MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD The Theosophical Society in Australia Level 2, 162 Goulburn Street Surry Hills NSW 2010 Australia Tel: (02) 9264 7056 Fax: (02) 9264 5857 Email: Website: UP TO TWO ITEMS MAY BE BORROWED AT A TIME FOR THIRTY DAYS: BORROWER TO PAY THE RETURN POSTAGE. PART I – DVD LIBRARY THE ADEPT TRADITION IN EUROPE – Rosicrucian, Cathar, and Contemporary Adeptic Currents Quest, 1994, 55 minutes Stephan Hoeller A Gnostic bishop discusses Gnostic adeptship from the Middle Ages onwards, including the Cathars. DVD–PAL No. 123 Also available on video No. 40 AWAKENING THE MIND – NAGARJUNA’S COMMENTARY ON BODHICITTA Dalai Lama in Australia, 2009, 4 Discs – 6 hr. 24 min. total time His Holiness the Dalai Lama (May be screened at a member’s meeting or at a public meeting.) th Public talks by the 14 Dalai Lama in Australia touching on the two aspects of the awakened mind – the twin qualities of wisdom and compassion which are necessary for anyone who aspires to be a better person and implement change in their lives. DVD-PAL No. 115 BUDDHI YOGA AND THE BHAGAVAD GITA Quest, 1983 33 minutes Dr Ravi Ravindra & Dr Renee Weber Two Leading professors of Philosophy have a discussion on the eastern concept of Buddhi (insight) and its relationship to the Theosophical principle of intuition. DVD–PAL No. 131 Also available on video No. 69 BUDDHIST MEDITATION: an interview with the Ven. Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche Sydney, 2006. Produced by The Theosophical Society in Australia, 47 minutes. Ven. Prof. Samdhong Rinpoche explores important principles regarding the practice of meditation according to the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. This interview was recorded by members of the TS in Brazil during the 2001 World Congress of the TS in Sydney. DVD No. 84 THE CHALLENGE OF RUDOLF STEINER Cupola Productions, 2012, 3 hours 25 minutes (2 Disc set) Jonathan Stedall Filmed in Europe, USA, India & UK, this documentary explores the ideas and work of Rudolf Steiner and how he has influenced education, agriculture, medicine and the arts in the contemporary world. DVD-PAL No. 138 CHILDREN WHO CLAIM TO REMEMBER PREVIOUS LIVES TS in America, 2004, 71 minutes Ian Stevenson A noted academic researcher discusses a life-time devoted to carefully researching thousands of cases of children (usually between the ages of 2 and 5) who claim to remember previous lives. DVD-PAL No. 94 1 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD th COMPASSION IN EXILE - The Story of the 14 Dalai Lama USA. 1992. Directed by Mickey Lemle. 62 minutes. © Lemle Pictures Inc. th An intimate portrait of Tenzin Gyatso, His Holiness the 14 Dalai Lama of Tibet. Inherent in the life story of this Noble Peace Prize laureate is the saga of the suffering of the Tibetan people under Chinese occupation. Warning: includes scenes of violence. DVD No. 83 DAILY LIFE AS SPIRITUAL PRACTICE **½ [NTSC] TS in America, 1997, 35 minutes Dr Ravi Ravindra This video features Dr Ravi Ravindra from Canada. With his insightful manner and gentle humour, Dr Ravindra encourages us to live each moment in a spiritual way. With frequent references to the Bhagavad Gita he explores questions such as ‘What is my Krishna?’, finding significant moments in the middle of life, our inability to respond freshly, how much we are driven by reaction, living with intensity and attending to our own gestures, movements and stance. DVD-PAL No. 95 Also available as Video No. 29 DEATH AND IMMORTALITY TS in America, 2000, 23 minutes Radha Burnier The international President of the Theosophical Society examines the truly immortal nature of the human condition and how we might access it. Does our fear of physical death and the desire for increased longevity result from illusory notions of who we really are? DVD-PAL No. 96 THE ESOTERIC NATURE OF MUSIC Quest, 1977, 47 minutes Jerry Rosser Watch, listen and explore the nature and meaning of music and sound as applied in the East and West throughout the centuries. The program includes narration and music specifically selected to demonstrate the concepts explained. DVD–PAL No. 132 Also available on video No. 70 THE ESSENCE OF THEOSOPHY Quest, 2011 (1980), 25 minutes John Algeo & Joy Mills What is Theosophy? In a discussion between two long-time members of the Theosophical Society in America, an attempt is made to answer this question. DVD-PAL No. 119 Also available on video No. 26 THE EXTENDED MIND TS in America, 2003, 56 minutes Rupert Sheldrake Can people influence others at a distance just by looking at them, even if all sensory clues are eliminated? Can animals detect people’s intentions from far away? This presentation looks at the results of experiments trying to answer these and other questions on the nature of the mind. DVD-PAL No. 97 FINDING PURPOSE IN LIFE Dalai Lama in Australia, 2008, 106 min. 2 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD His Holiness the Dalai Lama (May be screened at a member’s meeting or at a public meeting.) th A public talk by the 14 Dalai Lama to 6000 people in The Dome at Sydney Olympic Park about a range of subjects including the importance of developing compassion as a way to finding happiness and purpose in our lives. DVD-PAL No. 113 FOUNDATIONS OF THE AGELESS WISDOM TS in America, 1995, 132 minutes This course, which is in 5 parts, is presented by Ed Abdill of the American Section. Although this video accompanies a study course of the same name, it also stands well on its own as a clear and insightful exposition of the Three Fundamental Propositions of The Secret Doctrine. The five parts are: The Ultimate Real, Meaningful Motion, Sevenfold Human Nature, Progressive Evolution and The Path and the Spiritual Life. DVD-PAL No. 98 Also available as Video No. 5 FREEDOM: The Ultimate Necessity Quest, 2008 (1992), 47 minutes Emily Sellon th The 1992 Founders address, given at the 106 Annual Meeting and Summer School of the Theosophical Society in America, explores the roots of freedom from a Theosophical perspective. DVD-PAL No. 133. Also available on video No. 43 HARRY POTTER AND THE MYSTIC QUEST TS in America, 2001, 36 minutes John Algeo This entertaining program reveals metaphysical insights surrounding J.K. Rowling’s modern classic, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. DVD-PAL No. 99 THE HOLOGRAPHIC BRAIN with Karl Pribram; hosted by Dr Jeffrey Mishlove (30 min) Thinking Allowed With a better understanding of neurological functioning, says Karl Pribram, M.D., we may find the groundwork for a new approach to understanding spiritual and mystical experiences. Dr. Pribram, professor of neuropsychology at Stanford University and author of Languages of the Brain, is best known for his ‘holonomic’ theory of brain functioning. DVD No. 139 HPB AS MODERN GNOSTIC Quest, 1991, 72 minutes (2 Discs) Stephan Hoeller In this 2-part program, the speaker looks at H.P. Blavatsky’s relationship to the Western esoteric tradition in light of the Nag Hammadi Scriptures. DVD-PAL No. 124 HPB’S DIAGRAMME OF MEDITATION *** [NTSC] TS in America, 1992, 60 minutes Dr John Algeo In this lively presentation, Dr Algeo provides some background information on HPB’s diagramme of meditation, which was originally copied down by E.T. Sturdy, a student of HPB. Dr Algeo sees a close connection between the diagramme and HPB’s classic work, The Secret Doctrine. He explores some of the main concepts in the diagramme including space and time, states of consciousness, and the acquisitions and deprivations. 3 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD DVD-PAL No. 100 Also available as Video No. 27 HUSTON SMITH - A Life of Exploring Religious Frontiers TS in America, 2002, 61 minutes with Huston Smith A well-known historian of religion looks back on his life in an entertaining autobiography that examines the often surprising and unpredictable causes and consequences of a life of religious exploration. DVD-PAL No. 101 I’M DEAD! NOW WHAT? (illustrated) Dr Richard Brookes A 3-part series exploring the veracity of religious and Theosophical theories on life after death. Part I looks at some Western theories. Part II explores Eastern theories, including those of Hinduism and Buddhism. Part III examines two Theosophical theories of life after death. DVD-PAL No. 118 Also available on video No. 45 INTER-THEOSOPHICAL DIALOGUE: The Theosophical Movement, Past and Future Quest, 1994, 208 minutes (2 Discs) Since the founding of the Theosophical Society in 1875, the movement as a whole has gone through many changes, including various splits from the parent organisation. This symposium brings together leading members from the Theosophical Society, Adyar; the Theosophical Society, Pasadena; the United Lodge of Theosophists, New York; and the Temple of the People, Halcyon. DVD-PAL No. 134 Also available on videos Nos. 41 & 42 INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF THE SECRET DOCTRINE TS in America, © 1995 2 Discs Edward Abdill These DVDs provide a lively overview of the fundamental teachings in The Secret Doctrine. They can stand on their own as an introduction to the subject and would also be a very useful addition to any Secret Doctrine course run in TS centres, either at the beginning of a course or interspersed throughout as appropriate. Parts 1-4 deal with Cosmogenesis and Part 5 with Anthropogenesis. DISC 1, Parts 1-3, 79 minutes Part 1, 36 minutes introduces The Secret Doctrine and discusses the nature of the book; the use of the word ‘Secret’; the aims of the work; its subject matter; Cosmogenesis and Anthropogenesis; and its authorship. Part 2, 21 minutes includes advice from the Bowen notes on how to study The Secret Doctrine; four basic ideas which HPB recommends to keep in mind when reading it - unity, matter being alive, the whole being present in every part and the Hermetic axiom; and the root races. Part 3, 22 minutes discusses facts versus principles; the Three Fundamental Propositions with particular emphasis on such terms as be-ness, consciousness, pre-Cosmic ideation, fohat, the seven principles and maya. DVD-PAL No. 109 Also available as Video No. 55 4 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD DISC 2, Parts 4-5, 44 minutes Part 4, 22 minutes addresses some main points from HPB’s ‘Recapitulation’ - the accumulated wisdom, the one divine SUBSTANCE-PRINCIPLE, periodicity, the universe as maya; the idea that all is conscious and the guidance of everything from within outward. In addition, 5 seminal points about the esoteric philosophy are dealt with. Part 5, 22 minutes deals with Anthropogenesis, in particular the 3 new propositions which appear in this section of The Secret Doctrine: 1. the simultaneous evolution of 7 human groups on 7 portions of the globe, 2. the birth of the etheric before the physical, as its model and 3. the idea that humanity preceded every mammal (including anthropoids). DVD-PAL No. 110 Also available as Video No. 56 IS THE MEMBER’S FREEDOM IN OPPOSITION TO THE SOCIETY’S UNITY? TS in America, 1983, 26 minutes Radha Burnier The international President of the Theosophical Society looks at the purpose and objectives of the TS. DVD-PAL No. 102 LETTING GO – Perspectives on Death and Dying Quest, 2009 (1987), 29 minutes Dora Kunz and Erik Peper In this candid discussion with Dora Kunz, past President of the Theosophical Society in America and renowned clairvoyant and healer, we are taken on a Theosophical perspective of death that is without fear and can help us to prepare for what is an inevitable and natural transition of life. DVD-PAL No. 125 Also available on video No. 37 THE MAHATMAS AND THEIR LETTERS A documentary exploring the events surrounding the writing of the letters and the enduring power of the teachings on the nature of cosmos and human consciousness. It includes appearances by Ed Abdill, Joy Mills, Ianthe Hoskins and Radha Burnier. DVD-PAL No. 117 A MIND TO EMBRACE THE UNIVERSE Quest, 1991, 60 minutes Adam Warcup A long time teacher and lecturer for the Theosophical Society, England explores ideas taken from H.P. Blavatsky’s great work The Secret Doctrine having to do with the capabilities of the human mind. DVD-PAL No. 135 Also available on video No. 38 THE MYSTIC’S LABORATORY Quest, 2008 (1988), 43 minutes The mystic’s laboratory is yourself; personal transformation is the experiment. Explore the science of personal self-transformation with Professor Ravindra. A program in the Theosophy Today series. DVD-PAL No. 130 A NEW SCIENCE OF LIFE with Rupert Sheldrake; hosted by Dr Jeffrey Mishlove (30 min) Thinking Allowed Biologist Rupert Sheldrake has stimulated and even startled the scientific world by challenging mechanistic thinking in the life sciences. Dr. Sheldrake proposes a startling alternative to the idea that genetic programming is solely responsible for diversity of form, development of behaviour and 5 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD development of mind in living creatures. DVD No. 140 NURTURING HOPES On the Olcott Memorial School at Adyar DVD No. 112 THE OBJECTIVES OF THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY Quest, 1986, 25 minutes Rahda Burnier and Dora Kunz In this 25 minute program, recorded in 1986, Dora Kunz, then President of the Theosophical Society in America, interviews Radha Burnier, the International President of the Theosophical Society. The discussion centres on the meaning of the Three Objects of the Theosophical Society, and debates in particular the following questions: What is the significance of the “universal brotherhood of humanity” which is mentioned in the First Object? What are the “latent powers in humanity” mentioned in the Third Object? Finally, what are some of the most important concepts of Theosophy? DVD-PAL No. 120 Also available on video No. 64 OUR FUTURE – WHO IS RESPONSIBLE? Dalai Lama in Australia, 2009, His Holiness the Dalai Lama 4 Discs – 5 hr. 15 min. total time (May be screened at a member’s meeting or at a public meeting.) Disc 1 – Our Future, Who Is Responsible? Disc 2 – World Peace, Who Is Responsible? Discs 3&4 – Our Earth, Who Is Responsible? th Public talks by the 14 Dalai Lama in Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart discussing how responsibility for our future lies with each of us. His Holiness invites us to seek alternatives which not only achieve our own well being but which also contribute to the good of all. DVD-PAL No. 114 PHILOSOPHICAL TEACHINGS IN THE MAHATMA LETTERS Quest, 1996, 360 minutes Joy Mills In six volumes, the speaker discusses some of the essential philosophical ideals of the spiritual teachers th of H.P.Blavatsky. A presentation of the 110 Annual Meeting and Summer School of the Theosophical Society in America. DVD-PAL No. 126 – discs 1 & 2 DVD-PAL No. 127 – discs 3 & 4 DVD-PAL No. 128 – discs 5 & 6 Also available on videos 49 to 54 (6 videos in total) THE POWER OF THOUGHT IN REGENERATION TS in America, 1993, 34 minutes Dora Kunz A past president of the Theosophical Society in America and renowned clairvoyant and healer, explains how our thoughts can affect others for better or worse. DVD-PAL No. 103 THE PRESENCE OF THE PAST with Rupert Sheldrake; hosted by Dr Jeffrey Mishlove (30 min) Thinking Allowed Were there any ‘laws of the universe’ at the time of the ‘big bang’? Oxford trained biologist Rupert Sheldrake, author of The Presence of the Past, says that all laws developed as ‘habits’ over time. Thus 6 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD the universe and its laws can be seen to be continually evolving. In this view the theory of evolution can be applied to physics, chemistry and cosmology. DVD No. 141 REINCARNATION - THE UNTRUE FACT TS in America, 1988, 28 minutes John Algeo Written and directed by Steve Schweizer, this documentary gives compelling evidence suggestive of reincarnation. DVD-PAL No. 104 THE REMARKABLE LIFE OF COLONEL H. S. OLCOTT TS in America, 2007, 89 minutes Tony Lysy with Martin Pazdioch, Diana March and Mark Roemmich This program includes selected readings from Col. Olcott’s works and testimonies from those who knew him. Songs from Olcott’s time augment the program and are performed by professional tenor, Martin Pazdioch. DVD-PAL No. 105 SELF-TRANSFORMATION AND THE FUTURE OF RELIGION TS in America, 1994, 45 minutes Radha Burnier The international President of the Theosophical Society asks us to consider what fundamental purposes religion serves. How well has religion served those purposes? Or has religion often been the cause of greater strife, conflict, and suffering? The speaker suggests that religion’s greatest role is to encourage self-transformation in the individual. DVD-PAL No. 106 THE RIVER 1951, colour, 99 min. Feature film directed by Jean Renoir. “A young girl comes of age in Jean Renoir’s breathtakingly beautiful portrait of post-war India.” Documentary produced in 2008 on this feature film DVD No. 111 Also available as Video No. 81 (but without the documentary) SOME FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF THEOSOPHY Quest, 1988, 44 minutes Joy Mills This program looks at some of the key principles in the Theosophical philosophy such as unity-polarity, periodicity, and lawfulness; and how these might operate in our everyday lives. Can exploring these concepts help us in our efforts towards spiritual self-transformation? DVD-PAL No. 129 Also available on video No. 36 SOLDIERS OF PEACE – THE GOOD NEWS IS, PEACE IS BREAKING OUT, 2008, 85 min. (Not copyright free and may not be screened at a member’s meeting or at a public meeting.) An uplifting account of the current geopolitical state of the world, featuring Sir Richard Branson, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Sir Bob Geldof and others. DVD-PAL No. 116 SOULS, MORPHIC FIELDS AND THE HABITS OF NATURE Parts 1-2 TS in America, 2003, 186 minutes Rupert Sheldrake 7 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD A well-known biologist examines the classical theory that souls are the life principles of all living beings. He also relates the theory to evidence surrounding modern-day field theories. DVD-PAL No. 107 DVD-PAL No. 108 STUDIES IN PARAPSYCHOLOGY with Rupert Sheldrake (28 min) A Better World Productions, 2007 In his pioneering work, A New Science of Life, Sheldrake brought forth the idea of ‘morphogenetic fields’. Since, he has gone on to capture the global imagination with his forays into parapsychology with a prudent and conservative scientific perspective on an otherwise explosive subject. In this interview, you will learn first-hand of Sheldrake's work as he sits and talks with Mitchell Jay Rabin in his living room. DVD No. 142 THEOSOPHY – And the Future of Religion Quest, 2011 (1993), 53 minutes Radha Burnier The International President of the Theosophical Society examines the power of Theosophy to combat religious dogma and separatism in the world. In what ways might religious tradition become a greater st force for good as we move in to the 21 century. DVD-PAL No. 121 Also available on video No. 31 THE THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT AND ITS IMPORTANCE Quest, 1990, 60 minutes John Cooper In this engaging overview of the Theosophical movement as a whole, the speaker presents little-known but important biographical information on key Theosophical thinkers and the importance of their ideas to Western esoteric thought. DVD-PAL No. 122 Also available on video No. 35 THE TRANSFORMATION OF MAN J. Krishnamurti in Conversation with Dr David Bohm and Dr David Shainberg The Krishnamurti Foundation Trust Ltd. 1976 DVD No. 85 - Introduction and Conversation 1 DVD No. 86 - Conversations 2 and 3 DVD No. 87 - Conversations 4 and 5 DVD No. 88 - Conversations 6 and 7 (Note: the use of the above series by the TS in Australia has been authorized by Krishnamurti Australia Inc.) STUDIES IN PARAPSYCHOLOGY with Rupert Sheldrake (28 min) A Better World Productions, 2007 In his pioneering work, A New Science of Life, Sheldrake brought forth the idea of ‘morphogenetic fields’. Since, he has gone on to capture the global imagination with his forays into parapsychology with a prudent and conservative scientific perspective on an otherwise explosive subject. In this interview, you will learn first-hand of Sheldrake's work as he sits and talks with Mitchell Jay Rabin in his living room. DVD No. 142 THE WORLD’S PHILOSOPHIES with Huston Smith; hosted by Dr Jeffrey Mishlove (60 min) Thinking Allowed Philosopher Huston Smith points out that we confront three essential relationships with nature, with other 8 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD people, and with ourselves, and that these relationships correspond to the enduring philosophical traditions of the West, of China and of India. He also argues that human history may be divided into four philosophical epochs archaic, traditional, modern and post-modern. He is author of The World's Religions, The Primordial Tradition and Beyond the Post-Modern Mind. DVD No. 144 THE YOGA OF KNOWLEDGE, DEVOTION, AND ACTION Quest, 1996, 180 minutes (Parts 1 – 3) Radha Burnier th A presentation of the 110 Annual Meeting and Summer School of the Theosophical Society in America, discussing three aspects of Yoga practice as a means of fulfilling one’s spiritual practice. DVD–PAL No. 136 (Parts 1 & 2) DVD-PAL No. 137 (Part 3) Also available on videos Nos. 46, 47 & 48 PART II – VIDEO LIBRARY THE ADEPT TRADITION IN EUROPE: ROSICRUCIAN, CATHAR AND CONTEMPORARY ADEPTIC CURRENTS *** [NTSC] TS in America, 1994, 55 minutes Stephan Hoeller In this video Stephen Hoeller examines how the Adeptic or esoteric tradition has been maintained within the Western esoteric tradition for a long period of time, mainly in two ways: (1) open - Gnostic/Hermetic tradition/Neoplatonists/Manichaeans/Cathars/Eliphas Levi/the TS (2) secret - Templars/Masonic tradition/Rosicrucians/Martinists/Golden Dawn/Eleusinian mysteries He traces the development of these various traditions in an interesting manner and shows the TS to be part of a great and ancient stream of the Adeptic/esoteric tradition. Video No. 40 Also available on DVD No. 123 ADYAR: HOME OF THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY [PAL] ** TS in America, 1993: 59 minutes This video of our international headquarters is introduced by the International President, Mrs Radha Burnier, who also provides some commentaries throughout. Information is provided about the founding of Adyar and there are some very attractive shots of the estate itself. Various buildings are shown including the publishing house, the Olcott Memorial School and Leadbeater Chambers where members who visit Adyar usually stay. Various religious shrines on the estate are also shown as well some gatherings of TS members. A good video for members to see every so often and also those intending to travel to Adyar. Video No. 21 BEFORE THE JUNGLE GODS ** [PAL] Albert Falzon (Producer/Director), Woolloomooloo Pictures, Sydney, 1980s, 50 minutes This video takes the viewer on a journey to jungle temples, three Hindu and one Buddhist, in a district long held sacred in Sri Lanka, for the August full moon festival of Katragama. There is music and dancing. Young men perform austerities in humility to embrace God. Symbolism of the lotus, coconut, burning camphor, etc. is explained. Video No. 1 BLAVATSKY, THE LIFE AND TIMES OF HELENA PETROVNA *** [PAL] Shipman Production for the Blavatsky Trust, London, 1993, 65 minutes A revealing Drama-Documentary portrait of one of the most remarkable and fascinating women of modern times, 19th century Russian mystic and co-founder of the Theosophical Society; includes interviews with leading Theosophists and scientists. 9 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD Video No. 2 BUDDHI YOGA IN THE BHAGAVAD GITA ** [PAL] TS in America, 1983, 33 minutes Ravi Ravindra and Renee Weber discuss concepts of a classic of the world spirituality. Video No. 69 Also available on DVD No. 131 THE CHALLENGE OF LIVING IN THE WORLD AS A THEOSOPHIST *** [NTSC] TS in America, 1988, 43 minutes Helen Bee This video by Helen Bee, a TS member, author and developmental psychologist, provides a practical approach to applying theosophical teachings in everyday life. Issues covered include vegetarianism, selfsacrifice and our motives. Particular attention is given to theosophical ethics. The qualification of love, given in ‘At the Feet of the Master’, is explored in its physical, emotional and mental expressions. Video No. 59 COLOURS OF INFINITY *** [PAL] VC Media, Melbourne, 60 minutes Presented by science writer Arthur C. Clarke, this video takes the viewer on a visually exciting journey of the Mandelbrot set and fractal geometry, which is an extension of Euclidian geometry. Several scientists and mathematicians are featured, including Dr Benoit Mandelbrot and Professor Stephen Hawking. A fractal is a geometrical shape which has been called the ‘thumbprint of God’. Fractals bear a striking resemblance to themes in nature and various religious images, and are reminiscent of Jung’s collective unconscious. As they are magnified, new and similar patterns emerge repeatedly. The use of the Mandelbrot set as a technological tool and in commercial applications is also discussed. Video No. 24 COLOURS OF RAJASTHAN *** [PAL] Albert Falzon (Producer/Director), Woolloomooloo Pictures, Sydney, 1980s, 50 minutes In the early part of the video we visit the ancient city of Benares (Kasi or City of Siva) where many pilgrims gather to perform ritual bathing of purification in the holy river, the Ganges. Then we are taken to the dry north-western part of India in Rajasthan for an annual Mela or holy fair. Many isolated desert nomads gather together at the time of the full moon of Kutta. They bring their best camels, horses and cattle as well as colourful wares to exchange or sell. It is an exciting occasion for all. Video No. 3 CR (CONFLICT RESOLUTION) ESSENTIALS TRAINING VIDEO *** [PAL] The Conflict Resolution Network, Chatswood, Australia Helena Cornelius and Stuart Walker This video introduces basic Conflict Resolution skills in a high quality, viewer oriented production. It uses role plays and graphics to help explain the Win/Win Approach, Assertiveness, Active Listening, Mapping, Developing Options and Creative Response. It is suitable for private use or to help facilitate better group work. Video No. 60 DAILY LIFE AS SPIRITUAL PRACTICE **½ [NTSC] TS in America, 1997, 35 minutes Dr Ravi Ravindra This video features Dr Ravi Ravindra from Canada. With his insightful manner and gentle humour, Dr Ravindra encourages us to live each moment in a spiritual way. With frequent references to the Bhagavad Gita he explores questions such as ‘What is my Krishna?’, finding significant moments in the middle of life, our inability to respond freshly, how much we are driven by reaction, living with intensity and attending to our own gestures, movements and stance. Video No. 29 10 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD Also available as DVD-PAL No. 95 THE DALAI LAMA LIVE IN CHICAGO ** [PAL] Co-produced by the Parliament of World Religions, 45 minutes [PAL] This video is very well produced. Brief shots of His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, are followed by some Tibetan Buddhist chanting. The Dalai Lama is introduced by Daniel Gomez-Ibanez from the Parliament of World Religions. His Holiness then addresses the closing session of the Parliament of World Religions which was held in 1993. His themes include the role of different religions and the necessity for the participants to take back with them a sense of responsibility as religious practitioners. Video No. 4 DHARMA AND THE MAHATMAS **½ [PAL] TS in America, 1986, 25 minutes Radha Burnier and Joy Mills The International President of the TS, and the former National President of both the TS in America and in Australia, as well as former International Vice-President, Joy Mills, together explore the meaning of two central theosophical concepts, and their implications for our understanding of life. Video No. 65 THE ELEGANT UNIVERSE: SUPERSTRINGS, HIDDEN DIMENSIONS, AND THE QUEST FOR THE ULTIMATE THEORY [NTSC] 2003, 180 min. Hosted by Brian Greene, professor of physics and mathematics at Columbia University. Video No. 77 THE ESSENCE OF THEOSOPHY *** [NTSC] TS in America, 1980, 25 minutes Joy Mills and Dr John Algeo discuss Theosophy from three points of view: (1) the meaning of the word ‘Theosophy’, (2) the teachings of Theosophy and (3) Theosophy as a way of life. In the third part the discussion includes the implications of Theosophy in everyday living. This video presents a number of ideas and could provide a good basis for group discussion. Video No. 26 Also available on DVD No. 119 THE ESOTERIC NATURE OF MUSIC **½ [PAL] TS in America, 1977, 47 minutes By Jerry Rosser. A fascinating overview of the spiritual influence of music in many cultures and across the ages. Includes a thought-provoking comparison between classical and syncopated music. Video No. 70 Also available on DVD No. 132 FOUNDATIONS OF THE AGELESS WISDOM ** [PAL] TS in America, 1995, 132 minutes This course, which is in 5 parts, is presented by Ed Abdill of the American Section. Although this video accompanies a study course of the same name, it also stands well on its own as a clear and insightful exposition of the Three Fundamental Propositions of The Secret Doctrine. The five parts are: The Ultimate Real, Meaningful Motion, Sevenfold Human Nature, Progressive Evolution and The Path and the Spiritual Life. Video No. 5 Also available as DVD-PAL No. 98 FREEDOM: THE ULTIMATE NECESSITY *** [NTSC] TS in America, 1992, 47 minutes Emily Sellon 11 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD In this video Emily Sellon introduced a series of workshops on freedom. She takes up various issues, for example, freedom in the world today, the ideal and experience of freedom, ignorance as a barrier to freedom, freedom of the individual assessed in terms of the good of the whole, conditioning. The result is a thought-provoking 47 minutes of viewing Video No. 43. Also available on DVD No. 133 GUIDELINES FOR THE SPIRITUAL LIFE *** This series was made by the TS in New Zealand in 1993 during a seminar on this theme given by Joy Mills. Joy draws on various sources from theosophical and mythological literature to illustrate the various stages of the journey. TAPE 1: THE PILGRIM PATH: PREPARING FOR THE JOURNEY, 2 hours, 1 minute ** [PAL] Joy Mills We begin by examining the journey of our existence which we have tended to obscure. This tape includes three main features of the theosophical world-view and compares the linear physical story of our lives with the story of the mythic and symbolic realms of experience. Video No. 6 TAPE 2: WHO MAKES THE JOURNEY? THE LIGHT ON THE WAY, 1 hour 45 minutes *** [PAL] Joy Mills The video commences with an interesting practical exercise oriented towards the spiritual pilgrim. A distinction is made between being a tourist and being a pilgrim and such works as The Voice of the Silence, the Bhagavad Gita and The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett are drawn upon. A diagram is presented to illustrate a four-fold function of our consciousness and questions and discussion are included at the end. Video No. 7 TAPE 3: THE JOURNEY BEGINS: ASPECTS AND IMAGES, 2 hours 7 minutes *** [PAL] Joy Mills Various aspects of the journey are covered including who is taking the spiritual journey, what we carry around from our past and the use of metaphors as ways of understanding events. A practical exercise is given and the session is quite interactive. Video No. 8 TAPE 4: IMAGES FOR THE SPIRITUAL JOURNEY ALONG THE WAY, 1 hour 54 minutes *** [PAL] Joy Mills An in-depth and comprehensive adventure is taken into Dante’s Divine Comedy, the stages of his descent into Purgatory and his ultimate transformation as he finds Self. Video No. 9 TAPE 5: THE MOUNTAIN, 2 hours 9 minutes *** [PAL] Joy Mills Small group activities are utilised in this session which focuses on the book Mount Analogue by Rene Daumal. The book is full of rich imagery which is relevant to the spiritual path. Video No. 10 TAPE 6: A JOURNEY TO WISDOM, 46 minutes *** [PAL] Joy Mills A well-known story from classical literature is Lucius Apuleius’ The Golden Ass. Apuleius was born in Algeria and was an adherent of the Platonic school. Joy relates the journey in this story which culminates in the adventurer returning ‘home’. Video No. 11 HEART OF THE KORAN **½ [NTSC] 12 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD TS in America, 1989, 29 minutes Dr Lex Hixon Lex Hixon earned his doctorate in world religions at Columbia University and wrote a Quest book with the same title as this video. He is a practising Muslim. On this video he explores the Sufi-Islamic tradition of meditation on the Koran, the Holy book which for the Muslim is God’s revealed Word. The video provides some fascinating insights into this tradition and was taped at a mosque in New York. It includes footage of the Zikr, a Dervish ceremony. Video No. 34 The following two videos provide some wonderful insights into the life of HPB: HELENA P. BLAVATSKY: MESSIANIC MESSENGER, Part 1 *** [NTSC] TS in America, 1991, 43 minutes Vonda Urban Vonda Urban reads and comments on some very interesting passages which throw light on HPB and her work. In Part 1 she refers to ‘The Mahatma Letters’, particularly a letter on probation and chelaship explaining that HPB was the instrument who brought the Ancient Wisdom teachings into our age. She also refers to a letter from Master KH to Colonel Olcott while he was travelling by boat to Italy, addressing doubts the Colonel had about HPB and her work. Video No. 61 HELENA P. BLAVATSKY: MESSIANIC MESSENGER, Part 2 *** [NTSC] TS in America, 1991, 38 minutes Vonda Urban This video includes references to an account by Countess Wachtmeister of an evening when HPB almost died and the treachery HPB endured. There are also references to the 7 kinds of processes involved in HPB’s writings; the difficulties in the world as we move out of one cycle into a new one; head learning vs heart wisdom; the relevance of Theosophy today; and answers to several questions concerning the Mahatmas and HPB. Video No. 62 HPB’S DIAGRAMME OF MEDITATION *** [NTSC] TS in America, 1992, 60 minutes Dr John Algeo In this lively presentation, Dr Algeo provides some background information on HPB’s diagramme of meditation, which was originally copied down by E.T. Sturdy, a student of HPB. Dr Algeo sees a close connection between the diagramme and HPB’s classic work, The Secret Doctrine. He explores some of the main concepts in the diagramme including space and time, states of consciousness, and the acquisitions and deprivations. Video No. 27 Also available as DVD-PAL No. 100 A HUMAN SEARCH - The Life of Father Bede Griffiths * [PAL] MTI Films, Sydney, 1993, 59 minutes This great thinker and mystic who has done much to relate the religions of Hinduism and Christianity to one another, lived as a Benedictine monk in an Indian Christian ashram for many years. He speaks about his life and work with Andrew Harvey and John Swindells. The scenes of the simple life in South India are beautiful. Video No. 12 13 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD I’M DEAD, NOW WHAT? ** [NTSC] TS in America, 1996, 80 minutes Dr Richard Brooks This video consists of three programmes which contain lively and informative discussions by Dr Brooks on the subject of what happens after death. th Part 1 - 23 minutes: Western traditions (Shakespeare, Walt Whitman, Christianity, 19 century spiritualism, NDE reports, the materialistic view, Plato) Part 2 - 29 minutes: Eastern traditions (Chinese, Jainism, Hinduism, Buddhism) Part 3 - 28 minutes: The theosophical view of death. Two views are compared - that presented in The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett and that developed by Annie Besant and C.W. Leadbeater. The video is accompanied by a sheet of study questions and would lend itself to group study. Part 3 could stand on its own and could provide a good basis for a members meeting discussion. Video No. 45 Also available on DVD 118 INTER-THEOSOPHICAL DIALOGUE PART 1: THE THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT - PAST AND FUTURE ** [NTSC] TS in America, 1994, 90 minutes This video was made at an inter-theosophical gathering hosted at the Krotona School of Theosophy, Ojai, California. While it has not been edited, it proves interesting viewing with a range of talks by representatives from various theosophical groups: Dr John Algeo - Adyar Theosophical Society; Nandini Iyer - ULT; Carmen Small - Point Loma; Jerry Heijke-Ekins - Adyar Theosophical Society; Eleanor Shumway - Halcyon; and Alan Donant - Pasadena. Video No. 41 INTER-THEOSOPHICAL DIALOGUE PART 2: THE THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT - PAST AND FUTURE ** [NTSC] TS in America, 1994, 120 minutes This is a continuation of the inter-theosophical gathering shown on video No. 40. This video is also unedited. It includes talks by the following people: Rob McGowan - ULT; Nancy Coker - Pasadena; John Coker - Pasadena; and Dr John Algeo - Adyar Theosophical Society. After the talks the participants at the gathering divided into small groups and group leaders reported back to the main group about the results of their discussion which covered two questions: (1) where we would like to see the st theosophical movement focus in the 21 century, and (2) how we as individuals could contribute to that movement in the future. Video No. 42 Both videos are also available on one DVD No. 134 INTRODUCTION TO THE STUDY OF THE SECRET DOCTRINE *** [NTSC] TS in America, 1995 2 volumes Edward Abdill These videos provide a lively overview of the fundamental teachings in The Secret Doctrine. They can stand on their own as an introduction to the subject and would also be a very useful addition to any Secret Doctrine course run in TS centres, either at the beginning of a course or interspersed throughout as appropriate. Parts 1-4 deal with Cosmogenesis and Part 5 with Anthropogenesis. VOLUME 1, Parts 1-3, 79 minutes Part 1, 36 minutes introduces The Secret Doctrine and discusses the nature of the book; the use of the word ‘Secret’; the aims of the work; its subject matter; Cosmogenesis and Anthropogenesis; and its authorship. Part 2, 21 minutes includes advice from the Bowen notes on how to study The Secret Doctrine; four basic ideas which HPB recommends to keep in mind when reading it - unity, matter being alive, the whole being present in every part and the Hermetic axiom; and the root races. 14 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD Part 3, 22 minutes discusses facts versus principles; the Three Fundamental Propositions with particular emphasis on such terms as be-ness, consciousness, pre-Cosmic ideation, fohat, the seven principles and maya. Video No. 55 Also available as DVD-PAL No. 109 VOLUME 2, Parts 4-5, 44 minutes Part 4, 22 minutes addresses some main points from HPB’s ‘Recapitulation’ - the accumulated wisdom, the one divine SUBSTANCE-PRINCIPLE, periodicity, the universe as maya; the idea that all is conscious and the guidance of everything from within outward. In addition, 5 seminal points about the esoteric philosophy are dealt with. Part 5, 22 minutes deals with Anthropogenesis, in particular the 3 new propositions which appear in this section of The Secret Doctrine: 1. the simultaneous evolution of 7 human groups on 7 portions of the globe, 2. the birth of the etheric before the physical, as its model and 3. the idea that humanity preceded every mammal (including anthropoids). Video No. 56 Also available as DVD-PAL No. 109 JEWEL IN THE HIMALAYAS ** [PAL] Albert Falzon, Producer, Woolloomooloo Pictures, Sydney, 1980s, approx. 50 minutes We are taken to Ladakh in Kashmir (bordering Tibet) to witness Tibetan Buddhist ceremonies. This is a very colourful video and provides an interesting exposition of Buddhism. Video No. 13 JOSEPH CAMPBELL AND THE POWER OF MYTH *** [PAL] Mystic Fire Videos, Sydney, c.1988, 6 episodes World renowned authority on mythology, scholar, writer and teacher, Joseph Campbell, talks to interviewer Bill Moyers about the following themes (also published in the book of the series, "The Power of Myth"). Tape 1 - The Hero's Adventure - The Message of the Myth - The First Storytellers Video No. 14 [2 hours 52 minutes] Tape 2 - Sacrifice and Bliss - Love and the Goddess - Masks of Eternity Video No. 15 [2 hours 54 minutes] KARMA, SKANDHAS AND PERSONALITY *** [NTSC] TS in America, 1995, 39 minutes Shirley Nicholson Shirley Nicholson deals with the following issues in a relaxed style: what comes back when we reincarnate; the reincarnating ego as a state of consciousness rather than a thing; what skandhas are; the skandhas of cultures (e.g. deep racial hatreds); what does not recur in the next incarnation; negative tendencies carried from one life to another; working with skandhas; freedom from personal karma; the groups of skandhas; and realising universal consciousness. She draws on a number of sources including Blavatsky’s writings, the Mahatma Letters, Buddhism and C.W. Leadbeater. Video No. 58 KROTONA EXPERIENCE: KROTONA INSTITUTE AND SCHOOL OF THEOSOPHY 1994 ** [NTSC] TS in America, 15 minutes This video is introduced by the International President, Radha Burnier, and takes us around the 118 acre Krotona estate in Ojai, Southern California. Shots are provided of classes at the school and some of the main buildings at Krotona with their Spanish style architecture. The video features brief commentaries by 15 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD Joy Mills, Adam Warcup and Felix Layton, a former Resident Head at Krotona, as well as some other residents. Video No. 19 THE KUMBHA MELA ** [PAL] Albert Falzon, Producer, Woolloomooloo Pictures, Sydney, 1980s, approx. 50 minutes The Kumbha Mela or Kumbha fair is held for one month each four years at the holy Ganges River near the ancient and sacred city of Varanasi. Millions of pilgrims arrive. Hinduism is explained – its origins, its essence and its spirit, as well as many facets such as the caste system. We see fakirs and yogis whose aim is mastery of body in the desire to be united with the spirit. Video No. 16 LETTING GO: PERSPECTIVES ON DEATH AND DYING **½ [NTSC] TS in America, 1987, 29 minutes Dora Kunz and Erik Peper Dora Kunz was a trained clairvoyant and teacher of Therapeutic Touch. When this video was made Erik Peper was Professor of biofeedback research at San Francisco State University. In this video Dora and Dr Peper deal with subjects such as: what happens after we die, what we can do for people who are dying, the effect of grief on the departed, the necessity for grief, how we can change the quality of grief, handling bereavement, comments for the family of a dying person, forgiveness, and letting a person go. Video No. 37 Also available on DVD No. 125 THE LIFE AND TIMES OF HELENA PETROVNA BLAVATSKY *** [PAL] Shipman Productions for the Blavatsky Trust, London, 1993, 65 minutes. See remarks previously under "BLAVATSKY" Video No. 2 THE MAHATMAS AND THEIR LETTERS ** [NTSC] TS in America. Includes Ed Abdill, Joy Mills, Ianthe Hoskins and Stephan Hoeller. 1989, 44 minutes Important issues about Mahatmas are discussed such as the logical necessity for the existence of Mahatmas, HPB’s experiences with her Master and The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett, including an explanation of how the letters were written. Video No. 17 MASTER OF THE MOUNTAINS **½ [PAL] Nicholas Roerich Trust, Sydney, 1998, 55 minutes This beautifully produced video provides an overview the life and work of Nicholas Roerich who was an artist, painter, lawyer, writer, philosopher, humanitarian, scientist, cultural leader, peacemaker, educator, archaeologist and explorer. The video gives particular emphasis to his art. Some early pictures of Roerich include a commentary by Sydney TS member Michael Breen. These are followed by many of Roerich’s paintings, accompanied by inspirational music. Video No. 30 MATTER OF HEART: the extraordinary journey of C. G. Jung into the soul of man [NTSC] USA. 1985. Directed by Mark Whitney. 107 minutes. Colour. © C. G. Institute of Los Angeles. A compelling and inspiring film portrait of Carl Gustav Jung. Includes valuable archival footage and a wealth of interviews. Video No. 82 A MIND TO EMBRACE THE UNIVERSE **½ [NTSC] TS in America, 1991, 60 minutes Adam Warcup 16 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD In this interesting and thought-provoking video Adam Warcup, from England, describes the birth and development of humanity and the evolution and development of the human mind, that crucial ingredient which makes us human. Topics Adam deals with include: the meaning of mind, mind as a process rather than a thing, modes of functioning of the mind (analytical and synthetic), and the responsibilities with which mind endows us. Video No. 38 Also available on DVD No. 135 THE MYSTICS’ LABORATORY *** [NTSC] TS in America, 1988, 43 minutes William Metzger and Dr Ravi Ravindra In this video American TS member William Metzger interviews Dr Ravi Ravindra, Professor of Physics and Chair of the Department of Religion from Dalhousie University, Canada. Subjects covered include: the compatibility of the two disciplines with which Dr Ravindra works; the notion of a path or paths through which a human being can be transformed; some elements which are common to all religions; the problem of human self-centredness; the influence of science and technology on society; the possibility of social transformation compared with individual transformation; and choosing a spiritual path. Video No. 57 THE NATURE OF THE MIND (Part I and II): ROOTS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER **½ [PAL] Krishnamurti Australia, 120 minutes approximately A dialogue between J. Krishnamurti, David Bohm, Rupert Sheldrake and John Hidley. Video No. 66 THE NATURE OF THE MIND (Part III and IV): PSYCHOLOGICAL SUFFERING **½ [PAL] Krishnamurti Australia, 120 minutes approximately Continuation of the dialogue between Krishnamurti, Bohm, Sheldrake and Hidley. Video No. 67 NOTHING BUT ZOOMS - Fractals ** [PAL] Art Matrix, USA, 35 minutes This video presents an extensive series of "zooms" by enlarging computer-generated images in multiple colours. It is based on Chaos Theory, and illustrates quite a large number of images in motion. Its primary purpose is to show how images can grow from a point source, while producing new point sources at the image boundaries. There is no narration, only zooming images with background music. A beautiful and spectacular result. Video No. 18 THE OBJECTIVES OF THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY **½ [PAL] TS in America, 1983, 25 minutes Radha Burnier and Dora Kunz The International President of the TS, Radha Burnier, and the National President of the TS in America, Dora van Gelder Kunz, discuss the nature, implications and practical aspects of the three Objects of the Theosophical Society. Ideal for group discussion and participation. Video No. 64 Also available on DVD No. 120 OUR RELATIONSHIP TO THE UNIVERSE AS A WHOLE **½ [NTSC] TS in America, 1990, 43 minutes Dr Renee Weber and Dr Robert McDermott Renee Weber and Robert McDermott are both professors of philosophy. The dialogue between them on this video proceeds at a gentle pace. Topics covered include transformation, the meaning of mysticism, how the world would be if we could get inside the essence of other people and perceive the struggle of others from within, and various practical matters relating to life in the twentieth century. Video No. 39 17 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD THE PATH AND THE SPIRITUAL LIFE ** [PAL] TS in America, 1980, 28 minutes A dialogue between Dora Kunz and Renee Weber on H.P. Blavatsky’s The Golden Stairs. Video No. 68 PHILOSOPHICAL TEACHINGS IN THE MAHATMA LETTERS *** [NTSC] TS in America, 1996 Joy Mills Note: In this set of videos references are provided to the letters in the chronological edition of The Mahatma Letters to A.P. Sinnett as well as the earlier edition. The main thrust of this series is the twin paths of KARMA AND NIRVANA. VOLUME 1, Parts 1-2, 50 minutes [NTSC] ***: Part 1, 35 minutes, deals with the following topics: letters from Mahatmas before the founding of the TS in 1875; letters to Colonel Olcott and Laura Holloway; The Charter of the TS from the Mahachohan; letters from KH to C.W. Leadbeater; HPB’s notion of a Master or Adept; the time frame during which the Mahatma Letters were written; and discussion of reincarnation and manas as they relate to Mahatmas. Part 2, 15 minutes, includes: how we would recognise a Mahatma; the principles of the human being; the necessity for progress to be made in the physical body; our evolutionary task and what a Mahatma is. Video No. 49 VOLUME 2, Parts 1-2, 63 minutes [NTSC] ***: Part 1, 30 minutes, includes: an overview of the letters and comments on terminology used – how terms can vary between different disciplines, the difficulty of translating mystic terms into English and the meaning of certain terms. Part 2, 33 minutes, includes some information on the following: Anna Kingsford and the advantages of the terminology of Hermeticism; further explanations of terminology including ‘zetetic’ and ‘Akasa’; our relationship with space; the law of Karma; chaos and sound. Video No. 50 VOLUME 3, Parts 1-2, 55 minutes [NTSC] ***: Part 1, 30 minutes, includes discussion of the metaphysical foundation of the teachings in The Mahatma Letters with reference to concepts such as Svabhavat and Alaya; recommended reading of the letters from H.P. Blavatsky to A.P. Sinnett; and what happens to the principles of the human constitution after death. Part 2, 25 minutes, deals with the worlds of effects and worlds of activity; further discussion of what happens to the human being after death; the start of the road to Buddhahood and our human purpose. Video No. 51 VOLUME 4, Parts 1-2, 58 minutes [NTSC] ***: Part 1, 30 minutes, deals with the 7 Principles; the meaning of ‘Principle’; an explanation of ‘Jivatma’; and various aspects of the Skandhas. Part 2, 28 minutes, continues detailed discussion of the Skandhas as 5 aggregates and as 5 groups of attributes using Sanskrit terminology; 2 esoteric Skandhas; and the mechanism by which Karma operates. Video No. 52 VOLUME 5, Parts 1-2, 56 minutes [NTSC] ***: Part 1, 28 minutes, includes discussion of: The ‘Devachan Letter’; KH’s comments on God; the Doctrine of Karma; the Chain of Causation; and the defilements of the mind. Part 2, 28 minutes, includes: Primary Cause in the Chain of Causation; the 12 Nidanas; the chain of Interdependent Origination; time and consciousness. Video No. 53 18 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD VOLUME 6, Parts 1-2, 54 minutes [NTSC] ***: Part 1, 31 minutes, discusses: the twin path of Karma and Nirvana with emphasis on Nirvana; doing what is appropriate to the moment; our role as human beings; the value of tranquillity. Part 2, 21 minutes, includes: the importance of studying the doctrines of Karma and Nirvana in order to change consciousness; the Furies; the requirements and challenges of the Pilgrim; the purpose of the TS; the critical importance of HPB’s completion of The Secret Doctrine. Video No. 54 Also available in DVD’s No’s 126, 127 & 128 RAMAKRISHNA – A DOCUMENTARY [NTSC] 1990, 78 min. Presents aspects of the life and teachings of this great contemporary Indian sage. Includes original footage of some of his disciples plus an audio recording about the Teacher and his presence. Video No. 76 THE RIVER [NTSC] 1951, colour, 99 min. Feature film directed by Jean Renoir. “A young girl comes of age in Jean Renoir’s breathtakingly beautiful portrait of post-war India.” Video No. 81 Also available as DVD No. 111 which also has a documentary produced in 2008 on this feature film ROBERT A. F. THURMAN ON BUDDHISM – Part One: The Buddha [NTSC] 1999, 70 min. “To become a Buddha in the world, one must conceive the supreme spirit of enlightenment and accumulate massive stores of merit and knowledge for an immeasurably long time.” Video No. 78 ROBERT A. F. THURMAN ON BUDDHISM – Part Two: The Dharma [NTSC] 1999, 70 min. Professor Thurman speaks about the Four Noble Truths, the Three Wheels of Dharma, the Three Vehicles, and the metaphor of turning the Wheel of Dharma. Video No. 79 ROBERT A. F. THURMAN ON BUDDHISM – Part Three: The Sangha [NTSC] 1999, 70 min. “The Sangha is the community of those who try to live according to the Dharma. It is an alternative social world founded on enlightenment, detachment and love.” Video No. 80 SOME FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF THEOSOPHY ** [NTSC] TS in America, 1988, 44 minutes Joy Mills Joy Mills discusses what is meant by the theosophical world-view, the central message of The Secret Doctrine, philosophy, and ways of coming to wisdom. She points to a number of basic principles of Theosophy which include a Source, polarity, periodicity, lawfulness, analogy and hierarchy. From these principles she then derives and discusses a set of concepts and values. Video No. 36 Also available on DVD No. 129 THE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF THE CHAKRAS **½ [NTSC] TS in America, 1985, 34 minutes Dora Kunz and Dr Shafica Karagulla Dora Kunz was a trained clairvoyant and Dr Shafica Karagulla is a physician and neuro-psychiatrist. Dora describes the location and function of the various chakras and their connection with particular glands in 19 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD the body. Diagrammes of each chakra are provided and the two presenters discuss various aspects of chakras, including a description of what happens to chakras during illness. Video No. 33 THE THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT AND ITS IMPORTANCE **½ [NTSC] TS in America, 1990, 1 hr 10 minutes John Cooper In this talk John Cooper, Australian theosophical historian who passed away in 1998, discusses the founding of The Theosophical Society in New York, its movement to India, the work of H.P. Blavatsky and H.S. Olcott in helping revive Hinduism, Parsiism and Buddhism, and the split with W.Q. Judge who was then the International Vice-President of the Society. John speaks of various groups which have developed as offshoots of The Theosophical Society including Halcyon, Point Loma, ULT and the Anthroposophical Society. He also explores a number of different meanings of the term ‘Theosophy’. Discussion with the audience follows. Video No. 35 Also available on DVD No. 122 THEOSOPHY AND THE FUTURE OF RELIGION ** [NTSC] TS in America, 1993, 53 minutes Radha Burnier Radha Burnier, International President of The Theosophical Society, discusses the conflict between religion and the religious spirit, how religion has suppressed enquiry and encouraged fanaticism and bigotry. She deals with the importance of deep enquiry and expanding relationship, which is the direction in which the real religious spirit has proceeded. Theosophy, she says, is the heart of all religions and therefore how we study Theosophy is important – whether we become stuck with words or come to know it more deeply. Video No. 31 Also available on DVD No. 121 THEOSOPHY FOR EVERYONE *** [PAL] Blavatsky Trust, 52 minutes ‘Theosophy for Everyone’ has been made specifically to explain what Theosophy is and is not – its origins in the ageless wisdoms, and how it survived suppression and distortion to blossom anew as modern Theosophy. It discusses the ‘God’ principle, how theosophists view the Deity, the human constitution, what we are and what we have the potential to become, karma, reincarnation, Mahatmas, the nature of the soul and the evolution of the Spirit. Features various theosophical commentators. Video No. 22 THE UNITY OF MAN IN THE UNIVERSE - Parts 1 to 4 on one video [NTSC] TS in America, 1982, 78 minutes PART 1: SPACE, MOTION AND UNITY, 16 minutes. Accompanied by a study guide. This video touches on the First Fundamental Proposition contained in the Introduction to "The Secret Doctrine". Space, matter and motion are eternal and exist even during Pralaya. Video No. 25 - Part 1 PART 2: CYCLES, 22 minutes. Accompanied by a study guide. This part of the video focuses on the Second Fundamental Proposition of "The Secret Doctrine" covering the cyclicity of all things, from stars to humans, of tiny organisms and atoms. Video No. 25 - Part 2 PART 3: THE UNFOLDING OF CONSCIOUSNESS, 24 minutes. Accompanied by a study guide. The evolution of consciousness is an essential part of the Third Fundamental Proposition of "The Secret Doctrine". Man is unique in having Manas operative enough to be a bridge between the higher and lower aspects of being. Evolution is dealt with in fairly simple terms in the narration with quotes from theosophical and scientific sources. 20 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD Video No. 25 - Part 3 PART 4: POLARITY: OPPOSITES IN UNITY, 15 minutes. Accompanied by a study guide. Polarity or polarization occurs as soon as a universe comes into manifestation. This video is a discussion of the underlying unity behind the theosophical concept of polarity, which includes spirit/matter, subject/object, male/female, etc. Video No. 25 - Part 4 THE WESAK FESTIVAL ** [PAL] Albert Falzon (Producer), Woolloomooloo Pictures, Sydney, 1980s, 50 minutes approx. The Wesak Festival is the most important one for Buddhists and is celebrated at the full moon, usually in May, to commemorate the birth, enlightenment and passing of the Lord Buddha. The video shows festivities in Burma then takes us on a long trek through Tibet to sacred Mt. Kailas and the "Wesak Valley" where thousands of pilgrims gather as well as "Knowers of Humanity" on the "inner planes". Clairvoyant, C W Leadbeater has written about this event in his book "The Masters and the Path". Video No. 28 WHAT HAPPENS WHEN WE DIE *** [PAL] Blavatsky Trust, 1996, 52 minutes This is a skilfully and professionally narrated video which gives a sensitive treatment of the subject of death from a theosophical perspective. It shows death to be a change from one existence to another and not an end, within the context of reincarnation and human evolution. Processes after death and premature deaths are dealt with skilfully. Colour is added as various traditions such the Egyptian, Judaic, Christian and Hindu traditions are drawn upon as source material. Video No. 23 A WHOLLY DIFFERENT WAY OF LIVING [PAL] Dialogues between Krishnamurti and Prof. Anderson. Talks 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 13, 14, 17, 18 Videos Nos. 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 (two talks in each video) A WOMAN’S STORY: A BIOGRAPHY OF ANNIE BESANT ** [PAL] Time Watch BBC production, 1989, 45 minutes This fascinating film presents the highlights of Annie Besant’s life, with particular focus on her work as a th courageous social reformer and free-thinker in London at the end of the 19 century. Including rare footage from the Ommen Camps in Holland in the 1920's, showing Dr Besant side by side with Krishnamurti, the film also shows how she found in Theosophy the answers for her soul-stirring questions. Video No. 63 WOMEN INITIATES - DO THEY EXIST? **½ [NTSC] TS in America, 1997, 35 minutes Carol Ward The question of female Adepts has not been given great prominence in theosophical literature. Carol Ward has researched this subject and in this video explores what an Adept is with reference to The Mahatma Letters and what various theosophists have to say on the subject, including Madame Blavatsky, Annie Besant, C.W. Leadbeater and T. Subba Row. She gives examples of some especially spiritual women throughout history who might fall into the category of Adepts. Video No. 32 THE YOGA OF KNOWLEDGE, DEVOTION AND ACTION TS in America, 1996, 3 volumes Radha Burnier *** [NTSC] VOLUME 1, The Yoga of Knowledge , Parts 1 -2, 60 minutes: 21 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD Part 1: Radha Burnier introduces the subject of yoga and discusses various subjects including: the Yoga of Knowledge, Truth, and the knower and the known. Part 2: Subjects discussed include: the state of knowing, knowledge, negation of ordinary knowledge, coming to Truth, discrimination vs spiritual discernment, the stable mind and non-attachment. She draws from various sources to illustrate aspects of her theme. Video No. 46 VOLUME 2, The Yoga of Devotion, Parts 1-2, 54 minutes: Part 1: Topics discussed include types of devotion, the meaning of the ‘eternal’, the true devotee, love and the need for viveka (discrimination). References include The Bhagavad Gita and St. Paul. Part 2: Discussion includes beginning the path of Devotion, stillness, Krishna’s comments in The Bhagavad Gita on who he is, contemplation, good and evil, not being repelled by evil and non-resistance to circumstances. Video No. 47 VOLUME 3, The Yoga of Action, Parts 1-2, 44 minutes: Part 1: Various aspects of the Yoga of Action are discussed including being creative, skilful action, how to act in different situations, delight in action, action in the present, attention and action without desire for the results. Sources drawn on include St. Augustine, The Bhagavad Gita, Krishnamurti and Light on the Path. Part 2: Subjects dealt with include the repercussions of actions, learning the Yoga of Action, the value of reflection, bringing happiness into action, releasing the spiritual and some teachings of the Buddha. Video No. 48 Also available on DVDs No’s 136 & 137 PART III – CD LIBRARY AT THE HEART OF WORLD CULTURES Volumes 1-2 TS in Australia, 2007, Volume 1 31 minutes, Volume 2 40 minutes Titus Jayasekara An international lecturer and facilitator utilizes a unique method in presenting cultures that go beyond surface manifestations, revealing their depth with clarity. Volume I deals with the Far East and the SubContinent. Volume 2 deals with Africa and the Middle East. CD No. 1 THE ENDING OF TIME J. Krishnamurti in Conversation with Dr David Bohm Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, 1980 Disc 1 Conversation 1 - 79 minutes Disc 2 Conversation 2 - 79 minutes CD No. 2 (Note: the use of the above series by the TS in Australia has been authorized by Krishnamurti Australia Inc.) A DIFFERENT WAY OF LIVING and DEATH, LIFE AND LOVE ARE INDIVISIBLE J. Krishnamurti in Conversation with Dr Allan W Anderson Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, 1974 Disc 1 A Different Way of Living - 57 minutes Disc 2 Death, Life and Love are Indivisible - 58 minutes CD No. 3 (Note: the use of the above series by the TS in Australia has been authorized by Krishnamurti Australia Inc.) 22 MEDIA LIBRARY FOR MEMBERS DVD/VIDEO/CD CAN INSIGHT UNCONDITION THE MIND? J. Krishnamurti in Conversation with Dr David Bohm Krishnamurti Foundation Trust, 1980, 60 MINUTES CD No. 4 (Note: the use of the above series by the TS in Australia has been authorized by Krishnamurti Australia Inc.) MYSTICISM – BRIDGE TO NOWHERE TS in America, 2008, © 1995 Pedro Oliveira Volume 1 Disc 1 72 minutes Disc 2 55 minutes Volume 2 Disc 3 45 minutes Disc 4 39 minutes Volume 3 Disc 5 44 minutes Disc 6 41 minutes Volume 4 Disc 7 43 minutes Disc 8 43 minutes Volume 5 Disc 9 38 minutes Disc 10 43 minutes CD No. 5 PARAPSYCHOLOGY – OVERVIEW OF THE PARANORMAL TS in America, © 2000 Dr Richard Brooks Volume 1 Part 1 78 minutes Part 2 80 minutes Volume 2 Part 3 61 minutes Disc 4 80 minutes Volume 3 Part 5 78 minutes CD No. 6 PARAPSYCHOLOGY – AS A THEOSOPHIST SEES IT TS in America, 2009 © 2000, 52 minutes Dr Richard Brooks CD No. 7 THE ETHICS OF OCCULTISM TS in America, © 2005, 74 minutes Dr Richard Brooks CD No. 8 PARAPSYCHOLOGY AND THE POWERS LATENT IN US TS in America, 2009 © 1993, 69 minutes Dr Richard Brooks CD No. 9 DHAMMA THREADS Dhamma Threads, 2009, 13 hr. 10 min. total Guided meditation and talks on Generating Mindfulness, Developing Loving Kindness, and Contemplating Impermanence Ajahn Achalo with Ajahn Cha and Ajahn Anan CD MP3 No. 10 23
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