HURRY! ENROLMENTS CLOSE MONDAY 23 MARCH ‘15 ENROL ONLINE AUSTSWIM.COM.AU SOAKING IT UP! IN 2015 2015 QUEENSLAND AUSTSWIM CONFERENCE WETS AQUASUMMIT SATURDAY 28TH MARCH 2015 AUSTSWIM AQUATIC CONFERENCE SUNDAY 29TH MARCH 2015 Aqua Summit atIM QLAD USATqSuW ic CAoqnufaetriecnCc e onferen c e AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY, 1100 NUDGEE ROAD, BANYO, QUEENSLAND 4014 Aqua Summit atIM QLAD USATqSuW ic CAoqnufaetriecnCc e onferen c e This symbol indicates that all or some of this session incorporates a water component. Please bring appropriate swimming gear for these sessions. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION PACKAGE The package includes attendance on the selected day, all sessions on Saturday and one chosen session from each time slot on Sunday. In addition you will receive: Conference session notes for sessions you have selected to attend, AUSTSWIM Conference Pack, morning tea, lunch and afternoon tea, Certificate of Attendance and 10 professional development hours for each day attended. Cost: AQUASUMMIT – $155 (inc. GST) per person Aquatic Conference – $155 (inc. GST) per person Aquatic Conference & AQUASUMMIT – $279 (inc. GST) per person Please note: AUSTSWIM Recognised Swim Centre discounts apply. Please refer to the enrolment form for details. Please note the program is subject to change without notice. AQUASUMMIT SATURDAY 28TH MARCH 2015 DELEGATE REGISTRATION 8.30AM – 8.55AM WELCOME – AUSTSWIM REPRESENTATIVE 8.55AM – 9.00AM THE TEDD AQUA EXPERIENCE – THINK EXPLORE, DEVELOP, DO 9.00AM – 10.30AM The best Aqua Instructors understand ‘the WHY’ – Why one move works better than another, why a specific arm line is more apt with a double time leg move etc. Learn easy tips and techniques to create your own aqua excellence signature. The WETS Team highlight the best of the best aqua routines for our mainstream participants and lets you in on the aqua secret. An interactive land based session to transfer our water moves to land safely and effectively – be an amphibian. Land to Water. MORNING TEA LET’S CELEBRATE – AQUA THE INDIVIDUAL WAY 10.30AM – 11.30AM 11.30AM – 1.00PM Join a team of aqua professionals as they share individual skills and creativity for the mainstream population group. The different presenter styles, personalities and concepts complement each other in this fun and varied aqua fitness session. You will experience an aqua circuit that includes the ABCDE of aqua. – – – – – Aqua for Seniors Boot Camp Chorey Deep Equipment Work LUNCH 1.00PM – 1.45PM DON’T AQUA YOUR AGE 1.45PM – 3.15PM Many people of all fitness levels and ages are potential aqua participants, however their needs, capabilities and training goals all differ. This interactive aqua workout identifies the requirements for each aqua level. Leave with a toolbox of ideas that will result in creative, effective, safe and enjoyable aqua sessions for Every Body! AFTERNOON TEA 3.15PM – 4.00PM THE RIPPLE EFFECT 4.00PM – 5.00PM How can one person make a difference (negative or positive) to a whole group? Are you a leader who encourages others to be the very best they can be? Listen to JSP share the strategies she has used to successfully stay in the industry for 25 years. Gain tips to be a motivating leader who creates the positive RIPPLE EFFECT within the class, workplace and ultimately in life! AQUASUMMIT speaker profiles can be viewed on our website under the Events tab on the AUSTSWIM QLD Conference page. AQUATIC CONFERENCE SUNDAY 29TH MARCH 2015 REGISTRATION 8.15AM – 8.50AM OPENING ADDRESS – AUSTSWIM REPRESENTATIVE 8.50AM – 9.00AM AUSTSWIM LEARNING PILLARS AND AQUATIC SERVICE OFFICER (ASO) COURSE UPDATE – MEREDITH KING 9.00AM – 9.45AM What are the AUSTSWIM Learning Pillars and how do they relate to you? What about the AUSTSWIM Aquatic Service Officer (ASO) course, have you heard about this innovative and industry welcomed course? Join us as we start the day with an update on the latest developments AUSTSWIM has to offer Teachers of Swimming and Water Safety. PROTECTING OUR CHILDREN – YVETTE FORBES – BRAVEHEARTS 9.45AM – 10.30AM We are hearing more and more about child sex offenders yet this is a topic many of us are still uncomfortable discussing. Yvette from Bravehearts will explain what classifies as an offence, dispel some of the commonly held myths and discuss offenders. The session will conclude with common indicators we can all keep an eye out for and details on how to effectively manage disclosures. Let’s join together in keeping our children safe. MORNING TEA 10.30AM – 11.00AM SESSION ONE 11.00AM – 11.50AM ACROSS THE LIFESPAN ALINA GRAHAM MAKE UP POLICY FORUM - IT’S ABOUT TIME WE HAD THE CONVERSATION! JOY SYMONS IMPROVE YOUR TEACHING OF BACKSTROKE LISA ROLLS We all know children grow and develop at their own pace. This session will talk about how we need to adapt our teaching of aquatic skills as the different rates of growth and physical development become apparent in our students. Let’s face it... We all hate “make-up lessons.” Getting children scheduled in can be a nightmare. Often parents forget because they are out of routine and children can be out of sorts if they are with a different teacher! This session will look at a number of different “make-up” policies and also start the conversation we, as an industry, need to have. We will look at the pros and cons of our “make-up” policies and what it would mean for us as an industry, as individual businesses and as teachers to remove “make-up” policies all together. Let’s get back to basics with fun skills and drills that engage your students, encourage good practice and develop basic skills leading to technically sound backstroke. This session will also include backstroke turns. SESSION TWO 12.00PM – 12.50PM OLD & WELL JENNIFER SCHEMBRI-PORTELLI SQUARE PEG ROUND HOLE LYN O’BRIEN BUTTERFLY FOR BEGINNERS MARCELLE RENFORTH-FREDERICK As consumers, ‘baby boomers’ are well educated and seek effective and safe physical activities that are enjoyable and challenging. Do you have children who do not progress like the others in the group? This session will show a different approach for some of these “square pegs” in your program. Could a “child-focused” approach using innate movement patterns i.e. symmetrical or asymmetrical movement be more effective as a basis for teaching them to swim? Come and experience practical ways to teach both square and round pegs successfully in the same class. Butterfly seems to be the stroke some Teachers of Swimming & Water Safety fear teaching the most. Eliminate your fear of teaching butterfly to your students with this step by step progression. Enhance your knowledge to implement aquatic programs that include skill development, a degree of fun and achievement, water safety and a sense of belonging. LUNCH 12.50PM – 1.30PM SESSION THREE 1.30PM – 2.20PM DUTY OF CARE MEREDITH KING AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDER BRAD LOW BREASTSTROKE JUDY DICKINSON This interactive session explores duty of care, examining just what it means and challenging just how well we undertake our duty of care when conducting classes. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder that is estimated to occur in 20 people out of 10,000. Whilst it is believed that the majority of autistic children are also intellectually impaired, autism spans the entire intellectual range from above average intelligence to severe intellectual disability. This session aims to provide teachers with an insight into Autism Spectrum Disorder, its causes and effects. You will be provided teaching strategies to assist structure and implement effective aquatic programs for children with ASD. Are you getting frustrated teaching breaststroke? We will examine a series of scenarios and consider aspects of roles, responsibilities, negligence and duty of care. Would you like to learn how to teach breaststroke more effectively? Join Judy as she shares the helpful hints and tips she has gathered after many years of teaching this stroke. SESSION FOUR 2.30PM – 3.20PM MAYHEM OR MAXIMUM PARTICIPATION? BERNIE WILSON BEYOND THE LANE MEREDITH KING AQUA SMORGASBORD JENNIFER SCHEMBRI-PORTELLI Have you actually taken notice of how long your swimmers spend waiting for their turn? Have you considered changing class formations to make lessons more productive and fun without ignoring safety considerations? Australians are committed to teaching children to swim, believing this will make them safe in water. AUSTSWIM Teachers and swim lesson venues have an education and learning focus that supports and promotes this view. It’s honest and simple, meeting community needs and making our kids safer. But is it, are the scales balanced? Physical activity is universally recommended for the maintenance of good health and wellbeing. The aquatic environment is often the place it all starts. AUSTSWIM Teachers can also incorporate unique aqua activities into lesson plans for an inclusive market – that’s EVERY body. By making some simple changes to your lessons you can keep swimmers moving and on task in a controlled productive manner. This session aims to challenge the: · Appropriateness and effectiveness of learn to swim curricula · Aims and objectives of current swim school models · Place of swim schools in fostering public safety, physical health and personal education · Industries view of Teachers of Swimming and Water Safety AFTERNOON TEA 3.20PM – 3.45PM SESSION FIVE 3.45PM – 4.45PM WHAT IS HAPPENING TO MY SKIN? DR JIM MUIR HOW TO SAY NO POLITELY SUE MAYO CPR UPDATE RLSSQ Working as Teachers of Swimming & Water Safety our skin is exposed to chemicals and harsh elements. Whether as a teacher, parent, employer or employee, saying ‘no’ to someone is one of the most difficult responsibilities. Many difficult moments may be managed easier by simply laying out the boundaries before engaging in a ‘learning agreement’ or ‘an exchange of tasks’. Sounds easy? So why are there so many difficult situations when teaching or working with others? Whether teaching the parents, children or both; human behaviour indicates there will be an occasion where unacceptable behaviour will present itself. “How to say NO politely” is an entertaining view on classes where possible strategies may be applied to a teaching environment or work place. It’s all about relationships! It is a requirement that all staff members in the aquatic industry update their CPR qualifications annually. If your CPR qualification is due for renewal why not attend this session to re-accredit with Royal Life Saving Society Queensland. Join Dr Jim Muir from South East Dermatology to discover what is actually happening to our skin, why it is happening and most importantly, what we can do to protect and improve it? HURRY! ENROLMENTS CLOSE MONDAY 23 MARCH ‘15 NOTE AN ADDITIONAL $45 ENROLMENT FEE IS APPLICABLE IF ATTENDING THIS SESSION. ADDITIONAL CONFERENCE OPPORTUNITIES AQUATIC SERVICE OFFICER COURSE – SATURDAY 28TH MARCH 2015 THE PLANTATION, 1204 NEW CLEVELAND ROAD, GUMDALE CPR UPDATE – SUNDAY 29TH MARCH 2015 ENROL ONLINE – AUSTSWIM.COM.AU REGISTRATION AUSTSWIM 2015 QUEENSLAND AQUATIC CONFERENCE AQUASUMMIT – SATURDAY 28TH MARCH 2015 | AQUATIC CONFERENCE SUNDAY 29TH MARCH 2015 AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC UNIVERSITY. 1100 NUDGEE ROAD, BANYO QLD 4014 Please complete all sections of this form and post with payment to AUSTSWIM – QLD Business Centre, PO Box 631, Capalaba QLD 4157 or fax (07) 3390 3965. For enquiries please call 1300 885 666 or (07) 3245 3595. Registrations close Monday 23rd March 2015. PERSONAL DETAILS (PLEASE PRINT) First Name Surname Postal Address State Postcode Home Phone Work Phone Mobile Email AUSTSWIM No. Special Dietary Requirements? Yes / No (Please Specify) Medical Conditions? Yes / No (Please Specify) Emergency Contact Phone Organisation/Employer Position SUNDAY SESSION PREFERENCES Please select your first, second and third preferences for each timeslot by placing a 1 in the desired box as your first preference, a 2 as your second preference and a 3 as your third preference. Session descriptions can be found in the brochure. Maximum numbers have been set for each session, so if your first preference is full you will automatically be placed in your second preference. SESSION 1 – 11:00–11:50AM ORDER OF PREFERENCE SESSION 2 – 12:00–12:50PM Across the Lifespan Old & Well Make up Lesson Forum Square Peg Round Hole Improve your Teaching of Backstroke Butterfly SESSION 3 – 1:30–2:20PM ORDER OF PREFERENCE SESSION 4 – 2:30–3:20PM Duty of Care Mayhem or Maximum Participation Autism Spectrum Disorder Beyond the Lane Breaststroke WETS Aqua Session SESSION 5 – 3:45–4:45PM ORDER OF PREFERENCE PACKAGE SELECTION AQUASUMMIT REGISTRATION – 28 March 2015 What is Happening to my Skin? ORDER OF PREFERENCE ORDER OF PREFERENCE PRICE $155.00 AQUASUMMIT Registration (AUSTSWIM Recognised Swim Centres) (Discount voucher must be attached to enrolment form to receive eligible discount price). How to Say NO Politely CPR Update (additional $45) If applying for the AUSTSWIM Recognised Swim Centre discounted price the discount voucher must be attached to the completed registration form. For further information on becoming an AUSTSWIM Recognised Swim Centre, please visit the “Swim Centre” section of the AUSTSWIM website PAYMENT DETAILS (PLEASE PRINT) » Gold Recognised Swim Centre - complimentary » Silver Recognised Swim Centre - 50% off » Bronze Recognised Swim Centre - 25% off AQUATIC CONFERENCE REGISTRATION – 29 March 2015 FREE $77.50 $116.25 $155.00 Made payable to AUSTSWIM Ltd (ABN 72 515 751 227) Aquatic Conference Registration (AUSTSWIM Recognised Swim Centres) (Discount voucher must be attached to enrolment form to receive eligible discount price). By Purchase Order – Enclosed is an approved purchase order » Gold Recognised Swim Centre - complimentary For the amount of AUD $ » Silver Recognised Swim Centre - 50% off $77.50 » Bronze Recognised Swim Centre - 25% off $116.25 By Cheque – Enclosed is a cheque for the amount of AUD $ By Credit Card – Please debit my VISA or Mastercard AQUATIC CONFERENCE & AQUASUMMIT REGISTRATION 28 & 29 March 15 – No Further discount applicable for this package selection. For the amount of AUD $ FREE $279.00 Card Number CPR UPDATE $45.00 Cardholder’s Name (please print) AQUATIC SERVICE OFFICER COURSE $199.00 Expiry Date / Signature TERMS & CONDITIONS PLEASE TICK Date Aquatic Service Officer Course (AUSTSWIM Recognised Swim Centres) (Discount voucher must be attached to enrolment form to receive eligible discount price). » Gold or Silver Recognised Swim Centre - 20% off $159.20 » Bronze Recognised Swim Centre - 10% off $179.10 Due to accounting and administration costs, the following policy will be strictly adhered to: › Applications for refund and session transfer must be given in writing and received at the AUSTSWIM – QLD Business Centre no later than Tuesday 24th March 2015. › Delegates who do not attend will be provided a refund if a medical certificate is provided. AUSTSWIM – QLD Business Centre must be provided with a medical certificate in writing prior Monday 20th April 2015. › All refunds will incur a 25% administration charge. › The registration is non-transferable and may not be transferred to other AUSTSWIM products or services. › All registrations will receive a confirmation letter and tax invoice within seven days of receipt. I DECLARE that the information included in this registration form is true and correct and I ACKNOWLEDGE OR AM AWARE and ACCEPT: › The terms and conditions of this registration outlined by AUSTSWIM at › Please note that photographs and electronic images may be taken of you by AUSTSWIM during your attendance and participation at the Seminar. Such photographs and electronic images are owned by AUSTSWIM and may be used by AUSTSWIM for promotional or other purposes without consent being obtained. You must advise AUSTSWIM in writing by Friday 27th March 2015. If you do not consent to the photographs and electronic images being used for such purposes. › Seminar sessions cannot be videoed or recorded. Signature Date ADDITIONAL CONFERENCE OPPORTUNITIES AQUATIC SERVICE OFFICER COURSE – SATURDAY 28TH MARCH 2015 THE PLANTATION, 1204 NEW CLEVELAND ROAD, GUMDALE CPR UPDATE – SUNDAY 29TH MARCH 2015 PROUDLY SUPPORTED BY PHONE 07 3245 3595 TOLL FREE 1300 885 666 QLD@AUSTSWIM.COM.AU WWW.AUSTSWIM.COM.AU
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