National Horticulture Convention, Trade
Show and Awards for Excellence
Incorporating AUSVEG and
Apple & Pear Australia Ltd.
Jupiters Gold Coast QLD, Australia
25-27 June 2015
It is with great
excitement that I
formally invite you
to the 2015 National
Convention, Trade
Show and Awards
for Excellence. I am
thrilled to announce
that this year we
will be joined by
Apple and Pear
Australia Ltd to provide a true horticulture conference.
The Convention is widely recognised as the leading
event in Australian horticulture and in 2015 returns to
familiar surroundings, with Jupiters Gold Coast set to
play host.
This year has seen the horticulture industry move
forward in leaps and bounds. AUSVEG is constantly
striving to develop new relationships in the domestic
and international markets, with key networks being
established in Japan, Malaysia and the United Arab
Emirates, along with other countries.
AUSVEG also maintains close ties with all major
political parties and independents at both a state and
national level, which has enabled growers to have
their concerns heard. Challenges in the horticultural
industry are inevitable; however, I can assure you
that the best interests of growers will remain as our
number one priority.
The 2015 National Horticulture Convention, Trade
Show and Awards for Excellence will provide
opportunities for reflection on the past year whilst
also looking forward to all that the future has to offer.
The Trade Show will highlight the latest products
and services available while prominent local and
international experts will provide insight into a range
of pertinent topics. As always, the highlight of the
Convention will be the annual National Awards for
Excellence on Saturday 27 June. The evening is a
true celebration of all that has been achieved over
the past year and a chance to recognise outstanding
contributions to the industry.
The 2015 National Convention, Trade Show and
Awards for Excellence combines all the right nutrients
to help your business grow.
I look forward to seeing you on the Gold Coast.
Geoff Moar
AUSVEG Chairman
We are delighted
to be holding a
joint horticultural
conference with
AUSVEG in 2015.
When combined,
the value of apple,
pear, vegetable and
potato production
accounts for
around 45% of
the horticulture
industry and we hope more horticultural partners will
join us to service more of the industry.
Apple and pear growers will benefit from the bigger
scale of the conference because a combined conference
will result in a bigger trade show with more exhibitors,
more high profile speakers, more visiting fresh produce
importers, a grander awards night, plenty of diverse
social events and there will be more delegates to
interact with across the broader horticultural sector.
We will also have a dedicated series of events, speakers
and activities exclusively for apple and pear growers
on topics of particular interest to our specialised
industry. So if you’ve enjoyed APAL conferences in
the past you will get everything you liked about our
conference before, plus a whole lot more.
In the apple and pear component of the program
we will ensure you get research updates from our
scientific partners to help provide you with the latest
ideas for orchard and pack house management. Our
AGM and Key Stakeholders Roundtable will also be
held at the conference.
I am really looking forward to attending this year’s
event and to seeing all of our apple and pear growers
there as well as a bigger range of people working in
the apple and pear industry and servicing our growers.
There will be a lot for agronomists and businesses
supporting the whole supply chain so come along and
join us!
Dr Michele Allan
Apple and Pear Australia Ltd (APAL)
Destination Partner
The destination…
The venue…
Welcome to the Gold Coast: the tourism capital
of Australia. Featuring 70km of the most beautiful
beaches in the world, the Gold Coast is the ideal
destination for the whole family. Whether you’re
exploring one of the largest subtropical rainforests in
the world, roaming the hinterland ranges, enjoying
the water along the pristine coastline or visiting one
of the Gold Coast’s iconic theme parks, Australia’s
most diverse city is sure to meet, and exceed, every
The award-winning Jupiters Gold Coast will play
host to the 2015 National Horticulture Convention,
Trade Show and Awards for Excellence, incorporating
AUSVEG and Apple & Pear Australia Ltd. The hotel
and casino is one of Queensland’s most recognisable
landmarks and, having recently undergone a major
refurbishment, is the perfect venue no matter the
occasion. Featuring world class restaurants and bars,
gaming facilities and luxurious accommodation
Jupiters Gold Coast is as warm and inviting as the state
in which it resides.
Leading Strategic Partners
We are proud to acknowledge the 2015 National Horticulture Convention, Trade Show and Awards for Excellence
Leading Strategic Partners for their contribution, commitment and support to the Australian horticulture industry.
Thank you!
2015 National Horticulture Convention, Trade Show and Awards for Excellence
Incorporating AUSVEG and Apple & Pear Australia Ltd.
Thursday 25 June
Friday 26 June
Registration opens
9.00am – 5.00pm
APAL Speed Update
7.30pm – 9.00pm
Welcome Reception and Trade Show
11.20am – 11.40am
Dr Debbie Hudson
Senior Research Scientist, Bureau of
Forearmed is forewarned: seasonal
forecasting for horticulture
11.40am – 12.00pm
Gianluca Di Tommaso
Global Crop Manager, Valagro
The future of Biostimulants in Europe
and Australia
12.00pm – 12.20pm
Senator Fiona Nash
Assistant Minister for Health
The issue of Ice in rural communities
12.20pm – 12.40pm
Dr Peter Batt
Principal, Peter J Batt and Associates
Understanding how and why
consumers choose to buy fresh
12.40pm – 1.00pm
Tobias Marchand
Managing Director, Bayer CropScience
Trade Show opens
Friday 26 June
7.30am – 8.45am
Convention Breakfast
Proudly sponsored by
Agricultural Appointments
Part of The Appointments Group
9.00am – 9.20am
John Lloyd
CEO, Horticulture Innovation Australia
Opening Address
9.20am – 9.40am
Brad Gorman
General Manager of Fresh Produce,
9.40am – 10.00am
Tass Angelopoulos
Special Counsel, National Workplace
Recent issues/developments in
Australian labour law
10.00am – 10.30am
Morning Tea
10.30am – 10.50am
Professor Neal Menzies
Dean of Agriculture, University of
10.50am – 11.20am
Keynote: Blair Richardson
President & CEO, United States Potato
Keynote Address
1.00pm – 2.00pm
Lunch entertainment
Proudly sponsored by VISY
Trade Show closes
6.00pm - 9.00pm
Mexican Fiesta
Proudly sponsored by DuPont
Disclaimer and Rider
Every effort has been made to present all the information contained in this brochure as accurately as possible. The organisers reserve the right to change any or all of these
details. Certain services provided during the 2015 National Horticulture Convention, Trade Show and Awards for Excellence, Incorporating AUSVEG and Apple & Pear Australia
Ltd. will provide commissions.
2015 National Horticulture Convention, Trade Show and Awards for Excellence
Incorporating AUSVEG and Apple & Pear Australia Ltd.
Saturday 27 June
Trade Show opens
7.00am – 8.30am
Convention Breakfast
Concurrent speaker sessions
8.40am – 9.00am
AUSVEG Speaker session
APAL Speaker session
9.00am – 9.20am
James Bond
Director, Equity Economics
Domestic and international drivers of
growth and exports
APAL Speaker session
9.20am – 9.40am
AUSVEG: Andreas Steiner
APAC Head, Vegetables and
Specialties, Syngenta
APAL Speaker session
9.40am – 10.00am
AUSVEG: Alex Mills
Digital Innovation Manager, ADAMA
Trapview® – a smart trap for smart
APAL Speaker session
All remaining sessions open to both AUSVEG and APAL delegates
10.00am – 10.30am
Morning Tea
10.30am – 11.20am
Panel Forum: “Free Trade Agreements”
11.20am – 11.40am
Dr Luís Teixeira
Product Support & Renewal, Insecticides, DuPont Crop Protection
Resistance to insecticides.
11.40am – 12.00pm
Chris Murphy
Director, Independent Economics
12.00pm – 1.00pm
Great Debate: Benefits of organics
1.00pm – 2.00pm
Lunch entertainment
1.30pm – 5.15pm
Women in Horticulture
1.30pm – 5.15pm
NextGen Hang Ten
7.00pm – 7.20pm
Pre-Dinner Drinks
7.30pm – 11.00pm
National Awards for Excellence
Proudly sponsored by E.E. Muir & Sons Pty. Ltd.
Proudly sponsored by Haifa
Proudly sponsored by Bayer
Proudly sponsored by Steritech
Proudly sponsored by Dow AgroSciences
Proudly sponsored by CMAA
Disclaimer and Rider
Every effort has been made to present all the information contained in this brochure as accurately as possible. The organisers reserve the right to change any or all of these
details. Certain services provided during the 2015 National Horticulture Convention, Trade Show and Awards for Excellence, Incorporating AUSVEG and Apple & Pear Australia
Ltd. will provide commissions.
2015 National Horticulture Convention, Trade Show and Awards for Excellence
Incorporating AUSVEG and Apple & Pear Australia Ltd.
Welcome Reception &
Trade Show Opening
The 2015 National Horticulture Convention, Trade Show
and Awards for Excellence, will be officially opened with a
Welcome Reception that will captivate delegates from the
very beginning. The evening will provide a chance to mingle
with friends and colleagues from across the industry while
experiencing a taste of what can be expected over the coming
days of the Convention.
When: Thursday 25 June, 7:30pm - 9:00pm
Where: Pavilion Foyer & Pavilion Ballroom
NextGen Hang Ten
Come and say aloha to your fellow young growers at NextGen
Hang Ten. Dip your toes in the water and have some fun
away from the farm at this gnarly surfing event suitable for
grommets or seasoned pros alike. Professional instructors
will be available to get nippers up and carving the Gold Coast
waves in no time. Surfboards, rash vests and wetsuits will all
be provided.
Please note: the NextGen is not included in the full delegate pass
(there is no cost for this event) and is only open to growers who are 35
years or younger. Spaces are strictly limited and only growers who have
registered directly with AUSVEG as a Convention delegate may attend.
When: Saturday 27 June, 1:45pm - 5:00pm
Where: Transport will depart from Juipters main entrance
This event is proudly sponsored
by Dow AgroSciences.
Women in Horticulture:
a Taste of Success
The 2015 Convention will once again pay homage to women
and their vital role within the industry through the Women
in Horticulture event, which has grown to become a highlight
of the National Horticulture Convention program. This
event acknowledges all women from across the industry and
provides an opportunity to hear from inspirational Australian
female leaders.
When: Saturday 27 June, 1:30pm - 5:15pm
Where: Transport will depart from Juipters main entrance
This event is proudly
sponsored by Steritech.
2015 National Horticulture Convention, Trade Show and Awards for Excellence
Incorporating AUSVEG and Apple & Pear Australia Ltd.
Great Debate
Mexican Fiesta
Entering its fifth year, the Great Debate will be a
focal point of the 2015 agenda. Passions will flare and
opinions will be polarised as one of horticulture’s
most pertinent issues is tackled head-on.
The Friday evening will provide delegates with
an opportunity to kick back and relax with fellow
industry members. Join your friends and colleagues
for a Central American feast and celebrate in true
Mexican style. Following the popular Hawaiian
Luau in 2014, this event is an absolute must for all
Convention attendees.
When: Saturday 27 June, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Where: Pavilion Marquee
When: Friday 26 June, 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Where: Pavilion Marquee
This event is proudly
sponsored by Haifa.
This event is proudly
sponsored by DuPont.
Trade Show
The Trade Show will highlight the latest technologies
and innovations available within the horticulture
industry. Spanning three days, the Trade Show
features companies from all aspects of horticulture,
allow for networking and interaction with some
of the most prominent organisations within the
Set to continue as the largest event in Australian
horticulture, those wishing to grow their business
cannot afford to miss the 2015 Trade Show.
2015 National Horticulture Convention, Trade Show and Awards for Excellence
Incorporating AUSVEG and Apple & Pear Australia Ltd.
Horticulture Field Day
Following the success of the Potato Farm Tour at the
2014 Convention, a Horticulture Field Day will be
held post-Convention on Sunday 28 June. Delegates
will travel to several of the leading farms in the
region, with the opportunity to view each operation
and chat to the growers themselves. There will also
be an industry expert at each property to talk about a
variety of issues facing growers.
This event is free for growers who are registered
Convention delegates, however places are strictly
limited so be sure to register now to ensure you
don’t miss out!
Presenting at the Field Day:
When: Sunday 28 June
Where: Buses will depart from Jupiters Gold
Coast at 8:45am sharp and return at 5:45pm.
2015 National Horticulture Convention, Trade Show and Awards for Excellence
Incorporating AUSVEG and Apple & Pear Australia Ltd.
National Awards for Excellence
Gala Dinner
The Gala Dinner is the highlight of the Convention and features the renowned National Awards for Excellence. The evening
is an opportunity for delegates to acknowledge the achievements of those constantly striving to improve our vital industry.
This celebration unites breathtaking entertainment and world-class dining to provide an event that should be marked on
every 2015 calendar.
Pre-Dinner Drinks
This event is proudly sponsored by CMAA
When: Saturday 27 June, 7:00pm - 11:00pm
Where: Pavilion Ballroom
Strategic Partners
Part of The Appointments Group
2015 National Horticulture Convention, Trade Show and Awards for Excellence
Incorporating AUSVEG and Apple & Pear Australia Ltd.
Flights &
Located less than half an hour from the venue, Gold
Coast Airport facilitates flights from all major airlines
across Australia. Delegates are strongly encouraged
to book their flights in advance to avoid potential
Accommodation for the 2015 National Horticulture
Convention, Trade Show and Awards for Excellence,
is conveniently located at Jupiters Gold Coast,
making it an all-inclusive Convention location.
A special discounted rate has been negotiated for
delegates who choose to stay in the designated
accommodation. In order to receive this discounted
rate, rooms must be booked through AUSVEG using
the attached form.
2015 National Horticulture Convention, Trade Show and Awards for Excellence
Incorporating AUSVEG and Apple & Pear Australia Ltd.
Delegate Registration form - 2015
(This becomes a Tax Invoice on payment)
Delegate Information (Please use BLOCK letters)
Industry (Tick box):
Title (Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss, Prof, Dr) (Circle)
Registration & Day Tripper Information
Registration Entitlements
Full convention registration provides access to all listed events including an
invitation to the welcome reception, trade exhibition and access to trade
show hospitality, participation in all conference sessions, evening conference
events, and admission to all breakfasts as well as attendance at the Awards for
Excellence Gala Dinner.
Full convention registration
First name
Early Bird
(Before 25th April)
(After 25th April)
Preferred name on tag
*See overleaf for Member organisations
What sector of the industry do you represent? (Tick boxes)
Government stakeholder
Full convention registration discounted for members of Apple &
Pear Australia Ltd, AUSVEG Member organisations*/Exhibitors/
Strategic Partners
Accompanying Persons
Industry service provider
Early Bird
(Before 25th April)
(After 25th April)
Position/Job title
Day Tripper Delegate Passes &
Additional Tickets to Social Events
Mailing address
Country (if not Australia)
If yes, please specify
Other special requirements
Tick the box next to each event you wish to attend or for which you would
like tickets.
Cost ($) Tick Quantity
Special dietary requirements
Only want to attend particular events at the 2015 National Horticulture
Convention? Looking for an extra seat at the Gala Dinner?
If yes, please specify
Credit Card Details (for delegate registration)
Please note Amex/Diners will incur a 3% merchant fee.
Card type
Card holder’s name
Card number
Amount authorised ($)
Official Opening (Thursday only)
Friday Breakfast
Trade show & hospitality
(Friday Pass)
Friday speaker sessions
(includes Trade Show & hospitality)
DuPont’s Mexican Fiesta
(Friday night)
Saturday Breakfast
Trade show & hospitality
(Saturday Pass)
Saturday speaker sessions (AUSVEG)
(includes trade show & hospitality)
Saturday speaker sessions (APAL)
(includes trade show & hospitality)
Women in Horticulture: A Taste of Success
Awards for Excellence
(Saturday night)
Security code
* Please ensure you have filled in the correct authorised amount
Additional extras for full delegates
Sunday Field Day*
Card holder’s signature
Tick the box if you’d like to pay by cheque
Please make cheques payable to AUSVEG Ltd.
All payments must be in Australian Dollars (AUD)
Cost ($)
Tick Quantity
*Registration is available for levy paying growers only.
AUSVEG reserves the right to refuse any application to attend the 2015 National
Horticulture Convention, Trade Show and Awards for Excellence, Incorporating
AUSVEG and Apple & Pear Australia Ltd. Certain services provided during the
Convention will provide commissions.
Delegate Registration form - 2015
Accommodation Booking
(Main convention dates 25-27 June 2015)
Hotel rates listed below are only available if booked through AUSVEG.
Primary Convention hotel:
Jupiters Gold Coast
1. Standard room $189 per night
Premium Convention hotel:
2. Corner King room $239 per night
3. Executive room $309 per night
The Sofitel
1. Standard room $210 per night
Guest Names
Room No.
Type of room
Date of Arrival
Date of Departure
(Please provide the guest names for each room)
• Maximum of three (3) adults per room or two (2) adults and two (2) children under the age of 12.
• If a rollaway bed in required an additional $48 per room per night is applicable.
• Cancellations within 30 – 14 days of arrival date will incur a one night cancellation fee and will be charged to the credit card provided
when making the reservation.
• Cancellations within 14 – 0 days of arrival date will incur a 100% cancellation fee to the value of accommodation booked and will be
charged to the credit card provided when making the reservation.
• No shows will incur a charge equal to the full value of the reservation booking.
• Hotels have fees applicable to payments using credit cards. A 1.5% service fee will apply to all credit card payments.
I acknowledge:
• that a non-refundable charge equal to one room night will be charged to my nominated credit card if I cancel my accommodation after the 19th of May 2015.
• rooms cancelled 14-0 days before the convention attract a cancellation fee equivalent to 100% of the value of accommodation booked
Delegate registration refund policy
Cancellations to your convention registration must be advised in writing to
Cancellations received prior to Friday 30 January 2015 will receive a full refund less a $100 administration fee.
Cancellations received after this date will not receive a refund, however, we will accept delegate name changes at any time leading up to the conference.
Credit Card Details (for accommodation booking)
Please note that your credit card details will be used as a guarantee
only and your card will not be debited until checkout at your hotel.
Card type
Card holder’s name
Card number
Amount authorised ($)
Security code
* Please ensure the amount authorised matches accommodation booking above.
Upon completion please fax, email or post your completed registration
form, along with credit card details or cheque in Australian dollars to:
PO Box 138
Camberwell VIC
Australia 3124
Tel: (03) 9882 0277
Fax: (03) 9882 6722
Please keep a copy of your registration details.
Card holder’s signature
*AUSVEG Member organisations include AUSVEG SA, New South Wales Farmers Association (NSWFA), Victorian Vegetable Growers Association (VGA VIC),
Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association (TFGA), Growcom, Vegetables WA, Potato Growers Association of WA (Inc), Bundaberg Fruit and Vegetable Growers
(BFVG) Cooperative Limited, Northern Territory Farmers Association (NTFA), Seed Potatoes Victoria (Inc) (SPV), Bowen Gumlu Growers Association (BGGA) and
Victorian Potato Growers Council (VPGC).