro ovided (“the Due Datte”). c) To secure paymentt of all monies which are or may become e payable by the sup plier Customer (or where the Customer is co omprised of two or m more under this agreement the C person ns then each person jjointly and severally)) hereby charges with the due payment oof all of thos se monies all of the Customer’s intere est in real property wherever located bboth presen nt and future and the e Customer consentss.to the Supplier lodg ging a caveat or caveeats over su uch property to prote ect its interest. 4. Goods and Service es Tax a) In this clause: “GST” means GST a as defined in A New w Tax System (Goods and Services Tax)) Act i) a amended (“GST T Act”) or any replacement or other relevant r legislation and 1999 as regulattions; ii) words used in this clause which have a particular meanin ng in the “GST law” (as d in the GST Act, a and also including an ny applicable legisla ative determinations and defined Australian Taxation Office e public rulings) havve the same meaning, unless the conntext wise requires; otherw iii) any reference to GS ST payable by a parrty includes any corre esponding GST paya yable by the representative memb ber of any GST group of which that party is a member; and iv) if the GST law trea ats part of a supplyy as a separate sup pply for the purposee of mining whether GST Is payable on thatt part of the supply y or for the purposee of determ determ mining the tax period to which that part of o the supply is attrib butable, such part off the supply is to be treated as a separate supply. b) Unless GST is expre essly included, the consideration c express sed to be payable unnder her clause of these terms and conditionss for any supply made e under or in connecction any oth with these terms and conditions (including the price at which the goods are sold) doess not e GST. include To the extent that a c) any supply made un nder or in connectio on with these terms and ons (including the ssupply of the goodss) is a taxable supply, the GST excluusive conditio conside eration otherwise pa ayable for that supp ply is increased by an a amount equal to that conside eration multiplied by the rate at which GS ST is imposed in resp pect of the supply, annd is payable at the same time. d) Each party agrees to do all things, including i providing tax invoices and oother documentation, that may b be necessary or dessirable to enable or assist a the other partty to claim any a input tax credit, adjustment or refun nd in relation to any amount of GST pai d or payable in respect of anyy supply made und der or in connection n with these terms and conditio ons. e) If a payment to a p party under these terrms and conditions is a payment by waay of reimbu ursement or indemnitty and is calculated by b reference to the GST G inclusive amounnt of a loss, cost or expense incurred by that partyy, then the payment is to be reduced byy the amoun nt of any input tax cre edit to which that pa arty is entitled in resp pect of that loss, cosst or expens se before any adjustm ment is made for GST pursuant to paragrraph c). 5. witth the goods as undisclosed agent of thee Company and any moneys received as a result of such s dealings will be e held by the customeer for the benefit of th he Company. In the event tha at the customer does s so deal with the gooods but does not obtain o payment there efor then the e customer must, at the Company’s requuest, assign to the Company C any debt owing o to the e customer in relation to such dealing annd the customer here eby irrevocably appo oints the Co ompany as its attorne ey with all powers pe permitted by law for the t purpose of effeccting any suc ch assignment and to effect a recovery oof any such debt in the name of the custo omer for the e benefit of the Company. If the custom mer uses the goods in a manufacturing or o similar pro ocess and sells the re esulting product the ccustomer holds that part of the proceedss of such salle relating to goods sold s to the customer by the Company on trust for the Compan ny. That part of the proceeds held h on trust, for thiis purpose alone, is s deemed to be the amount ow wing to the Company at the time of receippt by the customer off the proceeds. In th he event tha at the customer fails to pay for the goodss as provided in thes se terms and conditions, the Co ompany will be entitle ed without prior noticce to enter upon the customer’s premises at any tim me and retake poss session of the gooods. The provisions s of this clause wiill apply nottwithstanding any su ubsequent or other aagreement between the parties under which w the Co ompany or a related body b corporate givess the customer credit. The Company may com mmence legal actionn against the custom mer if the goods are not paid forr, notwithstanding tha at property in the gooods has not passed. 6. Exclusion of Warranties a) The only conditions and warranties w which are binding on n the Company in re espect of the e state, quality or co ondition of the goodss or services supplie ed by it to the custo omer are tho ose imposed and req quired to be binding bby law (including the e Trade Practices Acct, 1974) and d to the extent perm mitted by law the liaability, if any, of the e Company arising from f the bre each of such conditions or warranties w will, at the Company y’s option, be limited d to and com mpletely discharged by: i) In the case of goods, either the reeplacement or the repair by the Companyy of thegoods supplied to t the customer; and ii) in the case of services, either the ssupplying of the serv vices again or pa aying to es supplied again, annd otherwise all othe er conditions and wa arranties have the service whether express sed or implied by law w in respect of the state, quality or condition of the said goods which may apart froom this clause be binding on the Comp pany are hereby expressly y excluded and negaatived. b) Except to the ex xtent provided immed ediately above the Co ompany will have no o liability (inc cluding liability in ne egligence) to any peerson for any loss or o damage conseque ential or oth herwise howsoever suffered or incurredd by any such person in relation to the e goods and d/or services and without limiting the gennerality thereof in pa articular any loss or damage con nsequential or otherw wise howsoever sufffered or incurred by any such person ca aused by or resulting directly or indirectly from anny failure, breakdow wn, defect or deficiiency of wh hatsoever nature or kind of or in the goodss and/or services. c) Any drawings, description, d weights, or dimensions submitted by the Comp pany are nd the Company will not be approximate only and intended merely ass a general guide an ble for any error or om mission therein or wiith regard thereto. liab d) No representatio on in relation to Com mpany products will be binding on the Company C unless in writing and sig gned by the Managinng Director. The Company’s obligation under suub-clause a) to repa air or replace such goods g is e) bject also to the cus stomer having compplied with all instructions given by the Company C sub con ncerning the mannerr in which such goodss should be used. f) The Company reserves r the right too change the formulae of products if re esults of res search require this. Every E reasonable preecaution is taken in the manufacture of Company C pro oducts and the compilation of information about them, but results cannot be guara anteed. Normal precautions must be takenn in handling Company chemical prod g) ducts to pro otect the skin and ey yes. On no account should Company pro oducts be taken internally or use ed otherwise than for f the purpose preescribed by the Com mpany. No liability can be acc cepted by the Comp pany in the event oof misuse. Should a mishap occur - co ontact a hos spital, the Poisons In nformation Centre or the Company. 7. Intellectual Property The Company will not be liable in respectt of any claim which h may be made aga ainst the Co ompany for infringem ment of letters patennt, registered designs or any other intellectual pro operty which may arise as a result of thee Company carrying out instructions given by the cus stomer and the customer agrees to indeemnify and keep indemnified the Compa any from and d against all or any such claims and agaainst all costs, dama ages and expenses incurred by or recovered against the Company in resspect of any such cla aims. 8. Delivery De elivery is on the terms s and conditions as inn the Company’s currrent price list. Title hstanding that risk in the goods passes to o the customer upon delivery to the custoomer Notwith or into the customer’s cusstody, whichever is earlier, title to the goods g remains with the Compa any until all moneys owing by the custom mer to the Company y have been paid in full, whethe er such moneys are iin respect of moneyss payable under a sp pecific contract or on any other account a whatsoeverr and, until such tim me, the customer must, m if required by the Compa any, store the goods in a manner which clearly c indicates that the goods are ownedd by the Company and the custo omer will in any even nt hold the goods as bailee subject to its rright to deal with the goods in the ordinary course of its business on the basis b that it is dealingg The Company reserves s the right to apply aa delivery charge dep pending on quantity of o goods d freight distance. Any A delivery dates ggiven by the Compan ny are approximate only o and and no liability can be accepted for any loss, injuury, damages or exp penses consequent upon u any delay in delivery from any a cause whatsoevver. Any such delay will not entitle the customer c to cancel c any order or to t refuse to accept deelivery at any time. The customer must inspect goods immeddiately upon delivery y and must within 7 days of ins spection give written notice to the Compaany, with particulars, of any claim that the goods are e not in accordance with w the contract. If tthe customer fails to o give that notice, the en to the exttent permitted by law w the goods will be treeated as having been n accepted by the cu ustomer. Sika Austraalia Pty. Limited ABN 12 001 3 342 329 Te erms s and Co ondiition ns 9. Packing All con ntainers mentioned in n the current price lisst are standard Company sizes, free of eextra charge e and non-returnable.. Special packaging is charged extra. 10. Shortage, Damage or Loss in Transit The Co ompany will not be lia able for shortage, losss or damage to goo ods or materials in traansit in Austtralia or elsewhere u unless written notice is given to the Comp pany in accordance with the terrms and conditions of the insurance cover c effected in re espect of the particcular consignment, and in the ab bsence of any such in nsurance cover requirements: a) All, shortages and d damage must be re eported to the carriers and the Companny in writing within 3 days of rece eipt of goods. b) In the case of loss,, must be reported to the carriers and the Company in wrriting within 14 days of the sched duled arrival date or in such other manne er as may be specifieed in the cov vering documents. No claims for any deficienccies will be considered unless the above e conditions are adheered to. 11. Sale of Goods Act The Sa ale of Goods (Vienna a Convention) Act 1986 NSW is excluded. 12. Return of Goods The Co ompany will not acce ept the return of goo ods supplied againstt orders, except by pprior written agreement, within 3 30 days from receip pt of purchase and only o if the goods arre in good and a saleable conditio on. All powdered pro oducts are non returrnable. Any such reeturn must be b freight/cartage pre epaid by the custome er. The Company reserves the right to m make a resto ocking charge for th he goods returned which w may be deducted from any cred it or refund given. 13. Resale If the customer c sells any off the goods which the e customer purchase es from the Companyy the custom mer must do so underr the trademarks or trade names registere ed by the Company, and the cus stomer must ensure tthat such goods are only sold subject to the t terms and condittions as are herein contained unlless otherwise expre essly agreed in writing g by the Company. 14. Force Majeure If the Company C is delayed in or prevented from m making delivery ow wing to an event beyyond the Company’s reasonable e control, the Company will be at liberty to cancel or suspendd the contrac ct without incurring any liability for any losss or damage resultin ng. 15. Legal Construction n These terms and condition ns are to be governe ed and interpreted according a to the law ws of S Wales and tthe Company and the customer consent and submit to the New South jurisdic ction of the Courts of New South Wales and of the Commonwealth of Australia. 16. Extent of Condition ns These terms and conditio ons supersede and prevail over generral or special termss or conditio ons imposed or soug ght to be imposed byy the customer at an ny time in relation to any order. The Company and customer have ente ered into these terms s and conditions withhout relying on any representatio on by the other. Sika Austraalia Pty. Limited ABN 12 001 3 342 329
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