i AUSTSWIM 2015 Industry Update & Forum HELD ON 26 March 2015 Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club, West Ryde NSW AUSTSWIM 2015 Industry Update & Forum AUSTSWIM’s vision is that every Australian will be taught to swim by an AUSTSWIM Licenced Teacher, enabling them to safely enjoy aquatic environments and activities. We believe that working through a strong collaborative effort this is achievable. To accomplish this we need to engage our industry partners, including you! With a range of new programs and projects being undertaken over the past 12 months, along with a number of projects that will be rolled out over the next 12 months, the AUSTSWIM NSW Business Centre took the opportunity to invite members of the swimming and water safety industry to come together and receive an update on these projects and programs and find out how they can be involved. It was also the perfect time to update the industry on a number of changes that have been occurring at AUSTSWIM as a whole. NSW Water Safety Black Spot Fund The NSW Government through the Ministry for Police and Emergency Services pledged $8 million over 4 years with $2 million available each financial year from 2011–2012 to 2014–2015. The object of the Fund is to reduce the rate of drowning deaths in NSW. To do this the Fund will provide additional funding for water safety initiatives that focus on known Black Spots. Black Spots include: • High risk geographic location for drowning or near drowning; • High risk population group for drowning or near drowning (for example persons with a disability); or • High risk activity for drowning or near drowning (for example rock fishing) AUSTSWIM WAS FORTUNATE ENOUGH TO RECEIVE FUNDING FOR A RANGE OF PROGRAMS AND PROJECTS. Gordon Mallett Chief Executive Officer AUSTSWIM Funded by the NSW Government under the Water Safety Black Spot Fund The views expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the views of the NSW Government AUSTSWIM 2015 Industry Update & Forum 1 AUSTSWIM Update Forum Networking and information updates abounded at the Ryde Eastwood Leagues Club for AUSTSWIM’s forum in March 2015. If you missed the event or perhaps want to refresh on all the information, here’s your chance to view it all at your leisure. AUSTSWIM Happenings Collaboration Collaboration and cooperation with our NSW course providers and partner organisations continue to provide opportunities for regional and remote communities to undertake AUSTSWIM training, accreditation and licensing. The NSW organisations of Royal Life Saving Society, the Department of Education and AUSTSWIM have proved to be a successful combination in swimming and water safety education. SplashOut! ‘14 Regional and Metro aquatic professionals took advantage of the learning, networking and interaction opportunities on offer at AUSTSWIM’s 2014 SplashOut! Conferences in Wagga Wagga and Wahroonga. Check out the sessions on offer at this year’s Soak It Up events. AUSTSWIM ensures professional development is made available to AUSTSWIM Teachers in both regional and metropolitan locations. Tailored Service Training Would you like an injection of vigour, vitality, new ideas and learning for your aquatic and customer service team? Is scheduling updated training and professional development challenging? Does travel or difficulty with appropriate course calendars eat away at your team’s training opportunities? YES! YES! YES! AUSTSWIM’s tailored service is the solution for your ‘difficult to organise’ training. It’s simple – you provide the training facility and water space, discuss your ideas and needs and we’ll come to you with one of our experienced and skilled Presenters on the day and time of your choosing. A minimum of 8 people is all that’s required. We can provide AUSTSWIM Teacher training courses or Professional Development Workshops. Conditions apply for Tailored Services – give the AUSTSWIM NSW Business Centre a call to find out more on 1300 885 666 or email nsw@austswim.com.au AUSTSWIM 2015 Industry Update & Forum 2 Farewells and Welcomes With a very big thank you and our very best wishes we say a fond farewell to two of our team members as they broaden their horizons in new fields of adventure. Thank you Melissa Savage and Jacquelyn Wynd for your commitment and support at AUSTSWIM. And it’s a very big and hearty hello as we welcome our newest professionals who will assist and support our AUSTSWIM Teachers. Next time you’re on the phone or email say ‘hello’ to: • Robyn Larkham – AUSTSWIM NSW Project Officer • Elissa Rowston – AUSTSWIM NSW Customer Service Officer. AUSTSWIM Specials 15 for 15 Promotion AUSTSWIM NSW conducted a successful education and training campaign which ended in March 2015. The promotion encouraged community members to secure an opportunity to enhance and extend their knowledge and skills for an effective aquatic career pathway. Candidates booked into two AUSTSWIM courses and received 15% off their second booking. The range of courses on offer included AUSTSWIM Teacher of: • • • • • Swimming and Water Safety Infant and Preschool Aquatics Access and Inclusion Adults Towards Competitive Strokes AUSTSWIM Projects Making a Difference Working collaboratively with the NSW Ministry for Police and Emergency Services, several Water Safety Black Spot Projects, developed and implemented by AUSTSWIM, are having a positive impact in enhancing swimming and water safety education in NSW communities. AUSTSWIM Indigenous Support Teacher of Swimming and Water Safety Training 2014–2015 Bomaderry, Blue Mountains, Coffs Harbour, Crescent Head, Port Macquarie, Wollongong, Griffith, Sydney and Dubbo hosted courses specifically designed and tailored to train indigenous community members to progress to become AUSTSWIM Teachers. Local community facilities provide support and mentoring to assist our indigenous candidates to complete the workplace-based elements of the AUSTSWIM course. Once again, collaboration with community and AUSTSWIM creates a winning solution for all involved. AUSTSWIM 2015 Industry Update & Forum 3 Indigenous Swimming and Water Safety Lessons NSW Ministry for Police and Emergency Services funding has supported AUSTSWIM in securing swimming and water safety lessons for 3,000 indigenous students across NSW. Regions hosting the lessons include Bomaderry, Blue Mountains, Coffs Harbour, Crescent Head, Port Macquarie, Wollongong, Griffith, Sydney and Dubbo. Like to know how you can support the indigenous or culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD)community in your local area? Contact AUSTSWIM today on: 1300 885 666 or nsw@austswim.com.au CALD Communities – Professional Development Workshop Series A new series of professional development workshops will soon be available for AUSTSWIM Teachers. Our growing CALD communities are the focus for this series that is designed to enhance the teacher’s knowledge and understanding of water safety education essentials for members of our CALD communities. The series will be presented between May and July 2015 and offer subsidised attendance and professional education hours toward licence renewal. Interested? Email your contact details as your expression of interest to attend or host an AUSTSWIM CALD Workshop to: nsw@austswim.com.au Rip Current Awareness AUSTSWIM Teachers educate students by imparting knowledge, skill and their understanding of aquatic environments. AUSTSWIM NSW supports and assists teachers through workshops and educational resources. A series of Rip Current Awareness workshops upskilled many teachers across NSW and we are excited to announce the development and distribution of an excellent educational resource, namely The Rip Current Activity Guide. This quality resource has been provided, on a complimentary basis, to over 200 NSW centres that are AUSTSWIM Recognised. We’d love to receive your feedback on the resource; just drop us an email at nsw@austswim.com.au and let us know how you’re using the activity guide. If you’re not an AUSTSWIM Recognised Centre visit the website and do the math – there are heaps of benefits http://www.austswim.com.au/Swimcentres/SwimCentreRecognition/LevelsandBenefits.aspx AUSTSWIM 2015 Industry Update & Forum 4 All Kinds of Water Activity (AKWA) AUSTSWIM continues to diversify and extend its programs, services and career pathway options for aquatic professionals. What is it? AKWA is a program for the over 55’s led by qualified aqua instructors aged 45 years plus. With an ageing and fitter population, AUSTSWIM is innovative in promoting activity and employment for this age group. The training will be subsidised for the instructor and 12 introductory classes will be subsided for each participant – a win-win and win for the centre. More information will be flowing your way soon. If you’re over 45 years of age, from a CALD community and keen to become a WETS Instructor, then register at wets@austswim.com.au AUSTSWIM Lends a Hand The Rainbow Club provides swimming and water safety lessons to children with a disability; there are 15 clubs throughout NSW. This year AUSTSWIM supported the organisation with: • subsidised AUSTSWIM Teacher training • 2,000 subsidised lessons for families identified as experiencing hardship • equipment purchases to assist clubs in providing lessons. AUSTSWIM – A quality point of difference • Teaches water safety – a skill for life. • 30 years’ experience in training, accreditation, licensing and professional development. • The industry standard for swimming and water safety teachers, delivered and recognised both nationally and internationally. • Recognised and collaboratively working with strategic industry partners: • Royal Life Saving Australia • Surf Life Saving Australia • Australian Swimming • State, Territory and Federal Governments • The industry’s peak body for teachers of swimming and water safety. • No annual membership fee. Inclusive and comprehensive insurance – because we care what happens to teachers, the AUSTSWIM Teacher Licence includes an insurance component. If you ever volunteer, work under contract or happen to teach a family member, then this cover is invaluable. • Training – it’s true, our comprehensive courses are longer than those of some other providers and we’re proud of that! We provide our course candidate with extensive face-to-face access to AUSTSWIM experienced course Presenters who share their wealth of industry knowledge and experience; they undertake a rigorous mentoring process to prepare candidates for the workplace experience, not merely to gain the units of competency. • Standards, Best Practice and Regulations. An AUSTSWIM Licence is industry best practice. Accreditation and Licensing of the AUSTSWIM Teacher of Swimming and Water Safety is cited as industry best practice in the Guidelines for Safe Pool Operation – a resource managed by Royal Life Saving on behalf of the aquatic and water safety industry. AUSTSWIM 2015 Industry Update & Forum 5 AUSTSWIM Launches the Learning Pillars Framework AUSTSWIM Learning Pillars are a framework to ensure quality for accreditation and education. The standard is high; we are committed to implementing an effective structure and process to reduce drowning, the impact of aquatic accidents and strive for safer swimming and water safety. AUSTSWIM has developed this framework to guide, direct and support teachers in the delivery of educational programs and services. AUSTSWIM Learning Pillars K N O W L E D G E + S K I L L + U N D E R S TA N D I N G = C O M P E T E N C E KNOWLEDGE SKILL UNDERSTANDING • Aquatic information • Water safety • Personal Competence • Diversity of body shape & movement • Problem solving • Environmental conditions • Acquisition based on practice & ability • Experience • Thought & inquiry • Propulsion • Decision making • Consequence • Empowerment COMPETENCE, confidence, control, consistency AUSTSWIM Curriculum Principles AUSTSWIM Learning Pillars Problem solve and make decisions The diversity of the aquatic environment Water safety skills with swimming strokes Experience a range of body shapes, form and movement in water AUSTSWIM Activity Principles Water safety and swimming activity principles ensure consistent, quality presentation of educationally sound activities with defined theoretical and practical learning outcomes. The Activity Principles form part of a quality checklist when combined with AUSTSWIM’s learning pillars. AUSTSWIM 2015 Industry Update & Forum 6 Everyone Involved Every participant has the opportunity and is able to participate in the activity at their level of knowledge, skill and understanding. Group Participation and Supervision No-one waits for a turn. Activities are structured and presented to ensure full group participation at all times. Activities are structured and presented to ensure the teacher has full visual contact of all participants throughout the activity. Open Area Water Space Participants are provided with the opportunity to experience activity away from pool walls, lane ropes, steps and ladders (except in circumstances of specific activity requirements). Maximum Feel of Water Activity areas are varied ensuring a range of water conditions and movements are experienced, including: • • • • • turbulence current flow depth pressure and resistance. Maximum Change of Body Position Confidence and comfort in aquatic environments develops from opportunities to experience a wide range of body positions including: • balance through stillness and motion; • rotation through a range of positions from vertical to horizontal; • rotation through a range of body shapes from: – Wide – Thin – Curled – Stretched – Back, prone and side • body steering; • opportunities to develop control through unexpected motion and purposeful movement. Movement Combination Activity ensures participant’s experience a range of movement, immobility and motion transition including: • Propulsion • Buoyancy •Stillness • Breath control AUSTSWIM Training Information Update Teacher of Swimming and Water Safety Other courses Workplace Training Log – candidates complete this to verify their practical training experience. Towards Competitive Strokes Is currently being reviewed and updated There are NO set hour requirements for workplace-based training. The minimum/ maximum time is enforced by workplace supervisors in consultation with the candidate. Teacher of Adults Is currently under review and is now presented as a one day course AUSTSWIM 2015 Industry Update & Forum 7 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) AUSTSWIM offers a streamlined pathway to recognising prior learning and current competency. Check out the website for full details at: http://www.austswim.com.au/Training/RecognitionofPriorLearning/australian-teachers Did you know that RPL applications can be claimed for: • • • • Towards Competitive Strokes Infant and Preschool Aquatics Access and Inclusion Acknowledgement of international learning and/or other training providers. NSW SplashOut! – Soak It Up 2015 Conferences SplashOut! 15 Regional Conference Sunday 12 April 2015 – Club Narooma, Narooma SplashOut! 15 Metropolitan Conference Sunday 28 June 2015 – Knox Grammar School, Wahroonga This year the NSW metropolitan conference will have an AQUA specific stream in the name of the renowned AquaSummit! Come along, join in the fun and get a taste of what it’s all about. Soak It Up – AUSTSWIM National Conference Friday 25 and Saturday 26 September 2015 – Twin Towns, Tweed Heads AUSTSWIM 2015 Industry Update & Forum 8 More Valuable Information Working With Children Checks (WWCC) A Working With Children Check is a prerequisite for anyone in child-related work. It involves a national criminal history check and review of findings of workplace misconduct. Since June 2013, all new employees and volunteers are obliged to provide employers/volunteer organisations with their verified WWCC Number. AUSTSWIM values such a system that protects all children in our care and as a consequence will be phasing in the requirement of a WWCC for all AUSTSWIM candidates as well as licensed teachers. Phase 1 commenced in April 2015 through to 31 March 2016. This will allow candidates already enrolled in an AUSTSWIM course the necessary time to apply for and receive a WWCC. Phase 2 will commence in April 2016 and we will notify all candidates to have the WWCC prior to enrolling. Communication to all employers and new candidates has already commenced and will continue on a regular basis. Employers are reminded to check, verify and record WWCC for all AUSTSWIM Teachers and volunteers. Candidates are responsible for paying for this check and can access the application via the website: http://www.kidsguardian.nsw.gov.au/working-with-children/working-with-children-check/resources For further information on WWCC visit: www.kidsguardian.nsw.gov.au Federal Government Requirement – Unique Student Identifier In January 2015, the Federal Government introduced new requirements for training organisations. Prior to issuing a statement of attainment, students must provide and have verified a Unique Student Identifier (USI) number. AUSTSWIM has advised course candidates of this requirement, however, please be aware that without this we are unable to issue successful candidates with their AUSTSWIM licence. The process is simple and straightforward. For further information and to register for a USI visit http://www.usi.gov.au/ Aquatic Recreation Institute (ARI) ARI is the professional association of Aquatic and Recreation practitioners and businesses, providing support, direction, and networking opportunities for all who are involved in sport and leisure services. ARI members are engaged and connected with the industry; membership is a great way of staying in touch with all that’s happening in the wonderful world of aquatics. For more information on ARI visit the website at: www.aquaticinstitute.com.au Become a member of ARI and attend their informative conference. A great opportunity to network with the best of the best in NSW and gain valuable up to date industry skills and knowledge. The ARI Annual Conference will be held in the Hunter Valley on 15 and 16 June 2015. Let’s support the Hunter Valley and the Aquatic Industry. AUSTSWIM 2015 Industry Update & Forum 9 Look who was recognised with an AUSTSWIM Award in 2014 Congratulations to the 2014 AUSTSWIM NSW Award Recipients who have been recognised for their commitment and support of AUSTSWIM as dedicated professionals in swimming and water safety education. We celebrate their contribution to the aquatic industry. • • • • • • • Susan Taha Lesley Richardson Sharon Surr Karen Martin Dolphins Swim School Ranay Kennerley Maureen Summerhayes Teacher of Swimming and Water Safety Teacher of Infant and Preschool Aquatics Teacher of Aquatics – Access and Inclusion Teacher of Adults AUSTSWIM Recognised Swim Centre AUSTSWIM Melissa van Poppel Presenter of the Year Most Outstanding Contribution to AUSTSWIM Nominations for the 2015 awards open in June, so check out the easy nomination process online and let’s acknowledge an AUSTSWIM champion. The 2015 NSW Water Safety Awards and NSW AUSTSWIM Awards Presentation Dinner will be held on Friday 18 September 2015 at the Le Montage Events Centre, Lilyfield NSW. It’s a great opportunity to network with the industry in a social setting and celebrate the contributions of the nominees. AUSTSWIM 2015 Industry Update & Forum AUSTSWIM NSW BUSINESS CENTRE 34/10 Gladstone Road, Castle Hill NSW 2154 PO Box 6241 Baulkham Hills BC NSW 2153 Phone (02) 9894 2077 or 1300 885 666 Fax (02) 8078 4254 nsw@austswim.com.au austswim.com.au Jared Wilson General Manager – Program Delivery jwilson@austswim.com.au Shana Pawlak Coordinator – NSW Business Centre spawlak@austswim.com.au Robyn Larkham Project Officer rlarkham@austswim.com.au Elissa Rowston Customer Service Officer nsw@austswim.com.au AUSTSWIM would like to acknowledge and sincerely thank the New South Wales Government for their ongoing and valuable support. AUSTSWIM 2015 Industry Update & Forum AUSTSWIM 2015 Industry Update & Forum
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